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1、Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years.一、英汉互译。(每小题1分,共25分。)1. 庭院拍卖会 2. toy n.3.熊4. maker n.5.面包机6.scarf n.7.记忆; 回忆 8.soft adj.9.软体玩具10.check v.&n11.察看12.board n.13 .棋牌游戏 14.no longer15 .铁路;铁道 16.truthful adj.17 .家乡;故乡 18.among prep.19 .彩色铅笔20.count v.21.依据;按照 22.opposite adj.23.童年;幼年 24.

2、consider v.25.拥有;抓住二、单项选题(每小题1分,共15分。)( )26. I Ann with her Chinese over the years, but she can' speak it at all.Never mind, she is too young.A. have helped B. help C.helping D.helped( )27. My parents Shandong for ten years.A. have been inB. have been toC. have gone toD. have been( )28. I '

3、nsorry, Lucy. I your computer for such a long time. Never mind.A. have borrowed B. have lentB. C. have kept D. have returned()29. My brother this book for two days.A. has bought B. has kept C. has borrowed D. has lent( )30. It ten years since he left the army.A. is B. has C. will D. were( )31. The p

4、ostman arrived a short ago.A. when B. sometime C. some time D. while( )32. It seems that you are interested in this novel.Yeah. I it as one of the best novels I ' vever read.A. regard B. think C. look D. say( )33. It ' as shame for a young man like you hard.A. no to study B. to not studyC. n

5、ot to study D. not study( )34. So far, they five Japanese songs.A. learned B. had learnedC. have learned D. learn( )35. who was wounded in the stomach.A. Among them were a soldierB. Among them was a soldierC. Among them a soldier wasD. Among they was a soldier( )36. Last year of new books on environ

6、mental protection were published.A. the millionB. millionsC. a millionD. one million( )37.has Mr. White been a member ofGreener China?Since heto China.A. How soon; comes B. How often; gotB. C. How long;came D. How far; arrived( )38. I my hometown for a long time. I really miss it.A. leftB. went away

7、 fromC. have leftD. have been away from()39. Have you ever been to the Great Wall? Not yet. I it this year.A. visitedB. have visitedC. was visitingD. will visit()40. Where is your father? He Australia and he Sydney for two weeks.A. has been to; has been inB. has gone to; has been in C. has been in;

8、has been to D. has gone to; has been to三、完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)Let me tell you about the best day of my life! I got up early and ran to the kitchen in my pyjams (睡衣).It was my thirteenth birthday and I was really 41 .In fact, I wasn ' t sleeping all night because I kept 42 all the presents I would ge

9、t.I walked into the kitchen with a big smile on my face, 43 nobody looked up. Mum and Dad were reading their newspapers while my two older brothers were eating breakfast. 44 said a word! ”They have forgotten about my birthday!” I saidto myself. I turned around and walked out of the 45 . Suddenly, I

10、heard a noise, so I went back to 46 what it was. I couldn ' t believe my eyes! There were 10ts4f on the kitchen table. “Surprise! ” 48heaed When I turned around, I saw Mum, Dad and my brothers! Mum was holding a huge 49 with candles and they were singing “ Happy Birthday " to me. We shared

11、the cake and opened all the presents.They didn ' 50 my birthday after all. It really was the best day of my life!( )41.A. lonely B. excited C. successful D. weak( )42.A. thinking about B. picking upC. taking outD.putting away()43.A. for B. so C. or D. but()44.A. Nobody B. Anybody C. Somebody D.

12、Everybody( )45.A.garden B. kitchen C. bedroom D. study( )46.A.see B. taste C. explain D. choose( )47.A.newspapers B. presents C. menus D. rings()48.A.of B. above C. behind D. from( )49.A. picture B. bowl C. spoon D. cakeD. celebrate( )50.A.realise B. enjoy C. forget四、阅读理解。(每小题2分,共20分)AWe live in a w

13、orld that is f川ed with problems and challenges( 挑战).As a student, you may feel that there is little you can do to change something in our life. For example, we can do nothing to help the people in a war. But you can make a difference in the life of other people. You can make the world a better and h

14、appier place.Just ask Yuan Ke, a college student from Lanzhou, Gansu, and he knows how to bring a smile to a stranger. Yuan Ke was moved by a small thing after his grandmother died. During the sad time, his family searched for all photos of his beloved grandmother and were surprised to find that the

15、re was only one phototheone Yuan Ke took with his phone.This experience got Yuan Ke thinking about all of the old people. They probably have very few pictures of themselves. In China' s villages, it ' s impossible for manypeople to have a digital camera. This fact gave him a chance to make a

16、 difference.He started taking pictures for old people of these remote( 偏远的)villages. He offered them their own photos for free.Yuan Ke has done a small thing, but it means a lot to those old people. Many people may notice a thing like this and think how sad it is, but they just do nothing and then m

17、ove on with their day. Yuan Ke was different. He thought of what he could do to make a small difference. He then followed that idea and one picture at a time, has brought many smiles to thousands of families as a result.As Yuan Ke said, "It ' s really a simple thing to do. We just need to s

18、tart.”( )51 .According to the passage, Yuan Ke ' s grandmother had photo(s) of her own when she died.A. only one B. two C. several D. many( )52.Yuan Ke began to for old people of remote villages.A. give money B. take photosC. buy digital cameras D. cook dinner( )53.According to the passage, it &

19、#39; s important for us to when comeup with an idea to make the world better.A. startB. stopC. move on with our dayD. do our own jobs( ) 54.What does the underlined phrase“for free ” in the third paragraph mean inChinese?A. 悠闲的 B. 自由的 C. 释放 D. 免费的( ) 55.From the passage we know Yuan Ke is .A. a kind

20、-hearted personB. B. a strong personC. a clever personD. D. a smart personBWhat s going to happen in the future? Will robots control our planet? Will computers become smarter than us? Not likely. But here are some things that scientists say are most likely to happen in 10 to 30 years from now, accor

21、ding to the BBC.Digital moneyWe used to pay with cash( 现金 ) for everything we bought. Now when we use a credit card( 信用卡 ) to shop online, money is spent without us seeing it. That means we are already using digital money. Using a card is much easier than searching our pockets for change. It is also

22、 safer than carrying a lot of cash.When ATM cards were first introduced, they were not accepted everywhere.But now it s hard to live without them. It s reported that people in Swedencompletely stopped using cash last year, and the US might be next.Bionic( 仿生的 ) eyeIt s no longer something only in a

23、science fiction movie. People wh o are blind may have a chance to get their sight back by wearing bionic eyes.A blind eye can no longer sense light, but a bionic eye can use a camera to “see” the environment and send data数据)to the mind. Now the bionic eye only allows patients to see lights and uncle

24、ar shapes. A high resolution( 高清的 ) image could be just a few years away.Self-driving carsUnlike a human driver, a self- driving car won ' t get distracted) by a phone call, the radio or something outside the window. Sensors( 探测器 ) and cameras on the car would allow it to stick strictly to the r

25、ules of the road and keep a safe distance from other cars. This would greatly reduce the number of road accidents. You could even take a nap while the car drives itself. In the future, driverless cars would be widely accepted.( ) 56. has stopped using cash completely.A. Sweden B. ATM C. BBC D. Ameri

26、ca( ) 57.What does the writer mainly tell us about digital money?A. We use digital money to shop online without paying money.B. Digital money is most likely to be used instead of cash.C. Using cash is easier and safer than a credit card.D. ATM cards are always popular.( ) 58.Which of the following s

27、tatements is TRUE?A. Bionic eyes only appear in the science fiction film.B. Human drivers won t get distracted by something outside.C. The blind wearing bionic eyes may see clearly in the future.D. There will be no road accidents at all if self-driving cars are used. ( ) 59.From the report, we can l

28、earn some information about.A. culture and art B. industry and farmingC. science and technology D. traffic and journey( ) 60.Which of the following can be predicted( 预测 ) from the passage?A. There would be a number of self-driving cars.B. The blind could use cameras to see things around.C. We would

29、live a hard life with digital money.D. Robots would control the world.五、.根据句意及汉语提示填写正确单词。(每小题1 分,共 5 分)61 .You couldn t eat anything 甜的().They are bad for your teeth.62 .He s an 诚实的() boy. You should believe him.63 .The boy ( 看作 ) his father as a hero( 英雄 ).64 .He likes something delicious very much

30、, ( 尤其 ) chocolate.65 .Two hundred years means two ( 世纪 ).六.根据汉语意思完成句子。(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)66 .老实说,现在我已经有一段时间没有踢足球了。, I have not played soccer for a while now.67 .如今上百万的中国人离开农村去城市寻找工作。, millions of Chinese leave the countryside to for work in the cities.68 .快点!电影已经开始5 分钟了。Hurry up! The movie for 5 minut

31、es.69 .真遗憾!他们已经离开这儿了。It s a that they have.70 .你将怎么处理你的旧书呢?will youyour old books?七、书面表达。( 15 分)澳大利亚学生Sam 最近又来到了北京。他去了王府井,发现那里发生了巨大的变化。请你以 Sam 的身份给父母寄一张明信片,参考以下单词、短语介绍王府井发生的变化。1. happy, visit, again2. change, take place3. go, Wangfujing Street, building, shop, marketln L iny kin-RL il l il rr limhl!

32、 ?VH 3132l 周 r”li;i、完形填空Driving in ChinaI have been driving cars since I reached the pedals(板).In Canada you 3616 to get a driver 'license137 myself to be a very good driver.I visited China 20 years ago.I with my wife was in Shanghai to give a paper at a conference.We38the number of bicycles on

33、the roads and the few cars.In Canada almos t each family has one car , but it was 39 that most Chinese depended on bicycles.I 40 Shanghai and to other Chinese cities many times since then andhave watched the fast changes on the roads.There are far fewer bicycles now but41 cars.The roads are crowded

34、, the government has been forced to limit the n umber of days some cars can 42and the traffic jams are almost constant.So are the accidents.On a recent visit I saw four or five 43 within a two-week period.To get a driver ' license in Canada , you must drive , with an examiner , on real44roads an

35、d in real traffic.However , in China you learn on a closed course real traffic , get a license and only then are able to drive under real roads.Driving in Canada and driving in China 45 two different experiencesn Canada there are traffic jams but they aren ' so bad.We have more traffic lights ;

36、w e obey them and drivers are usually 46, allowing other cars to cut in frontof them knowing it won' make much difference.In China , if you stop47another car cut in front of you will probably be there for a long time because once one c ar gets in , dozens of 48 will follow.I would rather 49 the

37、bus than drive my car in downtown Shanghai and Beijing. Because it ' s 50 and stronger than most things that might run intoit.三、翻译妈妈已经离开家快一个月了,我盼望看到她。(away;100k forward to)Mum from home for nearly a month. I seeing her. 你曾考虑过出国深造吗?(consider)Have you ever abroad for further study?51 .每年许多毕业生到大城市寻

38、找工作。(search)Many graduates the jobs in big cities every year.52 .我叔叔过去常常每年回家一次。(use)My uncleonce a year.53 .在我看来,他这件事做得很不错。(opinion)In, he did it very well.54 .按照卡见定,酒后不准开车。(according)the rules, people can' drive after drinking.55 .至王乔,她现在日子过得不错。(as for)Jo, she' doing fine now.56 .这台电脑不正常工作了

39、,你检查下好吗?(check)This computer is not working properly. Could you please it? 58.说实在的,我只是不想去。(honest), I just don,want to go.59.与朋友分开我感到很伤心。(part)I felt very sad my friends.62 .自我上次见她已经三年了It is three years I met her last time.63 .那家店铺在车站的对面。(across)The store is the station.66 .人们把那些志愿者应该被视为英雄l(regard)People the volunteers heroes.72 .他不懈地学习着,直到丕更讨厌数学为止。(long)He worked and worked until he hated mathematics.74 .你拥有那辆自行车多长时间了 ?(have) have you that bike over there ?76 .我用它学会了如何骑自行车。(ride)I learned a bike on it.77 .每年有上百万人从乡村来城里工作。(million)Ever


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