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1、中考安徽中 考英 语2021第一局部考点知识过关第十讲八年级上 Units 910CONTENTS目 录PART 01真题PART 02考点PART 01真题安徽历年中考真题回顾2018全国中考真题优选命题点安徽历年中考真题回忆真题1.2021安徽,44The rivers will become dirtier and dirtier we take action to protect them. A. sinceB. ifC. untilD. unless 2.2021安徽,99Tom i (邀请)all his best friends to his birthday party las

2、t Sunday.Dnvited命题点2021全国中考真题优选真题1.2021盐城Please give me some on how to spend the coming weekend. A. space B. advice C. praiseD. courage2.2021苏州Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the nearest underground station? Walk straight on you see a white building. Its right there. A. thoughB. sinceC. untilD

3、. if3.2021 襄阳Excuse me, sir. Are you sure the umbrella in your hand belongs to you? Oh, sorry, I took it . Mine is over there under the chair. A. at onceB. on time C. by mistakeD. in allBCCPART 02考点考点1 prepare 的用法考点2 until 的用法考点5 hear from 的用法 考点4 without 的用法考点3 accept 的用法考点6 look forward to 的用法 考点7

4、 invite 的用法考点8 advice 的用法考点9 experience 的用法考点1考点prepare 的用法考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9教材语境P65 I have to prepare for an exam.prepare作动词,意为使做好准备;把准备好。Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. 抱最好的希望,做最坏的打算。Have you prepared to go on a trip?你做好旅行的准备了吗?Mom is preparing dinner for us in the kitchen. 妈妈正在

5、厨房为我们准备晚餐。注意注意: prepare sth. for.表示为准备某物,相当于get sth. ready for.。如:We have to prepare some food for our party. = We have to get some food ready for our party. 我们必须为我们的聚会准备一些食物。考点1考点考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9 归纳拓展prepare 的用法和prepare用法相似,可以和for搭配使用的动词还有:ask sb. for sth. 请求某人给予某物ask for.要求,请求pay sb. for.付

6、给某人的费用pay for.支付,为付出代价provide sth. for sb.为某人提供某物provide for.为做好准备search sth. for.搜查(地点等)以寻找search for 探寻,搜寻call.for sb.为某人呼唤call for.要求,(某事)有必要He asks his parents for a computer. 他求父母给他买一台电脑。Im willing to pay for the lost bike. 遗失了自行车我愿意赔偿。The hotel provides good service for guests. 该宾馆为客人提供优质的效劳。I

7、ve searched every room for it.为了找到它,我已经搜寻了每个房间。To be a teacher calls for much knowledge and patience. 作一位教师需要有渊博的知识和耐心。考点1考点考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9好题在线prepare 的用法1.2021预测As our world is developing fast,we should work hard and try our best to p (准 备) for the future.2.2021预测Sams birthday party is onl

8、y in three days. Have you anything special for him? Not yet. I think I need your advice. A. preferredB. offeredC. preparedD. askedrepareC考点1考点until 的用法考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9教材语境P66 Oh,but Sam isnt leaving until next Wednesday. until到时;直到为止,既可用作介词,也可用作连词。until作介词,后跟某个时间点。如: Tom was awake until 3 am

9、. 汤姆直到凌晨三点才睡着。 I dont know him until last term. 直到上个学期,我才认识他。until作连词,引导时间状语从句。如: Lets wait until the wind comes. 让我们一起等风来吧。 You cant get what you want until you know what you want. 直到你明白自己想要什么,你才 能得到它。考点1考点until 的用法考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9易失分点(1)until用于肯定句时,句中的谓语动词必须是延续性动词,如wait,work,stay等;until用于否

10、 定句,与not构成not.until构造时,句中的谓语动词可以是短暂性动词。试比较:Andy stayed there until 2021.安迪在2021年以前一直待在那里。Things didnt change until 2021.事情在2021年以前一直都未发生变化。I waited for him until he showed up.=I didnt leave until he showed up. 我一直等到他现身。 考点1考点until 的用法考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9易失分点(2)在含until引导的时间状语从句的复合句中,当主句为一般将来时,从句应

11、用一般现在时表 将来,即遵循主将从现规那么。如:Steve promises he wont go out to play until he finishes his homework. 史蒂夫保证他做完 作业才会出去玩。Ill keep on working hard until I reach my goal.我会继续努力,直到达成我的目标。考点1考点考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9好题在线until 的用法3.I wont give the book to her until she here tomorrow. A. arrivedB. arrives C. will

12、arriveD. has arrived4.2021预测There was no way to see the result the test has been finished. A. unless B. until C. as D. andBB考点1考点accept 的用法考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9教材语境P69 accept an invitationaccept是动词,表示承受,应允(邀请、提议等),接纳。如: I asked her to join us, and she accepted. 我请她参加我们,她容许了。accept的反义词是refuse/turn

13、 down,均表示拒绝。考点1考点考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9accept 的用法妙辨异同accept/receiveaccept v. receive v.(愉快地)接受,强调主观上的应允,接纳收到,收取,强调客观上的接收(1) accept a job 接受一份工作(2) accept sbs advice 接受某人的建议(=take sbs advice)(3) accept an offer 接受一个提议(1) receive a warm welcome 受到热情欢迎(2) receive a letter 收到一封信(3) receive a prize 获得一

14、个奖项I received a present, but I didnt accept it. 我收到一份礼物,但是我没有接受。考点1考点考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9好题在线accept 的用法5.2021预测Karen,the task is not easy to complete. Why dont you Jerrys help? I want to try it myself first. A. acceptB. allow C. reachD. thank6.2021预测After the doctors degree, Ms. Chen came back t

15、o China to serve her country. A. describingB. entering C. continuingD. receivingAD考点1考点without 的用法考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9教材语境P69 Bring Ms. Steen to the party without telling her so that she can be surprised. without prep.表示没有,反义词:with 具有,带着without+sth. without/with a sense of humor 没幽默感/有幽默感表示不(做某事

16、)without+doing sth.without saying a word 一言不发They were both in bed with flu. 他们双双患流感卧病在床。She left for the airport without her passport. 她没带护照就去了机场。I provide them with what I have without expecting anything in return. 我把我有的东西都提 供给了他们,没有指望任何回报。提分速记考点1考点考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9 without 的用法常考的without短语w

17、ithout thinking twice 不假思索without a break 没有休息without difficulty 不费吹灰之力without doubt 毫无疑问without fear 毫不畏惧 without question 毫无异议考点1考点考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9好题在线without 的用法7.2021预测Would you like to have some milk shake? Im trying to lose weight these days, so Id like a cup of coffee sugar and cream.

18、 A. at B. over C. withD. without8.2021预测Working w (没有) eating anything will do harm to your health. Dithout考点1考点hear from 的用法 考点2考点3考点6考点7考点8考点9教材语境P69 I look forward to hearing from you all. 考点4考点5hear from sb.表示收到某人的信件(或电子邮件、 等), 相当于get/receive a letter from sb.或get/receive sb.s letter。 该短语还可变形为he

19、ar sth. from sb.。如:I heard from him last week.我上周收到了他的信。I havent heard anything from him for years. 我好几年都没有他的音信了。考点1考点考点2考点3考点4考点6考点7考点8考点9考点4考点5hear from 的用法 妙辨异同hear/listenhear v.listen v.听到,听见,强调听到的内容 (注意地)听,强调听的动作可作及物动词:hear sb./sth.;hear+n.+do/doing/done 听到做/在做/被做不及物动词,其后若接宾语,须在宾语前加to,即:listen

20、to sb./sth.;listen to+n.+do/doing听做/在做Sorry, I cannot hear you clearly. Can you repeat it again? 对不起,我没能听清(你说 的话)。你能再重复一遍吗?Listen! Theres a strange sound in the room. 听!屋子里有奇怪的声音。I like listening to my mom play the piano. 我喜欢听我妈妈弹钢琴。考点1考点考点2考点3考点4考点6考点7考点8考点9 考点4考点5hear from 的用法 提分速记hear of sb./sth.

21、表示听说过某人/某事;hear后还可跟宾语从句,表示听说。如: I have never heard of such a strange festival. 我还是第一次听说这样奇怪的节日。Andy hears that she will leave for Australia. 安迪听说她要去澳大利亚。考点1考点考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9好题在线hear from 的用法 9.2021预测After Brenda the news, she was so moved that she decided to join them to help the people in

22、need. A. heard of B. gave in C. put on D. asked for 10.2021预测Please be quiet, or we wont be able to the speaker clearly. A. ask B. watch C. accept D. hearAD考点1考点look forward to 的用法考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9教材语境P69 I look forward to hearing from you all.look forward to表示(快乐地)盼望,期待,to为介词,后面跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语

23、。look forward to sth./doing sth. 相当于expect to enjoy sth./doing sth.。如:I look forward to having the wonderful holiday. =I expect to enjoy the wonderful holiday. 我盼着过愉快的假期。 到在伦敦的姐姐送的礼物。考点1考点考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9 归纳拓展look forward to 的用法类似的to作介词,其后跟名词、代词和动名词的短语还有:be/get used to+sth./doing sth.习惯于某事/做

24、某事pay attention to+sth./doing sth.关注某事/做某事be close to+sth./doing sth.接近某事物/可能快要做某事stick to+sth./doing sth.坚持某事/做某事考点1考点考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9好题在线look forward to 的用法11.2021预测Everyone is looking forward to s (分享)their best memories with others.12.2021预测To get used to l (居住) in Beijing, Brenda spent

25、the whole weekend traveling around the city.13.2021预测Cheer up! You are close to a (到达)your goal.haringivingchieving考点1考点invite 的用法考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9教材语境P71 I would like to invite you to the opening of our new library at No.9 High School.invite作动词,意为邀请。常用搭配: Why not invite Jack to play tennis w

26、ith us? 为什么不邀请杰克和我们一起打网球呢? Many friends were invited to his birthday party. 他邀请很多朋友参加他的生日聚会。invite作名词,意为邀请;请帖,相当于invitation。如: Did you get an invitation/invite to Emilys party? 你有没有收到埃米莉的聚会请柬?考点1考点考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9好题在线invite 的用法14.2021预测I heard that you turned down Ians . Why? Because I have

27、promised Paul to join his club. A. attention B. invitation C. introduction D. competitionB考点1考点advice 的用法考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9教材语境P77 If people have problems, they should get advice from an expert.advice为不可数名词,表示一条建议时可用a piece of advice。如:Let me give you a piece of advice. 让我给你一条建议。考点1考点考点2考点3考点4

28、考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9妙辨异同advice 的用法advice/adviseadvice n.advise v.(1)(give sb.)advice on.(给某人)关于 的建议(2)ask sb. for advice 征求某人的意见(3)take/accept sbs advice接受某人的建议(1)advise sb. (on/about.) 给某人(关于 的)建议(2)advise sb. (not) to do sth. 建议某人(不)做 某事(3)advise+that引导的宾语从句Thanks for your advice on how to learn Chines

29、e.谢谢你的关于如何学习汉语的建议。Police advised people to stay at home. 警方告诫民众要留在家里。考点1考点考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9 好题在线advice 的用法15.2021预测Anna,our teacher asked us to read a book during the holiday. Could you give me some ? Sure. I think The Kite Runner may be a good choice. A. agreementB. advice C. communication D

30、. practice16.Many thanks for your useful . It really helps me open my eyes. My pleasure. A. instructions B. experiences C. suggestions D. adviceBD考点1考点experience 的用法考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9教材语境P77 Students often forget that their parents have more experience, and are always there to help them.experi

31、ence n.不可数经验;实践learn by experience从经验中学习可数经历;体验an exciting/unforgettable experience 一次激动人心/难以忘记的经历v.经历;经受experience difficulties经历困难He has no driving experience.他没有驾驶经历。She has got many interesting experiences in China. 她在中国有很多有趣的经历。Teenagers may experience problems from time to time and they should

32、 learn to deal with them. 青少年有时可能会遇到问题,他们应当学着去解决这些问题。考点1考点experience 的用法考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9提分速记英语中有许多名词既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词,但意义却大不一样。名词名词作不可数名词作不可数名词作可数名词作可数名词例句例句exercise运动;锻炼练习;练习题Doing exercise is a must. 运动是必须要做的事。I was doing exercises in math. 我在做数学练习题。success成功;好结果成功的人或事What is the secret to success?成功的秘诀是什么?The activity is a great success. 这个活动非常成功。surprise惊讶惊人的事To his surprise, she is there.令他惊讶的是,她在那里。This is a great surprise to me. 这令我很吃惊。考点1考点experience 的用法考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9提分速记名词名词作不可数名词作不可数名词作可数名词作可数名词例句例句force力;武力;影响力军队;有势力的人


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