



1、centos安装zabbixcentos zabbix 安装1,建用户,不建议用root及有特别权限的用户,会担心全 groupa -g 130 zabbix -u 130 -g zabbix -c 'zabbix monitoring' zabbix2,需要安装以下组件: ? zabbix server (收集数据) ? zabbix agent (监视) ? net-snmp (为了支持 snmp(容易网络管理协议) ? jabber (支持消息通知) ? openipmi (监视) ? curl (网页监视)3,安装依靠包 yum install zlib-devel m

2、ysql-devel glibc-devel curl-devel gcc automake mysql libn-devel openssl-devel net-snmp-devel rpm-devel openipmi-devel 安装jabber需要依靠于iksemel包的iksemel-devel包,但是在centos 的repo里没有,所以我们要用epel(exa packages for enterprise linux) 配置 epel库从/wiki/epel/faqhowtouse: rpm -uvh 安装 iksemel-devel包

3、和iksemel包 yum -repo=epel install iksemel iksemel-devel4,下载zabbix-1.8.1.tar.gz 从 tar zxvf zabbix-1.8.8.tar.gz zabbix-1.8.1 ./configure -prefix=/usr/local/zabbix -enable-server -with-mysql -with-net-snmp -with-jabber -with-libcurl -with-openipmi -enable-agent浮现:* now run 'make install' * * tha

4、nk you for using zabbix! * * make install6,生成rpm wget http:/ /checkinstall/checkinstall-1.6.0-3.rh7.rf.i386.rpm rpm -ivh checkinstall-1.6.0-3.rh7.rf.i386.rpm yum install rpm-build cd zabbix-1.8.8 checkinstall -nodoc -install=yes* done. the new package has been installed and saved t

5、o /usr/src/redhat/rpms/i386/zabbix-1.8.8-1.i386.rpm you can remove it from your system any using: rpm -e zabbix-1.8.8-1*表示安装完成参考地址: -以下是原文- zabbix 1.8.x on centos using source (manual) works ao with zabbix 1.8.1 - 1.8.5 and centos 5.4 - 6.0. i have also tested this with zabbix 1.9.5 on rhel 5.7 this

6、 guide is for installing zabbix 1.8.1 on centos 5.4 using a mysql database, i asme you have installed centos with apache, mysql, , and a mail server ring the setup. will indie that we are using the prompt as the root user $ will indicate that we are using the prompt as a erent user setting up the us

7、er accounts the zabbix server and client both need a user account that they can run on, so may as well this up first. this also needs to be done on every monitored machine that is running the zabbix agent: groupadd -g 130 zabbix useradd -u 130 -g zabbix -c 'zabbix monitoring' zabbix i have a

8、dded the ”-u 130” parameter this ensures that the zabbix user gets created with the same user id on every server that we created it on, as well as with the zabbix group ( will be group id 130). zabbix installation we will be installing following components: ? zabbix server (for gathering data) ? zab

9、bix agent (for monitoring) ? net-snmp (for snmp support) ? jabber (for notifications) ? openipmi (for monitoring) ? curl (for web monitoring) all these commands are done with the user root, starting of from the root home er /root dependeies first install all the dependencies with yum using the comma

10、nd yum install zlib-devel mysql-devel glibc-devel curl-devel gcc automake mysql libidn-devel openssl-devel net-snmp-devel rpm-devel openipmi-develcentos should all packages in its repo's and do the rest for you. for jabber we will need the packages iksemel-devel wich depends on iksemel, however

11、these rpm's aren't in the centos repo's so we will be use them from epel instead. configure the epel repository from /wiki/epel/faqhowtouse: rpm -uvh than we can install the following packages with yum yum -enablerepo=epel install iksemel iksemel-devel compile and

12、install source now that we have our dependencies set up we need to download the actual source, this can also be done with the wget command. wget after it has downloaded the we can un and untar with following command. g zabbix-1.8.1.tar.gz tar -xvf zabbix-1.8.1.tar this should have created a folder c

13、alled zabbix-1.8.1 in your home directory. nt we need to browse to the directory and configure our . cd zabbix-1.8.1 ./configure -enable-server -with-mysql -with-net-snmp -with-jabber -with-libcurl -with-openipmi -enable-agent if you encounter any problems you should read the error messages carefull

14、y and check the config.log d in the same directory. if all goes well it will print out your configuration, please make sure following is set: enable server: yes with database: mysql web monitoring via: curl native jabber: yes snmp: net-snmp ipmi: openipmi enable agent: yes if everything matches the

15、above we can carry on with the command make make after make has compiled all the stuff we can use checkinstall as described in the next chapter - or - we could simply proceed as usual with: make install checkinstall after make has compiled we won't be using make install, but checkinstall which g

16、ives us the option to first make a rpm out of the installation and than install it. this gives us the advantage to be able to deinstall zabbix again with rpm. because checkinstall also isn't on the centos repo we will download it using wget to our home directory. cd . wget than install checkinst

17、all with rpm and rpmbuild with yum rpm -ivh checkinstall-1.6.0-3.el5.rf.i386.rpm yum install rpm-build now we can use checkinstall to make a rpm and install it. cd zabbix-1.8.1 checkinstall -nodoc -install=yes -y you should be able to choose what kind of package that you wish you create, because centos is ba on redhat we are going for r, type r and press enter. if you don


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