七年级英语上册 课本短语素材 冀教版_第1页
七年级英语上册 课本短语素材 冀教版_第2页
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七年级英语上册 课本短语素材 冀教版_第4页
七年级英语上册 课本短语素材 冀教版_第5页




1、七年级(上)重点短语unit 1 school and numberslesson 1hello/hi! 喂/嗨!live in 居住,居住在whats your/his/her name? 你/他/她的名字叫什么?my/his/her name is 我/他/她叫(名字)lesson 2how are you? 你好吗?im fine, thanks. 好,谢谢你。nice to meet you .见到你很高兴。lets sing a song. 让我们一起唱歌吧!have a lovely day 度过了愉快的一天lesson 3this is 这是(介绍人时的常用语)whats thi

2、s? 这是什么?its a 这是一个lesson 4there/here it is. 在这儿/那儿。stand up 站起来,起立sit down 坐下look up/down 向上/下看reach up/down 向上/下伸手jump up/down 向上/下跳point up/down 向上/下指lesson 6how many 多少 (对可数名词的数量提问)he/she is my friends.他/她是我的朋友。abcs 字母表next time 下次sing with me 和我一起唱lesson 7may i? 我可以(做)吗?good-bye 再见see you later.

3、回头见。here you are .给你。youre welcome.别客气。open the _打开close the_关上lesson 8can you do it? 你能做这件事吗?talk with 和交谈draw a picture 画一幅画in english 用英语说unit 2 colours and clotheslesson 10what colour is it? 它是什么颜色的?what are they? 它们是什么?cut with scissors 用剪刀剪walk to 步行去lesson 15be from 来自my favourite 我最喜欢的the sa

4、me 一样的a pair of 一双/对/副/条on a morning 在一个的早晨write down 写下,记下unit 3 body and feelingslesson 17how do you feel? 你觉得怎么样?feel happy/tired 觉得高兴/累clap hands 拍手,鼓掌want to show 想表达lesson 19put in 把放进去take out 把拿出来turn round 转过身来 shake about 摇动lesson 22look at 看着look different 看上去不一样lesson 23how tall are you?

5、 你有多高?immetres tall. 我有米高。i dont know.我不知道。whats the matter? 怎么啦?are you ok? 你没事吧?have a headache 头痛feel sick 觉得难受/恶心have a stomachache 胃痛lesson 24onethe other 一个,另一个ask sb to do sth 让某人做某事in front of 在的前面well done! 做得好!unit 4 food and restaurantslesson 26im hungry /thirsty. 我饿/渴了。i want to eat/drin

6、k. 我想吃东西/喝点什么。get up 起床in the morning/afternoon/evening 在早晨/下午/晚上do ones homework做作业go to bed 去睡觉sweet dream 甜蜜的梦good night! 晚安have breakfast/lunch/supper吃早/午/晚饭go to school 上学would like 想要yes, please.请来点吧。no, thanks. 不,谢谢。lesson 29its time for 到了做的时间了。a special treat 特殊的待遇lesson 30a bottle of一瓶fren

7、ch fries法式油炸食品have / eatfor (一日三餐)吃lesson 31hot dogs热狗how much is it? 多少钱?like a lot 非常喜欢be ready to do 准备做a bowl of 一碗ill take 我要买how much for? (某商品)多少钱 (for 表示一种等值或对比关系)lesson 32in pairs 两人一组a kind of 一种a piece of 一片/块/张each other (二者)相互,彼此for example 例如good work!做得好!(=well done!) unit 5 family an

8、d homelesson 33how old are you? 你多大了?im years old. 我岁了。family tree 家谱lesson 34a friend called一个名字叫的朋友a picture of her family 她的一张全家福talk about 谈论,谈及the smith family=the smiths史密斯一家police officer警官bus drier公共汽车司机lesson 35happy birthday! 生日快乐!birthday cake/present/party /candle生日蛋糕/礼物/宴会/蜡烛lesson 36wo

9、rk together一起工作happy family 幸福家庭one plus two 一加二lesson 38on the phone/computer 在电话/电脑上after supper 晚饭后watch tv 看电视lie on 躺在上listen to the radio 听收音机go to sleep 睡觉lesson 39brush teeth 刷牙comb hair 梳头wash face 洗脸take a shower洗淋浴wear clothes 穿着衣服lesson 40fromto 从到instead of 代替in the end 最后introduceto把介绍

10、给unit 6 lets go!lesson 41how do you go to school? 你怎样上学?by bus 乘公共汽车far from school 离学校远near school 在学校附近by car 乘小汽车walk to 步行去by bicycle 骑自行车drive to work 开车去上班work in a school 在学校上班work in a store 在商店上班lesson 42apartment building 公寓大楼office building 办公大楼 traffic lights 交通灯up the stairs 在楼上 let sb

11、do sth 让某人做某事follow me! 跟我走!be lost 迷路excuse me! 劳驾,借光have a map 有一张地图go down this street 沿着这条街走。turn right 向右拐lesson 43go shopping 去购物clothes shop 服装店bicycle shop 自行车店tea shop茶行grocery shop 杂货店ice cream 冰淇淋across the street 穿过大街(到对面去)lesson 44department store 百货公司movie theatre 电影院may i help you? 我可

12、以帮助你吗?this way, please. 请这边走go to a restaurant 去饭馆lesson 45on sale 出售how much is it? 多少钱?plusequals 加等于lesson 46lets go to the zoo! 让我们到动物园去吧!what is it? 这是什么?what do they eat? 它们吃什么?what are they doing? 它们正在做什么?lesson 47live in a river住在河里live in a tree 住在树上in a forest 住在森林里on a hill 在山上onethe othe

13、r 一个,另一个fly away飞走come back 回来go to the farm 到农场去on the farm在农场里unit7 days and monthslesson 49how is the weather today? 今天天气怎么样?whats the weather like today?in red shorts 穿着红色短裤whats the date? 今天是几月几号?lesson52what day is it? 今天是星期几?happy new year! 新年快乐!new years day 新年,元旦(1月1日)spring festival 春节(阴历正

14、月初一)international workers day=may day 五一劳动节 (5月1日)childrens day 儿童节(6月1日)teachers day 教师节(9月10日)national day 国庆节(10月1日)lesson 53play with 玩耍,和一起玩play catch 玩接球游戏fly a kite 放风筝feel tired 感觉疲劳read a book看书like to do sth 喜欢做某事 (短时)like doing sth 喜欢做某事 (经常)go to the movie theatre 去影院watch/see a movie 看电

15、影work on a computer 操作电脑watch the animal 观察/欣赏动物lesson 55what time is it?=whats the time?几点了?work hard 工作/学习努力go home 回家good morning to you .早上好!in the morning/afternoon/evening 在早晨/下午/晚上have breakfast/lunch/supper 吃早/午/晚饭so much 那么多a few 一点,有点unit 8 my country and english-speaking countrieslesson 5

16、7be from 来自a lot of 许多western food 西餐in china 在中国english-speaking countries 说英语的国家the usa =the united states of america 美国the u.k. =the united kingdom 英国far from 远离,离远show you a map 让你看一张地图 =show a map to youlesson 58a map of the world 一幅中国地图point up/ down/left/right 向上/下/左/右指lesson 59a map of china 一幅中国地图speak chinese 讲汉语the capital of 的首都tiananmen square 天安门广场in english 用英语说the palace museum 故宫博物院i dont know. 我不知道。lesson 60know a


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