



1、Unit 6 Hows the Weather in Your Country?【教学重点】1. 学生能根据实际情况进行对话:How s the weather in your country?How s the weather insummer?2. 重点单词: sun, wind, rain, snow, cloud【教学难点】1. 难点:能听、说、读、写单词 sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy, windy2. 能听说理解句子 How s the weather in _ ?【教具准备】天气卡片,随堂 PPT【教学过程】热身复习( Warm-up/Revision )

2、1. Greetings and free talkT: Hello, boys and girls. How are you?S: Hello, Miss. I m fine, thank you, and you?T: I m fine, too. Thank you very much.(Say hello to the teachers together)T: What day is it? What month is it? (不断的用一些日常用语和孩子们进行对话,能温故知新,锻炼提高孩子们的口语能力)Sing “ The month song ”(孩子们喜欢用歌唱的形式学习英语,

3、并且能够通过歌曲的形式提高学生的学习积极性, 能 快速的平静他们的心情,从操场上回到课堂上)2. Review.1)、Review “ What day is it? What s the date?利用日历来复习日期,比较直观,能够调动 学习积极性 )2)、Review“ sun, wind, cloud, rain, snow” with thesentence It is a/ theWhat is it?在 ” 复习过程中,边找学生说,边简笔画出这些图片,为下一环节做铺垫)呈现新课 (Presentation)1、 Show a picture which has the sun. P

4、oint to the sun and say: Look class“! There is the sun, the sun isshining. Howhe esather? It is sunny. Say“ sunny ” 利用图 m 片比较直观,便于理解,而且在谈论这些图片的同时,不断的说一些日常用语,能够扩充学生的词汇量)2、 Play a guessing game to practice the new words.(学生们喜欢边玩边学, 游戏能够尽量避免学习的单调性, 激发学习兴趣。 而且猜猜的游戏, 更能够让孩子们说出他们能想到的单词,从而也更好的了解他们对新知识的掌握程度

5、)3、 Chant:Weather, weather, hows the weather?Sunny, sunny, the sun is shining.Weather, weather, hows the weather?Windy, windy, the kite is flying.Weather, weather, hows the weather?Snowy, snowy, let s play in the snow.Weather, weather, hows the weather?Cloudy and rainy, cloudy and rainy,Please close

6、 the door and window.(利用自编 chant,能够更充分的练习新学内容,而且朗朗上口的句子便于学生学习,调动其学习积极性 )4、 OK, class. Please look out the window. How s the weather today?找几名学生回答问题, 让学生充分了解 today 的含义。 然后接下来就问 “ Hows the weather in March?“提示学生,让他们试着回答,然后接着问: “ Hows the weather in April? “等 着学生们回答完毕后,请同学们 :” Very good. Now let s list

7、en to Miss Zhang and Li Ming. Then tell me that how s the weatherin July.引入课堂第二部分。5、 要求学生听音跟读课文6、 Pair work. 要求学生们模仿 Miss Zhang and Li Ming 组织或者朗读课文。 (在听过地道的 英语以后,让学生模仿练习,能够不断的提高他们的诵读能力,而且通过听读,能让学生自 查自己在发音方面的欠缺,从而查漏补缺)7、要求学生看课文第三部分,教授Lasha, Harbin 的读音,告诉学生在提问天气的时候可以用月份或者城市、国家名称来填写句子Hows the weather

8、in _ ?从而来了解某个月份某个城市的天气情况。然后让孩子们试着进行Group work. 练习句型。8、Play “Stop, Go! ”(让更多的学生参与对话,而且能活跃课堂气氛,也更能巩固句子和 单词)五、 Class closing.Homework: Watch the weather forecast tonight, and then tell me that how s the weather in Beijing?(各种特色作业能及时了解孩子们的掌握情况,而且变化多样的作业形式更能调动学生的兴 趣)Step4. HomeworkWatch the weather forecast tonight. And tell us


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