已阅读5页,还剩34页未读 继续免费阅读




1、空调术语室外机局部outdoor unit :一:按零件部件和岗位分() 底座部件 part for base / base part1.底座螺栓 screw for base / base bolt底座脚 foot for base底座成形 formation for base钺材plate镀锌钺 zinc-galvanized plate镀锌 zinc-galvanization喷粉 spraying powder清洗clean冲压punch卒卯钉rivet点焊 point weld嵌入insert钟接 riveting攻丝 tapping打孔 punch hole螺纹 screw / t

2、hread黄蜡管 yellow wax tube /cotton varnished sleeve胶套 glue-sleeve配合间隙fit clearance过盈酉已合 interference fit喷涂不良bad spraying毛刺burr脱漆 paint peel / depainting润滑油lubricate润滑作用lubrication变形 deformed倾斜lean爆粉 explosive powder安装板 installing board阀安装座 installing base for valve(2) 压缩机部件 part of compressor压机系统 comp

3、ressor system缸体 cylinder压缩机脚 foot of compressor压缩机铭牌 nameplate for compressor冷凝温度 condensing temperature蒸发温度 vaporing temperature吸气压力 inhale pressure / suction pressure排气压力 exhale pressure / discharge pressure排气侧 exhaust side吸气侧 suction side气缸 air cylinder储液罐 liquid storage tank铁扎 iron bar螺专丁 screw橡

4、胶脚 rubber foot橡胶垫片rubber gasket胶塞 rubber plug钢焊 口 steel welder压缩机保护器 protector for compressor压缩机接线盖 wiring cover for compressor玻璃体 glass / vitreous斡涡旋式压缩机scroll compressor旋转式压缩机rotating compressor活塞式压缩机piston compressor螺杆式压缩机screw compressor接线盖垫片wiring cover gasket接线柱 binding post谷轮式压缩机Copeland comp

5、ressor温度限制曲线 temperature control curve螺母nut变频高速运转 alter-frequency high-speed operating低振动 low vibration低;噪音low noise滑片 slip sheet曲轴 bent axle轴承 bearing气腔 air cavity吸气过程 inhale process排气过程 exhale process滑片弹簧sliding vane spring排、吸气阀片 inhale-exhale valve自动保护 auto-protection温控器 temperature controller热力学

6、定律 law of thermodynamics铜螺专丁 copper screw垫片gasket紧固地线 fastening ground wire倾斜角度lean angle隔片 spacer接线端子 connecting terminal插片 insert block酉己套in group保护器弹簧 spring for protector平衡块 balance block滚动转子rolling rotor定子stator机壳 machine shell定盖 set cover底盖 bottom lid支撑脚 supporting foot打火 strike a light / arci

7、ng凸起heave压机盒螺母 nut for compressor压机盒垫片 gasket for compressor压机盒 box for compressor气液别离器 gas-liquid separator(3) 热交换器 thermo switch / heat exchanger 制冷系统 cooling system / refrigeration system 冷凝器condenser翅片fin铝箔foil预涂铝箔 pre-paint foil亲水铝箔hydrophilic aluminum foil胀管 expanded tube胀管机 tube-expanding mac

8、hine扩口 flaring挥发油 volatile oil大弯 big bend小弯 lesser curvature沙眼 chlamydia黑管 clarinet拉升力 pull lift焊环 welded 100P感温管座heat-sensitive tube socket分酉己器distributor分流管 perforated pipe进口管 inlet pipe出口管outlet pipe喇叭口bell mouth入弯 entry弯头elbow自动焊接 automatic welding氮气 nitrogen氨气helium氨气检漏leak detection of helium氨

9、检质谱仪mass spectrometer for helium detection冲孑L punching (hole)穿管 pipe lining内螺纹管 rifled tube螺纹管 threaded pipe光管 light pipe开料 Sawing sheet上下管 discretion tube专屯口 blunt mouth散热效果radiating effect倒片 rewound piece花片scratched piece黑片 blacked piece烂片 piece breakage露铜copper exposure弯模 bend mold折弯bend折弯机bender

10、弯模 bend mold冲锋片 emergency piece波纹片 ripple piece百叶窗片blade 片品巨 segment p让ch台阶孔 step hole翻边高度flanging height切口 incision起皱 pucker胀头 expansion joint胀针 expansion needle跨接弯头jumper elbow弯头组件elbow component无银焊环welded 100P without silver7.0 出口管 outlet pipe端板 end-plate熔片 fused disk四塑料后网螺专丁 screw气压 pneumatic /

11、gas pressure压缩空气 compressing air压力表 press gauge海绵sponge五 四通阀组件 four-way valve component插管 intubation配插 match socket四通阀 four-way valve12.0 回气管 12.0 back trachea3/8 排气管 3/8 exhaust pipe四通阀本体 body for four-way valve换向阀 reverse valve电磁阀芯electromagnetic valve core电磁线圈electromagnetic coil气流 air current转换

12、conversion气体压力gas pressure液体压力liquid pressure铜管壁厚 wall thickness of copper pipe缩口 shrink mouth铳边 edge milling氧化 oxidation保温管 insulating pipe减震块 shock absorbing block扎带 bandage阻尼块 damping block/ damper承受压力bear pressure管裂 tube split管路振动pipe vibration管路重影pipe line with ghost管凹 tube groove消声器 muffler (s

13、ilencer)压力开关pressure switch压力保护值pressure protection value压力保护pressure protection(6) 截止阀 cut-off valve高压截止阀high pressure cut-off valve低压截止阀low pressure cut-off valve阀帽 bonnet铜螺帽 copper nut/ brass nuts塑料螺帽plastic nut护套 sleeve导管 catheter环保截止阀environmental protection stop (cut-off) valve普通截止阀common阀芯 va

14、lve core开阀 opening注拂嘴 ?二通截止阀two-way stop valve三通截止阀tee stop valve6.0 管 6.0 tube(7) 毛名田管组件capillary tube component毛组管 capillary tube开料 Sawing sheet绕圈 winding流量 flow流量计meter枯燥过滤器dry filter过滤网 air filter / strainer节流降压throttling and step-down分配器 distributor卸荷阀 unloading valve过渡管transition pipe节流管thrott

15、ling pipe单向阀 check valve单向节流 unidirectional throttling双向节流 double directional throttling节流阀 throttle (valve)短管节流 short-tube restrictor冰堵 ice plug / blockage脏堵 filth blockage堵塞 blockage工艺管 process channel / operation pipe八焊接welding焊枪 weld gun氧气oxygen石油气 petroleum gas氧气压力 pressure of oxygen石油气压力 press

16、ure of petroleum gas火焰flame焊料solder无专艮焊料 no silver weld material有银焊料silver solder助焊剂flux焊接技术 welding technology虚焊 inefficient weld缺焊 absent weld过烧 overburning饱满full焊溜瘤weld beading氧气阀门 valve for oxygen石油气阀门valve for gas点火器 igniter助焊剂罐flux tank草绿色 lawngreen钎焊材料brazing material焊接母材welding base metal焊接材

17、质 welding material紫铜与紫铜焊接 red copper welded w/red copper黄铜与紫铜焊接 brass welded w/ red copper工装 equipment亮绿色 bright green中性焰 neutral flame氧化焰 oxidation flame碳化焰 carburizing flame泄漏leak焊接泄漏率 leakage rate of welding焊接过程 welding process焊接过程限制曲线 control curve of welding预热 preheating气孔 stomata焊接外表腐蚀 surface

18、 corrosion for welding material焊料参透不良 bad infiltrating of weld material补焊 repair welding九电机支架 support for motor支架成形 support forming折边 floding挡片 separation blades翻边 flanging铳尾螺钉milling tail screw热扎板 hot rolled sheet十风扇系统 fan system风扇电机fan motor外壳cover转子 rotator定子stator线圈coil漆包线 enameled wire轴承 bearin

19、g挡片 separation blades护套sleeve电源线 cable / power cord/wire/line绝缘层 insulating layer导线 conduct circuit /conductor/wire螺母nut螺栓bolt十一轴流风扇axial flow fan风扇叶片fan blade阻燃材料 anti-fire material / flame retardant materials螺纹 thread锁固齐 ijlocking agent风扇轴孑L fan peg-hole / shaft hole十二电器盒预装 preassembly of the elec

20、tric box电器盒 electric box镀锌板 zinc-galvanized board / galvanized sheet线夹 wire clip端子板 terminal board固定板 fixed plate氨基端子板 amino terminal board端子螺钉screw交流接触器 A/c toucher contactor当区动板 driver board电源板 power board继电器relay聚丙烯电容 polypropylene capacitor连接线 lunk/ connecting line酉己线 wiring虚插 virtual plug力口热带 h

21、eating belt连接板 connecting board温度传感器 thermo-sensor /temperature sensor弹簧片 spring leaf感温 thermo-detector / heat-sensitive十三 抽真空vacuum真空泵 vacuum pump真空管 vacuum tube快速接头quick coupling真空度 vacuum degree封尾管 sealing pipe真空计 vacuum gauge力矩扳手spanner铜渡 copper plating六角匙alien key大气压 atmosphere真空度降低 decrease of

22、 vacuum degree相对真空度 relative vacuum degree十四冷煤灌注冷媒灌注机 refrigerant dosing equipment灌注枪头perfuse spear大阀 big valve小阀 small valve / valvelet增压泵 booster pump充注枪 fill the gun质量流量计 mass flowmeter真空泵 vacuum pump可编程限制器PLC programmable controller触摸显示器 touching-LCD液态liquid状态status增压泵 booster pump蓄能器 accumulato

23、r制冷齐1J freeze medium充注枪 fill the gun气动阀 pneumatic valve气压检测air pressure detection单系统 monosystem双制冷齐1J dual freeze medium双枪充注机charging machine with double lances单枪 single lance /gun充注介质 injecting medium充注速度 injecting speed充注精度 injecting precision环境温度 ambient temperature相对速度 relative speed直接充注量设置set t

24、he direct charge quantity显示屏 display screen可编程设定量充注charging with Programmable set rate直接设定量充注charging with direct set rate报警 alarming关机 turn off手动设置manual set自动设置auto-set前级压力backing pressure充注压力pressure of infill injection抽空上限upper limit of vacuum pumping抽空下限lower limit of vacuum pumping充注量 injectin

25、g volumn /charge quantity设定量 set volumn / set rate抽空 vacuum pumping检测test充注 infill injection真空检测vacuum test抽空时限设定 set the time limit of vacuum( pumping)增压泵 booster pump压力限制 pressure control压力超高pressure exceeding压力低 low pressure速度低low-speed制冷剂J freeze medium / refrigerantR22 R22R41Oa R41OaR134a R134a

26、R407CR407C临界温度critical temperature冷凝温度 condensing temperature蒸发温度 vaporing temperature冷媒 refrigerant十五检漏 leak detection卤素检漏leak detection of halogen探头 probe探头速度probe speed / velocity检验精度 test precision卤素检漏仪leak detector of halogen十六箱体系统case system隔板 diaphragm过线梢 through the trunking支撑件 strutting pie

27、ce / support面部部件 facial component/part坯件 blank风扇罩 fan cover顶板部件roof part /component电镀 electroplate喷涂螺钉spray the screw接线盖 wiring cover盖 cover侧板 side plate紧固组合件 fastening subassembly十七包装系统 pack system / packaging system包装泡沫pack foam瓦楞纸托盘corrugated paper pallet塑料袋 plastic bag名氏箱cartoon透明胶带 transparent

28、tape十八标贴件 label接线图标贝占 label of the wiring diagram铭牌 nameplate机型标贴label of the machine type标贴 label条码 bar code产品条码 product bar code条码打印膜 barcode printing film商标标牌trademark tag十九 附件 appendix particle / accessory联机管组件online tube component铜铝复合管 copper- aluminum tube纯铜管 pure copper pipe保温管 thermotube / i

29、nsulating pipe保护堵头 protecting plug管接螺母union nut联机线 link line橡胶垫 rubber gasket软管 soft tube密封胶泥seal daub墙套盖 wall sets cover线扎 line bundle十八商检检测 Commodity inspection detection短接工装 short sub tooling上高压接头high voltage joint接头密封圈泄漏leakage of the joint sealing ring气流噪音airflow noise冷媒泄漏refrigerant leakage连管

30、siphonium爆管 tube explosion系统堵塞system blocking系统泄漏 system leakage压缩机爆炸 the explosion of compressor整机运行whole machine operation模拟机 simulator接触不良 bad contact整机不启动Don't start the machine.读码器 code reader自动测试 automatic test平安参数safety parameter接地测试夹grounding test clip接地电阻grounding resistance直流恒定电流 d/c /

31、 DC constant current绝缘电阻 insulation resistance直流电压d/c voltage电气强度electric strength耐压 withstand voltage交流电压A/c voltage无闪烁 no shining / flicker-free无击穿 no breakdown泄漏电流leakage current单相电single-phase voltage三相电three-phase voltage输入功率input power平安参数测试仪 safety parameter tester彳氐压启动 low-voltage starting低启

32、电压 low start voltage低启电流 low start current制冷检验refrigeration test制热检验heating test噪音检测 noise check /detection振动检测 vibration detection管路无重影 pipe line without ghost异常振动abnormal vibration碰管 tube connetion手持式振动仪 hand-held vibration gauge结霜 frost管路振动pipe vibration侧板振动side plate vibration节流噪音throttle noise碰

33、管噪音tube connetion noise冷媒制冷剂回收refrigerant recovery关阀 valve closing力矩扳手 spanner / torque wrench制冷温差the temperature difference of the refrigeration运行功率operating power制冷电流Refrigeration current运行电压 operating voltage十九电器部件变频机连接线 lunk / connecting line限制器组件 controller component限制板组件control board component

34、数据储存器组件 data storage component集成 电路 integrated circuit储存数据store the data室夕卜主控板outdoor main control panel印制板printed circuit board/ PCB继电器relay限流电阻current-limiting resistanceCPU 组件CPU componentCPU 程序CPU program开关变压器switching transformer电解电容electrolytic capacitor发光管 luminotron发光二极管 LED/ light emitting

35、diode加急压二极管 zener diode片式瓷介电容器chip ceramic dielectric capacitor/ chip porcelain稳压管 stabilivolt tube整流二极管rectifier diode电感inductance散热器radiator阻容模块resistance-capacitance module陶瓷振荡器 ceramic resonator片式电阻器chip resistor插座 socket金属膜电阻器metal film resistor/metalster晶体管transistor片式瓷介电容器 chip ceramic dielec

36、tric capacitor/chip porcelaincapacitor聚酯膜电容器 polyester (film) capacitor铝电解电容器aluminum electrolytic capacitor电阻 resistance无铅锡条lead-free solder (bar)有铅锡条strip containing lead and tin散热器 radiator当区动板driver board贴片板 chip board片式电阻器 chip resistor开关二极管 switching diode焊锡丝(条)solder wire (stick)光电耦合器 photoco

37、upler/ photoelectric coupler肖特基二极管schottky diode线绕电阻器 wire wound resistorIPM 模块 IPM module陶瓷振荡器ceramic oscillator压敏电阻器piezoresistor支脚 stand bar熔断器护套sleeve for fuse / fuse sheath电源滤波器power filter电器盒部件electric box component电器盒板electric box board隔片 spacer接线端子板wiring terminal board直流滤波电容 DC filter capac

38、itor过线夹 clamp熔断器 fusePFC 电抗器 reactor外环温度传感器temperature sensor of (the) outer ring / loop外盘管温度传感器temperature sensor of (the) outer coil压机排气温度传感器 compressor exhaust temperature sensor 卡环 snap ring(二十)相关常用名词定速机 fix-speed air conditioner变频机 inverter air conditioner / Frequency Converter分体机 split air con

39、ditioner柜机 cabinet air conditioner整体机 combined air conditioner电气间隙electric clearance锐边 sharp edge相碰 collide刮伤 scratch露铜 copper exposure爬电品巨离creepage distance压线 groove导线受损 wire damaged端子抢火terminal flashover垫圈 washer螺母 nut紧 固 组合件fastening subassembly螺栓 bolt阻尼块 damping block/ damper橡胶避震脚rubber shock ab

40、sorbing feet隔音棉 soundproof cotton / sound insulation cotton垫圈 washer自攻螺专丁self-tapping screw感温管座heat-sensitive tube socket自 带垫圈 own washerPVC自 攻螺钉(self-)tapping screw橡胶垫 rubber gasket(二十 一)气动风批pneumatic air screwdriver电批 electric screw driver手批 manual screw driver工装车 tooling car点火器 igniter润滑油 lubrica

41、ting oil自动胶袋切割机automatic polybag cutting machine打包机 packer万用表 multimeter运输车 transporting vehicle叉车 forklift二、室内局部:indoor part按工序分:一底座拆包工序无色差 no color difference无烂 no damage无崩裂 no (bursting) crack无划花 no scratch无断裂跳no rupture无变形 no-distortion泡沫 foam污渍变形besmirch deformation螺钉柱 screw stud保护膜 protective

42、film底座部件base part底座系统base system泡沫件 foam particle / foam part(二)拆包外罩部件工序F 外罩系统F outer housing system外罩系统outer housing system面板 panel丝印面板silk-screen panel横向风板 transverse wind distributing plate排水管部件drainage pipe part导流板 current guide board / flow deflector / baffle电机护罩 motor shieldcover连接板 connecting

43、 board丝印商标silk-screen trademark接线盖 wiring cover外罩 outer housing灯罩 lampshade卡板 pallet植绒布 flocking fabric面板图案panel pattern / design外罩无水纹outer housing without water traces无气斑 with no gas spot三放贯流风扇工序the cross flow fan placement process贯流风扇cross flow fan平衡片 balancing patch贯流风扇轴cross flow fan shaft贯流风扇螺钉

44、cross flow fan screw轴承 bearing四装导流板工序 working process of current guide boardinstallation / flow deflecto门nstallation process导流板 current guide board / flow deflector / baffle五 轴承预装 preset bearing1.轴承盖 bearing cover六风扇电机 generator for fan /fan motor工序 working process / process风扇电机轴 fan motor shaft定位挡圈

45、positioning retainerring电机轴凹位motor shaft recess轴承部件bearing part装卡至尼chucking in placeWD-417B 风批 WD-417B air screwdriver七安装电机护罩motor shield installation电机弓 I 线角度the lead wire angle of motor装配螺专丁assembling screw/ rigging screw自攻螺钉 self-tapping screw八安装横向风板工序 transverse wind distributing plate installat

46、ion process横向风板 transverse wind distributing plate硅油 silicone oil横向风板转轴 transverse wind distributing plate shaft螺?丁柱发白 screw colunm turns white(九)安装步进电机工序stepping (step) motor installation process步进电机轴 stepping (step) motor shaft双扁头 double flat head步进电机stepping (step) motor(十)安装排水管工序drainage pipe in

47、stallation process排水管部件 drainage pipe part橡胶圈 rubber ring保温管insulating pipe松动 loose/loosening(十一)温度传感器Temperature Sensor感温管座heat-sensitive tube socket热缩套管heat shrinkable tubing (sleeve)感温头 temperature sensing head热缩套管的感温头temperature sensing head of heat-shrinkabletubing安装温度传感器install the temperature sensor弹簧片 spring leaf十二蒸发器上线工序 evaporator 上线 process蒸发器组件Evaporator component端板 end-plate三通 tee管接螺母union nut管簧 tube-spring管接头 pipe joint挡水板 eliminator阻尼块 damping block/ damper弯头 elbow翅片 fin进 口 管组件 inlet tube(pipe) component出 口 管组件outlet pipe component


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