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1、真诚为您提供优质参考资料,若有不当之处,请指正。玉城中学八年级英语(上)Unit9学案 课型: 新授 主备人: 赵彦玲 审核人: 初二英语组 时间: 2012-10-8第二课时【学习目标】 Section B -Self Check掌握下列单词: tour, well - known, pianist, accordion, alive, athlete, Asia,university, management, number, single掌握下列短语: 1.a loving grandfather 一个慈爱的祖父2. spend all one's free time with s

2、b. 与某人一起度过了所有的业余时间 spend time with sb. 与某人一起度过时光3. a famous violinist 一个著名的小提琴手 4. a kind and loving grandmother 一个和蔼而慈爱的祖母5. a skating champion 一个滑冰冠军6. the well-known Chinese pianist 中国著名的钢琴演奏家7. hum songs 哼歌 8. pieces of music 音乐篇章 9. begin to learn the accordion 开始学习手风琴10. at the age of 在年龄时 11.

3、 win the first prize 赢得一等奖12. the 14th Chopin International Piano Competition 第十四届肖邦国际钢琴比赛 13. receive such an honor 获得这样的荣誉14. because of 因为、由于 15. major in 主修,专修 16. start for a place=leave for a place动身去掌握下列句子: 1. He spends all his free time with his grandchildren.2. She started ice skating when

4、she was four.3. She toured the U.S when she was fouyteen.一、温故而知新1.He was_(出生) in a small village. 2.Yang Liwei is a n_ hero in China.( )1. He a player when he was 18. A. turned B. becomes C. became D. get ( )2. My sister is _ young _ go to school. A. too, to B. enough, to C. so, that D. very, to ( )

5、3. I agree with _of what you said, but I dont agree with _. A. most, nothing B. most, everything C. something, most D. everything, most ( )4. He was born _ January 3rd, 2000. A. at B. on C. in D. for( ) 5. She was born the evening May 5, 1996. A. in; of B. on; of C. in; in D. on; in 二、精讲点拨. He spend

6、s all his free time with his grandchildren. spend 意为“花费时间/金钱” 如:I'm planning to spend time in the beautiful countryside She spent $ 500 last year. spend on sth. 在某物(事)上花费(时间,金钱) spend (in)doing sth. 花(时间或金钱)干某事注意,spend 的主语必须是人,在第四单元中学过“It takes sb. some time / money to do sth.”也可表示“做某事花某人多少时间/金钱

7、”,但 take 的主语应是物,而不能是人。She became a skating champion when she was ten.become v.“变成,成为,变得”He became a king.【拓展】become of=happen to意思是“发生遭遇,成为 的结果”如:What has become of the old garden?= What has happened to the old garden?这座古老的花园变成什么样子了?【辨析】become/turn/get/grow的区别become系动词。“变成,成为”的意思。become+a(an)+名词(表语)

8、。如:Helen became a writer.turn系动词。turn+表颜色的形容词,意为“变成-颜色”。turn+不加a/an的名词(表语),意为“成为”。如:In spring the flowers turn out and the trees turn green.Her face turns red, because there are many people looking at her.get系动词 “变得”。用进行时表示逐渐变化(侧重指天气变化和结果)。如:The days get longer and the nights get shorter. Its gettin

9、g dark. Lets go home at once. grow系动词。“生长,长成”,用进行时表示“渐渐地”(侧重指生长性变化)。如:My younger sister is growing tall.【即学即练】用become/turn/get/grow填空1The girl thinner and thinner.2. His face red.3. The days are longer and longer after the winter solstice. 4. Mary"s to be more and more like her mother. 5. He a

10、teacherHe began to learn the accordion at the age of four. 他四岁时就开始学习手风琴。at the age of 表示“在岁时”如:At the age of 4 Mike began to write story books. 年龄表达方法:(1)用基数词表达年龄,可以加上“ years old” 如:three years old.(2)用 when 引导的从句 when I was three(years old)(3)at the age of + 基数词 at the age of three(4)基数词 + -year-ol

11、d 例: three-year-old,注意这种表达常作定语 如 a three-year-old boy. He was also the first Chinese Pianist in the 70-year history of the competition to win this prize. the 70-year history 70年的历史 其中 70-year 做 history 的定语,所以 year 不能用复数。 如:a four-year old girl 一个四岁女孩。 the 70-year history 70年的历史He stopped playing foo

12、tball because of his sore back. 他因为喉咙痛而停止了踢足球。 = He stopped playing football because he had a sore back. because of + 名词 /名词性短语 because + 句子 两个都表原因【即学即练】He didn't go to school yesterday he was ill. = He didn't go to school yesterday his illness. We didn't go out the weather was bad. = We

13、 didn't go out the bad weather.Is he alive? 他活着吗?alive adj.表示“活着的、在世的”,其反义词是 dead (死的);没有比较等级的变化。 通常不放在名词前作定语,但可作作表语或后置定语。如:He must be still alive. 她一定还活着。Hes the happiest man alive. 他在世界上最幸福的人。Although he is old, he is very much alive. 虽然他很老了,但还很有生气。附: 职业名词 A第一方队:动词+ er,构成的职业名称最多,意为“家人”等。如: tea

14、ch-teacher work-worker farm-farmer clean-cleaner Write-writer sing-singer drive-driver dance-dancer play-player,etc 名词(多为自然学科)+ ist,可构成“家”等。如 artartist chemistrychemist physicsphysicist sciencescientist,etc 名词 + ian,构成“家员”等。如: musicmusician librarylibrarian,etc. B第二方队:名词 + man 或 woman,构成“人员”等。如: pol

15、ice(警务)policemanpolicewoman business(生意)businessman sportssportsman(运动员) post(邮递;寄送)postman(邮递员),etc. C第三方队:其它“纯天然”式职业名称。如: 学生 student 售票员;列车员 conductor 战士;士兵 soldier 护士 nurse 医生 doctor 厨师 cook 售货员、店员 shop assistant三、当堂训练单选 ( )2. When did the young man the army? A. join B. join in C. take part in D.

16、 enter ( )3. - did Charles Osborne hiccup? -He hiccupped 69 years. A. When; in B. How; for C. Why;/ D. How long; for ( )4. Today is Childrens Day. It is a(n) day for him, so he got up much earlier than . A. unusual, usual B. usual; unusual C. unusual, unusual D. usual, usual ( )5. The old man was an

17、gry say a word. A.too; too B.so; to C.very; to D.too; to ( )6. Bill Gates is an _ person. A. famous B. talented C. outstanding D. kind ( )7. When did Mozart music? A. start write B. start writing C. started to write D. started write ( )8. _ four ,He started to learn the accordion. A.At the age of B.

18、On the age of C. At the old of D. In the age of( )9. Is your grandmother still ? -Of course. She with my aunt in the countryside. A. live; lives B. living; alive C. alive; lives D. live; alive ( )10.May I ask you _ questions? A.a little B.any C.some D.a ( )11.When he was a small boy, he could hum ma

19、ny _music. A. piece of B. pieces of C. a piece of D. pieces ( )12.When Jim was a child, they_to France. A.lived B.worked C.moved根据汉语和句子意思完成下列各题:1He-(锻炼)three or four times a week。2What,s your favorite -(节目)?3I -(几乎不)ever eat vegetables。4My coat is -(不同的)from yours。 What,re the -(不同点)between them?5My

20、 eating-(习惯)are pretty good。6Jim is an -(积极的) student。7He likes eating-(巧克力)very much。 8.I have a bad (肚子疼) 9.The (传统的)Chinese food is dumplings.10.I,m (口渴的)Please give me something to drink.11.It, s very (重要的)to eat healthy food.12.People who are too (紧张的) out and (生气的)may have too much yang in the

21、ir lives.13.Many foreigners are more and more interested in traditional Chinese (医药)14.If you work harder from now on.I (相信)you can pass the English exam this time.15I am going (观光)for my vacation this summer。16She is a (著名的) singer in our country。17I plan to spend my time in the (农村)。18.It is very

22、important for u sto keep a balance of (自然)。19.I am (计划)to spend my time with my grandparents. 20It is about 24 公里) from my school。21It is about 24 (分钟) walk from my school.22.I had a (快的)breakfast and went to school (快地)23He (花费) ten yuan on this book last week.24We shoouldnt (依靠)on our parents when

23、 we grow up.25I am going to the (音乐会)this weekend .26He has to take a piano lesson (明天).27Here is an (邀请函)for you,your friend asks you to join his party.28Our (化学)teacher is (美国人).He is having a Chinese (培训)。 29My good friend is as (外向的) as I am。30My twin sister is more (严肃)than me。31Pan Changjiang

24、isnt as (擅长运动)as Liu Xiang。32. Dont (笑) at others。33. It is (必要的) to learn English well。34. We can get a lot of (信息) on the Internet。35. Believing each other is important in ( 友谊)。36You should read the (说明)carefully before ues it 。37I want to buy some (西红柿) in that supermarket。38I want some (三明治) to

25、 eat。39.I went to the (水族馆)with my friends on the last day off。40She got YaoMings (亲笔签名)last year。41We bought some (纪念品)when we were in Beidaihe。42Li Yuchun won the first prize in the singing (竟赛)。43I bought an (雨伞)for my daughter。44He is a (巴西的), (天才的)soccer player。45She began to play for (国家的) tea

26、m on the 2nd of July,1983.46He got lots of (成就)in math.47Liu Xuan is an (杰出的) (体操运动员).48ChengLong is an (不寻常的)actor .49Chopin is one of the most famous (钢琴家).50When I grow up I want to go to Tsinghua (大学)to major in (管理).51.She became a skating (冠军)when she was foueteen.53I want to learn computer (科

27、学).54His father is a great (工程师).55Yao Ming is a (职业的)basketball player.56I have a great (梦想)when I grow up I want to hold art (展览会) .57When I am very rich ,I am going to (旅行)all over the world.58We should often (交流)with my parents.59There are lots of (外国人)on the Great Wall.60Could I (借)some money f

28、rom you?61Thanks for your (邀请).62We have the most (舒服的)seats in our movie theater.64We can,t live (没有) water and air.65This concert is very (成功的).66Lets play this game (一起).67He jumped the (最远)。.So he won the match.68Sanya is in (南方的)China.69She is old (足够的) to go to school.用所给词的适当形式填空(共239题)1.Peopl

29、e who are (stress)out and angry may have too much yang in their lives 2.It is important to eat a (balance) diet to keep healthy3.I think (run) is good for our healthy.4.Lin Tao didn, t come to school yesterday because of his (ill).5.-What is the matter with you?-I have a (tooth).6.-How are you feeli

30、ng now?-I,m feeling much (well).7.It's not easy (catch) fish with your hands only.8.I hope you are (enjoy)your school in Beijing.9.Traditional Chinese medicine is now more and more popular in (west)countries.10.What you (plan) to do for vacation Lin Hui?11.Did you go bike (ride) last weekend ?12

31、.They are taking walks after supper if it (not rain).13 .They decided (spend) the vacation by the sea.14.That director just finished (make) a new movie.15.I dont think its a good place (read) English.16.He is thinking about (spend) the time in the beautiful countryside.17.The boy cant wait (open)the

32、 present box.18. Hes going _ (camp) for vacation. 19. That _(sound)nice, lets go.20 .I dont like _(go) away for too long.21 .I thought about _(visit) Italy or Spain this summer.22.He planned _(have) a very _ (relax) vacation.23.Did you finish _(read) this book last year?24.The Greens are _ (plan) th

33、eir vacation to Greece this weekend.25 .He decided _(work) harder this year than last year.26. What are you doing? Im_(babysit) my little sister.27I spend two hours (read)my English book。28It took him about two days (finish)this work。29She says:I need (see) my friend。30Taking a boat must be a lot mo

34、re fun than (take)a bus。31The number of the students in our class (be) 43。32A number of students (be)playing games on the playground。33 (drive)here come from countryside。34Thanks a lot for (invite)me。35Thanks a lot for the (invite)。36I have to (go) to the dentist with my parents。37What (be) the date

35、 the day before yesterday。38I have to have a tennis train)with my school team。39 Tom is (quiet) than Jim.40. She draws (well) than Lucy.41. This jacket is (dear) in the shop.42. The third box is (heavy) than the second one。43. This book is (easy) than that one.44. Jim is (young) than Li Ping.45. Is

36、your classroom (bright) than their?46.Which city is (big), Shanghai or Beijing?47Our math teacher is (serious)than our English teacher。48。LiuXiang is (athletic)than Pan Changjiang 。49I think Deng Yaping is a little (outgoing)。50This story is much (interesting)。51English is as (important)as math。52Bo

37、th Tom and LiLei (be)good friends。53Li Sixue is much (good) at English than Li Tong.54.I am good at (play) baasketball.55. Li Sixue does much (good) in English than Li Tong.56.I do well in (play) baasketball.57.There are some (different) between Yuan Li and me.58.One of the (tourist) is from Japan.5

38、9.I want to buy some (potato)for breakfast。60Let's put two (teaspoon) in the soup。61How many (apple) do you need?62How much (yogout)do we need?63I often finish (do)my homework before class is over.64.We enjoy (make)salad with our own hands.65.Don' t make others (laugh) at us.66. (west) medic

39、ine is sometimes bad for our health.67It rained heavily, (luck)I didnt get wet。Because I (bring)my unbrella with me。So I am a (luck)boy。68We (buy)some souvenirs when we were in Beidaihe。69Li Yuchun (win)the first prize in the (sing)competition.70To learn (ride)a horse must be interesting。71He (write

40、)a book in 1999。72Look!There are so many people (watch)the dolphin show.73Did you have fun (swim)in the sea.74He is a (Brazil),soccer player.75She began to play for (nation) team on the 2nd of July,1983.76Tiger Woods is a outgoing (golf).77Liu Xuan is an unusual (gym).78ChengLong is an (talent)actor

41、 .80She is a famous (violin)。81All the (tour)are from American。82He is going to be a computer (program)when he (grow)up。 83YaoMing is a (profession)basketball player。84Xu Beihong is a famous (art)。85There are a lot of (foreign)in the park。86.We (hold)2008 Olympic Games (successful)。87We got lots of

42、letters from (read)。88Thanks for your (invite)。89Thank you for (invite) me。90.Zhang San is a (good)student,Li Si is a (good)student than Zhang San,Wang Wu is (good)of all。91Mr Zhang is very (serious),Mr Li is much (serious)than Mr。Zhang。Mr Wang is (serious)of all。92We cant live (with) water and air。

43、93I live in (south) China。94After I finish my high school ,I will go to a university to study (far)。95I am too tired to go (far)。96Hu Jintao is the (lead)of Chinese people。97Which cinema has (comfortable)seats ,the Town Cinema or the Movie Palace。98I think Shanghai is one of the (big)cities in China

44、.99Little Tom is now much (happy)than he was two years ago.100She is a girl .She does everything (careful).1All of us are very (interest)in that comedy。2.The teacher asked the students to read the text as (quick)as possible。3When he (come)back,I will ask him (sweep)the floor。4It is seven o'clock

45、 now .Mom (do)the dishes。5.-May I use your dictionary?Sorry, (I)is at home。6.-When your father (retire)?In 2009。7She is going to work harder (save)more money。8It's your job (make)the living room clean。9When I passed the classroom,I saw two boys (fight)with each other。10Keep your eyes (close)and

46、guess what is in my left hand。11We are going to help the (tour)who can't speak Chinese。 12My sister (not be)a teacher when she (grow)up。13Many students spend their free time (play) computer games。14That boy is different from others .He is (usual)and creative。15The (much)you practice ,the (good)y

47、our English will be。16Of the two computers,the one on the left is (expensive).17Liu Ying and Liu Li are (twin)sisters。18He is listening to the teacher as (careful )as the other students.19I think it's not necessary (be)the same。20How long does it take you (walk)to school?21I think flying kites i

48、s much easier than (swim).22Can you tell me the best way of (learn)English well?23You don't need (take) a bus there。It's very near.24They are going to take a walk if it (not rain).25.I look after myself very carefully and I am (health). 26The students have many kinds of (activity)after school。27I watch TV three or four (time)a week。28The boy is trying hard (climb)the tree。29You are a little heavy .You must eat (little)meat from now on。30His (read)habits are pretty good。31What does she do on weekends? She often goes (skateboard)32Tom drinks coffee (one)a day。33I can (hard)understand


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