1、资料收集于网络,如有侵权 请联系网站删除只供学习与交流第一基本句型(主语+不及物动词) 用所给动词的正确时态翻译下列句子A.S + Vi1.阳光照耀(shine). The sun is shining.2.月亮升起了。(rise) The moon rose. / has risen.3.能力很重要。(matter) The ability matters.4.天在下雨。(rain) It is raining.5.电话铃在响。(ring) The telephone is ringing.6.那项工作将不得不搁一下。(wait) The work will have to wait.7.火
2、车要到站了。(arrive) The train is arriving.B.S + Vi + adv / num1.他工作很努力。(work) He works very hard.2.他们大声地谈话。(talk) They are talking/ talked loudly.3.天气突然变化。(change) The weather changed suddenly.4.比尔游了800米。(swim) Bill swam 800 meters.5.我们不得不步行10英里。(walk) We had to walk ten miles.6.这支笔书写流畅(write) The pen wr
3、ites smoothly.7.这种布手感柔软。(feel) The cloth feels soft.8.这扇门很难开。(open) The door opens difficultly./ with difficulty.)9.这布很好洗.(wash) The cloth washes well.10.门会自动锁上.(lock) The door locks automatically.11.发动机坏了.(break down) The engine broke down.12.事故是怎样发生的?(come about) How did the accident come about?13
4、.那场经济危机首先在美国爆发.(break out) The economic crisis broke out first in theUnited States.C.S + Vi + Prep phrase1.盆子从她手中掉了下来。(drop) The plate dropped from her hands.2.他们将飞往伦敦。(fly) They will fly to London.3.他们将乘火车离开。(leave) They will leave by train.4.他在那所学校任教。(work) He works as a teacher in that school.5.因
5、为下大雨, 他们没有来。(come) They didnt come because of heavy rain.D. S + Vi + to do1.我来看她。(come) I come to see her.2.他正跑着赶汽车。(run) He is running to catch the bus.3.我父亲去(海滩)度周末了。(go) My father went to the beach to spend his weekend.4.他停下来去喝茶了。(stop) He stopped to have a cup of tea.5.我忘了打电话给你.(forget) I forgot
6、 to call you.E.S + Vi + Participle1.李雷站着看书.(stand) Li Lei stands/ is standing reading.2.我不去购物. (go) I dont go shopping.3.他失望地走了.(turn away) He turned away disappointed .4.老师坐着,学生们围着他.(sit) The teacher sat surrounded by students.资料收集于网络,如有侵权 请联系网站删除只供学习与交流5.他哭着走来,笑着离开.(come, leave) He came crying, bu
7、t left smiling.第二基本句型:(主语+系动词+表语 ) 翻译下列句子A. S + Link-v + n. / pron. /名词所有格1.那是一张世界地图。That is a map of the world.2.那张地图是我的。The map is mine.3.那听起来像个好主意。(sound) That sounds a good idea.4.失败是成功之母。Failure is the mother of success.5.那辆自行车是李雷的。That bike is Li Leis.6.他成了一名律师。He became a lawyer. / turned law
8、yer.B. S + Link-v + adj.1.这儿的天气糟糕透了。The weather here is terrible.2.孩子们饿了。The children are hungry.3.物价涨高了。(run) The prices ran/ are running high.4.这些玫瑰气味很香。(smell) The roses smell sweet.5.牛奶已变质。(go) This milk has gone bad.6.他的梦想实现了。(come) His dream has come true.7.春天来了。树木变绿了。(turn) Spring comes and t
9、he trees turn green.8.他看上去很镇静。(appear) He appeared calm.9.多雨的天气可能会持续几天。(continue) The rainy weather will continue severaldays.C: S + Link-v + adv.1.海伦不在家, 她出去了。(in, out) Helen isnt in. She is out.2.我们该走了。(off) We must be off now.3.好的, 我马上就下(楼)来。(down) All right, Illbe down immediately.4.电视还开着。(on) T
10、he TV set is still on.5.你什么时候回来?(back) When will you be back?6.他离开半个钟了。(away) He has been away for half an hour.7.雷锋去世40年了。Lei Feng has been dead for 40 years.8.会议结束了。(over) The meeting is over.9.你的朋友不在这儿,他在那儿。(here, there) Your friend is not here. He is there.10.我彻夜未眠。(up) I was up all night.D: S +
11、 Link-v + prep phrase1.他很健康。(in good condition) He is in good condition./in good health.2.他脱离了危险。(out of danger) He was out of danger.3.这个问题很重要。(of great importance) The question is of great importance.4.他昨天上午在工作。(at work) He was at work yesterday morning.5.他在住院。(in hospital) He is in hospital.6.他值班
12、。(on duty) He is on duty.7.我们完全支持你。(behind you) We are fully behind you.E: S + Link-v + participle1.门锁上了。(locked) The gate/ door was locked.2.他讲的话鼓舞人心。(encouraging) His words were encouraging.资料收集于网络,如有侵权 请联系网站删除只供学习与交流3.我们深受鼓舞。(encouraged) We are greatly encouraged.4.她总是显得很开心、幸福和满足。(pleased, conten
13、ted) She always seems/ appearspleased, happy and contented.5.边界问 题仍然没得到 解决。(unsolved) The boundary question remained unsolved.基本句型三 主语+谓语+宾语A S + Vt + n/pron1.谁知道答案?1. Who know knows the answer?2.我们去看望了城里的朋友。 (visit)We visited our friends in town.3.我不懂古典文学。 (understand I canunderstand classical lite
14、rature.4.他们在会上看到了他。They saw him at the meeting.5.明天我要到机场接你。. Illmeet you at the airport tomorrow.6.我以前看过这个电影。I have seen the film before.7.规矩点。(behave oneself You should behave yourself.8.他献身于教育。He devoted himself to education.9.他现在能自己穿衣服了。She can dress herself now.10.他过着幸福的生活。She lives a happy life
15、.11.她做了个噩梦。She dreamed a terrible dream.12.我昨晚睡了个安稳觉。(sleep a peaceful sleepI slept a peaceful sleep last night.B S + Vt + n/pron + prep-phrase1.我们应该保护她免遭危险。(protectfrom.)We should protect her fromdanger.2.他抓住我的胳膊。He caught me by the arm.3.请原谅我来晚了。 (forgive.for.)Please forgive me for being late.4.你可
16、以把玻璃杯倒满牛奶。You can fill the glass with milk.5.警方指控他谋杀。The police accused him of murder.6.什么也不能阻止他做那件事。Nothing can stop him from doing it.7.老师表扬了学生的进步。T he teacher praised the student for his progress.C S + Vt + to do sth/ wh- to do1.他拒绝帮助我。He refused to help me.2.他坐不起出租车。 (afford)He cantafford to tak
17、e a taxi.3.我希望上大学。I hope to go to college.4.他们问怎样到火车站去。They asked how to get to the railway station.5.我还没决定什么时候开始。I haventdecided when to begin.DS + Vt + doing1.我建议马上开始工作。(suggest)I suggest beginning working /starting the work atonce.2.你改完了卷子吗?Have you finished correcting the paper?3.请不要在家里抽烟。 (stop
18、/quit)Please stop smoking in the house.4.他已承认打碎了窗子。He has admitted (his/ him) breaking the window.5.你介意我打开窗户吗?Do you mind (my /me) opening the window?6.我们考虑现在不做这件事。We considered not doing it now.7.她止不住孩子的哭闹。(stop)She could not stop the child (the childs) crying.8.我不喜欢年轻人象那样的行为举止。I dontlike young peo
19、ple behaving like that.资料收集于网络,如有侵权 请联系网站删除只供学习与交流9.你还记得李雷来看过你吗?Do you remember Li Leis / lei Lei coming to see you?10.你能想象有人偷你的钱吗?(imagine)Can you imagine anyone stealing youmoney?E S + Vt + clause1.我承认你的计划较好。I agree / admit that your plan is better.2.我怀疑他是否会留在这儿。I doubt whether he will stay here.3
20、.你能解释一下你为什么迟到吗?Could you explain why you were late?4.我不知道哪个队会赢。 (wonder)I wonder which of these teams will win the match.基本句型四 主语+谓语+双宾语A S + V + sb + sth1.她给了我她的电话号码。(give) She gave me her telephone number.2.他把信递给了我。(hand) He handed me the letter.3.学校颁发给他一份特别奖学金。(award) The school awarded him a spe
21、cialscholarship.4.那位教授指定了几本书给他的学生读。(assign) The professor assigned hisstudents a few books to read.5.他欠我五十 元。(owe) He owed me fifty yuan.6.请把你们的计划传真给我。(fax) Please fax me your plans /plan.7.你能把车借给我吗?(lend) Can you lend me your car?8.他从不拒绝给我们帮助。(deny) 8. He never denied us assistance.B S + V + sth +
22、to/for + sb1.我给你们沏一些新茶。(make) Ill make some fresh tea for you.2.他将给你找一份工作。(find) He will find a job/ position for you.3.他为孩子们订了一些儿童读物。(order) He ordered some childrens books for thechildren.4.你能否为我放点轻音乐?(play) Would you please play some light music for me?5.这会给我们省去很多麻烦。(save) That / It will save a l
23、ot of trouble for us.6.你能否给我拿份晚报来?(fetch) Could you fetch an evening paper for me?7.她给我们做了一顿可口的饭菜。(cook) She cooked a delicious meal for us.8.老师向我解析了这个词的含义。(explain) The teacher explained the meaning of theword / what this word means to us.9.我们公司对那位工程师高薪相聘。(offer) Our company has offered a high sala
24、ry tothe engineer.C S + V + sb + wh- + to do sth1.请告诉我选择哪一个。Please tell me which to choose.2.我向他建议在何处逗留。I advised her where to stay.3.我向他说明如何做这件事。He showed me how to do it.4.她没有告诉我她去还是不去。She didnt tell me whether to go or not.5.你能告诉我去图书馆怎样走?Could you tell me how to get to the library?6.你能告诉我在什么地方买到这
25、张CD?Can you tell me where to get this CD?D S + V + sb + clause1.他向我表明那个故事不真实。He has showed me that the story is false.2.他告诉我,他这些日子很忙。He told me that he had been busy these days.3.请提醒他,今天下午有个会。Please remind him that there will be/ is a conference资料收集于网络,如有侵权 请联系网站删除只供学习与交流this afternoon.4.他通知我说, 我的要求
26、获得批准。He informed me that my request has been granted.5.他答应我他将写信给我。He promised me that he would write to me.6.这本书会告诉我们, 科学是如何发展的。This book will show us how science hasdeveloped.7.我问他是否加入我们的行列。I asked him whether he would join us.8.你能告诉我你是什么地方人吗?Can you tell me where you come from?9.他有没有告诉你,我们是怎样把这个问题
27、解决的?Did he tell you how we hadsolved the problem?10.把你所买的东西给我看看。Please show me what you what you bought.11.我来告诉你我在今天报纸上看到的(消息)Ill tell you what I read in todayspaper.12.把你知道的一切都告诉我。Tell me whatever you know. (about it. )13.她写信给Tom说, 她要到巴黎来。She wrote Tom that that she was coming/ wouldcome to Paris.1
28、4.我已警告过他,这是不允许的。I has warned him that it is not allowed.15.你可否告诉我格林小姐住哪?Can you tell / inform that where Miss. Green lives/16.他打电话给我说, 他将在第二天派人来取书。He called / telephoned me that hewould send for the books that next day.第五基本句型 主语+谓语+宾语+宾补(A)S + Vt + O + n1.他的工作干得很成功。(success) He has made the job a su
29、ccess.2.他们给他们的孩子取名约翰。(John) They named their son John.3.你必须保守秘密。(a secret) You must keep it a secret.4.我们选杰克当班长。(monitor) We elected Jack monitor.5.他使她成为了他的妻子。(wife) He made her his wife.(B)S + Vt + O + adj.1.我们认为汤姆很聪明。(intelligent) We consider Tom intelligent.2.我发现俄语语法很难。(difficult) I found Russian
30、 grammar very difficult.3.疼痛几乎使我发疯。(mad) The pain drove me almost mad.4.我们证明他是对的。(right) We prove him right.(C)S + Vt + O + Prep phrase / adv1.她的病使她住院六个星期。(in hospital) Her illness kept her in hospital for six weeks.2.人们认为他的发明非常重要。(of great importance) People consider his invention ofgreat importanc
31、e.3.我们发现那里的一切都井井有条。(in good order) We found everything there in goodorder.4.去上学时, 我把书落在家里了。(at home) When I went to school, I left my bookat home.5.请记住这一点。(in mind) Please keep it in mind.6.我发现他们出去了。(out) I found them out.(D) S + Vt + O + to do sth1.他叫我帮助他工作。He asked me to help him with his work.2.医生嘱咐我卧床休息。(oder) The doctor ordered me to stay in bed.资料收集于网络,如有侵权 请联系网站删除只供学习与交流3.父亲不让我们到街上玩。(allow) Father doesnt allow us to play in the street.4.医生建议我好好休息。(advise) The doctor advised me to have a good rest.5.我警告他不要迟到。(warn) I
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