



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Module 5 The Great Sports PersonalityGrammar :状语从句 时间状语从句 地点状语从句 状语从句的类型 原因状语从句 条件状语从句 目的状语从句 结果状语从句 方式状语从句让步状语从句比较状语从句一.时间状语从句在句中起时间状语作用的句子成为时间状语从句,可位于句中、句首、句末,常用引导时间状语从句的引导词:when, while, as, after, before, since, ever since, till, until, as soon as, once1、while, when, as 的用法(1)when用得最

2、广,常可代替 while 与 as,与 while比较,when 所引导的 从句,动词既可是延续性的;也可以是终止的;as在这一点与 when相同, while引导的从句;动词只能是延续的。例: When the fire broke out, all the students were sleeping sound. The telephone rang while I was taking a bath.Notes:在时间状语从句中,用一般现在时表示一般将来时;用一般过去时表示过去将来时。例: When you get there ,ring me up. Dont forget to b

3、ring your camera here when you come.(2)两个表示时间延续的动作同时发生而又具有对比意义时,我们用while,在这样的复合句中,主句和从句的时态是相同的(通常)。例如: Father was preparing a report while I was playing PC game. While I played the piano, my sister did her homework.(3) 表述两个发展变化中的情况时常用“as”.例如:As he talked on, he got more and more excited. As you grow

4、 older, youll know better and better about yourself.(4)表示“ 一边。一边。”时,常用“as”例如:They talked as they walked along the river.(边走边读)(5)表示随着短暂动作的发生,另一行为伴随发生时,常用“as”例如:My cap was blown away as I sat down.2、until和 till的用法(可以互用) (1)until、 till 指的是某一持续性行为持续到某一时间点,对于终止性动词需要用动词的否定形式。例如:Ill wait untiltill the con

5、cert is over.My uncle didnt marry until he was 45.(2)持续性动词的否定形式则表示到某一点这一行为才开始。例如:Until the manager returns ,nothing can be done.Note: Not until all the fish had died did the farmer realize how serious the pollution was.3.since 的用法(1) since表示自某一时间点以来,常用完成时态或完成进行时,在强调语意时since 前可加ever。主句可用持续性动词,也可用非延续性

6、动词,用非延续性动词必须强调动作的频度或多次、多个。如:Great changes have taken place since you left this city.I have returned home twice since I settled down in the USA.不可说成:I have returned home since I settled down in the USA.They have been living happily ever since they got married.(2)Since引导的从句中,若是持续性动词,往往理解为某一状态的终止。Its b

7、een a year since I worked here.(我不在这里工作已经一年了)。(3)it is.since和it has been since ;it seemssince.和it fells since例如: It is has been a few years since we last met. it seems feels a long time since we parted.辨析:since 和 ever since 二者可用作副词,意为“自那以来”。 “since”修饰的主句一般不用终止性动词,除非表示动词的频率。“ever since”更加强调某一动作或状态一直,

8、他所修饰的主句谓语动词不能为终止性动词。例如: I bought the book last month and I have read it twice since. I graduated from that school 10 years ago. I havent been there ever since.4. before的用法:一般情况下,before表示“在。之前”,有时译为:“才。”eg: I must finish this letter before i go home. The train had already left before i arrived.5.名词短语

9、引导的状语从句常用的这类名词短语有:the time , the moment, the minute, the day, the year, the first/second time, by the time , each time, every time, next time, any time例如:The day he returned home ,his father was already dead .Every time I see him ,he is working hard.6. by the time 用法这个词组常用来指到某一时间点为止,主句常用完成时态。例如: By

10、the time he was 12, he had traveled to 30 countries. By the time I graduate next year, I will have lived here for 5 years.若主句是“be” 的系表形式或像know 等表示“认知”的持续性动词,则往往用一般时态。如:By the time he went abroad , he was fifteen.7.表示“一就”引导词的用法。常表达“一就”的时间状语从句的引导词:as soon as , immediately, directly, instantly, no soon

11、er than ,hardly.when.例如: No sooner had I began to talk than he rang off.=I had no sooner began to talk than he rang off.例如: Hardly had I told him my name when he stopped listening=I had hardly told him.Note:除了以上表示时间的从句外,还可用非时间状语从句的形式。 动词的ing 形式。如:Having checked all the answers, I turned my papers in

12、 . at. :常用于at the thought of (一想到。就。), at the touch of (一摸到。就。)等结构中。例如:At the news, she burst into tears. on doing on sth例如:On her arrival at the countrysideOn arriving at the countryside , she felt a gust of cool air around herself.Note: 以上表达中,on doing结构表示“一。就。”,也可用doing 或when doing 结构;但动作没有结构紧凑二.地

13、点状语从句:在句中作地点状语的从句称为地点状语从句,可置于句首、句中、句末。地点状语的从句的用法:常用的引导词有where, wherever, anywhere, everywhere, nowhere 等。例如: We live where the road crosses the river. You can go anywhere you like. Where there is a will, there is a way.三.原因状语从句在句中作原因状语的从句称为原因状语从句,可位于句首、句尾。引导词:单词引导词because, as , since 等。 短语引导词 now th

14、at, in that ,seeing that, for the reason that等。1.because, as , since, 用法(1)because 语气最强,用以回答why 引起的提问,可和强调词only, merely, just及否定词not连用。常用于主句之后,只有强调时才位于主句之前,还可以用于强调结构。例如: He was absent from school because he was ill. He was published only because he broke the law. It was because I wanted to see my un

15、cle that I went to town yesterday.(2)as 从句之前不可用强调词和“not”,且不可用于强调结构;as 从句多位于主句之前。例:As it was a public holiday, all the shops were shut.(3)since:既然前不可用强调词和not, 也不可用于强调结构,多用于主句之前。例:Since everyone makes mistakes, you shouldnt always criticize him.Note:for 是一个等立连词,连接并列句, 用来做附加说明,一般把“for”引起的句子放在某一句子之后。例:l

16、ets stay home , for its raining hard outside.2.now that 的用法例如:Now (that) you understand ,I dont need to explain again. 3.for the reason that 的用法,that 后是一个同位语从句,解释说明reason的内容。 例: I often go to the concert for the reason that I love music.4.in that 的用法,常用于书面语中, 表示某种原因。例:I prefer the country in that th

17、eres fresh air.5.be happy that , be glad that 等中的that 从句中有时也被认为是原因状语从句。四目的状语从句在句中做目的状语的从句称为目的状语从句。可位于句首、句中、句末。1、in order that, so that用法: so that往往只用于句尾;也有用于句首的;so that 短语有时可以省略 that, in order that 可用于句首、句尾。例:I hurried through my work in order that I could be in time for wonderful TV programmes.Note

18、:在目的状语从句中常含有情态动词:maymightwillwould等。例如:Take this medicine so that you can recover soon.2、for fear(that) 用法:唯恐;以防例如:Im working hard for fear(that) I should fail.3、in case 的用法:以防,以免例如:Take a hat with you in case the weather is hot.五结果状语从句在句中做结果状语的从句叫做结果状语从句。一般用于句尾。1.so that 的用法:既可引导目的状语从句,也可以引导结果状语从句,

19、在引导目的状语从句时,常含有情态动词,而引导结果状语从句时很少出现。that 有时可以省略。例如:We arrived early in the morning , so (that) we caught the first train.2、so. that.的用法:常用4种句型(1)so + adj. + that.eg: The test was so boring that I gave up reading it half way through.(2) so + adv. +that。eg: He drove so carelessly that he almost lost his

20、 life.(3) so many few much little (少的) + 相应形式的名词+that.eg: He made so many mistakes that he failed the exam again.(4) so+ 动词 + that eg : It so happened that he didnt receive my invitation.3、such.that. 的用法:常见4种(1)such + aan +adj + 可单+ thateg: I was such a terrible day that we couldnt go out to play.(2

21、) such + adj + 可复 + thateg: They are such good children that we all love them. (3)such+adj+不可数名词+thateg : This was such fine music that it was worth listening to twice.4.that的用法:有时that 本身也可引导结果状语从句。eg; What have we done that you should be so angry with us.Note:为了强调形容词或副词,可把so或such提于句首,主句用倒装语序。eg: So

22、 exited was he that he could not fall into sleep. Such was his worry that he couldnt go on with his work.六.条件状语从句在句中作条件状语的从句可称为条件状语从句。可位于句首、句尾、主谓之间。常用的引导词:if, unless, asso long as, once, in case, on condition that, supposing(that), providing(that), provided(that), given(that)eg: If it snows tomorrow

23、, we will build a snowman.Youll be late again unless you hurry.Note:在条件状语从句中,用一般现在时代替一般将来时,一般过去时代替过去将来时七.让步状语从句在句中作让步状语的从句称为让步状语从句。可位于句首、中、尾。1.thoughalthough(正式)引导让步状语从句时, 主句可用yet 或still 引出,更加强调对比性,但不可用but。有时though也用于倒装句型。在as though , even though 中一般不可用although替代, 同时although不可当副词用而though则可以。eg: (1)

24、Although Though she works very hard, (yet/still) she makes very slow progress. (2) Young though she is , she has travelled to many countries to put on shows.(3) Ive a bit of headache. Its nothing much, though.2.even though even if 用法。:语气更强的让步。eg: Even though the learning is slow and painful , the re

25、st is wonderful.3.as 用法:让步时常倒装,倒装时如若有带冠词的名词冠词常省略,这种用法与though 倒装时用法一致。eg: Pop star as though she is, she still needs to improve.4.whether()or not whetheror用法。eg: All the nations should be equal, whether they are strong or not.5.whever 类的用法eg:Ill wait for you however late it is.=Ill wait for you no ma

26、tter how late it is.Note: 英语中why /whether 不能和ever 连用八.比较状语从句在句中作比较状语的从句称为比较状语从句。一般位于句尾。常与引导词:as.as, not asso.as, than, the+ 比。,the +比1. 同级比较的用法:asas.结构eg: There are as many people in our town as there are in your town.2.不同级比较:not as so .as 结构eg: His handwriting is not as /so good as yours(is).3. 差级或

27、高级比较:。thaneg: He was more successful than we had expected.4.比较关系“状从”the + 比较级 , the + 比较级eg: The sooner you are back , the better it will be.九.方式状语从句在句中作方式状语的从句称为方式状语从句。位于句尾、中。常用的连接词:as, as if, as though, the way等1as 的用法:正如,像eg: Will you do the experiment as I am doing?Note:在美国英语中表示“像。”且后跟句子时,as与lik

28、e有混用现象。eg: You should do like as I do.2.as if/ as though 的用法 (1) 二者引导的方式状语从句所表示的情况是事实或具有很大的可能性时,通常用陈述语气。(2)若方式状语的情况不是事实,通常用虚拟语气。现在的情况用过去时态,过去的情况用过去完成时。eg: The boss speaks aloud as if he is angry. The boss speaks aloud as if he were angry. The injured man acted as if nothing had happened to him.十状语从句的省略省略原则:主、从句中的主语一致,可把从句中的主谓和谓语的一部分或全部省略。1时间状语从句中的省略。eg: When (she was )very young, she began to learn to pl


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