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1、Lean Green Belt TrainingDefineControlImproveAnalyzeMeasureLGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confidential and Proprietary5-S And Visual Controls 5S与可视化控制Measure 测量Define 定义Analyze 分析Improve 改进Control 控制精益生产绿带培训精益生产绿带培训 1LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confidential

2、and ProprietaryModule Objectives 课程目的5-S standards for improvement of safety, quality, andreductions in waste and frustration.改进安全、质量和减少浪费和挫折的改进安全、质量和减少浪费和挫折的5S标准。标准。At the conclusion of this module, the class participant will:本课程结束后,学员将: Know the benefits available through implementation of 5-S and

3、 visual controls. 了解通过实施5S和可视化控制获得的收益。 Understand the essential implementation steps for any work environment. 了解在任何工作环境下的基本实施步骤。 Understand the applicability of 5-S within any process. 了解5S在任何流程中的适用性。2LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confidential and ProprietaryStability ToolsCust

4、omer VOC Takt QFDJustInTimeBuiltInQualityQuality Systems Autonomation Mistake-proofing product processPeople Policy Deployment High Performance Org values design Steering Comm Design Teams Kaizen Multi-process Safety process improvement ergonomicsMaterials Systems Production Smoothing Flow / Pull Li

5、ne Design Kanban SMED P-O-UStability Variation Reduction Class A MRP Visual Controls 5-S Standard Work DFM/DFSS TPMBuilding a stablefoundation.3LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confidential and ProprietaryStability Tools 稳定工具客户客户 VOC 客户之音 节拍 QFD 质量功能展开及时供货建造质量质量体系质量体系 自治 防错 产品 流程人员

6、人员 政策部署 包含员工 价值 设计 领导小组 设计团队 不断改进 多流程 安全 流程改进 人机工程学原料体系原料体系 平稳生产 流/推进 生产线设计 Kanban (看板) SMED 使用点稳定性稳定性 减少变异 A级MRP 真实地控制 5S 标准的工作 DFM/DFSS TPM建立一个稳定的基础。建立一个稳定的基础。4LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confidential and ProprietaryBefore you get too far with Lean, develop a 5-S plan.Compon

7、ents Of Visual Control5-S: Workplace Organization Visual Displays (Levels 1 and 2): Signboards Demarcations Std Work Instructions Boundary Samples Visual Controls (Levels 3,4,5,6): Metric / Status Boards Error Prevention Boards Andons5LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confidential a

8、nd Proprietary5S . 现场组织 直观显示(第1、2层)布告牌划分标准工作指导书边界举例 可视化管理(第3、4、5层)l 测量指标/状态标牌l 防错标牌l 照明度在深入精益生产活动前,形成一个在深入精益生产活动前,形成一个5S计划计划 分类、储存、清洁、标准化和维持分类、储存、清洁、标准化和维持 5S工作区的组织工作区的组织 在现场共享标准在现场共享标准 在工作区域建立标准在工作区域建立标准 警告异常情况(设置预警)警告异常情况(设置预警) 阻止异常情况(防止缺陷继续)阻止异常情况(防止缺陷继续) 防止异常防止异常情况(防差错)情况(防差错) 23456共享信息共享信息 1可视化

9、管理可视化管理 直观展示直观展示 可视化控制的组成6LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confidential and Proprietary5S Video: 5S录像:录像:7LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confidential and ProprietaryThe Benefits Of 5S 5S的好处的好处 A cleaner and more organized work area 一个更清洁、更有序的工作区域 Safer working c

10、onditions更安全的工作条件 Reduction in non-value added time降低非增值时间 Effective work practices有效的工作实践 Efficient work processes 高效率的工作流程 5-S visually demonstrates that change is happening. 5S能直观地展示正在发生的变化 Its quick, makes an immediate positive impact, and can be fun. 能非常迅速地产生积极影响,也可能非常有趣。 5-S facilitates change

11、 towards a culture of continuous improvement. 5S促进了持续改进文化。5-S provides a basis for being a world-class competitor andthe foundation for a disciplined approach to the workplace.5S为那些希望成为世界一流的竞争者提供了一个基础,为对现场进行严谨的分析奠定了基础8LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confidential and ProprietaryThe

12、 5Ss Are. 5S是是Seiri - (Sort) 整理Seiton - (Simplified Storage) 简化储存Seiso - (Shine) 清洁Seketsu - (Standardize) 标准化Shitsuke - (Sustain) 持续A Set Of Agreements Made By The Natural Work Team一套由工作团队达成的共识一套由工作团队达成的共识The agreements will govern work group operations 工作小组的运作将遵守这些共识9LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell

13、 International, Inc. Confidential and Proprietary5S Levels Of AchievementLEVEL5ContinuousImprovementLEVEL4Focus OnReliabilityLEVEL3Make ItVisualLEVEL2Focus OnBasicsLEVEL1JustBeginningSortStoreShineStandardizeSustainCleanliness problemareas are identifiedand mess preventionactions are in place.Cleani

14、ng schedulesand responsibilitiesare documentedand followed.Initial cleaning isdone and messsources are knownand corrected.Necessary and un-necessary items areidentified; those notneeded are gone.Needed and notneeded items aremixed throughoutthe area.Items are randomlyplaced throughoutthe workplace.N

15、eeded items aresafely stored andorganized accordingto usage frequency.Needed items areoutlined, dedicatedlocations are labeledin planned quantities.Minimal neededitems arranged inmanner based onretrieval frequency.Needed items canbe retrieved in 30seconds withminimum steps.Potential problemsare iden

16、tified andcountermeasuresdocumented.Work area cleaning,inspection, andsupply restockingdone daily.Visual controls andindicators are setand marked forwork area.Key area itemsare marked to checkand required level ofperformance noted.Key area itemschecked are notidentified and areunmarked.Proven method

17、s forarea arrangementand practices areshared and used.Proven methods forarea arrangementand practices areused in the area.Agreements onlabeling, quantities,and controls aredocumented.Work group hasdocumented areaarrangement andcontrols.Work area methodsare not alwaysfollowed and arenot documented.Ro

18、ot causes areeliminated andimprovement actionsinclude prevention.Sources, frequencyof problems arenoted w/ root cause& corrective action.Work group isroutinely checkingarea to maintain5-S agreements.Initial 5-S levelis established andand is posted inthe area.Work area checksare randomly doneand ther

19、e is no5-S measurement.10LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confidential and Proprietary5S层次的成果第第5层次层次保续保续第第4层次层次关注可靠性关注可靠性第第3层次层次让它变让它变得可视化得可视化第第2层层次次关注基关注基础因素础因素第第1层次层次刚刚开始刚刚开始 整理整理 整顿整顿 整洁整洁 标准标准 保续保续找出存在清洁问题的区域并采取相应的预防措施记录并遵守清洁计划和职责。进行最初的清洁,了解混乱的原因,并采取改正措施。找出必要和不必要的物品;没有不需要的物品。 需

20、要和不需要的 物品混放在整 个区域。物品随机放置在整个工作场地内。 根据使用频率, 安全地合理摆 放必要的物品。 说明需要的物品, 根据计划数量标 明指定的区域。按最小使用频次安排最小量的物品。所需物品可以在30秒内取回,只需移动最少的距离。找出潜在问题并记录对策。每天进行区域清洁,检验;每天供应库存制订可视化的控制和指标,并标注在工作区域内。 标注关键区域物 品,检查并记录 必要的执行程度。没有找出关键区域物品,也没有标注。要证明现有的标准工作法在现有的区域得到有效的使用并与其他团队分享。要证明现有的标准工作法在现有的区域得到有效的使用。标签、数量和控制方法达成共识并文件化。工作组有文件化的

21、区域划分和控制经常不遵守工作区域方法,也不记录在案。消除了根本原因并采取了包括预防在内的改进措施。 记录了问题的原 因和发生频率, 采取相应的改正 措施。工作组定期检查5S确定最初的5S等级并在区域内张贴随机检查工作区域,没有5S测量。11LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confidential and Proprietary5-S Radar Chart 5S雷达图 SORTING 整理整理SUSTAINING 保持保持SIMPLIFYING 整顿整顿SYSTEMATICCLEANING系统清洁系统清洁STANDARDIZ

22、E 标准化标准化1234512LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confidential and Proprietary5-S Can Improve Safety 5S 能改善安全性By not having a designated place for everything, access to the fire extinguisher is blocked.如果所有物如果所有物品没有指定的场所,则阻碍了消防通道。品没有指定的场所,则阻碍了消防通道。13LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell Int

23、ernational, Inc. Confidential and ProprietarySorting 整理Separate the necessary from the unnecessary.区分必要的和不必要的。区分必要的和不必要的。 Identify what is required to work a process or perform a particular operation or task. 找出需要使流程运转或执行特定操作或任务所需要做的事情。 Remove unnecessary tools, equipment, files, binders, parts, pro

24、cedures, furniture, and other stuff from the area. 不必要的工具、设备、文件、装订机、部件、程序、家具和其 它“物品”从场地中移开。Easing access to necessary items by eliminating the unnecessary. 通过消除不必要的事物,以便更容易地获取需要的事物。通过消除不必要的事物,以便更容易地获取需要的事物。14LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confidential and ProprietaryEngineering W

25、ork Station工程人员工作岗位 Clutter impedes work flow. 混乱影响工作流程。混乱影响工作流程。15LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confidential and ProprietaryPreparing To Sort 如何准备整理* Carefully consider company-owned and personal items. 仔细仔细考虑公司所有和个人所有的物品考虑公司所有和个人所有的物品A proven process to obtain buy-in and owner

26、ship. 这是经过证明可以获得认同和所有权的流程。这是经过证明可以获得认同和所有权的流程。 Establish a safe and secure holding area for not-needed items. 为不需要物品设立一个安全的存储区域。 Review site guidelines for disposal of not-needed items.* 评估处理现场不需要物品的指导原则。* Coordinate repair and disposal of any unsafe items. 协调任何不安全物品的维修和处理。 Tag and identify not-need

27、ed items. 标识出不需要物品。 Determine rates and points-of-use for operating supplies. 决定操作供应品的速度和使用点。 Remove unnecessary items from the site. 把不需要的物品从现场移走。16LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confidential and ProprietarySorting Activity Steps 整理活动步骤 Establish criteria and explain the handlin

28、g of items. 建立标准并解释如何处理物品。 Assign zones to people. 为员工指定工作区域。 Identify not-needed items from what is needed. 区分不需要和需要的物品。 Move identified not-needed items to holding area. 将找出的不需要的物品移入待处理区。 Conduct a white elephant sale. 处理“累赘物”。 Conduct an initial cleaning. 进行初步的清洁。Focus on doing and attaining resu

29、lts. 关注关注行动行动并获得结果。并获得结果。17LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confidential and Proprietary5S Red Tag Example 5S红标签案例18LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confidential and Proprietary5S Red Tag Example 5S红标签案例19LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confiden

30、tial and ProprietarySimplified Storage 整顿Create a place for everything. 为每样东西找个地方。为每样东西找个地方。 Organize materials according to frequency of use. 根据使用频率安排物品。 Implement visual aids to improve communication. 为改善沟通,建立可视化的标志。A place for everything and everything in place. 每样东西都有其位,每样东西都在其位。每样东西都有其位,每样东西都在其

31、位。20LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confidential and ProprietaryAt a glance: “Do I have the tools and equipment to do my job?”一看便知:一看便知:“我是否有开展工作需要的工具和设备?我是否有开展工作需要的工具和设备?”A Place For Everything每样东西都有其位21LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confidential and Proprieta

32、ryPreparing For Simplified Storage如何准备整顿 Complete sorting activities through level 2. 在第二层次完成整理活动。 Obtain markers and temporary labels. 获得记号笔和临时标签。 Obtain tape for outlining and marking safety items. 获得纸带用于区域划分和安全标记。 Identify and share safety and building standards. 确定并分享安全和标准做法。 Check safety policy

33、 for color-coding and labeling. 检查色彩标识是否符合安全要求。 Review Simplifying activities, safety policies, logistics, and support. 审核整顿活动、安全政策、后勤支持。Build upon the gains made through Sorting. 在整理的基础上进行整顿。在整理的基础上进行整顿。22LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confidential and ProprietarySteps To Simpli

34、fied Storage 整顿的步骤 Identify key equipment and supplies. 找出关键设备和供应品。 Determine location for every item. 决定各物品的位置。 Outline locations of equipment, supplies, common areas, and safety zones. 划定设备、供应品、公用区和安全区的位置。 Develop shadow boards. 制作仿形板。 Label needed items. 标明需要的物品。 Determine required quantities. 决定

35、所需数量。 Document workplace layout, equipment, safety zones, and supplies. 工作场地布局、设备、安全区和供应文件化。Work Team involvement is critical to success. 工作团队的参与对成功至关重要。工作团队的参与对成功至关重要。23LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confidential and ProprietaryPerform daily cleaning and inspection of areaand eq

36、uipment to determine status and needfor corrective and preventive action.每天都对区域和设备进行清洁和检查,确定需每天都对区域和设备进行清洁和检查,确定需要采取的纠正和预防措施。要采取的纠正和预防措施。A performance improvement discipline 一项执行改进的纪律A daily discipline to an agreed upon plan thatis executed by the work area team members.工作区域团队成员执行事先确定的计划是一项日常纪律。Shin

37、e (Systematic Cleaning) 清洁(系统清洁)24LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confidential and ProprietaryA Benchmark Example 样板25LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confidential and ProprietaryPreparing To Shine 如何准备清洁 Complete the Sorting activities through level 2. 在第二层次完成整理

38、活动。 Complete Simplifying activities through level 2. 在第二层次完成整顿活动。 Review Shine activities, logistics, and support. 评估清洁活动、后勤和支持情况。 Coordinate marking and modifying equipment. 标示清洁区域和清洁设备。 Decide how to make multiple-shift decisions. 决定如何按排多班次清洁。 Plan how to coordinate and communicate with other area

39、s. 计划如何与其它工作区域进行协调和沟通。A process developed and used by the work team.工作团队形成和使用的流程。工作团队形成和使用的流程。26LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confidential and ProprietarySteps To Shine 清洁的步骤 Identify key points to check to ensure proper performance 明确检查关键点,确保正确执行 Determine acceptable performanc

40、e 确定可接受的执行标准 Determine corresponding visual indicators and controls 确定相应的可视化指示和控制点 Mark equipment and controls 标出设备和控制点 Establish who and when cleaning plan 建立“由谁及何时”实施清洁计划 Conduct daily cleaning and inspections 开展每天的清洁及检查Progress towards prevention over detection 预防胜于事后检查27LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Hone

41、ywell International, Inc. Confidential and ProprietaryDetermining, sharing, and using the bestprocesses and methods.决定、共享,使用最好的程序和方法。决定、共享,使用最好的程序和方法。Standardization serves to minimize variation andthe effect of variation on quality and speed. 标准化有助于尽可能减少变异及其对质量与速度的影响。The standard becomes the baseli

42、ne for further improvement 标准是今后进一步改进的基础We want to look towards standardization with process,tooling, methods, parts, sub-assemblies, design, etc. 我们期待流程、加工、方法、部件、组装、设计等方面的标准化。Standardize 标准化28LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confidential and ProprietaryOrganizing the work station

43、supports standard work. 有效组织工作岗位以支持标准化工作。No Room For Chaos 没有混乱的可能29LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confidential and ProprietaryPreparing To Standardize如何准备标准化Culture change will accelerate with 5-S maturity.文化变革将促使文化变革将促使5S的成熟的成熟 Complete sorting activities through level 2. 在第二层次

44、完成整理活动。 Complete simplifying activities through level 2. 在第二层次完成整顿活动。 Complete systematic cleaning activities through level2. 在第二层次完成系统性清洁活动 Review standardization activities, logistics, and support. 评估标准化活动、后勤和支持情况30LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confidential and ProprietaryStep

45、s To Standardization 标准化步骤 Document present work area agreements and routine checks 使当前工作区域协议和常规检查文件化 Establish and document standardized methods across similar work areas 建立并记录用于类似工作区域的标准化方法 Document new standard methods as improvements are made 根据改进情况,记录新的标准化方法Attacking process and methods variati

46、on 坚决克服流程和方法中的变异坚决克服流程和方法中的变异31LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confidential and ProprietaryKeeping the gains and building further progress.保持既有成果并不断取得进步。保持既有成果并不断取得进步。The plan-do-check-act thought process becomes the culture.“计划-执行-检查-反馈“的思维方式成为文化。Pride in improvement, accomplishm

47、ents, and the desire to do more 对取得的改进、成就和做得更多的决心感到骄傲对取得的改进、成就和做得更多的决心感到骄傲Sustain 保持32LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confidential and Proprietary Cleanliness and order make the process visible. 清洁和有序使处理流程更可视化清洁和有序使处理流程更可视化 。Before / After Comparison 前后比较33LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Hon

48、eywell International, Inc. Confidential and ProprietaryPrepare To Sustain 如何准备保持Holding and furthering the gains happens with discipline and culture.维持和进一步保持成果与纪律和文化同在。维持和进一步保持成果与纪律和文化同在。 Complete sorting activities through level 2. 在第二层次完成整理活动。 Complete simplifying activities through level 2. 在第二层次

49、完成整顿活动。 Complete systematic cleaning activities through level2. 在第二层次完成系统性清洁活动 Complete standardizing activities through level 2. 在第二层次完成标准化活动 Review the planned activities of sustaining. 评估计划的保持活动34LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confidential and ProprietarySustaining Steps 保持的步骤

50、 Determine 5S level of achievement 确定所达到的5S层次 Perform routine checks 开展常规检查 Analyze results of routine checks 分析常规检查的结果 Measure progress and plan for continuous improvement 评估所取得的进步和持续改进的计划Sustaining 5-S through habit 对照5-S持之以恒直到成为习惯35LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confidential a

51、nd Proprietary5-S Implementation Steps 5S实施步骤1. Share a 5-S overview. 分享5S的概述。2. Choose the work area implementation team. 选择工作区域的实施团队。3. Determine implementation targets, activities, and schedules. 确定实施目标、活动和计划。4. Document current situation (see next slide). 记录现有状况(参见下一页)。5. DO IT! Apply 5-S. 开始行动!

52、应用5S。6. Document improvements. 记录改进情况。7. Leverage the results of the targeted area. 充分利用目标区域的成果。8. Build on achievement with new 5-S goals and actions 使用新的5S目标和行动,获得成果。9. Determine next area of application and apply 5-S . 确定下一个应用区域并再次应用5S。36LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confiden

53、tial and ProprietaryDocument The Current Situation记录现状 Purpose: 目的: Record the current situation as a baseline for progress 记录现状以作为继续改进的起点 Preparation: 准备: Obtain a camera or photographic assistance 一台照相机等设备 Obtain a layout and mark the before-picture place and angle 获取布局图并标出改善前拍摄的位置和角度 Explain the

54、steps of current situation documentation 说明记录现状的步骤 Publish the picture taking date 载明拍照的日期 Do it: 执行: Take work area photos 拍摄工作区域的照片 Evaluate current 5-S Level of Achievement 评估目前所达到的5-S层次 Display the table and radar chart. 展示表格和“雷达图”。 Compare future photos to the current photos. 将改善后来照片与改善前照片进行比较W

55、ithout a baseline measurement, progress cannot be determined 没有对现状的评估,就不能衡量所取得的进步37LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confidential and ProprietaryVisual Controls 可视化控制 Show how to do the job (standard, agreed-upon best practice). 展示如何进行工作(标准化和认同的最佳实践)。 Show how things are used. 展示使用物

56、品的方法。 Show where things are stored. 展示物品存放的地点。 Control inventory levels. 控制存货量。 Show performance status. 展示业绩状态。 Indicate when people need help. 指明何时人们需要帮助。 Identify hazardous areas. 识别危险区域。 Mistake-proof the operation. 防止操作差错。Tailored to the needs of every process; use this guide to determine appro

57、priate visual controls for your process.根据各流程需求订制;使用本指导确定适用于你们流程的可视化控制。根据各流程需求订制;使用本指导确定适用于你们流程的可视化控制。38LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confidential and Proprietary Facilitates worker autonomy. 促使工人的自治。 Serves to eliminate waste. 为消除浪费服务。 Promotes prevention. 促进预防。 Fosters continu

58、ous improvement. 培养持续改进。 Allows for quick recovery. 能迅速恢复。 Leads information sharing. 推进信息分享。 Exposes abnormalities. 使异常现象曝光。 Maintains the gains. 保持成果。All are attributes of good performance and a desirable place for work.所有都具良好业绩和理想工作场所的特点。所有都具良好业绩和理想工作场所的特点。Benefits Of Visual Controls可视化控制的好处39LGB2-01-0405 5S 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. Confidential and ProprietaryTypes Of Visual Controls 可视化控制的类型Type 1: Passively shares information by indicating or telling.第一类:通过指示或告知被动地分享信息。Control Type


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