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1、..2.13.14.)D. the; theD. tojoinsD. on busD. in, andD. HowD. come trueA. tomato and eggB. tomato and eggsC. tomatoes and eggD. tomatoes and eggs七年级(下)期末英语试卷题号IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIII总分得分、单选题(本大题共 15小题,共15.0分)I like playing guitar, but Tomlikesplaying chess.A. the; aB.a; theC. the; /W

2、ho wants the singing club ? ()A. tojoinB.joinC. joiningI often go to work .()A. take the busB. by busC. by a busThere is a bus stop the library the club.A. either, orB. from, toC. between, and -What does your friend look like ?-()A. He is thinB. She is a kind girlC. She likes musicD. She has a broth

3、er-is it from your home to school ?-Its about two kilometers .()A. How longB. How farC. How soonWork hard, and your dream will.A. come outB. come inC. come toMary is an girl , but she knows a lot about science. ()A. eight - year - oldB. eight - years - oldC. eight years oldD. eight - years - oldIts

4、good for us speaking English every day .()A. practicesB. to practiceC. practiceD. practicingMy grandfather enjoys newspapers in the morning . ()A. readingB. readsC. to readD. readWheres your brother ? I cant find him anywhere .He a kite .()A. makesB. madeC. is makingD. will makeThere a map and two p

5、ictures on the wall . ()A. isB. areC. hasD. have Who cleaned the classroom?Lin Tao.A. isB. doC. doesD. didThey have two bowls ofnoodles . ()15. -My parents and I will go to London for a trip tomorrow .-Really ? .()A. I dont think soB. Have a good timeC. Thats very strangeD. You should try it二、补全对话(本

6、大题共1小题,共5.0分)16. A: Hi, Lucy.叽B: Itwas great. I went to the old peoples home .A: Really ? (2)_ B: I went with Tom and Lisa . A: What did you do there ? B: (3) . We helped the old people clean their rooms, played games with them and told them stories.A: Wow! How interesting!B: (4) Where did you go ?

7、A: I didnt go anywhere . B: (5LA: Because I had to study for the Chinese test.B:I see.A: Yeah, we had lots of fun.B: Oh, we did lots of things .C: How was your weekend ?D: Why didnt you go out ? E: The weather was good . F: Who did you go with ? G: We went there by bike 三、完形填空(本大题共10小题,共10.0分)In the

8、 world there are many interesting festivals . Now let me(17)you something about one of them - Mothers Day .People celebrate (祝) Mothers Day in the USA first . It is also a(18)in some other countries . Its (19) the second Sunday in May. It is a day to thank(20) On that day, people show their love to

9、their mothers by(21)cards and other presents (礼物). On the cards, children will write Thanks , Mom , To the best mother in the world , Best(22)for Mothers Day and so on . Father and children do the housework. (23)mothers can have a rest (休息).In China , people(24)celebrate this special day for mothers

10、 . Last Mothers Day , I bought some flowers for my mother to thank her(25)work . I helped my mother(26)clothes , cook,clean the house and so on. My mother and I were very happy .17.A. tellB. sayC. speakD. talk18.A. countryB. symbolC. festivalD. subject19.A. inB. onC. atD. until20.A. teachersB. frien

11、dsC. fathersD. mothers21.A. makingB. to makeC. makeD. made22.A. daysB. wishesC. namesD. presents23.A. BecauseB. IfC. ButD. So24.A. alsoB. tooC. as wellD. again25.A. differentB. easyC. hardD. interesting26.A. wearB. washC. countD. show四、阅读理解(本大题共10小题,共20.0 分)My school trip was great We went to the co

12、untryside last Sunday mornin gWe saw many beautiful flowers and great trees there We enjoyed the clean air and picked some good fruit there We had lunch on a farm The farmers cooked rice chicken, eggs and vegetables salad They were delicious!-FrankI had so much fun on my school trip. We went to the

13、museum last Saturday morning. We went there by bus The museum was very big We saw many beautiful paintings there. We had lunch in the museum After that, we saw some robots They were very interesting-HelenI went on a school trip last Sunday morning We went to the zoo The zoo is no far from my school

14、so we went there by bike We saw lions, tigers, monkeys, pandas and zebras in the zoo We wanted to feed all the animals but we could only feed the monkeys They were cute!-Peter27. Where did Frank have lunch last Sunday ? A. At school .B. At home .C. In a restaurant.D. On a farm .28. What did Helen se

15、e after lunch in the museum ? A. interesting robotsB. great artistsC. model planesD. beautiful paintings29. When did Peter go to the zoo ? A. Last Saturday morning .B. Last Saturday afternoon .C. Last Sunday morning .D. Last Sunday afternoon.30. From the third paragraph , we can know zebras are a ki

16、nd of .A. animalsB. vegetables C. gamesD. fruit31. Which is the best title ? A. The school tripB. The school rulesC. The school activitiesD. The school lifeWang Xiaojun is twelve years old . He lives in the country in Hunan . Today is his birthday . His parents prepare (准备) a nice dinner for him , b

17、ut the boy says, I wont have the dinner, today is over, and my parents are going to Shenzhen tomorrow. I dont want to let them go .Wang Xiaojun has the birthday with his parents for the first time in the past three years . Three years ago, his parents went to Shenzhen to work . They stayed and worke

18、d there for three years. Tomorrow they have to go back to Shenzhen .Wang is not the only stay-at-home child child . In the country of China , there are many children staying at home without their parents . Stay-at-home children have a lot of problems . Most of them stay with their grandparents . Som

19、e of them dont study well because their parents cant help them with their study .The Chinese government (政府) now is trying to solve (解决)their problems .32. When was Wang Xiaojun born ? A. In 2003.B. In 2004.C. In 2005.D. In 2006.33. Wang Xiaojun wont have the birthday dinner becauseA. there isnt a b

20、irthday cakeB. the food isnt deliciousC. his parents are going to Shenzhen tomorrowD. he doesnt like the dinner34. The stay-at-home child means .A.爱家儿童 B.顽皮儿童 C.留守儿童 D.离家儿童35. The stay-at-home children cant get help for study from their parents , so some of themA. dont study wellB. dont like to stay

21、 with parentsC. dont love their parentsD. dont have dinner with their parents36. Which of the following is NOT true ? A. There are a lot of children like Wang Xiaojun in China .B. The Chinese government is trying to solve these problems .C. Wang Xiaojuns parents go to Shenzhen to make money .D. Stay

22、-at-home children dont have any problems .五、任务型阅读(本大题共2小题,共20.0分)37. Mary is an American schoolgirl . She is now in Beijing with her parents . Mary cant speak Chinese well. But she wants to learn and speak it She often tries to speak Chinese to her Chinese friends, but sometimes they dont understand

23、 her because she cant speak it well .Its Sunday morning . She wants to go to the zoo to see the birds and monkeys, but she doesnt know how to get there. She asks a Chinese boy The boy cant understand her. So she draws a monkey on a piece of paper and shows it to the boy Then the boy tells Mary the w

24、ay to the zoo.判断正误.(正确的写T,错误的写F)Mary is an American student . She knows a lot of Chinese . She wants to go to the zoo to see the birds and pandas. Mary draws a monkey on a piece of paper . The boy doesnt know how to get to the zoo . 38. Welcome to our neighborhood . Get around and you will love it .

25、 I live with my parents and brother in a big house on Joes Street. The street is not very long , and its quiet. There is a bookstore across from our house. I often buy books there , I also like to go to the library near the bookstore because I like reading very much . ( 1) There is a park between th

26、e bookstore and the library. My brother Michael and I often play in the park after school. These are my favorite places in the our neighborhood .Michael and I are in the same school. ( 2) Our school is not far from our home . We usually walk there in the morning . Our school is very big and there is

27、 a supermarket , a bank and a post office next to it. The street in front of our school is very busy. We have to be careful when we go to school .根据短文内容,完成下列任务.任务一:根据要求写句子.将(1)处划线句子译成汉语: 写出(2 )处划线句子的同义句 任务二:回答下列问题.What do the writer and his brother often do after school ?Why do they have to be caref

28、ul when they go to school ?任务三:选择正确答案.第4页,共19页Which is NOT ture ?A Joes Street is short and quietB There is a library near the bookstoreCMichael and I usually go to school by bus in the morningDThere is a busy street in front of their school六、单词拼写-单句(本大题共5 小题,共5.0 分)39. There are over 200countries i

29、n the w40. Come on Blow out these con your birthday cake41. Quite a lot of vwent to a beautiful lake last weekend42. Its a good ito go to the old peoples home after school43. The food was very d七、单句语法填空(本大题共5 小题,共5.0 分)44. - -How many ( candy)would you like ?- -Id like three45. - -Did you see my ID

30、card on the desk ?- -No, I didnt see( something) there46. What did you do at the party ?We ( sing) and danced47. What a( sun)day! Lets take a walk in the park48. What are your parents ( read)now?八、书面表达(本大题共1 小题,共20.0 分)49. 昨天是星期天,天气晴朗Lucy 上午做作业、打扫屋子;中午因爸妈不在家,自己做了一大碗西红柿面吃;下午去看了奶奶,并帮奶奶洗了衣服;晚上陪奶奶一起看电视.

31、Lucy度过了忙碌的一天,感到有点累,但是很开心.假如你是Lucy,请给你的好朋友Sally 写一封信,告诉她你是如何度过周日的60 词左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)Dear Sally,Hows it going ? I had a busy SundayYours,Lucy第 20 页,共 19 页答案和解析1 .【答案】C【解析】考查冠词.旬君我喜欢弹吉他,但汤姆喜欢下棋.”.第一个空,play+某种乐器,中间加定冠词the.第二个空,play+某种棋类中间不加冠词.故 选 : C我喜 欢弹 吉他,但 汤 姆喜 欢 下棋考查冠词,冠词包括定冠词the,通常表示特指.不定冠词a和a

32、n, a修饰以辅音音素开 头 的 单词 , an 修 饰 以元音音素开头 的 单词 要根据 语 境完成 试题 2 .【答案】A【解析】根据 Who wants the singing club 可知句子考查 want to do sthfe示想做某事故 选 : A谁 想加入唱歌俱乐 部?首先要掌握这 个句子的意思,然后结 合具体的 题 目,就可以确定正确答案3 .【答案】B【解析】根据题干可知划线部分缺一个状 语,则排除A,其次由题干可知我经常坐公交去上班,坐公交是by bus故 选 : B我 经 常坐公交去上班本 题 考 查 介 词 短 语 ,熟悉常 见 短 语 ,再根据 题 干即可作出选择

33、 4 .【答案】C【解析】句意:图书馆和俱乐部之间有一个公交站。A或者或者,B从至LC在之间,Din表示在里面,and表示和。根据题干可知图书馆和俱乐部之 间 有一个公交车 站。故 选 C。5 .【答案】A【解析】A 他很苗条,B 她是个善良的女孩,C 她喜 欢 音 乐 , D 她有一个哥哥;根据上句 你的朋友 长 什么 样 ? 可知,要回答长 相,用 他很苗条,其它 选项 都 语 意不通故 选 : A-你的朋友 长 什么 样 ?-他很苗条考 查 情景 对话 ,要根据所表达的内容,用正确的单词 和短 语 、恰当的句型和准确的 时态 6 .【答案】B【解析】A.多长时间B .多远C.多久以后D.

34、如何,根据答语Its about two kilometers.可知是指距离,用how far提问.句意:-从你家到学校由多 远 ? -大 约 两公里故 选 : B-从你家到学校由多远 ?-大 约 两公里熟悉how far的基本用法,结合题意,给出答案.7 .【答案】D【解析】何意:努力工作,你的梦就会实现。come out出来,出版;come in进来;come to去; come true 实现 ,根据句意,可知填实现 。故 选 D。8 .【答案】A【解析】an eight - year - oldgirl 一个8 岁 的女孩, eight - year - old 作前置定语 , 应 用

35、 连词符号连接,中间的名词year不能用复数.故 选 : A玛丽 是一个八 岁 的女孩,但她对 科学了解很多本 题 考 查 复合形容 词 ,先弄清其表达法,再根据用法选择 正确答案9 .【答案】B【解析】根据 Its good for us speaking English every day 可知句子考查Its good for sb to do sth表示做某事 对某人有好处.故 选 : B每天 练习说 英 语对 我 们 有好 处 首先要掌握这 个句子的意思,然后结 合具体的 题 目,就可以确定正确答案10 .【答案】A【解析】根据 My grandfather enjoys newspa

36、pers in the morning 可知句子 考查enjoy doing sth表示喜 欢做某事.故 选 : A我 爷爷 喜 欢 早上 读报纸 首先要掌握这 个句子的意思,然后结 合具体的 题 目,就可以确定正确答案11 .【答案】C【解析】考查现在进行时.根据 Wheres your brother? I cant find him anywhere,可知这里用现在进行时,结构为be+动词的现在分词,表示现在进行的动作.即他正在制作 风 筝故 选 : C你的兄弟在哪里?我在哪儿都找不到他他正在制作风 筝仔 细 分析句子的结 构,掌握 现 在 进 行 时 的用法12 .【答案】A【解析】根

37、据句意,考查There be句型.There be句型中的be动词的单复数要根据后面的名 词 而定而且绝对 不能用 have 或者has, 故排除CD 在此句中要用there be句型的就近原则,因为a map比较近,是单数名词,故要用单数动词is.排除B.故 选 : A墙 上有一 张 地 图 和两幅画考查there beJ型,there be结构中的谓语动词be在人称和数上 应与临近主语一致.要结合语境选择合适用法.注意时态,人称等变化,及与have的区别.13 .【答案】D【解析】句意: 谁 打 扫 的教室? 林涛打 扫 的。根据 问 句Who cleaned the classroom

38、可知要用一般 过去时,故答语也要用一般过去时;为避免重复,用did代替cleaned故选D。14 .【答案】A【解析】答案:A.考查定语.句意他们有两碗西红柿鸡蛋面.名词做定语修饰noodles面条.通常用单数.选A.他 们 有两碗西 红 柿 鸡 蛋面考 查 定 语 名 词 作定 语 原 则 上用 单 数,不用复数但有一些特殊用法需要掌握 结 合 语 境做 题 15 .【答案】B【解析】答案:BI dont think so 我不这样认为;Have a good time玩的高兴;Thats very strange那很奇怪;You should try it 你 应该试试 看根据-My pa

39、rents and I will go to London for a trip tomorrow ,可知 别 人去旅游,应该对别 人 说 玩的高 兴 故 选 B我和我的父母明天要去伦 敦旅行-真的 吗 ?祝你玩得愉快解答 这类试题时, 务 必充分理解上下文的语 境和前后文的逻辑 关系,找到解题 的依据,同时 正确区分 选项 的 细 微差 别 ,准确作答16 .【答案】【小题 1】 C【小题2】F【小题3】B【小题4】A【小题5】D【解析】1. . C;根据下一句It was great,可知问怎么样 故选C: How was yourweekend?你周末过得怎么样?2. F;根据下一句I

40、went with Tom and Lisa,我和Tom和Lisa一起去的.可知 问 和 谁 去的,故 选F: Who did you go with?3. B;根据下一句What did you do there ?你们在那里做了什么?可知回答做的事, 故 选B: Oh, we did lots of things4. A;根据上一句How interesting!多有趣啊,可知应该玩的很高兴 故选A: Yeah, we had lots of fun5. D ;根据下一句 Because I had to study for the Chinese test我必须为语文考 试 做准 备 可

41、知 问 原因 故 选 D: Why didnt you go out? 为 什么你没出去?a:你好,露西,你周末i得怎么样?B :很好,我去了老人之家A:真的马?你和谁去的?B:我和Tom和Lisa一起去的.A :你门在那里做了什么?B:哦,我做了很多事情我们帮助老年人打扫了房间,与他们做游戏,给 他 们讲 故事A:哇!好有趣啊!B :是的,玩得很高兴 ,你去哪儿了?A:我哪里也没去.B : 为 什么你没出去?A:她我必须为语文考试做准备.B :我明白了此 题 考 查补 全 对话 ,在理解 语 境基 础 上, 结 合前后句,仔细 分析,便可得出正确答案17.【答案】【小题1】A【小题2】C【小

42、题3】B【小题4】D【小题5】A【小题6】B【小题7】D【小题8】A【小题9】C【小题10】B【解析】ACBDA BDACB1)A.考查动词.A. tell告诉B. say说C. speak说D. talk谈论.结合Now let me 1)you something让我告诉你一些事情,tell sb sth告诉某人某事,故答案是A2)C.考查名词.A. country 国家 B. symbol 标志 C. festival 节日D subject 科目 结 合 Mothers Day 母 亲节 ,是 节 日,故 选 C3)B.考查介词,结合the second Sunday in MayE月

43、的第二个周日,具体的日子,故用on,故选B.4)D.考查名词.A. teachers 老师 B. friends朋友 C. fathers爸爸 D. mothers 妈妈.结合 people show their love to their mothers人们是向他们 的 妈妈 表达 爱 意,故是感谢妈妈 的,故 选 D 5)A.考查动词.结合by doing sth凭借做某事,故答案是A.6)B.考查名词.A. days 日 B. wishes祝愿 C. names姓名 D. presents 礼物.结合 Best 6) for Mothers Day 表示祝愿 best wishes to

44、 sb 故答案是 B.7)D.考查连词.A. Because因为B. If如果C. But但是D. So所以.结 合 Father and children do the housework 7) mothers can have a res爸爸和孩 子 们 做家 务 , 妈妈 可以休息,前后是因果关系,故答案是D8)A.考查副词.表示也”,放在句中,用also.故选A.9)C.考查形容词.A. different不同的B. easy容易的C. hard困难D interesting 有趣的 结合 bought some flowers for my mother to thank he(r

45、9) work 给妈妈买花感 谢 她的辛苦工作,故选 C10)B.考查动词.A. wear穿B. wash洗C. count数D. show展示.结合 clothes用动词wash洗,故答案是B.全世界,有许 多有趣的 节 日 现 在 让 我告 诉 你关于它 们 当中的一个节 日 -母亲节 首先在美国庆 祝母 亲节 在其它的一些国家,它也是一个节 日它是在五月的第二个星期天在那天,人们 通 过 做 贺 卡和礼物来表达对 母 亲 的爱 在上面写了许 多祝福的 话 解答完形填空题 需要快速 阅读 全文,了解文章大意,再带 着 选项 去 读 , 边读边 做,注意 联 系上下文27.【答案】【小题 1

46、】 D 【小题2】 A 【小题3】 C 【小题4】 A 【小题 5】 A【解析】1 D 细节理解题根据We had lunch on a farm可知,我 们 早 农场 了吃了午 饭 故 选 D 2 A细节理解题根据After that, we saw some robots They were very interesting可知,在那之后,我 们 看到了一些机器人,它们 非常有趣故选 A3 C 细节 理解 题 根据I went on a school trip last Sunday morning We went to the zoo 可知,上星期天早上我去学校旅行了我们 去 动 物园了

47、故选 C4 A 细节 理解 题 根据 Wesaw lions, tigers, monkeys, pandas and zebras in the zo o 可知,我们 在 动 物园里看到 狮 子、老虎、猴子、熊猫和斑马 故 选 A5 A 主旨大意 题 根据弗 兰 克、海 伦 和彼得三个人叙述的第一句话My school trip was great 、 I had so much fun on my school trip 和I went on a school trip last Sunday morning 可知,本文介绍 三个人的学校旅 行故 选 A本文用第一人称的形式介绍 了弗 兰

48、克、海 伦 和彼得的学校旅行阅读 中注意文后的问题 ,然后 带 着 问题 再 读 短文,找出与答题 内容相关 语 句,反复 阅读 ,反复分析,然后确定答案阅读 中要善于从短文信息中总结 推 测出所需答案,注意所填答案与短文中相关语 句的关系,与相关单词 短 语 的关系32.【答案】【小题 1】 D 【小题2】 C 【小题3】 C 【小题4】 A 【小题5】 D【解析】1 D.细节理解题.根据Wang Xiaojun is twelve years old可知,王晓军12岁 ,可以推 测 出他出生在2006年故 选 D2 C 细节 理解 题 根据I wont have the dinner, t

49、oday is over, and my parents are going to Shenzhen to morrow I dont want to let them go 可知,我不吃晚饭 ,今天 结 束了,我父母明天要去深圳我不想让 他 们 走故 选 C3 C 词 意猜 测题 根据后句In the country of China, there are many children staying at home without their p arents 可知,在中国,有许 多孩子没有父母的陪伴呆在家里可以推测stay-at-home child的意思是留守儿童.故选C.4 A 细节

50、理解 题 根据Some of them dont study well because their parents cant help them with their study可知,他们中的一些人学习不好,因为他们的父母不能帮助他 们学习.故A5 D 细节 理解 题 根据 Stay-at-home children have a lot of problems 可知,留守儿童有很多问题 故 选 D王 晓军 12 岁 他住在湖南的乡 下今天是他的生日他的父母为 他准 备 了一顿 丰盛的晚餐但是他不想吃晚餐,因为 第二天他的父母要去深圳工作了, 他不想 让 父母离开阅读 中注意文后的问题 ,然后

51、 带 着 问题 再 读 短文,找出与答题 内容相关 语 句,反复 阅读 ,反复分析,然后确定答案阅读 中要善于从短文信息中总结 推 测出所需答案,注意所填答案与短文中相关语 句的关系,与相关单词 短 语 的关系37 .【答案】【小题 1】 T【小题2】F【小题3】F【小题4】T【小题5】F【解析】细节 判断 题 1 T 根据第一段句子Mary is an American schoolgirl 玛丽 是美国女学生可知 玛丽 是美国学生故答案为 T2 F 根据第一段句子Mary cant speak Chinese well But she wants to learn andspeak it

52、玛丽 中文 说 得不好但是她想学习 和 说 中文可知她懂很多汉语 是错误 的故答案为 F3 F 根据第二段句子She wants to go to the zoo to see the birds and monke, ys她想去 动 物园看 鸟 和猴子,可知她想去动 物园看 鸟 和熊猫是 错误 的故答案为 F4 T 根据第二段句子So she draws a monkey on a piece of paper and shows it tothe boy.所以她在一张纸上画了一只猴子并把它 给男孩看.可知玛丽在一张纸 上画了一只猴子故答案为 T5 F 根据第二段句子 Then the bo

53、y tells Mary the way to the zoo 然后男孩告诉玛丽 去 动 物园的路可知这 个男孩不知道怎么去动 物园是 错误 的故答案为F短文 讲 了一个美国学生玛丽 在中国北京,详细 的介 绍 了她的一些情况和去动 物园的 过 程做好 简单 推理判断 题 以具体事实为 依据 进 行推理,做出判断只要弄清事实 ,即可 结 合常 识 推断出合理的结论 38 .【答案】【小题 1】书店和图书馆之间有一个公园【小题2】 Our school is near our home 【小题3】 They often play in the park after school 【小题 4】 B

54、ecause the street infront of their school is very busy 【小题 5】 C【解析】1 书店和图书馆之间有一个公园.英汉互译题.本句是there be句型, betweenandfe示在和之间之间.2 Our school is near our home 同 义 句 转换题 本句 时态 是一般 现 在 时 ,其 次本旬 Our school is not far from our home表示我们的学校离家不远,其中be not far from表示不远,则本句也可表达 为学校在家附近,near表示在附近3 They often play in the park after school 细节 理解 题 根据文中My brother Michael and I often play in the pa


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