1、12017 年湖北省技能高考文化综合语文部分(90 分)一、单项选择题(本题共 10 小题,每小题 3 分,共 30 分)在每小题给出的四个备选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的,请将其选出。未选、错选或 多选均不得分。1.下列各组词语中,加点字的读音全都正确的一组是()。A.执拗(ni 耳颀(q 1)长茅塞(s顿开B.木讷(n 0 时,求 n 的最小值.(4 分)31 解答下列问题:已知直线 li:2x-y+1 0,|2:2x+3y 3 03:3x-4y 7 0,直线 li与 l2的交点为 P.(I)求交点 P 的坐标;(2 分)(n)设直线 i 与 13平行且经过点 p,求直线 I 的一般式方
2、程;(4 分)(川)判断(U)中所求直线 I 与圆C:x2y22x 4y 1 0的位置关系.(6 分)英语部分(30 分)七、选择题(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 2 分,共 20 分)从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个可以填入题中空白处的最佳选项。未选、错选或多选均不得分。32. I prefer to let people make_own decisi ons .A. them B. they C. their D. theirs33. It is a good idea to send these clothes and books_ the childre n inpoor area
3、s .A. to B. by C. atD. for34. It is reported that this win ter is_in rese nt years .A. warmB. warmerC. much warm D. the warmest35. Mum , _ a big hole in my trousers , Could you mend it for me ?A. it isB. there isC. where isD. which is36. Last summer we went on a trip to Beijing . Among_ places we vi
4、sitedwere the Great Wall and the Summer Palace .A. aB. the C. an D. /37. These clothes _ for daily use , so you can wear them wherever you go.A. desig nB. will desig nC. are desig nedD. desig ned38. Can you repair the computer accord ing to the_?No problem .7A. in terviewsB. inven ti onsC. in vitati
5、 onsD. in structi ons39. Virgi nia ,issaid tobe quitebeautiful,isthe homeof many famouspeople .A. thatB. whatC. whichD. who40. The cupboard wasbigfitthrough the door , so we had to takeit into pieces first .A. too toB.soasC. asasD.sothat41. We all thi nk that Maria is an in terest ing pers on as we_
6、 a lot abouther so far .A. will hear B. heard C. hear D. have heard八、阅读理解(本大题共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,共 10 分)阅读下列短文,短文后面有五个小题,请从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳答案。未选、错选或多选均不得分。People already know that regular exercise is importa nt for con trolli ng weightand avoiding a variety of health conditions . But it can also improve
7、your academic(学术的)performanee . It s well worth the effort to schedule exercise into your daily life .So how does exercise improve academic performa nee ?Researchers have discovered that the stude nts who exercise regularly at least3 times a week usually earn a point higher tha n those who do not ex
8、ercise . Exercisein creases the ability of stude nts to pay atte ntio n,and improves their academic performa nee .Exercise causes three huma n cha nges in what people think and do .1. Exercise requires time man ageme nt .Researchers believe that students who don t schedule a time to exercise tendto
9、be unstructured and also don t schedule time to study . That is why gym classin high school was so importa nt ; it was practice for the real world .2. Exercise relaxes stress .Several studies have prove n the link betwee n exercise and stress . Exercise afew times a week reduces the stress levels ,
10、Researchers explain that these reductionsare very importa nt to college stude nts . Stress horm ones (激素)hold back memoryproduct ion and your ability to sleep : two key things n eeded to score high on exams .83. Exercise makes you have a better sleep .Exercise leads to a better quality of sleep . Be
11、tter sleep mea ns movi ng yourstudies from short term to long term memory . That way , on test day you remember that tiny factthat gets you those scores you n eed .For a lear ner 5 or 10 minu tes to de exercise duri ng the day could make a bigdiffere nee in your academic performa nee .42. Accordi ng
12、 to the passage , people realize that regular exercise can help usA. con trol our weightB. reduce daily aelivitiesC. keep liv ing con diti onsD. avoid all kinds of ill nesses43. The passage tells us that stude nts who exercise regularly_A. grow tallB. become rich C. jump highD. score high44. What is
13、 a bad result of stress horm ones ?A. Poor memoryB. Low stress levelsC. Unsulfured gym class D. Little link between exercise and stress45. Accordi ng to the passage , a good sleep can help stude ntsA. remember their studies clearly for a long timeB. find the importing information they needC. go through their e
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