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1、课时作业(五)基础训练I单词拼写1. The trees and the mountains made the l very beautiful.答案:landscape2. I like the natural beauty of this vast c. _答案:continent3. Last summer vacation I went h on a mountain with my friends.答案:hiking4. Are you the driver of this v?答案:vehicle5. The hill appeared as a black m in the di

2、stance.答案:massn单句语法填空1. They exchanged(greet) and sat down to lunch.答案:greetings2. So we haven't been able to find anything, but we're still researching.答案:far3. I spend a lot of my spare time(watch) videos.答案:watching4. Take not to leave anything behind.答案:care5. I hope to hear you and plea

3、se write to me.答案:fromm用括号内所给词汇,写出一个语段(mass; deer; soccer; continent; gravy)答案: There are masses of deer in the continent. People in the continent like to play soccer and eat some biscuits and gravy.思维训练I完形填空Travelers to new cities are often told to start their trip with a bus tour. The thinking is

4、that they can then return to the places that _1_ them. It's notjrue!What you see from the _2_ of a moving bus is _3_. It's different from the real sights, sounds, and _4_ outside.Be adventurous ( 冒险的)! The best _5_Jo experience any place is on foot and with completely no travel plan. _6_ go

5、wherever your feetand your interests _7_you. You finally will get to the _8_ placejthat are on the bus tourthe museums,city hall but you will have seen much more. You will have _9_ the present life of the city.“But what if I get lost ?” people might ask. No one ever gets _10_ lost ina big city. At l

6、ast, you can find your way back to a(n) _11_ place. If it makes you afraid of being "12” , just find a taxi and go back to where you started. However, the _13_ things can happen if you are lost. You _14_ at a cafe_to sit and relax. You can ask the local ( 当地的)people at the next table for direct

7、ions.And _15 they don't speak your language, your trip becomes more interesting because of the _16_. Here are two more ways to help you. Know before you go. _17_ a few _ hours before your trip learning about the history and culture of your destination (目的地).Move around like a _18 . Use the subwa

8、y and buses of the city that you're19_.You'll not only _20_ money, but you'll also learn how people really live.篇章导读:本文是一篇议论文。旅行的最终目的是让自己放松和开心,如果有小插曲发 生也没关系。1. A.helpedB. concernedC. interestedD. satisfied答案:C句意:这个想法就是他们能够返回到使他们感兴趣的地方。interest "使感兴趣”。故选Co2. A.insideB. frontC. backD.

9、 center答案:A 此处与4题空后的outside 相呼应,句意:你从一辆移动的车里所看到的景 色inside"里面",故选A。3. A.realB. trueC. unrealD. common答案:C 根据空格后"It's different from the real sights”可知在车里面看到的并不完全等同于真实景象,故选Co4. A.viewsB. citiesC towns答案: D地,尤其地”。句意:只去你的脚和兴趣带领你去的地方。选5 A.useC group答案: B6 A.JustC Hardly答案: A7 A.leadC t

10、ell句意:体验任何地方最好的方式是步行。just答案: A lead8 A.differentC right答案: D 句意:你最终会到达与公共汽车旅行相同的地点。9 A.leftC lived答案: C 句意:通过这种方式你会体会到城市现在的生活。10 A.terriblyC hopelesslyBDBDwayvoyagea > -_r.way “方式,方法”,故选NeverEspeciallynever “从不”; hardly “几乎不”;只去你的脚和兴趣带领你去的地方。选B moveD helpget to ”呼应,故选B wrongD sameB feltD ledB pos

11、siblyD finally答案: C 句意:在大城市迷路不会让人绝望。 hopelessly11 A.unknownC strange方法”,故选especially “特别B。A。故选sameliveA。D。C。“无望地”,故选B well knownD familiarC。答案: B 句意:迷路后你能通过各种方式回到人们众所周知的地方。 well-known “众所周知的”,故选B。12 A.lostB decidedC leftD went答案: A 句意:如果你害怕走丢就找一辆出租车,让它带你回到出发的地方。lost“迷路的”,故选A。13 A.worstB hardestC nic

12、estD happiest答案: C worst “最坏的”; hardest “最难的, 最硬的”; nicest “最好的”; happiestyour trip becomes more interesting”可知此处指迷路了也会有好事情发生。故选C。D smells能与 sights , sounds 相并列的只有smells ,故选D。14. A.reachB. getC. riseD. stop答案:D句意:迷路后可以在一家咖啡馆停下来坐下休息。 stop“停止”,故选Do15. A.in caseB. as a resultC. in factD. even if答案:D in

13、 case"以防,万一";as a result"结果";in fact"事实上,实际上";even if “即使”。句意:即使他们不讲你的语言,你的旅行也会更难忘的。故选D16. A.experienceB.conversationC. talkD.trip答案:A 句意:你的旅行会因为这些经历变得更有趣。experience "经历",故选 A17. A.TakeB.SpendC. PayD.Use答案:B句意:旅行之前花费几个小时了解你的目的地的历史和文化。spend time (in)doing sth.意

14、为“花费时间做某事"。take指花费时间时常用句型是:It takes sb. some time to do sth. 。 pay只能指花费金钱,不指时间。故选 B。18. A.graduateB.touristC. nativeD.foreigner答案:C句意:像当地人一样乘坐地铁和公交出门,故选 C19. A.seeingB.visitingC. goingD.walking答案:B句意:乘坐你正在游览的那个城市的地铁和公共汽车。visit"参观,游览”,故选Bo20. A.organizeB. bendC. saveD. flow答案:C organize&quo

15、t;组织";bend "弯腰";save "节省";flow"流动"。乘坐地铁和公交等公共交通工具是比较“节省”开销的,故选 Qn阅读理解People who like traveling have their reasons. They believe that traveling canhelp them expand their field of view, especially in the geographical and historicalsense. They also think that touring

16、will give them more chances to enjoy differentkinds of food and experience new things that would never be brought by other activities.But those who dislike traveling also have some reasons.Traveling, in my opinion, does more good than harm. Most importantly, it broadens(使扩大)our mind. We can get in t

17、ouch with other civilizations (文明),cultures,customs and ideas.Through history, most people traveled because of necessity (必要性)not forpleasure. People traveled just in order to remain alive. They searched for food to eat or places to live in. They sometimes ran away from enemies. This is not to say t

18、hat no one ever traveled just for fun of it. In ancient times, for example, rich Romanstraveled all the ways to Greece to take part in the Olympic Games, and festivals. Of course, some people decided to travel just out ofcuriosity ( 好奇心).They wantedto find out what it looked like beyond the horizon

19、(地平线).Also business travelhas been going on for centuries. Traders could not only make money but also learn to speak several languages and be introduced to different cultures.So, traveling does enrich our mind and draw new ideas to us. There is no doubt that we can get much from it.篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。同样一

20、件事,有喜欢的人,也会有讨厌的人,旅游也一 样。1. The underlined word“expand" in Paragraph 1 can be replaced by.A. widenB. protectC. loseD. decide答案:A词义猜测题。根据第二段第二句可知,喜欢旅游的人认为旅游可以帮助他们拓 展视野,所以画线词的意思是“扩展”,故选Ao2. According to the passage, in the past most people traveled.A. for funB. for knowledgeC. to get experiencesD.

21、 to make a living答案:D细节理解题。根据第三段第二句可知,过去大多数人都是为了谋生而旅行,故 选D。3. How many reasons for traveling are mentioned in Paragraph 3?A. Three.B. Four.C. Five.D. Six.答案:C细节理解题。根据第三段第二句、第四句、第五句、第七句和第九句可知在第三段中共提到了五个理由。故选 C。4 What's the main idea of this passage?A Different kinds of traveling.B Traveling enric

22、hes our mind.C Ways to enjoy yourself while traveling.D The advantages and disadvantages of traveling.答案: B 主旨大意题。文章主要讲述的是旅游的优势与好处,故选B。m概要写作阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60 词左右的内容概要。Australians eat whole world's foodI can't decide what I want to eat for dinner tonight.Do I feel like Italian food or Thai fo

23、od? Indian or Chinese? American or Turkish?I don't need to travel around the world; all these choices are available in a typical inner city in Australia.Australian food has many different cultural influences. Over the past century, people from many countries have come to Australia. These migrant

24、s ( 移 民 ) have contributed to the melting pot that is Australian food.“ Whether you're after modern, traditional or exotic flavors, Australia's eclectic dining scene offers a wide range of the world's great cuisines (菜肴 ) ,”the Visit Victoria website noted.Some Australian families may re

25、strict their diet to the basic“ meat and threeveg” meal: one sort of meat (chicken, beef, lamb, and so on), along with three different types of vegetables (usually potatoes, peas and carrots) But most peopleenjoy the variety.If I were to pick four meals that every Australian eats, they would be Ital

26、ian spaghetti bolognaise ( 意式肉酱面), Chinese fried rice, British fish and chips andThai green chicken curry.Chinese students in Australia find it easy to get a Chinese meal. Cities likeSydney have large Chinatowns, but many towns in the country also have a Chinese takeaway restaurant.Popular Australian Chinese dishes may not always seem authentic Honey Chicken, for example but you can still find dumpli


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