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1、2019-2020 年九年级英语上册Un it 3 En glish Around the WorldTopic1 SectionB 教案仁爱版The main activities are 1a and 2a.I. Teach ing aims and dema nds教学目标1. Lear n some new words and phrases:on bus in ess, be similar to, tran slate, tran slategeneral, besides, once in a while, whenever, divide, divide2. Lear n so

2、me useful sentences:(1) ls it possible that you will have any trouble?(2) 1 n general, he has no trouble understanding people from different countries, because most ofthem can speak En glish.(3) Besides, it is used as a sec ond Ian guage in In dia and some other coun tries.(4) Whe never that happe n

3、s, an in terpreter helps him.3. Go on lear ning the simple prese nt passive voice.(1) Is En glish spoke n as the official la nguage in Cuba?(2) Once in a while, Jane s father has to travel to a country where English isnot spoke n.4. Talk about Ian guages around the world.n. Teaching aids 教具录音机/幻灯片或小

4、黑板川.Five-fi nger Teachi ng Pla n五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10 分钟)教师检查作业并通过创设情境复习被动语态,呈现部分新词汇。本课重点活动是 1a 和 2a。in to, pany, gen eral, i ninto ,postman1.(教师检查作业,复习被动语态。)T: We lear nt passive voice yesterday. Let S:Trees are pla nted by people every year.S2: Homework is done by us every day.S3:(让学生多说

5、句子,调动学生积极性。)(教师进行归纳总结后, 让学生两人一组完成 掌握被动语态。)T: You all speak very well. Pay atte nti on to toP56. Look ats check your homework.3,并互相纠正出现的错误,让学生更准确地be (am, is, are)+p. p. ” Now turn)into andpostman” For example, A cake is(与学生一起复习主动语态和被动语divide into postma ndeliverT: Please follow the example to make se

6、ntences, and write them down on your books.And I II ask five students to write their answers on the blackboard, Now, whocan? S4, S5, S6, S7, S8please.(板书)Many problems are caused by the large populati on.(全班一起核对答案,改正错误,并画出被动语态的结构,以示强调并加深印象。)2. (双人活动。一个学生说主动语态的句子,另一个学生说被动语态的句子。)T: OK, let s go on pra

7、ctising the passive voice. One student says a sentence with the active voice.His/Her partner changes it with the passive voice. Is it easy?Ss: Yes.S9:I do my homework after class.So:His homework is done after class.Sn: I like En glish very much.S2:En glish is liked by S11very much.3. (承接 Section A,复

8、习讲英语的国家,导入新单词。)T: Well done. Whocan tell me in which countriespeople speak English? S13, please.S3:English is spoken by most people in Great Britain.S4:English is spoken in America.S15:T:Wecan also say English is spoken as the firstIanguage in Great Britain,America,Australia (板书)English is spoken as

9、 the firstIanguage in GreatBrita in, America, Australia(领读句子,让学生了解讲英语的国家,引出新单词。TT: I have a friend. He works in a pany.It_ s possible that he will have troublewhe n he has a long con versati on with foreig ners or go abroad on bus in ess. _(板书并领读,要求学生掌握。)pany, on bus in essT: What should he/she do?d

10、ivided into some pieces by us. Postman meansand deliver letters ” .(板书并要求学生掌握divide, divide intodivide“ a person whose job is to collect,postman ;理解 deliver。)S6:Ask the interpreters for help. They can translate one language into another _orally, for example, tran slate En glish into Spanish or Fren

11、ch. Besides, they ca n_expla in the culture of the cou ntry.(教师帮助学生回答。)(板书并要求学生掌握translate into 和 besides ;理解 interpreter, French,Spanish ; 了解 orally。)tran slate . i ntobesidesin terpreterSpanishFrench orallyStep 2 Presentation第二步 呈现(时间:10 分钟)听 1a 录音,完成 1b,继续呈现新词汇,学习1a 的语言项目。1.(教师导入新课。)T: Weall know

12、 English is spoken in many countries in the world. Now Jane s father will go to Cuba onbus in ess. Is En glish spoke n in Cuba? Will Jane s father haveany trouble? Let s listen to the tape and mark the following sentences with (T) for True or (F) forFalse.(教师放录音,用幻灯片或小黑板呈现下列问题,判断句子的正误。(1) Jane s fat

13、her is going to Cuba for traveling.(2) En glish is spoke n as the official la nguage in Cuba.()(3) Spanish is similar to En glish.()An swers: F, F, F(核对答案,学生答错的答案不要急于更正,再放一遍录音,训练学生捕捉信息的能力。2.(让学生快速阅读对话,找出疑难点,教师板书并鼓励学生探究释疑。)T: Now read the dialog. Please find out the importa nt and difficult poin ts.S

14、: I dontknow the meaning of the word“similar”T: It means “ almost the same but not exactly the same(出示两个相似的文具。)T: Are these two pen cil-boxes similar?Ss: Yes, they are.T: This pen cil-box is similar to that one.(板书并要求学生理解 exactly ;掌握 be similar toexactly be similar to system packStep 3 Consolidation

15、 第三步 巩固(时间:10 分钟)学习 1a 和 2a,让学生复述 1a,培养学生快速阅读能力,巩固被动语态的用法。1.(让学生分组练习 1a,然后表演,为复述 1a 打下基础。教师一定要给出3. (再听 1a 录音,学生跟读,注意语音语调。)T:Now, listen to 1a again and followpronun ciatio n and inton atio n.4. (学生完成 1b。先猜生词的意思,后教师核对答案,T: Please find out the difficult poin ts.Ss: We don t know the meanings of “ syst

16、em ” T:System means “ an organized set of ideas or sth. ”Pack means “ put clothes, home.”(板书并要求学生理解。)the tape,讲解生词。pay ing atte ntionto theand “ pack” .theories or a particular way of doing etc into a bag inpreparationfor a trip away from较充裕的时间, 让学生能较流畅的表演。)T: OK, boys and girls, please practise the

17、 dialog with your partner. After that,act it out in front of the class.2.(对 1a 进行复述或改编,达到学以致用的目的。)(方案一)(教师给出关键词,让学生以第三人称复述1a。)pack bags, Cuba, on bus in ess, official la nguageSpanish, be similar to, not really, is it possible that, if necessary, an in terpreterT: Who can retell the dialog in your o

18、wn words? You can begin like this: Jane sFor example:(S1Xiu Feng, S2 Xiu Mei)S: Xiu Mei, why are you pack ing your bags?S:I m going to Beijing.S: That s great. There are many places of interest in Beijing, such as the GreatWall and the Summer Palace.S2: Yes, the Great Wall is visited by many people

19、every year.S: Maybe you will meet some trouble when you are on your trip. You re a strangerin Beiji ng.S?: It doesn t matter. I will take a mapwith me. If necessary, I ll ask a policeman for help.S: OK! Have a good trip the n!3. (以小组合作的方式学习2a,并回答下列问题,用幻灯片或小黑板出示下列问题。)T: Good job. Let s read 2a, then

20、answer the following questions:1In general, does Jane s father have any trouble understanding people from differe ntcoun tries?2Has Jane s father ever traveled to a country where English is not spoken?3When does Jane s father need an interpreter?4What does an in terpreter do?(核对答案。)4. (1)(鼓励学生找出难点。对

21、重点内容进行板书和讲解,讲解时根据情况,让学生造句, 加深理解。)T: Do you have anything that you can t un dersta nd? Please put up your han ds.Ss: I don t know the meanings of“whenever ” and “ once in a while ” .T: Whenever means “ no matter when ” . Once in a while means“ sometimes or attimes ” .For example: No matter whe n you

22、go home, please call me. When ever you go home, please call me.(板书,要求学生掌握。)whe never =no matter whe n in gen eralonce in a while have no trouble doing sth.father is pack ing his bags now. He(请 12 名学生复述课文,做示范。(方案二)(教师可以鼓励学生,s going to Cuba on bus in ess)1a 的基础上加以创新。)(2)(听 2a 录音,跟读,注意语音和语调。)T: Now lis

23、ten to the tape of 2a and repeat, paying attention to thepronunciation andinton ati on.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10 分钟)根据 2a,完成 2b,通过练习让学生熟练掌握被动语态的用法。1. (根据 2a,要求学生快速完成2b。核对答案后以问答的形式巩固语言常识。)T: S, which Ianguage is spoken as the firstIanguage in Cuba, China, Great Britain,Japan ?S: Spanish is spoke n2. (让学生将下面的句子由主动语态变成被动语态,或者将被动语态改为主动语态。)T:Please cha nge the followi ng sentences into the simple prese nt passive voice.Or please cha nge the passive voice into the active voice.(出示小黑板。)Active voicePassive voice1. All of us like her.1


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