五年级英语下册 Unit 1 Cinderella(第1课时)课件 牛津版-牛津版小学五年级下册英语课件_第1页
五年级英语下册 Unit 1 Cinderella(第1课时)课件 牛津版-牛津版小学五年级下册英语课件_第2页
五年级英语下册 Unit 1 Cinderella(第1课时)课件 牛津版-牛津版小学五年级下册英语课件_第3页
五年级英语下册 Unit 1 Cinderella(第1课时)课件 牛津版-牛津版小学五年级下册英语课件_第4页
五年级英语下册 Unit 1 Cinderella(第1课时)课件 牛津版-牛津版小学五年级下册英语课件_第5页
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1、Unit 1 CinderellaWordsput on动词词组,意为:“穿上”。eg:Put on you coat.穿上你的外套。小练习:put_your coat, its too cold. A. on B. inA拓展:put.on. 还可以表示把某物放在.上面。 eg:put the book on the table.把书放在桌子上。Wordsbefore bf:(r) 介词,意为“在.之前”。侧重于时间的前后。 eg:I go to school before seven oclock. 我在七点之前去学校。小练习: He goes to bed _ ten oclock. A

2、. before B. from拓展:before和after表示时间上的前后AWordstry on try是及物动词,on是副词。当此种结构出现时,如果及物动词的宾语是名词,那么该名词可以放在try on之后,也可以放在try on中间。但是如果是代词作宾语,那么就必须放在try on之间。eg:Try on the beautiful clothes. = Try beautiful clothes on.小练习:选择合适的介词填空: Please try_(on, in)this beautiful clothes. It fits well.onWordshave to意为“不得不,

3、很勉强”。后接动词原形。eg:Bob can not come out to play, because he has to help Dad. 鲍勃不能出来玩,因为他不得不帮助父亲。 小练习:( )She_go to bed. Because she will get up early tomorrow. A. have to B. has to C.mustB Wordsvisit vzt作动词,意为“拜访和参观”。eg:Sam visits his aunt every Sundays. Sam每周日都要拜访他的阿姨。小练习:He_(visit) Palace Museum every

4、year.visits拓展:visit的名词形式为visitor,意为拜访者,参观者。小练习:用所给词的适当形式填空: There are three (visit) in our classroom. visitorsExpressionswhy.BecauseWhy +be+主语+形容词?表示某人为什么怎么样?eg:Why is she so happy? Because she gets a lot of presents. 她为何如此高兴?因为她收到了很多礼物小练习:_ does she feel sad? Because she lost her way home. A. Why B

5、. HowAExpressions Come back before 12 oclock. 十二点之前回来。back是返回的意思,当和地点类的词语搭配在一起的时候要加上to。eg:Come back to school. 返回学校。返回南京小练习:Come back to Nanjing. 拓展: 当come back 后跟地点副词的时候,to必须去掉 eg: Come back home 返回家里。 Come back here 回到这里。 ExpressionsCinderella has a good time at the party. 灰姑娘在聚会上玩得很愉快。have a good

6、 time的意思是玩的很愉快。等于have a lot of fun或者是have lots of fun.eg:(1)I have a good time on Sundays. 我在周末玩得很愉快。 (2)Yang Ling has a good time at school. 杨玲在学校玩得很愉快。Expressions动词的第三人称单数的构成规律(1)大多数动词在词尾加“S”在清辅音后发音为s,在浊辅音及元音后发音为 z。如: stopstops s ; makemakes s readreads z ; playplays z(2)以辅音字母加“y”结尾的,要先将“y”变为“i”,然

7、后在加“es” 如: flyflies; carrycarries; studystudies; worryworriesz(3)以“s, x, ch, sh”结尾的,在词尾加“es”,发音为iz 如: teachteaches iz; watchwatches iz(4)以“o”结尾的动词,加“es”,读z 如: gogoes z dodoes zDialogueCinderella puts on the new clothes and shoes. 灰姑娘穿上了新衣服和鞋子。Come back before 12 oclock. 仙子嘱咐道:“在十二点之前返回。”Cinderella h

8、as a good time at the party. 灰姑娘在聚会上玩的很愉快。Cinderella: sorry,I have to go now. 灰姑娘说:“对不起,我得走了现在。”Prince: Hey, your shoe! 王子叫到:“嗨,你的鞋!”The prince visits every house. 王子拜访了每家每户。Many girls try on the shoe, but it does not fit. 许多女孩试穿这只鞋子,但是都不合适。Finally, Cinderella tries it on. 最后,灰姑娘穿上了她。Prince: It fits

9、. 王子说:“正合适”Expandschedule与 timetable(1)timetable只能作名词,schedule可以作名词和动词。 例如: Please schedule a meeting to discuss it.(2)schedule强调的是计划的时间,而且是事件的概要时间。 timetable本身没有计划的意思,可以是一些固定的时间表,常常针对的是一系列事件的时间的细节。Summaryput onbefore tryhave towhy.becauseExercise1.Cinderella has a good time at the party. 2.Cinderel

10、la goes home at the party. 3.many girls try on the shoe. 4.Cinderella tries on the shoe.Exercise1.返回_ 2.穿上新衣服和鞋子_3.玩的很快乐_ 4.不得不._5.试穿_ 5.拜访每家每户_ come backput on the new clothes and shoes have a good time have to try on visit every house我能记短语Exercise( )1. Jack_up the beanstalk(豆秸). A. gets B. get C. climb D. climbs( )2. The giant(巨人) _boys. A. eating B. dont eat C. eats D. eat( )3. The goose_ golden eggs. A. lay B. lays C. layed D. layes(


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