



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上十二硬币判别代码 人间客制作国外流行的12个硬币问题:12硬币中可能有一个假的,而且不知道假币比真币重还是轻,给你一架天平,天平没有示数,只能判断是平衡还是不平,且只准称三次,让你判断是否有假币;如果有,找出来。解法思想如下:第一步:任选8个比较,如选: 比 一、若一样重,则假币在中,第二步: 比1.若一样重,则可能的假币为。则第三步: vs 1)若一样重,则没有假币;2)不一样重,则假币为:如果(1)>(12),则假币轻,反之,假币重; 2.若重,则第三步: 比 1)若一样重,则假币为(较轻)2)不一样重,则假币为、中较重者3.若轻,则第三步: 比 1)若一样

2、重,则假币为(较重)2)不一样重,则假币为、中较轻者二、若重,则第二步: 比 1.若一样重,则假币在中,第三步: 比 假币为、中较轻者2.若端较重,则假币在中,第三步:比 1)若一样重,则假币为(较轻)2)不一样重,则假币为中较重者3.若端较重,则假币在中,第三步: 比 1)若一样重,则假币为(较轻)2)不一样重,则假币为、中较重者三、若轻,则与上面类似,第二步:比 1.若一样重,则假币在中,第三步: 比 假币为、中较重者2.若端较轻,则假币在中,第三步: 比 1)若一样重,则假币为(较重)2)不一样重,则假币为中较轻者3.若端较轻,则假币在中,第三步: 比 1)若一样重,则假币为(较重)2)

3、不一样重,则假币为、中较轻者在科技发达的时代,我们都不愿意去做这样繁琐的比较,而是想借助于计算机的威力,下面给大家介绍一种方法,可以在很短的时间内完成中比较。当然,这类问题转化到编程上去后,主要考查的是大家的编程思想,而不再是12硬币问题本身了,因为12个硬币的重量需要大家自己去输入,这些数据只是为了检验大家程序的正确与否。下面是该问题的代码:#include <stdio.h>void main()int i;float a12;for(i=0;i<12;i+)scanf("%f",&ai);if(a0+a1+a2+a3=a4+a5+a6+a7)

4、 if(a0+a1+a2=a8+a9+a10) if(a8=a11) printf("There is no special coin!n"); else if(a8>a11) printf("There is a special coin:%f(12) and it's lighter than others.n",a11); else printf("There is a special coin:%f(12) and it's heavier than others.n",a11); else if(a0+

5、a1+a2>a8+a9+a10) if(a8=a9) printf("There is a special coin:%f(11) and it's lighter than others.n",a10); else if(a8>a9) printf("There is a special coin:%f(10) and it's lighter than others.n",a9); else printf("There is a special coin:%f(9) and it's lighter th

6、an others.n",a8); else if(a8=a9) printf("There is a special coin:%f(11) and it's heavier than others.n",a10); else if(a8>a9) printf("There is a special coin:%f(9) and it's heavier than others.n",a8); else printf("There is a special coin:%f(10) and it's he

7、avier than others.n",a9); else if(a0+a1+a2+a3>a4+a5+a6+a7) if(a0+a2+a5=a1+a4+a8) if(a6=a7) printf("There is a special coin:%f(4) and it's heavier than others.n",a3); else if(a6>a7) printf("There is a special coin:%f(8) and it's lighter than others.n",a7); else

8、printf("There is a special coin:%f(7) and it's lighter than others.n",a6); else if(a0+a2+a5>a1+a4+a8) if(a0=a2) printf("There is a special coin:%f(5) and it's lighter than others.n",a4); else if(a0>a2) printf("There is a special coin:%f(1) and it's heavier

9、than others.n",a0); else printf("There is a special coin:%f(3) and it's heavier than others.n",a2); else if(a1>a8) printf("There is a special coin:%f(2) and it's heavier than others.n",a1); if(a5<a8) printf("There is a special coin:%f(6) and it's light

10、er than others.n",a5); else if(a0+a2+a5=a1+a4+a8) if(a6=a7) printf("There is a special coin:%f(4) and it's lighter than others.n",a3); else if(a6>a7) printf("There is a special coin:%f(7) and it's heavier than others.n",a6); else printf("There is a special co

11、in:%f(8) and it's heavier than others.n",a7); else if(a0+a2+a5<a1+a4+a8) if(a0=a2) printf("There is a special coin:%f(5) and it's heavier than others.n",a4); else if(a0>a2) printf("There is a special coin:%f(3) and it's lighter than others.n",a2); else printf("There is a special coin:%f(1) and it's lighter than others.n",a0); else if(a1<a8) printf("There is a spe


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