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1、CATTI考试资料与资讯大会 convocation作开幕致辞 give an opening address荣誉主席 honorary president /? ?n?r?r?/各国政要 dignitary /?d ? 5?t?r?/贵宾 honorable guests尊敬的各位来宾respectable guests校长Vice-chancellor(英国高校校长)副校长 pro-vice-chancellor工信音长 Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology广东省人民政府the People '

2、; s Government of Guangdong Province省长 Governor阁下 Your Excellency论坛 symposium座谈会 seminar在止匕hereby圆满成功 complete success宣布开幕 declare open 做开幕致辞 give an opening address本人非常高兴/荣幸I am very overwhelmed with joy toI am delighted toI am proud toI feel extremely honored toI count it a great privilege toI tak

3、e great pleasure inI give me great pleasure toI am very pleased and honored toI find it a pleasure and honor to我/们衷心感谢/非常感谢I owe a great debt of gratitude toI wish to thankI deeply appreciate We are extremely grateful toMy special thanks go to我/们诚挚希望It is our earnest hope thatI sincerely hope that交流

4、思想 exchange ideas知名的/闻名遐迩的 renowned商贸中心 center of business and trade古城 01d city丰富文化遗产rich cultural heritage良好祝愿 warm greetings请允许我再次Please let me once again致以诚挚的欢迎express/extend/convey my sincere welcome友谊和热情 friendship and hospitality盛情好客的 gracious /?ge?s/热情邀请 cordial invitation /?k ? d?l/周到的安排 met

5、iculous arrangements /m ?:?kj?l?s/光临 attendance美好的回忆 fond and happy memories非常需要 It is highly desirable that知名度和影响力不断扩大bring out a growing reputation and influence经济和社会效益越来越好greater economic and social benefits筹备阶段 the planning stage得至U 一 的大力支持 obtain support from我们将探讨 we plan to explore尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾

6、Distinguished officials and guests各位领导、各位嘉宾,女士们、先生们Your Excellencies, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen会议代表及与会人员Delegates and attendees感谢大家光临Thank you for your presence首先,请允许我介绍出席今天活动的主要领导和嘉宾,他们是:s ceremony.First of all, let me introduce the major officials and guests present at today广东省副省长

7、招玉芳女士Madam Zhao Yufang, Vice Governor of Guangdong Province让我们以热烈的掌声对各位领导和嘉宾朋友的到来表示热烈欢迎。Please join me in a round of applause to welcome all our distinguished officials and guests.我们今天的议程非常紧凑We are running on a rather tight schedule today因为时间的缘故,我们得要开始了For the sake of time, we ought to begin now现在,请

8、清远市市委书记葛长伟先生致辞,大家欢迎!Now, I would like to invite Mr. Ge Changwei, Secretary of the CPC Qingyuan Municipal Committee, to give us a speech. Welcome!我谨代表组委会,向大家表示衷心的谢意,感谢你们让这次会议如此成功。On behalf of the organizing committee, I wish to express our sincere appreciation to all of you who have made this confere

9、nce such a great success.今天的会议为各界探讨ABC省经济发展和商业进步提供了一个很好的平台Today ' conference is an important occasion for all sectors to share insights for the economic development and commercial advancement in ABC Province.今天对于ABC来说,是一个值得纪念的日子。For ABC, this is indeed a memorable day.我谨向各位致以 ABC市政府和人民的良好祝愿。I wo

10、uld like to bring to you the warm greetings from the government and people of ABC.今天,我们高兴地迎来ABC世界历史会会议的隆重召开。Today, we are very delighted to gather here for the grand opening of ABC World Council Meetings.文化节自2005年创办以来成功举办了七届,在推介旅游资源、丰富旅游产品、推动旅游惠 民、促进旅游发展方面发挥了重要作用。Since its inauguration in 2005, the

11、festival has been successfully held for seven consecutive sessions, and has played an important role in promoting tourism resources, enriching tourism products, benefiting the people through tourism, and boosting the development of tourism.我们非常荣幸地邀请到剑桥大学的ABC教授。We are especially honored today to have

12、 with us Professor ABC from Cambridge University.非常感谢大家前来与我们共同庆祝这个特殊的时刻。I deeply appreciate your coming here to celebrate this unique moment with us.希望本次重要会议将创造机会,让我们讨论和增进在ABC及相关领域研究和开发的合作努力。It is much hoped that this important conference will create the opportunity to discuss and promote all the co

13、llaborative efforts in research and development of ABC and related fields.我谨此向东道主表示祝贺,他们开展了出色的工作,精心策划,设计出如此全面的会议安排。I would like to congratulate out host on the wonderful work they have done in putting things together to make this well-rounded program for the conference.召开此次XYZ研讨两会的想法开始于两年前。那时候,我在巴黎的

14、一次重要会议上很荣幸地见到ABC先生和EFG女士,并和他们进行了有趣的对话。The idea of having an international seminar on XYZ arose two years ago when I have the pleasure of meeting Mr. ABC and Madam EFG and having an interesting dialogue with the at an importantconference in Paris.我们一行感受到了盛情款待,由衷感谢你们为推进两国间更加紧密关系所付出的努力。The warm hospita

15、lity accorded to our party has made us feel highly appreciative of your efforts to forge closer ties between our two countries.下面,举行合作签约仪式。Now we will hold the Signing Ceremony.请各方交换合约文本,让我们以热烈的掌声对签约各方表示热烈祝贺,祝大家合作愉快。Please exchange your agreement copies. Now let' s congratulate the signing parti

16、es with a warmround of applause an wish them a smooth and successful cooperation.我们诚挚地希望各位在本次国际会议期间心情愉快,不虚此行。It is our earnest hope that this international conference will prove most pleasant and rewarding to all of you.祝愿第二届ABC国际研讨会取得圆满成功,愿本次会议给各位与会者留下美好回忆。May the 2nd International Symposium of ABC

17、 be a great success and may all the participants look upon this event with fond and happy memories.祝大家回程顺利平安。I wish everybody a good journey home, wherever you live.祝大家在这里度过一段美好时光。We wish you a pleasant stay here.祝大家身体健康,家庭幸福,事业成功,万事如意!I wish all of you good health, happiness and success in your car

18、eer.为此 to this end来自世界各地from different parts of the world本次会议的目的是This conference is designed to 本次研讨会主要讨论的是 This seminar will be devoted primarily to the issues of 今天的会议将针对 Today' s meeting will address itself to the 必将 will surely人类共同繁荣和进步common prosperity and progress of mankind我希望 It is my wi

19、sh that我相信 I am confident that提供重要的启示shed substantial light on我热切期待 I look forward with great excitement and anticipation to我们期待第六届 一论坛将成为本市有史以来举办过的最成功和富有成果的会议。We trust the 6th forum will be one of the most successful and fruitful conferences that have ever been held in this city.汉语中的最,最好以为one of th

20、e most ,更符合实际情况(不易引起反感)希望本次会议一It is much hoped that this conference 合作努力 collaborative effortsSymposium的复数形式是 symposia-um结尾复数变-a的类似用法datum 一 data medium f media stratumf strata bacterium f bacteria curriculum f curriculaABC省长今后的发展中,将坚定不移地把扩大对外开放摆在突出位置,进一步优化国际合 作格局In its future development , ABC prov

21、ince will unswervingly give priority to opening wider to the outside world, further optimize its international cooperation pattern.主题报告 keynote presentation知名学者 eminent scholars我们可以了解we can get some insights as to 听众提问 questions from the floor(观众席 floor)简单陈述自己的观点 state his or her position briefly邀请至

22、U have sb. with us宣布会议开始 call the session to order我想简单说明会议的形式I would just like to go over the format briefly如果一切顺利If all goes well携手打造 jointly organized国际旅游文化盛会a grand event of international tourism and culture自创办以来 since its inauguration并不是经常有机会There haven ' t been many opportunities to 在ABC对外交往的历史上In ABC ' s history of international exchanges难得的机会 an invalua


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