



1、汉儿庄中学九年级英语学科学教案1 / 4课题Unit 7Where would you like to visit? 第四课时 SectionB Self check课型新授执笔人审核人学习 目标1 知识目标:1) 要求学生能够掌握单词:east, eastern, provide, offer, firm,information,especially, suggestion2)要求学生掌握固定短语:take a trip ;be away,mind doing,provide sb with sth=provide sthfor sb, offer sb sth=offer sth to s

2、b3)要求学生掌握句子:I hope you can provide me with some in formati on about the kindsof vacati ons that your firm can offer .We donmind how far we have to go.money.It would be nice if our hotel had rooms with kitchens so we couldsave money by cook ing our own meals.Wed like to be away for about three weeks4

3、)要求学生掌握易混词汇及重点语法现象:2 能力目标:1、能够阅读文章,概括大意。2、能够区分并运用重点易混词汇。3 情感目标:通过学习短文,学会如何向旅行社咨询自己想去 的地方,提咼自我表达能力。备注教案重 难点易混词汇的比较与运用。: 阅读能力的提咼教案 过程(一)预习展示1.英汉互译(结合课文,认真预习 P56 单词,读一读)信息东部(名词)容词) 建议(可数名词)(不可数名词)离开(短语)(动词)赠送;分发介意做某事a room with a kitche n n ear the ocea nsave money by cook ing our own meals足够大去旅行为某人提供某

4、物、2 / 42.自主完成课本,P57, Self checkl,用所给单词填空。(二)合作学习Taskl:以小组为单位检查核对预习1 的内容。Task2:检查核对 Self checkl 的答案。(抢答每道题,并且翻 译)导入:想去旅行,我们可以打电话向旅行社咨询,当然还可 以发电子邮件既省时又省钱。下面读一读S T Zhang 的 e-mailTask3:阅读短文,完成短文下面的 6 道小题(三)知识探究1.1 hope you can provide me with some information about the kinds ofvacations that your firm c

5、an offer .我希望你们能提供 给我一些你们公司所能提供的有关这类度假的信息。句中有两个“提供”它们是_ ,为某人提供某物: _ sb sth=_ sth to sb或_ sb with sth=_sth for sbCan you_提供)us with some drin ks?He_提供)me a glass of water rmation 是_名词,两条信息_2、We donmind how far we have to go.我们不在乎这个地方的远近。mind 动词“介意,在乎”用法:1) mind + 介意做某事 2) mind+ones doin

6、g 介意某人做某事3) min d+从句Would you mind_ (打开)the radio?Would you mind my_ (sit) here?3. It would be nice if our hotel had rooms with kitchens so we couldsave money by cook ing our own meals.如果我们的房间带厨房就好了,这样我们就可以自己做饭来节省费用。Also,please let us know if it is best to travel by plane ,train, bus还有,请告诉我乘飞机、火车还有汽

7、车哪个最合适。这两句话都有 if 引导的从句,if 表示“如果,假如”,引 导条件状语从句,条件句分为两种情况:即真实条件句和虚 拟条件句。在真实条件句中,主句用 _ 寸,从句用_ 寸。在虚拟条件中,主句用 _ +动词原形,从 句用一般过去时,当从句中的谓语动词是 be 时,常用If it_(rain) tomorrow, Ill stay at home.If I(have) a million dollars,I would give it to charities3 / 4If I(be) you, I would study hard表“是否”,引导宾语从句I don know if

8、he(come) tomorrow , if he(come) ,1call you.(四)巩固提升:观看 Self check2 的四幅图片,小组讨论它们都是哪国建筑 物?你还能说出其他著名建筑物吗?选择一个自己想去的地方以 My ideal place for a trip 为题,与一篇作文,与完后小组成 贝相互检查,之后进仃展示。4 / 4(五)当堂反馈I.知识反馈:(根据提示完成句子)1、 Ill(离开)home for 3 days2、We want to go somewhere in eChina.3、I like all the subjects eEnglish.4、Coul

9、d you please(give)me some writing paper?5、 He needs(have) a good rest.6、He give me many建议)for learning English.II .能力反馈:一、单项选择()1. It has to be a placewe can do lots ofA. where; exercisesB where exerciseC.that; exercisesD.thaJ exercise()2. It would be nice if Ia job as a reporter.A.ca n get B. will

10、get C.could get D.would get()3. I hope you canus with some food.A give B. provide CofferD. buy()4.Jackten yuanthe dictionary the day beforeyesterday.A. pay; for B. pay; on C. paid; for D. paid; on() 5. I don thaveto buy an apartment ,because I rn5 / 4notA.e no ugh mon ey; eno ughrichB.e no ugh money

11、; riche no ughC.enough money poor enoughD.eno ugh money; eno ugh poor.()6 Peter spends lots of timebooks.A. looki ng atB.o n readi ngC.i n see ing D.readi ng()7The coatme 100yuan.A. spe ntB. tookC.cost D. paid二、连词成句:1.you, like, come, for, would, to, dinner?2.you, water, us, hot, could, some, provid


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