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1、SY8型碎煤机液压站SY8 HYORAULIC STATION OF COAL CRUSHER使用说明书OPERATIONAL INSTRUCTION山西电力设备厂SHANXI ELECTRIC POWER EQUIPMENT FACTORY目录1 型号意义 22 .用途 23 .技术规格 24 .结构与工作原理 35 .操作和保养 36 .故障及排除方法 47 .附:液压系统图 51 型号意义SY82 用途SY8型碎煤机液压站为 HCS系列环锤式碎煤机的配套产品。主要用于驱动该机的液压缸,以启闭前后机盖,便于碎煤机的检修。本液压站也可用于其他机械设备的检修或需要承重的场合。3 技术规格液压站

2、的液压系统参数及驱动油缸性能分别见表1和表2表1液压系统参数目 项位 单目 项位 单油泵号量力 型流压lnr Umbb兀 9 58A 8 7-电动机艸V勺.544L 1 9系 统量 流n mi /流励rji.5)2-6积 容 效 有 箱 油LO1 土66溢流阀一一液压油号 牌r二r量 用表2驱动油缸性能碎煤机型号HCSZ-100HCSZ-200HCSZ-300HCSZ-500HCSZ-700HCSCHCSC6HCSZ-600HCSZ-800SPM-14系列SPM-16系列HCSC81012系统图油缸组号IIIInI n油缸内径mm506380100125活塞杆径mm2835455570推出端c

3、m219.6431.1750.2778.54122.72拉回端cm213.4821.1734.3753.9184.23单缸驱动力进程推力tfKN1.4914.592.3823.373.1430.794.9148.117.6775.17回程拉力tfKN1.0310.11.6516.162.1521.053.3733.025.6351.594 结构与工作原理液压站由吸油口滤油器、齿轮油泵、溢流阀、手动换向阀、单向节流阀、胶管总成,快速接头, 压力表及开关、油管、油箱、空气滤清器等元件组成。交流电动机通过爪形联轴器带动齿轮泵旋转,压力油进入溢流阀由压力表显示标定压力,M型换向阀实现执行元件(油缸)的

4、进程和回程的油路换向。单向节流阀以节流调速改变工作速度。回 油路的油液及溢流阀的余油汇集后经连接块的溢流口流回油箱。5 操作和保养5.1 根据液压系统图及表 2,按照所要驱动的碎煤机液压缸,将快速接头体I及尼龙垫圈与油缸的 接头相联接。并且检查管路各接头是否可靠。5.2检查油泵电机的转向是否正确。从轴头方向观察应为顺时针方向旋转。5.3 起动前油箱油面应位于油标的上端。起动后油面应处于油标中可视位置。若从油标中看不到油 面时应补充油,见下图。1L 1油面下'1 二Ll ")5.4缓缓转动电机(或反复起动电机),使泵的排出管卸载,排出泵体内及管路中的空气。5.5电机停转后重新起

5、动时,需间隔一分钟方可进行。5.6 调整溢流阀的压力到 75bar若需要更高的工作压力时,可作相应的调整,但不允许超过14 Obar。5.7 工作油的粘度为1738厘斯(2.55° E),推荐采用30#机油。5.8 正常油温为1060 C,当起动时油温低于 0C,要对工作油预热,待油温升至5 C方可进行。5.9从空气滤清器向油箱内注渍,其滤网的过滤精度主为120目/寸。5.10应定期取样检查工作油的颜色、透明度、沉淀物及气味等,若油变质或严重污染,应及时更换。一般每一年应更换一次。6故障及排除方法序号故障性质产生原因排除方法1油泵排油, 但达不到工作压力1. 溢流阀动作不良2. 油压

6、回路无负荷3. 系统漏油1 .拆卸阀体检查修复2. 检查油路加负荷3. 检查管道制止泄漏2有压力但不排油或 者容积效率下降1. 泵内密圭寸件损坏2. 吸入异物在滑动部分产 生异常摩擦1 .与制造厂联系进行修理2.进行检查排除异物3噪声过大1. 吸入管太细2. 吸油口滤油器堵塞3. 吸入管或其他部位吸入 空气4. 油箱内有气泡5. 油箱内油面过低6. 泵的安装基础刚性不足7. 转速和压力超出规定值&联轴器噪声大1 .更换较大内径的油管2. 清洗3. 向吸入管注油找出不良处4. 检查回油路防止发生气泡5. 加油到规定油面6. 提高安装基础刚度7. 检查转速、压力及油路&检查联轴器有

7、无损伤或错 位过大4油泵发热1. 容积效率不良,泵内进入 空气2. 轴承磨损3. 油粘度过高,润滑不良油 污严重1. 排除空气,提高容积效率2. 更换新轴承3. 更换新油7附:液压系统图In广丁丄11 .一$* 杠-J>- -r*” b吨#丨§ 0rr .1 l性能参数项目单位数据额定流量L/min8.19标定压力bar75功率KW1.5转速r/min940液压用油30#机油油箱加油量L60 ± 1012EF1-25空气滤清器Q=66L/min,滤面 80cm2, 精度0.9mm1温州轻纺机械厂11JB1957-77卡套式压力 表管接头G6 M14*1.51上海液压附

8、件厂10Y-60压力表P=0160bar1阳泉仪表厂9Q/ZB275-77快速接头(两端开闭)Dg=10mm,P=320bar, Q=40L/mi n2上海液压附件厂8JB1885-77胶管总成A型扣压式,13 n -3000 ,P=200bar2上海液压附件厂7LDF-L10C单向节流阀Dg=10mm,P=140bar, Q=25L/min2榆次液压件厂634SM-B10H-T手动换向阀Dg=10mm,P=315bar, Q=40L/mi n1上海液压件一厂5YF-B10H-y1溢流阀Dg=10mm,P=70210bar, Q=40L/mi n14CB-FA10C-FL齿轮油泵P=140ba

9、r, n=1800r/mi n, q=11.27ml/r1榆次液压件厂3Y100L-6( V1)电动机N=1.5KW, n=940r/mi n,U=380V12WU-63*80-J吸油口滤清 器Dg=25mm , Q=63L,精度 80um1上海高行液压件厂1SY8.3油箱箱内 492*412*4951序 号代号名称规格数量备注SY8型碎煤机液压站SY8-SM使用说明书液压系统图山西电力设备厂OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSFORTYPE SY8 HYORAULIC STATION OF COAL CRUSHERSHANXI POWER EQUIPMENT PLANT1. Desi

10、g nati on of type are as follows:S Y 8Rate flow show n in in tegral partIn itial letter of Chin ese phon etic alphabet for Hydraulic Stati onIn itial letter of Chin ese phon etic alphabet for coal crusher2. Applicati onsType SY8 hydraulic station of coal crusher is a matched product of the HCS serie

11、s ring hammer coal crusher. It is used to actuate the hydraulic cylinders to open and close the front and rear mach ine covers and reset the scree n deck frame so as to be convenient for in specti on and repair of the coal crusher.This hydraulic stati on can be also used for in specti on and repair

12、of other equipme nt or where weights are n ecessary to be supported.3. Tech ni cal specificatio nsTech ni cal parameters of the hydraulic system of the hydraulic stati on and performa nee of the activating cylinders are shown separately in Table 1 and Table 2.Table 1 Tech ni cal Parameters of Hydrau

13、lic SystemItemsUnitDataItemsUnitDataTypeY100L-6(TypeCB-FA10CV1)Hydraulic-FLElectricPowerKW1.5pumpFlowL/min8.19motorSpeedr/min940PressureMPa7.85VoltageV400FlowL/min6.825SystemEffective tank areaL60 ± 10PressureMPa6.25PressureMPa714Graderegulating#30ReliefscopeHydraulicOilkgmachi neoilvalveNomina

14、lMPaoilquantityoperatingused57 ± 9.5pressure7.5Table 2Performa nee of Activati ng cyli ndersTypes of coal crushersHCSZ-300HCSP-400HCSQ-700HCSC6HCSC81012Cylinder set No. in the hydraulicIII nIncircuit diagramInner diameters of hydraulic cylindersmm6380100125Piston rod diametersmm35455570Pushing

15、endcm231.1750.2778.54122.72Action areaPulling endcm221.1734.3753.9184.23tf2.383.144.917.67Actuating force Push on advancing strokeKN23.3730.7948.1175.17of singletf1.652.153.375.63cylinderPull on returning strokeKN16.1621.0533.0251.594. Con structi on and worki ng prin cipleThe hydraulic station is c

16、onsisted of suction filter, gear pump, relief valve, hand operated directional valve, one-way throttle valve, hose assembly, quick-release couplings pressure meters and switches, oil pipes, oil tank air filters, etc.When the gear pump is rotated by a AC electric motor through a claw coupling, the pr

17、essure oil is brought into a relief valve where the no rmal pressure is in dicated by a pressure meter. A type M directi onal valve is used for cha nging the direct ions of actuators (hydraulic cyli nders) for their adva ncing and returni ng strokes. The on e-way throttle valve can cha nge the worki

18、ng speed by means of restriction speed regulation. The oil in the return line and remai ning oil in the relief valve shall be collected and returned to the oil tank through the discharg ing ope ning.5. Operati on and maintenance5.1 In accorda nce with the hydraulic system diagram and Table 2 and the

19、 con struct ion of the hydraulic cylinders for actuating the coal crusher, the quick-release couplings I and nylon washers shall be connected to the connections of the hydraulic cylinders and the couplings of the line shall be checked for their reliability.5.2 The electric motor for hydraulic pump s

20、hall be inspected for its correct rotating direction. View from the shaft end, the motor shall be rotated clockwise.5.3 Before starting the oil level of the tank shall be over the oil gauge. After starting the oil level shall be in the oil gauge at a visible oppositi on. Whe n the oil level can not

21、be found from the oil gauge, oil shall be supplemented in the tank, as shown in the following figure.L1=L/2 ± 5mm5.4 The electric motor shall be slowly rotated (or the motor is started repeatedly) to uni oad the discharg ing pipe line so as to remove air in the pump body and the pipe line.5.5 W

22、hen the electric motor is re-started after it stops, it shall be carried out after one minute interval.5.6 The pressure of relief valve shall be adjusted to 7.5MPa, when the more high pressures are required, appropriate adjustme nt shall be made. It is now allowed to exceed 14 MPa.5.7 The viscosity

23、of the working oil shall be from 17 centistoke to 38 centistoke (2.5 5° E) #30 machine oil is recommended to use.5.8 The normal oil temperature shall be from 10 °C to 60°C . When oil temperature is below 0C at starting, the working oil shall be warmed up. The machine shall be started

24、when oil temperature reach C .5.9 Oil shall be filled to the oil tank from air filter, in which the strainer has a filtration size of 120 meshes/i nch.5.10 The working oil shall be checked at regular intervals for its colour, transparency, settling material, smell and so on. If the oil is deteriorat

25、ed or polluted badly, it shall be cha nged in time. As a rule, oil shall be cha nged once a year.6. Malfu nctions and elim in ati onSer.No.MalfunctionsCausesElimination1Although the oil pump is discharged, but the operating pressure can not be met1. The relief valve is operated improperly.2. There a

26、re no load in the hydraulic circuit.3. Oil leakage are found in the system1. The valve body shall be dismounted for inspection and repair.2. The hydraulic circuit shall be inspected and loaded.3. The pipe line shall be inspected to prevent from leakage.2There are pressure in the pump but oil can not

27、 be discharged or the volume efficiency is cut down.1. The sealings in the pump may be damaged.2. Sucked-in foreign material produce abnormal friction in the sliding part.1. The manufacturers shall be brought into contact for repair.2. Inspection shall be carried out to eliminate foreign material.3E

28、xcessive noise are found1. The suction line is too thin.2. The filter at the suction inlet is blocked.3. Air are sucked in the suction line or other parts.4. There are air bubbles in the oil tank.5. The oil level is too low in theoil tank.6. The installation foundation is short of rigidness.7. The s

29、peed and pressure exceed the specified values.8. There is a big noise at the coupling.1. The oil pipe or hose with bigger diameters shall be replaced.2. Cleaning and washing shall be carried out.3. The suction line shall be filled with oil to find the improper positions.4. The return oil line shall

30、be inspected to prevent from producing bubbles.5. Oil shall be filled to the specified level.6. The rigidness of the installing foundation shall be improved.7. The speed, pressure and oil circuit shall be inspected.8. The coupling shall be checked for damage or excessive misalignment.4Heating is pro

31、duced in the oil pump1. The volume efficiency is improper or air enter into the pump.2. The bearing is worn.3. Viscosity of oil is too high, lubrication is improper and oil is polluted badly.1. Air shall be exhausted and volume efficiency shall be improved.2. New bearing shall be replaced.3. Oil sha

32、ll be changed or replaced.12EF1-25Air filterQ=66L/min, Filtering area80cm2, Filtration value0.279mm1Wenzhou Light-industryTextile Machinery Plant11JB1957-77Cutting ring coupling for pressure meterG6 M14*1.51Shanghai HydraulicAttachment Plant10Y-60Pressure meterP=0 16MPa1Yangquan Instruments Plant9Q/ZB275-77Quick-release couplingDg=10mm, P=32MPa,Q=40L/min2Shanghai HydraulicAttachment Plant8JB1885-77Hose assemblyType A, lock joint form,13n -3000,P=20MPa2Shanghai HydraulicAttachment P


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