



1、Un it 1 She said China was a very excit ing place.导学案普市七中胡晓荟【学习目标】1. 知识目标:1)理解直接引语和间接引语,能够将直接引语为一般现在时的陈述句转述为间接引语2. 能力目标:1)能听懂有关娱乐话题的广播节目,获取对话中的主要信息和细节。2)能够转述他人的话语(一般现在时的陈述句)。3情感目标:通过对话,让同学们感受朋友、同学间互相关心、爱护的情感。【学习重难点】:理解直接引语和间接引语,并能将直接引语为一般现在时的陈述句转述为间接引语。【学习过程】预习交流:一、突破重点与难点(一)对本模块语法-直接引语和间接引语进行合作探究学习

2、。生活中引用别人的话及转述他人的话是很常见的,英语中称为直接引语和间接引语。Eg:直接引语:He said, “ It ' s emertornment. ”间接引语: He said (that) it was time for entertainment.(二)归纳短语1).通过对对话的预习,归纳本课的短语,可以小组合作,然后展示小组的成果,其他小组补充完 善。1. 8.2. 9.3. 10.4. 5. 6. ,look af7. (短语:study Chinese, a exciting place, make friends, the end of,be worried abo

3、utabout, the main reas on, think of, play the violi n, etc.)2).疯狂朗读,听写落实.课堂学习、听力(自主完成,合作释疑)听 activity 3,做activity4,选择正确答案。1. Why did n 'Betty hear Sally ' in terview on the radio?2. What does Sally think is the main reas on for her visit?3. Why did Daming want to clap and cheer?4. Why does B

4、etty thi nk they should look after Sally?A. To make frien ds.B. Because Betty thinks that Sally is un happyC. Because Sally played the violi n very well.D. Because she was too sleepy.学生小组内交流答案然后展示。、分组合作-理解对话意思从对话中标出下列句子,并翻译成汉语(小组间合作解决不懂的地方,教师适时点拨)1) She said that she was with some classmates from Lo

5、ndon.LWF HEART2) She said she missed her pare nts but she had some close friends3) She said China was a very excit ing place.4) Chen Huan the n said Sally played the violi n really well.三、诵读积累(一) Activity 6,模仿语音语调。(二) 读烂下列重点句子,注意断句1. Were you awake at 10 o ' clock yesterday evenng ?vas too slee2

6、. She said/ that she was with some classmates from London, and that she was study ing Chin ese.3. She said/ she missed her pare nts but she had some close friends here.4. She said /China was a very exciting place.5. She expla ined /that her visit was about making frien ds.6. Was that it?7. That was

7、the end of the in terview.8. He said/their con certs were excelle nt and every one loved the music.9. She knows/that she ' s among friends.s un happy.10. I ' m worried about her because she四、展示提升-对话表演1. 先看 电影,然后为电影配音a.A Ch in ese Odyssey (大话西游)b.L ord of the Rin gs(指环王)c.Brave Heart (勇敢的心)2.

8、 学生分组练习经典电影片段,然后表演a.Romeo and Juliet (罗密欧与朱丽叶)b.Alice in Wonderland (丽丝梦游仙境)c.007d.Titanic (泰坦尼克), e.Cinderella (灰姑娘)3. 写出你最喜欢的电影台词,与大家分享:五巩固练习,学生分组探究句子中知识点1. Hi, were you awake at 10 o' clock yesnngay昨天晚上10点的时候你们还醒着吗?awake是形容词,意思是 “”。 反义词是:动词形式是: 常用短语是。2.1 was too sleepy.我太困了。sleepy:形容词;feel sl

9、eepy:意思是 “sleep 动词; go to sleep: 意思是 “”。asleep:形容词;fall asleep:意思是 “”3. Was that it?就这些吗?这个疑问句的陈述形式是大家很熟悉的 .这个短语的口语中很常用,表示说话人已表述完或某种事态已不可改变。如:OK, that ' s it.4. So she knows that she' s among那么n她知道她是和朋友们在一起。among: 介词,表示是 “”。如: They live among the mountains.between 表示 “”,女口: The train runs be

10、tween Beijing and Shang.5. 小组自我补充六. 达标测试I. 用所给单词的正确形式填空1. You should try(fini sh) your homework before supper.2. Mark Twain told the(fun) story of all, but the old man still didn ' t laugh.3. Would you please give me some(advise) on how to use the moder n mach ine4. Whe n you are in(da ngerous),

11、 you should know how to save yourself.5. This film is(enjoy) tha n that on e. I prefer to see it.6. We are(excite) about the(excite) film.II. 根据汉语意思完成句子。1. (在我看来), there is too much noise here.2. (除夕卜)some pictures, it's an excellent book.3. They both(演的很好)in the film.4. It's a(奇幻惊险片).5. I(建议)you(去看)the film now.七. 课堂小结Jack said, “There is a good film


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