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1、For pers onal use only in study and research; not for commercial useLess on 1Less on 30Name_ Score_、完成下列单词。(10 分)()1. thA. e,e,sB. e,s,eC. s,o,e()2. lkA. o,c,e,rB. o,k,r,eC. o,c,r,e()3. hgA. u,n ,e,eB. n ,u,r,yC. u, n,r,y()4. mn gA. o,r, n,iB. o,r,i,nC. r,o,i,n()5. lttA. e,e,rB. e,r,eC. r,e,e()6. c_

2、l rA. o,u,oB. o,o,uC. u,o,o()7. stA. dr, eeB. t, eerC. tr, ee()8. b_ _t_fulA. u,erB. ea,iC. eau,i()9. tA.owleB. oewlC. owel()10. It_l_nA. an, iaB.a, iaC. an, ie二、英汉互译。(12 分)1._ which_ 2.足球_5._ child_ 6.渴的_9._ American_ 10 谁的 三、根据根据提示补充句子(10 分)。1.I m French.Come on my 边)(2. What s_(在里面)it?_(打开)and se

3、e.3. This less on is not very_ 有趣的).4. _ colour are your shoes ? They_ (be) grey.5. - (Whose) is this?-It s Tom s.6. -_ ?你的帽子是新的吗?)-_做否定回答)7. Ca n you tell us the way to the_商 店)8. _ (穿上)Mum s shoes, Sue.9. The woma n_拿着)the white umbrella.10. _(她的)egg is in the egg-cup.四、从下列四个选项中选出最佳答案,并把答案写在括号内(8

4、分)()1.Where is Paris (巴黎)?It s_.A.i n En gla nd. B. i n Fran ce. C. i n Italy . D. i n America( )2.Paul is from Germa ny. He speaks_ .A. Germa nB. Germa nyC. Germa ns D. Germe n3.他的_ 4.exercise-book_7.自 行车_ 8.handsome_11 邮递员_ 12.these_()3.What s in the box? Rubbers_bananas?A. and B.or C.but D. so()4

5、.Do you like the clothes , Jim ? No, I donA. in all B. . after all C. at all D. of all( )5.There is a letter_your mother .A. on B. in C.for D.to( )6.Tom_in the playgro und in the after noon.A. plays the football B. plays a football C. play footballs()7._ a heavy shower on our way to school.A.There a

6、re B. There have C. There is D. There has()8. Which box ,the big one or the small_ ?A. one B. a C. the D.an五、句型转换(10 分)。1.-_-1 am American .(根据回答提问)2.Sandy is washing his face now.(改为一般疑问句)_?3.It s his kn(改为一般疑问句)4.Eat your breakfast.(改为否定句).5. -Are your hands clean ?肯定回答)_,they_ .6. This is Sue s r

7、ubber 对划线部分提问)rubber is this?7.She is Cathy.对寸划线部分提问)_is she?8.It an umbrella.(对划线部分提问)_is this?9.He is a good schoolboy 变成否定句)10. My book is white.(变成一般疑问句,并作否定回答)t like them_D. plays football六、用所给动词的正确形式填空(15 分)。1.1_(be)a stude nt from Nan gua n Road Primary School.2. Here you_(be).3. There_(be)tw

8、o cars n ear the house.4. _ (be)these books yours?5. Ca n you_ (see)a bird in the tree?6. Go and_ (wash)your hands at on ce.7. Nice_ (meet)you.8.Is this_ (you) cap?9. They_ (be)all in the classroom.10. _ you_ (kno w)that boy?七.阅读短文,选择最佳选项。(20 分)It aspicture of the teachers room . There are some book

9、s on the teachers desks . They re heavy . The teachers can (搬动)t dhenyi .Sue and Tom help theteachers. You can see some boxes on the floor . They are empty . They want to put thebooks in the boxes .()1.Whose room is it ?A.Sue and Tom B.The writer C .The teachers ( )2.What are on the teachers desks ?

10、A. a book B. some books C.some boxes()3. Are the books light ?A.Yes, they are B. No, they arenCfThey re empty()4.What are in the boxes ?A.books B.boxes C.nothing ( )5.Where are the boxes ?A.On the desksB.O n the booksC. On the floorI am a girl. My En glish n ame is Lin da. I am eleve n years old. I

11、have eight subjectsat school. They are Chin ese, math, En glish, P.E., music, art, scie nee and history.My favorite subject is Chinese. I think it is interesting. I also like English. But its a littledifficult for me. I can speak only a little English. History is interesting, too like it. Math isdif

12、ficult. Mr. Wang is our math teacher. He is very strict. I tired after his class. But I workhard. I can study it well.()1. Linda is_A.11B.12C.13()2. Linda has_subjects at school.A. six B. seve n C. eight()3. Lin das favorite subject is_A. Chi nese B. En glishC. math()4. Linda thinks English is_.A. d

13、ifficult B. interesting C. a little difficult()5._ is NOT true.A. Linda can speak a little En glish.B. Mr. Wang is Lin das history teacher.C. Linda thi nks she can study math well.八、 按课文内容填空。(15 分)1. Are_hands clean, Sandy? Yes, my hands are clean, mum. _ me yourhan ds, San dy. Your hands_clea n. Th

14、ey are very_. _ and_your hands at_.2. _ a man at the door, dad. _is it, Sue? Open the door! It the_ , dad.3._me that box, please, Sue._ box, San dy? This_ ? No,_thatone. The_blue one.以下无正文仅供个人用于学习、研究;不得用于商业用途For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use.Nur fur den pers?nlichen

15、 fur StudiencFong, zu kommerziellen Zwecken verwendet werden.Pour l etude et la recherche uniquementades fins personnelles; pasades fins commerciales.TO员BKOgA.nrogeHKO TOpMenob3ymrnflCH6yHeHuac egoB u HHuefigoHMucno员B30BaTbCEBKOMMepqeckuxqe员EX.以下无正文仅供个人用于学习、研究;不得用于商业用途For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use.Nur fur den pers?nlichen fur St


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