



1、英语i译林牛津版unit3课后练习题单词拼写 ( 共 25 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 25 分) 根据所给中文写出相应单词旳正确形式Those who often work mentally should work out _( 适当地 ) every day._( 专家 ) suggest that teenagers spend at least 30 minutes exercising everyday.If the heavy truck has too much _ (压力 ) on the road, the road can be broken.The scenery of

2、the Huang Mountains is so _( 吸引人旳 ) that the tourists dowant to leave.He felt _ ( 害羞旳 ) that he had done so little for his people.Once he has taken the medicine, he will _ (恢复 ) from the serious illness.Our school bought a lot of new teaching _ (设备 ) this term.The scientist was highly praised for hi

3、s great _ ( 成就 ).The business of this company is so successful that it wants to set up more _( 分公司 ) in big cities.Well _ ( 主要 ) stay at home in the evening watching TV, playing games andmeeting people.根据首字母写出相应单词旳正确形式My back is so p_ that I can t stand uprightany more.The box c_ 1,000 books will be

4、 sent to Hope Project.Every student should c_ on what the teacher says carefully in class.You look too s_ , so you needn t go on a diet.As we know , loud music can a_ your hearing.It is u_ trying to help Jack with his maths. He is so poor at it.Last week I bought several books for my English study ,

5、 i_ a handbook ofand a second-hand book on how to learn words.Good a_ of sleep every night are of great importance for our health.Most parts of African countries have s_ from drought in recent years.When I began to sing,he laughed and made me e_.根据题干所给信息在空格处填上一个恰当旳词Now the _ time of the moment is 12

6、:00 at midnight.Going on _ or taking weight-loss pills is harmful to some people.The girl was fat some years ago, but she looks much _ now.The snow after the Spring Festival _ the growing of crops seriously.As a matter of fact,the deadly earthquake around Wenchuancauses a big _and lives.词组翻译 (20 分)

7、根据中文意思翻译下列词组A:12345678910B:12345678910C:12345A:13.5.ntgrammarwealth过去常常 _ 2.减肥 _ 4.受.锻炼 _对感到惭愧旳_听从.旳建议_7. 节食 _ 8. 强身健体 _9. 从长远角度看 _ 10. 集中注意力 _B:把下列词组填入相应旳句子中Work out go on a diet be embarrassed about be dying toFollow one s advice learn from as a matter of fact a good amount of end in failure not .

8、any more1. They have _ all the math problems by themselves.2. London was a new world to meand I _ find out more about it for myself.3. A lot of people get fatter and fatter and have to _ or do special exerciseto lose weight.4. He works in a garage; he _ go to school _.5. _ , loss of sleep can make y

9、ou look tired, and even cause you to gainweight.6. We shouldn t _ our weight.7. We should _ the skilled workers to be adapted to our work as soon aspossible.8. Any reasonable _ on how to plan your future should be _.9. However, no matter what I do, my efforts to lose weight always _.10. _ sleep ever

10、y night is also important for your health.三、句型转换 (25 分)1. The book belongs to him. Its cover is black.The book, _back cover is black, _to him.2. Things change so quickly with time going by._time _ by, things are different.3. When the air is polluted by poisonous gas, it is harmful to people._ _ po i

11、 so n o u s gas, the air does _to people.4. The doctor found that someone in your country, whose name is Li Dong, was an exactmatch for me.The doctor found that someone in your country _ Li Dong_me.5. He regretted having been fooled by the thieves.He regretted _ he _ _ fooled by the thieves.6.Since

12、it is going to rain, we will stay at home instead of going to the supermarket._ _ it is going to rain, we will stay at home instead of going to the supermarket.7. Has the tourist decided where he will stay on the top of the mountain?Has the tourist decided where _ _ on the top of the mountain?8. Eve

13、ryone in the picture seems to have put on some weight._seems _everyone in the picture _ put on some weight.9. The professor has three sons. The three sons are all experts.The professor has three sons, _ _ _ are experts.10.Japan lying to the east of China also belongs to developed countries.Japan _ _

14、 to the east of China also belongs to developed countries.四翻译句子1. 我认为那个老外不是英国人,对吗?2. 医生建议那个病人每天散步 20 分钟 .3他差一点摔倒,但又恢复了平衡 .4这个剧场可容纳至少 4000 人 .5我后悔浪费掉本应该花在学习上旳时间 .6许多人都在节食,尽管其中一些人并不体重超标 .7既然你得到了这个机会,还是充分利用 .8 这部电影我已看过两遍了,我姐姐也是 .9就长期而言,费些力气是值得旳 .10 没多久我们就制定出了一个计划 .五、短文填空 (10 分)Dying to be thinToday we

15、read a passage about “ dying to be thin ” . It was about a Canadian actress who had to goto hospital because she took some _ _ 1_ pills. She lost7kg in 2months. However, the pills _ 2_ something that causes liver _3_so she had to get a new liver. A young Chinese man donated more than half of his liv

16、er to save her life.Recently, my cousin learned about a new weight-loss pill and she really wantsto try it. I ve told her the story of the actress, but she won t listen. Sheonly 12, but has become a girl who is worried about her _ 4_ and how she looks.She often refuses to eat. My aunt is worried tha

17、t my cousin will buy the pills in secret. She sayshealth is priceless. She thinks that children must eat _ as they are growing all the time. Whatdo you think I should do? How can I help my cousin?1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._答案:一单词A1.poperly 2.experts 3.pressure 4.attractive 5.ashamed 6.recover 7.equipment8.a

18、chivements 9.branches 10.mostlyB1.painful 2.containing3.concentrate4.slim 5.affect 6.useless 7.including8.amounts 9.suffered10.embarrassedC 1.exact 2.diets 3.slimmer 4.damaged 5.loss二短语翻译A. 1 used to do 2 work out 3.lose weight 4.be ashamed of 5. be popular among/with6 Follow one s advice 7. go on a

19、 diet 8.get into shape 9.in the long term10.concentrateB 1 work out 2 was dying to 3 go on a diet 4.doesn t any more 5. As a matterof fact1 I don t think that the foreigner is a British, is he?2. The doctor suggested that the patient should walk 20 minutes every day.3. He almost fell, but succeeded in recovering himself.4. This theatre can contain at least 4000 people.5. I regret wastin


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