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1、初三英语第二次适应性练习2018年4月注意事项:1、答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考试号和班级写在答题卷上。2、本试卷满分90分,考试时间100分钟。第I卷(客观题共50分)、单项填空 在A、日C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(本大题共14小题,每小题1分,共14分)1. - Bob,can you have your product ready?一I ' m not sure. I ' m still waiting for the final design.A. how soon B. how longC. how oftenD. h

2、ow far2. When I was young, my father take me to climb the hill which was not far from our house.A. mayB. mustC. wouldD. should3. 一 Have you heard of a cool washing machine called Bicycle Washing Machine?7-Yes, it. ' s a new by a group of Chinese university students.A. invention下.information C. i

3、nstructionD. introduction4. Bob is busy taking the desks and chairs away because they too much room inthe hall.A. pick upB. take upC. put upD. cheer up5. Andy, when can we start to discuss the case given to you last week?t- I J ,ll be ready 10cdiscuss it with you _ you have time.、 jA. whatever B. wh

4、eneverC.howeverD.wherever6. It ' s a pity that now in some areas, the richare becomingricher, whileA. the poor the poorB.poor poorC. the poor poorerD.poor the poorer7. 一 These are the tickets for the basketball match tonight as your prize.w woeddedyou buy the ticketsC. if you ' d like to com

5、e alongB. why do you like to go thereD. who you ' d like to watch the match8. In an important game like this one, every minute. So let' s go for iA. countsB. worksC. lastsD. helps9. The novel written by Stephen seems a bit boring to me.A. when 丫叫出呼 your heart into it, yy woer'底啾&10.

6、一 Could you tell me how many classes you have on Friday afternoon?. We can take part in activities in any club we like.A. NoneB. NothingC. NeitherD. Either11. My family is always me no matter what I decide to do. That makes me very pleased.A. aboveB. behindC. againstD. through12. 一 Linda is not comi

7、ng for the party tonight.-But she!A. promises B. promisedC. will promiseD. had promised13. 一 Teamwork is very important in a football match.-I think so.A. The early bird catches the wormB. Every dog has it ' s dayC. One tree can ' t make a forestD. Everything comes to him who waits14. 一 Have

8、 you played baseball before? We need one more player.A. Thal ' s coolI like ball games, so I be惶veot weabefun to learn baseball.D. Good ideaC. I'm not certain二、完形填空先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)Josette Duran was surprised when her son Dylan, 14, asked her

9、to pack him a(an) _15 snack in his school lunch. When she asked him why, his reply was truly touching.“I asked, 'why? Are you not getting full? What' s going on? And he said,' N(one for my friend, ' " Duran remembered.It turned out that Dylan had a classmate whose family 16 need

10、ed help. The boy ' s singlemother had recently lost her job and could no longer afford her son' s lunches. After leDuran was even willing to reach out to them.“I was homeless a few years ago. I know how 17 it is to ask for help. You get sad and feel embarrassed (尴尬),“ said Duran.When the you

11、ng boy' m other learned of Duran ' warm heart, she called her up and 18 to pay her back for everything, but Duran couldn' t accept it. "I don 19 t think I did anDuran said, “I just think I did what a human being is20 to do.”The kindness doesn ' t 21 there. Duran is the coach of

12、the girls volleyball team of the local school. Her team raised $ 400 to cover the cost of all the extra lunches Duran had made out of her own pocket. But Duran refused to keep the cash, and 22 , donated it to the snack bar at her son ' s school. " Now everyone can eat ," Duran said,“ W

13、hat makes3 me esphedtiailyall started with my son. Being kind doesn' t have to come in the form of money; just know that ifyou ' re having a good day while someone else is having a bad day, you should 24 that.”15. A. deliciousB. extraC. simpleD. healthy16. A. reallyB. hardlyC. finallyD. simp

14、ly17. A. luckyB. dangerousC. sillyD. hard18. A. refusedB. managedC. regrettedD. offered19. A. specialB. necessaryC. interestingD. impossible20. A. allowedB. remindedC.supposedD. invited21. A. happenB.succeedC. stopD.change22. A. insteadB. besidesC. anywayD. however23. A. hopefulB. proudC. thankfulD.

15、 surprised24. A. fixB. discoverC. rememberD. doubt阅读理解 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。(本大题共13小题,每小题2分,共26分)AThe province of Alberta covers a large part of the Rocky Mountain, making it an attractive province to visit. However, this part of Canada has more than the Rockies. There are cities and

16、towns that draw a large number of tourists each year.CalgaryCalgary is the largest city in Alberta. It' s best known for the Calgary Stampede, a largethat happens in summer every year. The city also has many historic buildings and an amazing zoo.It ' s very rich because of the province'

17、s large oil industry.EdmontonEdmonton is the capital of Alberta. It' s the second largest city in the province. It is home tclot of history. The West Edmonton Mall is a popular attraction, which is the largest in North America and includes over 800 stores, a water park, and a famous theme park.B

18、anffBanff lies in Banff National Park. It' s famous for its wonderful scenes. Activities in the are;include hiking, cycling, and skiing. The local hot Springs are also fun to visit. Though it' s a srtown, it is home to a lot of arts and cultures. Banff holds a film festival each year and hos

19、ts many dance, theatre, and music programs during the whole summer.JasperLocated in Jasper National Park, Jasper attracts lots of visitors. There are a lot of hiking roads and other nature-related activities. The town offers a number of dining and hotel choices at a different price points, making it

20、 easy for your visit to the area.25. What do we know about Calgary?A. It is the capital of Alberta.B. It is the richest city in Alberta.C. It is famous for its historic buildings.D. It holds the Calgary Stampede every summer.C. BanffD. JasperB. Hosting music programs.D. Going out camping or walking.

21、26. Visitors who like shopping should go to A. CalgaryB. Edmonton27. What can you do in Jasper?A. Seeing films.C. Having fun at hot springs.BChinese food is popular all over the world, but one group who fight against it is vegetarians (素食主义者 ).Meat is nearly always on the table, no matter what part

22、of China you are in. It is so common that Zhang Xiuyan has long grown used to the difficulties of being a vegetarian in China.The 67-year-old woman cannot eat meat because it causes her uncomfortable feeling in stomach. " Every time I go out, I meet the same situation,“ she says. " I tell

23、themso in the soup, please don' t include chicken or duck. But when they serve it, therebit of meat. ”Ms Zhang says it 'ssmetimes just a problem of communication. " Foiexample, when they serve green beans, there is a bit of meat in the dish. I say' how come there ' s stil“And th

24、e waiter look and say,' Oh that? That shouldn ' t be a problem! '"Ms Zhang is among 50 million Chinese who are believed to be vegetarians, about 4 per cent of the billion population. Traditionally in poorer times, meat was a luxury (奢侈).But times are changing, and with them, so are

25、cultural attitudes ( 态度).Belle Zhang from Beijing is another vegetarian who has also had difficulties at restaurants.“At home of the noodle restaurants here, even if you order a bowl with no meat, the soup is always made from meat, “ she says. " we vegetarians can always taste it!”She says a re

26、cent triup to China ' s Northeast proved more difficult than other parts of the country.“ The food in the Northeast is really meaty, so there wasn t a single dish we orderedvegetarian, ” she says. “ Every plate on the table in one way or another had a little bit of meat in it.28. Why does Ms Zha

27、ng dislike eating meat?A. Because she loves animals.B. Because she wants to keep fit.C. Because it does harm to her health.D. Because she is a picky eater (挑食者).C. surprisedD. angryB. A story of vegetarians.D. Views on vegetarians29. Hearing the waiter s reply, Ms Zhang probably feelsA. curiousB. in

28、terested30. What s the best title of this article?A. The introduction of Chinese food.C. Being a vegetarian in China.CCathy Krause, who works as an emergency dispatcher ( 紧急调度员) at the Rockwood PoliceDepartment, is tired of getting calls from children, most of which are usually a joke. However, a ph

29、one call from 5 -year-old Jackson McManus who said his father was in trouble was the real deal.“ I ve not had the call like this before,” Krause said as she spoke about the 911 call. Kwas able to calm the boy down and ask him questions to help police find his location and also gather information abo

30、ut the situation.“ I asked him plenty of questions and he was so good,said. “ He was a little nervous in the beginning, but he did everything I asked him to do.asked Jackson if his father was awake. Jackson went to check on his father who couldn replies when he called out his name. This led Krause t

31、o believe that the man was unconscious ( 无意 识 ).Jackson told his father s name but she was still unable to locate the address. She then asked the boy where he went to school and told him to look at the garage and see if there were any numbers.“ I already had a car look for you,” Krause said as she c

32、ontinued to talk to the child.The boy mentioned a street called Groat Street which is between Huron River Drive and Woodruff Road. With these details, she realized that the boy lived at the southern end of the Brownstown Township. She told Jackson to stand outside his house and wave so that police o

33、fficers would be able to see him.Even though Jackson got some of the numbers of his address wrong, police saw him outside his home and the father was quickly taken to a local hospital. He is now in good condition.The father had been suffering from low sodium because of the medicine he was taking. He

34、 told 7 Action News he had taught Jackson and his daughter Mary how to call 911 when something terrible happened to him.31. Which of the following is most important for Cathy?A. To know Jackson s exact address.B. To get through to Jackson s father.C. To learn about Jackson s situation. D. To get in

35、touch with Jackson s school.32. We know from the text that Jackson .A. answered all of Cathy s questions correctlyB. remained clear-minded in the accidentC. has been well trained in giving first aid ( 急救 )D. know his community very well33. The text above is probably taken from .A. a medical reportB.

36、 a book reviewC. a news reportD. a story bookDWhat is the first thing you notice when you walk into a shop? The products displayed at the entrance? Or the soft background music?But have you ever noticed the smell? If it isn spt ecial, the answer is likely to be no. But though a shop sscent (气味) may

37、not be compared with sounds, it is certainly there. And it isproviding to be an increasing powerful tool in encouraging people to purchase ( 购买 ).A brand store has become famous for its special scent which floats through the quite dark hall and out to the entrance. A smell may be attractive but it m

38、ay not just be used for freshening air. One sports goods company once reported that when it first introduced scent into its stores, customers willingness to purchase increased by 80 percent.When it comes to the best shopping streets in Paris, scent is just as important to a brand ' s success as

39、the quality of its window displays and goods on sales. That is mainly because shopping is a very different experience to what it used to be.Some years ago, the focus ( 聚焦)for brand name shopping was on a few people with sales assistants ' disproving attitude!(的态度)and don -touch-what-you-can'

40、-afford displays. Now the rise of electronic purchase has opened up famous brands to a wider audience. But while e -shops can use sights and sounds, only bricks -and-mortar stores (实体店)can offer a full experience from the minute customers step through the door to the moment they leave. Another brand

41、 store seeks to (追寻)much more than a shop, but rather a destination. And scent is just one way to achieve this.Now a famous store uses man-made smell to make sure that the soft scent of baby powder floats through the kid department, and coconut scent in the swimsuit department. A department store ha

42、s even opened a new lab, inviting customers on a journey into the store' sbooks, pots and drawers, in search of their perfect scent.34. According to the passage, what is an increasingly powerful tool in the success of some brand store?A. Friendly assistant.B. Special scents.C. Soft background mu

43、sicD. Attractive window display.35. E-shops are mentioned in the passage to.A. show the advantages of brick -and-mortar storesB. force shop assistants to change their attitudeC. push stores to use sights and soundsD. introduce the rise of e -shopping36. The underlined word“ destination " in Par

44、agraph 5 means.A. an area that exhibits goodsB. a place where travelers like to stayC. a place where customers love to goD. a goal that a store expects to meet37. The main purpose of the passage is to.A. compare and introduceB. examine and recommendC. discuss and reviewD. inform and explain第II卷(主观题共

45、40分)四、词汇运用(本大题共8小题,每小题1分,共8分)(A)根据句意和汉语注释,在答卷标有题号的横线上,写出单词的正确形式。1. What a(浪费)of time copying others' homework! It ' s of no help to you.2. The latest program is specially designed to( 满足)the needs of beginners.3. She is such a(生机勃勃)girl that she never feels tired with different kinds of acti

46、vities.4. It is,(或许),the best known of his works.(B)根据句意,在答卷标有题号的横线上,写出括号内所给单词的适当形式。5. To his great(sad), the little boy lost both of his parents in a train accident.6. The car was not returned to the owner on time, then was reported(steal).7. Though I can ' t find something(usual) in the story,

47、 I think you can share the wonderful points with me.8. Mr. Singh has become a(high) successful salesman after training a lot.五、动词填空用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,并将答案写在答卷标有题号的横线上。(本大题共8小题,每小题1分,共8分)1. Look on the bright side of life, and imagine that you(have) a happy and successful future.2. I ' ve just retur

48、ned from my trip to London. I(visit) many interesting places there.3. Nowadays lots of goods from China are very popular in the world.-Yeah! Many people can hardly avoid (buy) goods made in China.4. The house belongs to Mr. Smith, but he(not live) here any more.5. 一 When did the classroom have a pow

49、er cut?-This morning, while I (give) a physics lesson.6. Was the boy with his little sister made (tidy) up their bedroom because it was in a complete mess?7. I heard a new song on the radio. I(search) it on many websites about music, but I still can ' t find the song.8. Tourists(punish) because

50、of their impolite behaviors in our country from now on.六、阅读填空先通读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在文章后表格的空格内填入一个最恰当的单词。所填单词必须写在答题卡对应题号的横线上。每个空格只能填 一个单词。(本大题共5小题,每空1分,共5分)Aamir Khan is an Indian film actor, director, and producer. Through his career in Hindi films, Khan has made himself as one of the most popular and i

51、nfluential actors of Indian cinema. He has won a great number of awards, including four National Film Awards and eight Filmfare Awards. He was honoured (授奖)twice by the government of India, in 2003 and 2010.Khan first appeared on screen as a child actor in his uncle' s film. His first film role(

52、Lagaan,an experimental film in 1984, and he began a full -time acting career with a leading role in a tragic romance film in 1988. He acted so well in the film Raakh in 1989 that it earned (赢得)him a Special Mention at the National Film Award ceremony. He became the leading actor of Hindi cinema in t

53、he 1990s by appearing in several great films.In 2001, a production company was set up by Khan. The first film of the company,was nominated for Best Foreign Language Film and earned him a National Film Award for Best Popular Film and two more Filmfare Awards. After a four-year absence from the screen

54、, Khan continued to act leading roles. In 2007, the film Taare Zameen Par directed by him is a success that earned him the Filmfare Awards for Best Film and Best Director.Besides acting, Khan is a humanitarian and has taken part in and spoken out for all kinds of social causes. He has also hosted a

55、television talk show, in which he cares for important social events in India.Aamir KhanKhan' s 1 Khan is one of the most popular actors of Indian cinema. The awards he won included four National Film Award and eight Filmfare Awards. The Indian government honoured him twice.Being an actor Khan be

56、gan to act in the film when he was a child. Khan didn ' t work as a fuHtime actor21988. In the film Raakh, he won a Special Mention because of his excellent performance. In the 1990s, Khan was one of the leading actors of Hindi cinema.Being a producerand director Khan 3a production company in 20

57、01. Khan was4 from the screen for four years after the productioncompany was set up. The film Taare ZameenPar 5 helped Khan win the Award for Best Director.Being a humanitarian Khan joined in and spoke for the social causes. Khan was the host of a television talk show.七、完成句子按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子,并将答案写在答卷

58、标有题号的横线上。(本大题共6小题,每小题分,共 9分)1 .那个男孩不知道自他选择说谎后,他就陷入了麻烦了。The boy doesn ' t know he since he chose to tell lies.2 .她在把这篇文章翻译成英语时,一有困难就想立马放弃。the passage into English, she wanted to give up quickly.3 .我们了解到这对夫妻对编曲都不感兴趣。We have known that music.4 .是否要开展这项计划有赖于你的勇气和智慧。your courage and wisdom.5 .那个漂亮姑娘过去常常被误认为女演员。The


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