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1、2021年高考热点“新冠疫情语法填空练习四Three Chinese Vaccines against COVID-19 are on the WayAccording to the latest news from Science and Technology Daily(April14th), two COVID-19 inactivated vaccines were just approved for aphaseI & II 1 (combine) clinical trial by the National MedicalProducts Administration (N

2、MPA) of China, making them the firstbatch in this category.2 two vaccines were developed respectively by Wuhan Institute of BiologicalProducts Co. Ltd of Sinopharm andSinovac Research & Development Co. Ltdtoge ther with research institutes. This is another piece of good news since the team of Ch

3、enWei, academician at China Academy of Engineering and researcher atAcademy of Military Medical Sciences, managed to get clinical trial3(approve) for the recombinant COVID-19 vaccine they developed on March 17th.Vaccine is not a distant solution for a current emergency,4 rather the most powerful wea

4、pon to defeat COVID-19. Chinamade the decision toaccelerate the pace 5 (base) on rational judge ment and organization withthe premise of safety assurance. Asearly on January 21st, the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)announced the 6(establish) of an expert groupof joint epidemicprevention an

5、d control against COVID-19. The expert group wasled by Zhong Nanshan, academician at China Academy of Engineering, and consistedof 14 experts.On 22nd,the first eight emergencyprograms of Scientific Response to COVID-19 were initiated 7(swift). Sincethe start of the program,Chen Wei's team 8(cond

6、uct) research onrecombinant COVID-19 vaccine (adenovirus vector vaccine) based on the successful experience in Ebola vaccine development with great speed. On March 17th, the team's recombinant COVID-19 vaccine was approved for clinical trial,9 took place one month in advance than expected. By Ap

7、ril 2nd, all 108 subjects of phase I clinical trial in Wuhan had been inoculated. On 9th, phaseII clinical trial, which has a 10(large)scale and introduces placebocontrol groups, started recruitment for volunteers.重点词汇:1 .clinical trial临床试验2 .respectively r ?spekt ?vli adv. 各自地,单独地3 . preclinical re

8、search临床前研究4 .animal test 动物试验5 . toxicology test毒性试验6.safety and efficacy research有效性和平安性研究7.immune system免疫系统02Urban bicycle lane expansion in GermanyLocal authorities in the Kreuzberg district of Berlin trialled a temporary widening of two cycle lanes on 27 March, arguing it would help cyclists k

9、eep the 1(require) 1.5-metre distance apart2 car traffic was down owing to Germany ' coronavirus restrictions.On Friday, the council declared the pilot scheme a success because it3 (improve) cycling safety while not hindering traffic. An expansion of the scheme on further roads in Kreuzberg, as

10、well as in the Sch?neberg and Tempelhof districts, is planned for the coming weeks.The council said it had used 4(remove) tape and mobile signs tomark out the expanded lanes, which can be removed when the curren trestrictions on movement are lifted.Residents in 133 other German cities have formally

11、submitted applications for similar pop-up bike lanes to their local authorities5 the back of a campaign by Environmental Action Germany(DUH), an environmentalNGO.The campaign group cites new research6 (link) air pollution tohigher coronavirus death rates asan 7(argue) for redrawing infrastructure ac

12、ross the country.Proponents of the scheme cite the Colombian capital, Bogotaexample to emulate,8the mayor, Claudia Lo pez, opened upnearly 72 miles (117km) of new bike routes in mid-March in the hopeof reducing congestion and person-to-person contact.German states have encouraged the use of bicycles

13、 in spite of thecurrent restrictions, under 9 gatherings of more than twopeople are banned, with exceptions for families.In Germany, bike repair shops are currently exempt fromstate-ordered closures because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Threefederal states,10 (name) Berlin, Saxony-Anhalt and Mecklenburg

14、-Vorpommern,have also allowed bike vendors to stayopen.重点词汇:1 . indispensable ?nd ?spens ?bl adj. 不可缺少的;绝对必要的2 .hinder 'h ?nd ? v.阻碍;打搅 adj.后面的03The State Council issued a guideline about face mask wearingMedical masks and surgical masks are sufficient for normal use, and wearing multiple masks

15、does not provide more protection, in 1(accord)with the guideline is sued by the State Council.The public2(advice) to carry along masks when in crowded places such asoffices, shopping malls,restaurants, work shops and public transport.People in high-risk areas should wear surgical masks all the time

16、when3(enter) such places,4 those in medium-risk and low-riskareas need to wear medical masks when in contact with others at thedistance of less than 1 meter.Those 5 havecold symptoms such ascoughing or sneezing, or who live with personnel in quarantine or thathave recovered 6 the novel coronavirus a

17、nd been discharged fromthe hospital, are suggested to wear 7(dispose) medical or surgicalmasks. People working in places such as hospitals, train terminals,airports, prisons and nursing homes need 8(wear) surgical masksor respirators of gradeconfirmed cases of novelwho have close contactvalve graded

18、KN95/N95 or above. The suspected cases, coronavirus, asymptomatic cases and those with confirmed cases are recommended towear surgical masks or respirators with no breathing9 KN95/N95 or above. Entry personnel need to wear such masks from the moment they enter the country to the end of their10(requi

19、re) quarantine.重点词汇:1. valved respirator带呼吸阀的防护口罩2. disposable mask 一次性口罩3. protective materials防护物资4. protective eyewear 护目镜5. discharged ?s't ? ard ? vt. 下客;卸船;免除自己的义务、负担等 vt.&vi.放出;流出;开枪;发射n.气体、液体如水从管子里流出 ;排放出的物体04France has gone into lockdownThe French prime minister announced the 1 (clo

20、se) of cafes, restaurants and all public places “ non essential to “ public life, including cinemas and discos, from midnight on Saturday. Edouard Philippe said:" We must 2(absolute) limit movement, meetingsand contacts.Bijt he allowed food shops, tobacconists, banks andpublic transport to rema

21、in open.French authorities also warned that widely 3 (use)over-the-counteranti-inflammatorydrugs mayworsen the coronavirus, as the number of cases across the country jumped to 4,480. There have been 91 deaths, and France is one ofseveral countries across Europe that 4 (go) into lockdown.Schools clos

22、ed after final lessons last week,5(mean) 12.4million students will remain at home,6 the education minister,Jean-Michel Blanquer, has warned they will be expected to follow thenational curriculum syllabus online.Authoritieshave bannedgatherings of more than 100 people and shut down 7(attract)includin

23、g the Eiffel Tower, the palace of Versailles, the Louvre and theMus e ed ' Orsay. In 8 Paris region, there will be no Sundaymasses. The health minister, Olivier V e ran, said the evolution andspread of the virus was“ rapid and real , but added that about 98% ofthose who test positive for the vir

24、us do recover.Health officials pointout that anti-inflammatorydrugs are known to be a risk for those9 infectious illnesses because they tend to diminish the responseof the body ' immune system. The health ministry suggested that patients 10 (choose) paracetamol because “ it will reduce the fever

25、 with out counter-attacking the inflammation".重点词汇:1. tobacconist t ?b? k?n ?st n.烟草商;烟草制品零售商U.S. stocks saw the fifth "circuit breakers" and global stock markets declinedThe Dow Jones index closed 12.9% down after President DonaldTrump said the economy "may be" heading 1 re

26、cession.London's FTSE100 ended 4% lower, and other major 2(Europe)markets saw similarslides.On Sunday, the US Federal Reserve cut in terest rates to almost zero and launched a $700 billion stimulus program me.It was part of co-ordinated action announced alongsidethe eurozone, the UK, Japan, Cana

27、da, and Switzerland. Worries mounted 3 central banks' emergency measures over the weekend meant the economy is in much 4 (bad) shape than previously believed.However, investors are worried that central banks now have few options left to combat the impact of the pandemic.The new governorof the Ba

28、nkof England, Andrew Bailey, has pledged to take "promptaction again" when necessary 5 (stop) the damage to the economy from the coronavirus pandemic.David Madden, a marketanalyst at CMC Markets, said that 6 central bankers were tryingto calm the markets, "in 7 (real) it is having the opposite effect"."The radical measures have sent out avery 8 (worry) message to dealers, and that is 9 they are blindly dumpingstocks."In New York, steep falls as markets opened triggered anotherautomatic halt to trading, which 10 (mean) to curb panicselling. Before la


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