1、tyf th viilCitfXiBlt "iwttt"5" tbl"th y t l ttiibvilwk"vityf yT-ty't t t ll vl t filtblht" hi ililv"vlt t itlIwyitii ttittiv thvititllyiwwttttwi i t h w fhiwlffitywb. - lyt whlbtlThiy ww" "i wt Itivt th ty Iv1ti-thibi bj tifltitIthtfwihthfthtijb"
2、li"hith-ty tOizt"kbk" i l i "" tyb blkRvi"ivttitiliitifblfirebound. laccr dace wi h Ie" onestpst” .pro.ngtheierirf.qual monit orig stains r. tS year to e nsure te vi ncia cntol " w - r qua!,-cin3municialie s unto! ed d iraton, e nsuethe creat onths . a of &quo
3、t;Cea r s" st .-., con_ pay spe cal Incutingcnstr anoUbes .r ceing nanot ues are the 、. of polutonof .source e ngneeig, eg n"g, . of sucess or aiueof w r ma nagemet Ura n _wg e teatmet, “pro - "Int"se、e te ament ae, unnig a - a. compli ace" e . i-.t, speed ute tow ns support
4、 netwk ccnSr uccin, i s fccsi ng on la not ubes h ome、t mees"ques.n. D.es smeteamentiruralareas,thisyar,tIe., of the tee r actin, detemiatintigt aIdtem. arud, ending the bate on - hicu tesure t I e loti onofal Count,648lorm>d - age cage ASo, I e sure to ata cm portace t o fcus onr url dom_k
5、wae teamet ad, opeain andmang-et, e nsue t hat sewae teament ad, up and runing,roleplay,avdte"" probem. Iid p. se cal ateintte Rve La - pond-sli ng opeain. Prov nce s now haw f_e d on polilon ccntrlofwaegt、g u mud", tediepeni I g wae of ts yeas "ms".Net, t umpstat a n ivesia
6、in ie t oochhs o.,mplmentainpanaxoridngtothe pir- s and te pr ogrmme of wr. i acccdaIcewi h te "ne rve one poiy" reuirs -aB.cleaig drdgig |an, panning aha d of tme cleai I g out mudou", ocrdigtl I calcndt ons to do sudge prom oe sc eic rrsour ce uiiat on of sl and m-. ( B) the hean e.
7、l ain of hhavB pokt ng iduste s Polui on of te must gab thesoucewstewaer is p - a te surceofbaclTwad product on capa y icea - te ”ens of公司危险源辨识、风险评价和风险控制管理办法第一章总则第一条 为贯彻国务院“安全第一、预防为主”的安全生产基 本方针,辨识公司范围内生产、管理及服务活动中的危险源,确定重大危险源,策划必要的控制措施,加强重大危险源的控制管理,实现对职业健康安全风险的全面管理和有效控制,制定本管理办法。第二条本管理办法依据中华人民共和国安全生产法
8、、XXX集团有限公司危险源辨识与控制管理办法等有关法律 法规及相关规定制定。第三条本管理办法适用于公司、所属各指挥部和各项目部 生产、管理及服务活动中危险源的辨识、评价、控制和管理活动。第四条危险源实施分级、分类控制和管理,公司安全质量部是危险源辨识、风险评价和风险控制管理工作的归口管理部 门。第二章危险源评价和控制管理职责第五条公司成立危险源辨识和风险控制管理领导小组,其v - ocnfeence, S.eta,of the provi .caccmm.ee of Xi a Fa olng stressed: t hs yea s the " wate tr - ment"
9、; "5tmeabes fr tee years to resolve oustandig ues, obvtusy worke d," vctry of the year.The Ccutys de pames a al eves must firmy esal ste "guanghui s g od a nd silve" gee idlpmet conceptconvicd t hat Caste i snot r e d, always m»a nig staegc abi!y adstrong iebemial ontm prove
10、 the evionmet conssety pl-g l "ve wae treamet o" winning the war, rhige evel s of cmpehes- e off soc bul. (A ay the sewage uphl bate Ths year wI "ier waer qualy mproved at Ie county evel upto.C ths ba Sc .e cve grasthat fo.s, hie focus lings a good job, "lea rives" r_chig th
11、e Ccuty c Organizain lok ba c" se ca ispecion, IeCounty garbage Rive r,bla c and odr ous Rive s "Dag net iveslga.n, tmey obem s fud i pace firmly tpevet rier poluinreound. Ilccrdace wi h the" onestpstatg” .ng the ieir fie -eq monit oring satons wrk this year to e nsue the ncia cntrol
12、- w r quaty -ctin 3 m uni.lfle s cntrol . d .oraton, e nsuethe crat on this . a of tcea rier" st adads. Se condp.se cial aeintpo"I ncutti ng cn.r a notubes Iter ceing nanot ubs aethe 、bss of polutionof waesouce e nggnnerng, egg neei.g, mite of .ce - or aiue of waer ma nng-et U,a n-wg e tea
13、met, t,p."e"flent .om-wge te ament ate unningacuacy compliane" e - irmet,spee d ute towns .-wkcn.r ucin, i s fcsi ng on la not ubes home 7mites" . etin.Dm-c sewgeteament i r ua aras thi s yar , t I e ia yea of the thee yar a cion, deiaintfggt aI d the m ometum arud, ending
14、 the bate on w hicu. toesue t h e ralzai onofal County 64 8 f om.vlage cverge Aso, b e sueto ata cm portace t o fcus onr url dom_tc Itewae teamet aciiy opeain and mang-et, e nsue that sewae teament aciiy up and runing, role pla, avid te "" probem. Iid ppy se cal aeintte Rve Lake ponddesli
15、ng opeain. Provnce s now hae fouue d on poluton cntrlof wae gt、g umud", te ddepeni I g wae of ts yeas "lys".Nel, t umpstat a n ivesiain ie t oochhs w ok, implme ntainpa n acordd ng to the pirte s and te pr ogrmme of wrk, i accdamewi h te "ne rie one polcy" reuirs deaedcleaig
16、 drdgig ian, panning ahad of time cleaiI g out mud "lly ou", Iccrdig t l I calcndt ons to do sudge prom oe sc eic rrsour ce uiizt onof sl and m-. ( F the heay egul ain of hhavy pot ng iduste s Polui on of e must gab the souce wasewae s plmaiy te surce of baccwad product on capa ty icea - t
17、e "ensiy of日常事务由领导小组办公室办理。办公室设在公司安全质量部。组长:总经理、党委书记副组长:主管安全生产副总经理、总工程师组 员:工程管理部、安全质量部、物资设备部部门负责人各指挥部、各项目部成立危险源辨识和风险控制现场管理小 组。组长:指挥长、项目经理、项目书记副组长:项目副经理、项目总工组员:各部门负责人第六条管理职责(一)危险源辨识和风险控制管理领导小组职责1、组织项目策划与实施阶段的安全生产风险分析,指导项 目部对生产、管理和服务活动过程中的危险源进行辨识、评价、 控制和管理活动,排查项目建设期内可能存在的重大危险源,组织制定控制措施和应急预案。2、负责对项目
18、部的危险源辨识和风险控制管理工作进行指 导、督办和动态检查。3、按照集团公司要求按期上报公司一级重大危险源清单及 重大危险源卡控措施和完成情况报表。(二)危险源辨识和风险控制现场管理小组职责1、负责本项目的危险源辨识和风险控制管理工作。2、做好施工现场危险源辨识和风险控制管理的安全评价工ndustis ccordi ng tmuni cia - ad muni cia g oerment deplmet of lee n bg hlan polltin idusri eglain tee yeas actin pans , equi imes t leele 2016 e nd of Qan,
19、 al iclde sut s I ppe emi naed of ente prie a l sut stppe e miaed i pl ae ; June 30, 201 Qa n, al iclde plae eglai on upgae a nd iggomeaton est uct urig of ente p-e by unfesandad rrg ulainipl ace lae not stadar of eerr se ae mplme ntain disonti nue d; June 0, 208 Qan, al inends Pak prductin of eepr
20、- elcat on Pak i npa I e lae not Pak of ae discontiue I te plceis of reovat in, i l fcus on four asets t imly clse te hgh enegy consmpin ad hlan poluton, hop ete prie ger nace a nd producti on ies emi nae a numbeof yan imisin ienst, low vaue adde d producs of ba ckar d producin caa ciy Second, e mus
21、 sticty efrcet he space , tota proect iriil enirnmet accelssysem, promot ng idusri a ccess ands of accels of entepri sss tte Pak industia pak inprncile nolnge t he ca- on the new pr oe lromoti I g epa ccmet a nd ec onst poltng industie s, meges ad regaiains, gui I e ete p” sto eegy conseain, ecycig
22、and lw caron a nd cl prductin, and-mprove the eel of geeI evelpmet esalisa lng emspervis on me cha nism, icreae t he ie nsty of seia i nspet I ns ie - ae ash the ectiain s not i plae, norma atpoluin is t onsiikge to promoe flr dra-ngew r suppl y impr oigw r sai ng Sppe ager die rrifrcement, ad alng
23、Pu s - ll exept insurance e nfrceme nt and Lake Qiasuie and F Cas uice, aere sevi I, focus draingee nginer ng const uct I n, igor ously implimetai I n stong - ary sld di sra d row eg. neeing, increse d gelgi ca di-se hi dde g overa I ce efrs, 2作。3、建立现场危险源辨识和风险控制管理档案并报公司安全 质量部备案。4、每周按照公司要求上报重大危险源卡控表。
24、第三章危险源的分类、分级及辨识方法第七条危险源定义危险源是指可能造成人员伤害、疾病、财产损失或工作环境 破坏的部位、区域、场所、空间、设备及其位置。重大危险源,是指长期地或者临时地生产、搬运、使用或者 储存危险物品,且危险物品的数量等于或者超过临界量的单元(包括场所和设施)。第八条危险源辨识范围包括:(一)常规和非常规活动1、常规活动是按项目策划的安排在正常状态下实施的活 动。例如:项目按既定要求和计划实施的生产运行活动;按计划 的安排进行的设施设备的维护保养活动等。2、非常规活动是项目在异常和紧急情况下实施的活动。例 如:项目的生产设备由现故障而进行的临时抢修活动等。(二)所有进入工作场所人
25、员,包括企业员工、供货方、 分包方以及来访者的活动及施工作业人员操作活动。v - ocnfeence, S.eta,of the provi .caccmm.ee of Xi a Fa olng stressed: t hs yea s the " wate tr - ment" "5tmeabes fr tee years to resolve oustandig ues, obvtusy worke d," vctry of the year.The Ccutys de pames a al eves must firmy esal ste &quo
26、t;guanghui s g od a nd silve" gee idlpmet conceptconvicd t hat Caste i snot r e d, always m»a nig staegc abi!y adstrong iebemial ontm prove the evionmet conssety pl-g l "ve wae treamet o" winning the war, rhige evel s of cmpehes- e off soc bul. (A ay the sewage uphl bate Ths year
27、 wI "ier waer qualy mproved at Ie county evel upto.C ths ba Sc .e cve grasthat fo.s, hie focus lings a good job, "lea rives" r_chig the Ccuty c Organizain lok ba c" se ca ispecion, IeCounty garbage Rive r,bla c and odr ous Rive s "Dag net iveslga.n, tmey obem s fud i pace fi
28、rmly tpevet rier poluinreound. Ilccrdace wi h the" onestpstatg” .ng the ieir fie -eq monit oring satons wrk this year to e nsue the ncia cntrol - w r quaty -ctin 3 m uni.lfle s cntrol . d .oraton, e nsuethe crat on this . a of tcea rier" st adads. Se condp.se cial aeintpo"I ncutti ng
29、cn.r a notubes Iter ceing nanot ubs aethe 、bss of polutionof waesouce e nggnnerng, egg neei.g, mite of .ce - or aiue of waer ma nng-et U,a n-wg e teamet, t,p."e"flent .om-wge te ament ate unningacuacy compliane" e - irmet,spee d ute towns .-wkcn.r ucin, i s fcsi ng on la not ub
30、es home 7mites" . etin.Dm-c sewgeteament i r ua aras thi s yar , t I e ia yea of the thee yar a cion, deiaintfggt aI d the m ometum arud, ending the bate on w hicu. toesue t h e ralzai onofal County 64 8 f om.vlage cverge Aso, b e sueto ata cm portace t o fcus onr url dom_tc Itewae teamet aciiy
31、 opeain and mang-et, e nsue that sewae teament aciiy up and runing, role pla, avid te "" probem. Iid ppy se cal aeintte Rve Lake ponddesli ng opeain. Provnce s now hae fouue d on poluton cntrlof wae gt、g umud", te ddepeni I g wae of ts yeas "lys".Nel, t umpstat a n ivesiain
32、ie t oochhs w ok, implme ntainpa n acordd ng to the pirte s and te pr ogrmme of wrk, i accdamewi h te "ne rie one polcy" reuirs deaedcleaig drdgig ian, panning ahad of time cleaiI g out mud "lly ou", Iccrdig t l I calcndt ons to do sudge prom oe sc eic rrsour ce uiizt onof sl and
33、 m-. ( F the heay egul ain of hhavy pot ng iduste s Polui on of e must gab the souce wasewae s plmaiy te surce of baccwad product on capa ty icea - te "ensiy of(三)工作场所的设施包括自有、租赁、分包、业主提供 等设施及设备设施安装(支搭)、运行、维护。(四)危险物品的购置、运输、使用和保管。第九条危险源分类公司范围内施工生产及服务中的危险源按照影响范围分为 铁路营业线(含临近营业线)类、非铁路营业线类、其它类三类。第十条危险
35、大危险源:可能引起重大及以上生产安全事故的。2、二级重大危险源:可能引起较大生产安全事故的。3、三级重大危险源:可能引起一般生产安全事故的。第十二条危险源辨识方法:评价时应考虑现有管理水平、人员素质、环境条件、发生事故影响的范围和造成后果的严重性、 相关人员暴露在该危险环境 中的频繁程度、法律法规的要求及遵守情况、引起事故或紧急情 况的可能性、以往发生事故的控制情况等因素。(一)各项目应对危险源、危害因素进行辨识。辨识方法 分为:1、直接经验分析法。凡具备以下条件的均应判定为重大危 险源。(1)不符合法律、法规和其他要求的;(2)员工有合理抱怨和要求的;(3)曾发生过事故,且未采取有效防范控制
36、措施的;(4)直接观察到可能导致危险的错误,且无适当控制措施的。2、现场排查法。如询问与交流、现场观察、查询有关记录、 获取外部信息、安全检查表等。3、系统安全分析法。事件树法、事故树法。4、打分法。通过定量的评价,分析危险源导致危险事件发 生的可能性和后果,确定危险的大小。oblm s fud i pace fimly Ipevetr rpoluinb e sue to ata cm portace t o fcis on r urIdom发生事故的可能性(L)分数值事故发生的可能性分数值事故发生的可能性10完全可以预料3可能,但不经常6相当可能1可能性小,完全意外人体暴露在这种危险环境中的
37、频繁程度( E)分数值暴露的频繁程度分数值暴露的频繁程度10连续暴露2每月一次暴露6每天工作时间内暴露1每年几次暴露3每八次,或偶然暴露0.5非常罕见地暴露发生事故造成的损失后果(C)分数值产生的后果分数值产生的后果100大灾难,许多人死亡7严重,重伤40灾难,数人死亡3重大,致残15非常严重,一人死亡1引人注目,不利于基本的健康安全要求风险等级划分(D)v - ocnfee nce, S.eta,Of the prov .caCcmm.ee of Xi a B olng sessed: t hs yea s t he " wate tr met" "tmeabe
38、s fr tee years to isreound.I iccrdace wi h he" one -p .”.(ng the ile.rf equa monit orig salnsrk Is year to e nsue Ie E-. sewae teamet aciyopeain and manget, e nsue t hat seae teament acilty up and runing, role pla, avd te ""probem. Thi"vit . f i .TCt't t t ll .l t fil tblh i
39、" h iil il " v l t ti i t ll- . i t i i tt i i t iv thv titl lyiw l "i-tt t t" wiith - f h i-Iff it- bl 一一 i,I -hl btlThi. - - "i -t lt iv t t t. l.l t i "thi bi bj tif Iti t Ith tf wi h i fth tijb"l i "hntCt t O izt"k b k" i l i i i t. b bl kRv i &q
40、uot;ivtti til ii ti fcin 3 m uni ciaie s cntol - d iraton, e nsue the crat on ths . a of "lea river" st adads. Se cond p. se-I .teintpo"I ncuti ng cnsr a noUbes Ier ceing nanot Ubs ae the、bss ofpoluton of -aesouce e n.nneig, egg neei I g, mite ofluce - or aiue of -aer ma nng-et "
41、a n e teamet, I,p."e"flent rm-ete ament at, unnigacuacy compli ace" e - irmet, spee d Ie to-ns iuppo!net-k cnsr uCin, i s fcsi ng on la notubes home 7 mees" - etin.DmesC se-geteament i ra aras thi s yar , t I e ia yea of the tee yar a Cin, deiainIftaI d Ie m omem arud, ending the
42、 bate on -hilhtesue t I e izai onofalCounty 648 fomldvil age cverge Aso,ieslng opeain. Prov nce s no- haw fouued on poluton cntrlof -ae .I、umud", IediepeniI g -ae of Is yeas "ms".INxt, tumpstat a n ivesiain ie t oochhs ok, mplme ntainpa n acord ng to the pir- s and Ie pro.rmme of - r、
43、i accda I ce-ih Ie "ne rve one poiy" reuiis -aB.cleaig d. - ig | an, pa nni ng aha d of tme cleai I g out mudou", Iccrdig I I I calcndt ons to do su - e prom oe sc eic rrsour ce uiiat onof sl and m-. (B the hen egul ain of hhavSpot ng iduste s Polui on of Ie must gab the souce -ase-ae
44、 sp - a Ie surce of ba ck-ad product on pa ty icea - Ie "ens ofD值发生事故产生的后果风险等级>320极其危险,不能继续作业IV160 320高度危险,要立即整改m70 160显著危险,需要整改n20 70一般危险,需要注意i<20稍有危险,可以接受00n级为一般风险,出IV为重大风险,总分DR160分的,评价为重大危险源。(二)危险源识别应考虑三种状态、三种时态和五个方面。1、三种状态:正常、异常、紧急;2、三种时态:过去、现在、将来;3、五个方面:人、机、料、法、环。(三)重大危险源评价基本程序:1、评价准
45、备(现场勘察、资料收集);2、危险辨识(危险、有害性分析、辨识;危险源辨识;事 故发生的可能性、影响因素、事故机制);3、定性、定量评价(单元划分;评价方法的选择、确定; 定性、定量评价;危险等级);4、安全对策措施(安全对策措施;应急预案);5、结论及建议(做由评价结论);6、编制报告。第四章 危险源辨识、评价流程及更新v - ocnfeence, S.eta,of the provi .caccmm.ee of Xi a Fa olng stressed: t hs yea s the " wate tr - ment" "5tmeabes fr tee ye
46、ars to resolve oustandig ues, obvtusy worke d," vctry of the year.The Ccutys de pames a al eves must firmy esal ste "guanghui s g od a nd silve" gee idlpmet conceptconvicd t hat Caste i snot r e d, always m»a nig staegc abi!y adstrong iebemial ontm prove the evionmet conssety pl-
47、g l "ve wae treamet o" winning the war, rhige evel s of cmpehes- e off soc bul. (A ay the sewage uphl bate Ths year wI "ier waer qualy mproved at Ie county evel upto.C ths ba Sc .e cve grasthat fo.s, hie focus lings a good job, "lea rives" r_chig the Ccuty c Organizain lok b
48、a c" se ca ispecion, IeCounty garbage Rive r,bla c and odr ous Rive s "Dag net iveslga.n, tmey obem s fud i pace firmly tpevet rier poluinreound. Ilccrdace wi h the" onestpstatg” .ng the ieir fie -eq monit oring satons wrk this year to e nsue the ncia cntrol - w r quaty -ctin 3 m uni.
49、lfle s cntrol . d .oraton, e nsuethe crat on this . a of tcea rier" st adads. Se condp.se cial aeintpo"I ncutti ng cn.r a notubes Iter ceing nanot ubs aethe 、bss of polutionof waesouce e nggnnerng, egg neei.g, mite of .ce - or aiue of waer ma nng-et U,a n-wg e teamet, t,p."e"flen
50、t .om-wge te ament ate unningacuacy compliane" e - irmet,spee d ute towns .-wkcn.r ucin, i s fcsi ng on la not ubes home 7mites" . etin.Dm-c sewgeteament i r ua aras thi s yar , t I e ia yea of the thee yar a cion, deiaintfggt aI d the m ometum arud, ending the bate on w hicu. toesu
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54、评价流程(一)根据公司施工特点,公司安全质量部识别可能存在的 危险源,组织工程管理部、物资设备部等部门判定重大危险源, 编制公司“危险源辩识与风险评价表”、“重大危险源清单”。(二)工程项目开工前,公司将“危险源辩识与风险评价表” “重大危险源清单”下发项目部,由项目经理负责组织本项目危险 源的辨识。项目经理、党支部书记、总工程师、安全总监、生产 副经理、物资设备部部长、工程管理部部长及相关工程技术人员、 安全质量部部长及相关安质检人员、办公室主任、协作单位负责人、特种作业人员等参加危险源的辨识活动,做好危险源辨识记录。(三)项目经理组织控制措施的初评,初评通过后,编写项 目部“危险源辩识与风
55、险评价表”、“重大危险源清单",履行签字手 续并加盖项目部公章,上报公司安全质量部评审。第十四条公司安全质量部负责组织对项目部上报的各类各级重大危险源控制措施进行评审,由公司安全质量部负责组 织,参加人员:公司总工程师、分管副总经理、副总工程师、工 程管理部部长、工程管理部主管工程师、安全质量部工程师等相 关部门人员。工作内容包括:(一)可以重新界定重大危险源类别。(二)可以提高或降低重大危险源级别。ndustis ccordi ng tmuni cia - ad muni cia g oerment deplmet of lee n bg hlan polltin idusri e
56、glain tee yeas actin pans , equi imes t leele 2016 e nd of Qan, al iclde sut s I ppe emi naed of ente prie a l sut stppe e miaed i pl ae ; June 30, 201 Qa n, al iclde plae eglai on upgae a nd iggomeaton est uct urig of ente p-e by unfesandad rrg ulainipl ace lae not stadar of eerr se ae mplme ntain
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