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1、人教版七年级第一次月考英语 试题秋季班 101 III MIIHIIIIIIHI III MIIHIIIIIIHI III 器嘿整奥1人教版初一(上)练习册STATER UNIT 1 - UNIT 3REVISION 殁螂 1 - UNIT 4蹴I挈考中会经常遇到1. nice烧餐3. CD:'F面的单词, 9靖b. grandparents你知道他们的意思2a玛 uestion4. computer6. listTTpriOIO你噩噩用颜色用英语怎么表达吗?5.绿色(的)2.6:蓝色(的)国我的臀或词组都是飞助多义,你知嘤和的意思Lwatfeh 艺 , 2. floor 3. rin

2、g A journey of a thousand mi les begins with a single step.(教师版)2秋季班 l"l III MIIHIIIIIIHI III MIIHIIIIIIHI III 器嘿整奥4. dearII.词组综合复习下面的词组你都掌握了吗?A journey of a thousand mi les begins with a single step.(教师版)60媛 Starter Uni”缔 eUnit Th re1 早上殍7.用英语说2.下午均免3.晚上好4j6.谢谢俅力10. 一个温暖野子1 .回答问题廨/Unit One2.看一

3、看,看看3 .电话号码5 .姓氏1 .铅笔盒岁吸失物招领财足02 .卷笔刀.英汉字典3 .请原谅;对不起;打扰8 .在字典里查阅单词9 .电子游戏1 .为.宓二而感谢 3,照相UnitT2 .在书桌上秋季班 101 III MIIHIIIIIIHI III MIIHIIIIIIHI III 器嘿整奥A journey of a thousand mi les begins with a single step.(教师版)84.我家人的照片6.帮助我学5.我叔叔的女儿1 .在床上2.在沙暧h_ 5.在抽屉里关6.在梳妆台£3,把靖来7 .从到-8闹钟4.到带到III.句型综合尊翁写出下

4、列是在什么骼很用的句子) 1Good morning!Good afternoon!Good ing!HelloL«Hi!-How are you ?-Fine, thank you. (And you?)Whafs this in English/Chinese/Japanese?2009 秋季班 llll >>> MIIHIIIIIIHI III MIIHIIIIIHII III -最呼更肥3 lus a ruler/an orange.-Spell it, please.-OK. K-E-Y.3. 缝兔一知色-What tne color? = Vfchat

5、color is it?It's rdd/green/white/brown/pink.-How do you do?-How do you do?-Nice to rneet you! ,0 -Nice tQTneet you, too 5,刃切-Excuse me, whatJs your (tamiiy/first )name Y 4Vly name is Lily. / You can call me Lily.-Excusehone numbe6256897c尹e, whafs yoitelep 锌hone numodt is 010(7.This is a book. /

6、These are books. That is an apple. / Those are apples.8.Where is The cat?It is undethe bed.V.综合练习题髓,提示词曾相应单3靖?靖尹2. My r_is in the pencil case.(尺子)3. There is m on the wall.4. - What cis it?_ It is black;A journey of a thousand mi les begins with a single step.(教师版)9秋季班 l“l III MIIHIIIIIIHI III MIIHI

7、IIIIIHI III -SWF惠我黑A journey of a thousand mi les begins with a single step.(教师版)115. My mother gives me an aclock on mybirthday.6. It is a black and white j7. -This Mike. His fatg8. - Please sit.is my一 Ok. K-E-Y:9. That is your Chinese d.(字典)10. It is very cold. I na warm coj11. The can ect the mis

8、taKi谢 in yo&r exercise bo布(掾陵掾) 12. Merry Christmas,_13. They are my parents. I am their d 14.1 lost my video t,15. Jenny and I are good f .()1.下面的冬母哪一个不是元音宓母?c 一A. A a B. 11(X 0 u D. F f()2.下面选项中不属于见面打招呼用语的是friend.em°rning!步B靖 GoodC. Go6d night!D.Goodafternoon!()3. Whafs this English?一a bo

9、olcA- inbT B-理is isThafs()4,可瑞Z is A6y. That'sorange.A. a, a B. an, an C. a, an D.an, a()5. What color iy,? /It'swtet IfsA. a? an B7/,3/ the, an ()6. It's my cat. nameA. ItB Itswhite jacket.C77, an 匚D.It'sis Kitty.C. It is D.秋季班 lll,l III MIIHIIIIIIHIIIII MIIHIIIIIHI III 巧学而用教网”,www.

10、eduu.CQm-How are you?A. I am fine, thank you.C. Th铲 Ok. you?.铲步()8. - Your jacket ls nice.B' I'm sorry.D. I'm空ood, andA. Yes, if s nice.C. Thafs OK.mine. 修®按季()9.4>Wave a good fr硫& HisI can call him ,刃”B. Thank you.D. No,嗓 it's notname rfjim Green.A. JimC. Mr. Jim.GreenD.

11、 Mr. Jim Green()10. "?” "It is seven.”A. Howjold are you?is it? q爹.C. Wnafs your telephone number? Whafs three and four?at dayD.()11. Please call meA. in B. at4592237.()12. Is that your co and fou 'case?A. in 靖atC. bymputer game , at *C. to()135-Yes, I m Keith Brown.A. How are you? nam

12、e?D. onD. of the lost Whafs yourC. Are you Keith Browfi.?QExcuseme. ArawSur name Keith Brown? 1砥 ()14. How your sister?一She is fine.A. are B. isC. be D.()1 家喻 y familyA. ahi B. is beD.16. Look at the photo. The girl besideismyC. meD.A journey of a thousand mi les begins with a single step.(教师版)13200

13、g 秋季班 llll HI MIIHIIIIIIHI III MIIHIIIIIHI III .学而EB教目u.cpmmine()17. Where is my baseball?It is the floor, the table.A. un嫩r, uner BTon, wftderC. o晨N嘘生 D. undeon()18. Emma, can you bring me something todrink, please? I some water.A. bring氏 takeC. needD. look for()19Where is my 蝇sketball? 赞冷A.

14、 Tliey are on the floor.B. It is in thedrawer.C. They are on the sofa.D. It is underthe bed.is aPhotoyouunt?()21.1A. notknow his e-mail address.don'tC. noD.D.am notte ohoto?中翳vail?()22. Where is the 中son1A. th* -BTthat()23. “Is Jim cousin?A. you B. her7()24. Happy teachers' day! Thanksgreat

15、help, my dear teacher!A. of B. for 2 C. becauerC they""No, he isnt”C. my D. hewith v*()2宓匚Is this Yes.your D.A. your, it is BTyou, it is D. her, it isn't吊:饕磐一个棒球,请把它拼出来。It's. Please2. It's a mapF5T the US.划线部分提问7it.A journey of a thousand mi les begins with a single step.(教师版)1

16、52009 秋季班 llll III MIIHIIIIIIHI III MIIHIIIIIHI III -左呼用我黑it?a The ruler is green.(就划线部分提问) the ruler?然物招领箱里有一串新钥JThere is八甜r遇9. Is this your ¥ackpack?(做否定回答)"the losafid sound caIxl is.10. Is Wang your family name?(改为陈述句)White. -7T13. Pleased call Grace&>Her telephone«mimber i

17、s466571攀(合并成一句片H.4.1 'm t醇thanks.(根嘤谓写出问句)瞬5. Whafs this-背包 一6. Her name is Jane._ .心一 name?0晓7. hraniis, name, hlsBrid, first, White, is, name, is/asM连词成句)与的美好祝福。人.资0.«svour sweet wishes.15. Lu&'s keys are in t/e drawer.(就划线部分提问)四.完成句子A journey of a thousand mi les begins with a si

18、ngle step.(教师版)17<2009 秋季班 1。1 >>> MIIHIIIIIIHI IIIL克姆,晚上好。,.Good ,Jim.2.我叫爱玛,很匍兴认识你。EmyolE-5.格蕾丝,你奶奶身体筹吗?, 八your qrandma. Ghee?4 .那个用英语怎么说?that English? .,请把宣捱鬲出菊靖飞6.它的颜色是黑 It'sapp e. kk第I间断。ase前脾E?notos?e(最喜爱的)phot6s.(改为一favoritethese«=1,爱丽.W信|追复妙,3,提示词b m say hello to.;a set

19、of keys(一串钥匙),t6 one's delight 的是), lose, yellow, take.to., the tost and found case, find, thank you, you are welcome.A journey of a thousand mi les begins with a single step.(教师版)19秋季班 l"l III MIIHIIIIIIHI III MIIHIIIIIIHI III 器嘿整奥A journey of a thousand mi les begins with a single step.(教

20、师版)26作文范例:Alice and Jack met each other on the road. They said hello to each other. Alice told Jim that she hadlost her keys. She couldn't find them anywhere. They werQ a set of vellowkeys. To her de ' J ' saw ayellow Tn the lost and4Gnd case in the fnorning. Hecase. Thank goodness! Alic

21、e found her keys there.happy.1 1 " .welcoht, Jimlice to the lost and found,Alice thanked Jack very come. We are good friends, said Jack. Alice did not worry about her keys any 1。峰飞鸳产 .靖She was very much. "You are答委卷L重点单词复渗电,0靖0梦一.我惮习中会经常遇到下面的单词,你知道他们的意思吗?1 .好的;令人愉快的5.祖父(母),外祖父(母)2 .问题耍笑才6.

22、名单靖3 .光盘厂7.照片4.电脑,打算机0簟1二.你知道下面的颜色用英语怎么表达吗?1. red 2. yellow 3. white 4. black5. green 6. Blue三.下面改单词或词组都是一词多义,你知道他们的意思吗?多"泮或衿'2.4.1.手表;观看 地面;层3.戒指,昂贵的;亲爱的ii.词组综合复习F面的瞥你都掌握了啜售步/ Starter Unit One-Unit Three1. good morning2. good afternoon3. gooEvening4. good night5. name list6. thank y。岭”Unit

23、 One1. .answer guestions 金像能 4. ID cardq2. look-Si /have a look'at 5. family namb3. telephone number 6. a girl's name1. pencil case2. pencil sharpenerUnit Two3. excuse me4. a set of keys5. computer gamethe dictionary6. lost ang found9. her ring7. Q磅nglish-Chine蟾10. the wiri&w of thedictionaryclassroom8. look up theword inUnit Three1. thanks for2.on the djesk0争J3.take photosUnit Four1.on th&螃d2.on the sofa3. bring.to4. take.t.5.in the啸awer6. thank yo4.the photo of my family o5.my uncle's廖Hghter , 6.help me with my math2009 秋季班 l"l III MIIHIIIIIIIH


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