1、Evaluating Written Texts evaluate means to determine the value of something or to appraise it. When you are asked to evaluate a business document, what you are really being asked to do is make a judgement about how effective the document was in achieving what the writer set out to do. (in 5 detailed
2、 points)1.Evaluating the effectiveness of languageTo evaluate the effectiveness of language, you should read the text and ask yourself some or all of the following questions.Has the writer used appropriately formal words?Has the writer used respectful words?Has the writer used concise words?Has the
3、writer used apposite words?Has the writer avoided contracted words?Has the writer used elegant words and phrases?Is the writing clear and unambiguous?Is the punctuation correct?Is the syntax correct? Answer these questions. You must give evidence in your answers. These questions are not as easy as t
4、hey seem! Many of the answers will be based on your opinion: style is a very personal matter and your answers might disagree with mine The information on pages 17 to 19 and on pages 26 and 27 (of the Unit Student Guide) might help you with this SAQ.1、Has the writer used formal words? There are times
5、 when the writer is quite formal (eg I am in receipt of your order for 300 dozen eggs and We were recently visited by the Scottish Ethical Farming Society). However, there are points which are very informal (eg you sure drive a hard bargain mate, give our chickens a chance to have a rest) and overal
6、l, this means that the writer has not used appropriately formal words in this letter.2、Has the writer used respectful words?At points, the writer is very respectful. He starts off with Dear Sir and he also says I can assure you that you and your customers will be delighted.You-attitude Phrases such
7、as this are respectful. However, the writer refers to the customer as mate and this is overly familiar and not respectful.3、Has the writer used concise words?Yes, the writer has used concise words. There are no complex or long words used simply to try to impress.4、Has the writer used apposite words?
8、Not all of the words are apposite. For example, calling the customer mate is not appropriate.5、Has the writer avoided contracted words?Yes, the writer has avoided using contracted words.6、Has the writer used elegant words and phrases?Elegant: I can assure you that you and your customers will be deli
9、ghted with the taste, the colour, the texture and the flavour of our freshly-laid eggs. This is a fairly elegant, if slightly wordy, phrase.The sentence I hope we can do more business more regularly is slightly clumsy, as it appears to say two things at once: a) I hope we can do more business; b) I
10、hope we can do business more regularly. Perhaps the writer meant this, in which case a phrase such as I hope that we can carry out regular business seems to cover both eventualities and is more stylish.Some words are not stylish. The use of the word got is not good style.7、Is the writing clear and u
11、nambiguous?Mainly, the writing is clear and unambiguous. However, the phrase They told us that the chickens were well looked after and they were pleased with the conditions doesnt make it clear who were pleased with the conditions: the Scottish Ethical Farming Society or the chickens.8、Is the punctu
12、ation correct? Yes, except for the incorrect use of an apostrophe in the word “chickens which should be “chickens.9、Is the syntax correct? The syntax is mainly correct. However, the word order of the sentence “The order will be delivered in 3 lots of 100 dozen per delivery each time per load “ is in
13、correct.10、Look at all of your answers to questions 1 to 9. Considering all of the points, would you say that this letter is suitable for sending to the customer? Explain your answer. There are areas in the letter which are acceptable, and overall the letter does get its message across. However, the
14、re are enough areas with problems that it would be worth having this letter re-drafted before sending it out.2、Evaluation: Meeting purpose Before you can decide if a text is effective, you need to be sure what the writer was trying to do. Once you are clear what the writers purpose is, you can start
15、 to evaluate the text. There are many purposes or reasons for writing in the world of business. You read about some on pages 13 and 14 of this student guide (ie the Unit Student Guide). Quickly look back to that page now.How to identify the writers purpose(s) writers can have more than one purpose i
16、n writing. A writer might write to inform a customer of something, and at the same time the writer might try to persuade the customer to place an order. When you read something, ask yourself: What is the writer trying to do in this piece of writing? The answer to that question is the writers purpose
17、 or purposes.1、Re-read the memo on page 16 now. What is the writer trying to do in this p i e c e o f w r i t i n g ?The purpose of the memo was to request extra help with administration and word processing.2、Read the letter on page 19 of this study guide (ie the Unit Student Guide).Identify at leas
18、t two purposes of this letter. Try to decide what the main purpose is, and then try to identify a second purpose.The writer had several purposes in this letter.The main purpose seemed to be to ask Mr Pierson to bring his account up to date. You can tell because the writer points out that the account
19、 is in arrears and asks him to submit a payment.Other purposes could be:To inform (or remind) Mr Pierson of the Companys credit policy. You can tell this because the writer says that we operate a strict credit policy.To assure Mr Pierson that normal business relations can be restored once this matte
20、r is sorted out. You can tell this because the writer says the company hopes that this matter can shortly be cleared up so that we can continue to work together.To stress the importance of paying the arrears. You can tell this because the writer mentions the debt collection agency.You might have ide
21、ntified similar purposes for either piece of writing.3、Other points to consider in an evaluation Clear purpose? Side-tracked 偏题or stuck跑题? Examples relevant?贴切的例子 Quote qualified ?援用能否people/publication Right tone?语气 Right register?语域Was the writer clear what the purpose was? If the writer didnt hav
22、e a clear purpose in the text, then its going to be difficult for him/her to focus the text. Similarly its going to be difficult for you to appraise the text.Did the text actually discuss the things the writer set out to look at? Sometimes writers can become side-tracked or stuck in the fine detail
23、of an argument. This may have the effect of reducing the potential strength of the argument, making it less effective. Did the writer stick to the point or waffle? A text is always going to be restricted by space, and writers need to use words wisely to get the ideas across. If someone goes on with
24、no real substance to the piece, then the effectiveness of the text is reduced. 4、Were the examples used effective at getting the point across? Were they relevant? Usually, a writer will provide examples to make a point. However, for this to work well, the examples need to be directly related to the
25、point being made. Good examples will help to make an text effective.In reports, examples are usually objective this means presented without the writers own viewpoint being made clear. 5、Were the people quoted in the debate qualified to speak about it? Were they experts in the field, or people who ha
26、d experience of the subjects being. You need to think about how relevant the contributions are from speakers quoted in the text, and ask yourself if theyve got a right to be included. Badly-chosen quotations probably make a text less effective.In reports, quotations need to be related to the subject
27、 of the report. Theres no point in putting in quotations (or any other sources of information) simply because the writer thought that the quotation sounded good. Mr Lees was quoted in the Health and Safety report. Because he handles potentially dangerous equipment, he wasa relevant source to use.6、W
28、as the tone appropriate?The tone should be as formal as required (for example, in a work place situation, writing should normally be in a serious, business-like tone). Tone is an important concept. To be a good communicator, writers need to use the tone which is going to convey the message properly.
29、 7、Was the register appropriate? Register is the voice chosen by a writer. It refers to the forms of language used to refer to particular subject matter. Examples include journalistic register, scientific register, slang register, legal register, financial register, technical register and so on. Wri
30、ters should use a register which is appropriate for the subject matter and the readership.For example, an informal, chatty register would be acceptable if youre leaving a memo for a work colleague. But a more formal, businesslike register would be needed if you were writing to your manager or a cust
31、omer. When youre evaluating a text, you need to look at all of the different parts of it in some detail. This process is called analysing. To analyse something means to look closely, and to decide if what you see is useful or not. The bullet points listed above are some of the questions that you can
32、 ask yourself to help you to analyse the text. Do some exercise! On Page 534、Evaluation: Graphics 1、Headline or emphasised fonts, appropriae or not for purpose? 2、Graphical images/tables/charts meet the purpose? 1、What did the headline or emphasised fonts say about the text? Emphasised fonts (the us
33、e of bold, italics or underlines) and headlines should all meet the purpose. The title or headline of a text must be appropriate to it. Similarly, the use of headings and emphasised fonts should be used in a way that adds to the message or makes it easier to understand. Indiscriminate uses of emphas
34、es (eg this one here) add nothing to the meaning. On the other hand, careful and planned emphases might add impact. 2、How effective were the graphical i m a g e s / t a b l e s / c h a r t s u s e d ?Graphics should all meet the purpose. An inappropriate graphic (for example people laughing in a tex
35、t about cancer) would not be very effective, and would be inclined to make you take the text less seriously. Tables of figures should be used so that the reader gets information effectively, and graphs and charts should similarly help to make a point (or make a point easier to understand). They can
36、be really useful as a means of presenting information, but they must be related to the purpose of the report, and they should present information in an easy-to-understand way. For example, this chart shows what percentage of a newsagents shop sales come from different goods.Magazines100Papers200Swee
37、ts170Tobacco55Stationery80Toys45Snacks90MagazinesPapersSweetsTobaccoStationeryToysSnacksWhat purpose do you think that charts/diagrams and other graphics serve in reports?They present information in an easy to understand way. They can summarise information already discussed in the text. Alternativel
38、y, they can be used to present new information to the reader.How do they provide information?Charts and diagrams present information in pictorial form. This means that they present information in a picture rather than in words (although words are used as well!). This helps the reader to see or under
39、stand the information in a different way.What type of information can you present in a chart or diagram?Charts are very good for presenting number-based information (quantitative data) Diagrams can be useful for presenting many types of data:Directions (eg a map showing the companys location)Instruc
40、tions (eg thread the cable through conduit b see diagram)Illustrations (eg a diseased lung looks black and wet. See illustration.)Explanationsof how to do something (eg how to wire a plug)And so on. 5、Evaluation: Layout and structure We looked at the conventions of the main types of business writing
41、 earlier on pages 14 to 27 (of the Unit Student Guide).These conventions are very important, and an effective document will follow these rules closely. Readers expect information to come to them in particular ways. A report should look like a report and a memo should look like a memo, and so on. Wel
42、l-written communications should be structured correctly. This means that, as well as following the conventions of the format in terms of layout, the information presented should follow in an appropriate order. Youve read several pieces of business writing (letters, , memo, minutes, report etc). You
43、should have noticed how each type of writing is laid out and structured.Generally speaking The information should be presented in an appropriate order: important thing goes first,heading, emphasis, size of fonts, pictures, page setup and so on. Summary: Evaluation Evaluating a text can be a complicated business. This part of the student guide discussed evaluating a text in terms of: How effect
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