



1、古筝兴趣小组暨音乐第二课堂活动计划一、指导思想: 为了更好的配合学校搞好素质教育 ? 进一步展示我校的艺术风采和文化底蕴 ? 丰富学生的校外文化生活,激发学生学习音乐的兴趣,培养学生的音乐审美能 力、 艺术修养及表现能力 ? 弘扬学生个性发展。古筝教学正是从培养知识经济时代合格人才的高度 ? “以人为本” ? 以“一切 为了学生的发展”为宗旨进行教育 ? 使教学真正关注学生的情感、态度、价值观的 培养 ? 将培养素质全面、个性鲜明且具有一定文化修养的人才为主要任务? 为其终身热爱音乐、热爱艺术、热爱生活打下良好的基础。古筝兴趣小组将计划开展 ? 并 力求整个活动能顺利、高效、持久地开展 ? 以

2、宣传和发扬我校音乐教育传统与特 色。二、活动目标:1、通过不同的练习来规范学生的指法、进一步提高学生的演奏水平。2、通过欣赏古今名曲 ? 来提高学生的音乐修养和自身素质。3、 进一步宣传我校的素质教育和学生良好的精神风貌。 the construction site, and coordinated the implementation of protective measures? 7. 10 themain control requirements of 7. 10. 1 site acceptance of equipment and materials equipment and ma

3、terial comes into play, construction unit should, in conjunction with the relevant units (equipment manufacturers, construction unit, supervisor or management units, etc)recorded on the maintenance tab ? 7. 8. 3 products protective duties with the conversion and transfer of responsibility for constr

4、uction, maintenance work of the product should be handed over ? 7. 8. 4 for commissioning of power plant equipmentand systems should be run or are under construction in the equipment or system to make the necessary isolation, not to operate the valve, switchhanging sign, ensure that the test devices

5、 are not mistakes? 7. 8. 5products during the transfer of product maintenance cards should save the transfer of project management? 7. 9 product after the change of protectionsought after product by project Department according to customer requirements and the specific circumstances of三、招生计划:面向我校学生

6、? 招生人数暂定 15至 20人。四、教学安排:(一) 、教学内容:根据学生现状 ? 以杨茜老师主编的学古筝作为主要教材 ? 结合上中国音乐 学院林玲主编写的古筝考级曲集 ? 借鉴青少年学古筝等作为辅助教学内容 ? 针对不同层次学生的不同水平进行教学。(二) 、教学时间、地点、方法:受现有教学条件的限制 ? 除了用好学校安排的兴趣活动时间 ? 另外抽取中午休 及晚上放学后一段时间进行分批教学 ? 对于超时加深教学另行安排。1、活动时间:每周二、四下午 17:00 18:002、活动地点 : 古筝教室3、授课方法 :8 至 10 人一组一次课4、教学措施:the construction sit

7、e, and coordinated the implementation of protectivemeasures. 7. 10 the main control requirements of 7.10.1 site acceptance of equipment and materials equipment and material comes into play, constructionunit should, in conjunction with the relevant units (equipment manufacturers, construction unit, s

8、upervisor or management units, etc)recorded on the maintenance tab ? 7. 8 ? 3 products protective duties with the conversion and transfer of responsibility for construction, maintenance work of the product should be handed over ? 7. 8. 4 for commissioning of power plant equipment and systems should

9、be run or are under construction in the equipment or system to make the necessary isolation, not to operate the valve, switch hanging sign, ensure that the test devices are not mistakes ? 7. 8. 5 products during the transfer of product maintenance cards should save the transfer of project management

10、 ? 7. 9 product after the change of protection sought after product by project Department according to customer requirements and the specific circumstances of(1) 教育学生严格遵守活动纪律 ? 定时定点对学生进行教学 ? 保证每次教学时 间与质量。(2) 教师严格按学校“教学五认真”的规定 ? 认真备课、上课并做好有关兴趣 小组活动的资料的保存工作。(3) 配合多媒体教学?定期给学生欣赏名曲?观看名师古筝曲U的VCD讲解? 开阔学生的眼

11、界。(4) 随着学生水平的提高 ? 变集体授课为个别或阶段教学 ? 以适应每个学生水 平的提高。(5) 学满结束以个人回课或考级形式或对学生学习做等级评定 ? 并争取集体汇报表演机会 ? 配合学校参加各种文艺表演活动 ? 展示我校学生风采六、教学预期 LI 标 :从学生及家长和学校的意愿岀发 ? 学习内容与考级曲 LI 相联。因此 ? 暂设定一 年达到音乐学院二至三级的考级曲 LI 程度 ? 两年达到上音四至五级的考级曲 LI 程 度 ? 程度高的学生达六至七级以上程度。七、建议:the construction site, and coordinated the implementation

12、 of protective measures? 7 ? 10 the main control requirements of 7.10.1 site acceptance of equipment and materials equipment and material comes into play, construction unit should, in conjunction with the relevant units (equipment manufacturers, construction unit, supervisor or management units, etc

13、)recorded on the maintenance tab? 7.8.3 products protective duties withthe conversion and transfer of responsibility for construction, maintenance work of the product should be handed over? 7. 8. 4 for commissioning ofpower plant equipment and systems should be run or are under construction in the e

14、quipment or system to make the necessary isolation, not to operate the valve, switch hanging sign, ensure that the test devices are not mistakes?7. 8. 5 products during the transfer of product maintenance cards should save the transfer of project management? 7. 9 product after the change ofprotection sought after product by p


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