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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上一齿轮 gear行星齿轮 planetary gear/planet gear/epicyclic gear小齿轮 pinion大齿轮 wheel/gear主动齿轮 driving gear从动齿轮 driven gear太阳轮 sun gear直齿轮 spur gear斜齿轮 helical gear锥齿轮 bevel gear外齿轮 external gear内齿轮 internal gear外直齿轮 external spur gear内直齿轮 internal spur gear圆柱齿轮 cylindrical gear螺旋锥齿轮 sprial bevel g

2、ear直齿锥齿轮 straight bevel gear斜齿锥齿轮 helical bevel gear弧齿锥齿轮 spiral bevel gear圆柱齿弧锥齿轮 sprial bevel gear with circle arc tooth profile8字啮合锥齿轮 octoid gear锥齿轮当量圆柱齿轮 virtual cylindrical gear of bevel gear曲面齿锥齿轮 curved tooth bevel gear摆线齿锥齿轮 enicycloid bevel gear零度锥齿齿轮 zerot bevel gear冠轮 crown gear链轮 sprock

3、et人字齿轮 double helical gear配对齿轮/啮合齿轮 mating gear端面齿轮 contrate gear准双曲面齿轮 hypoid gear椭圆齿轮 elliptical gear非圆齿轮 non-circular gear变位齿轮 X-gears/gears with addendum modification非变位齿轮 X-gero gear标准齿轮 standard gear产形齿轮 generating gear 渐开线齿轮 involute cylindrical gear针轮 cylindsical tan tein gear/pin-wheel柔性齿轮

4、flexspine刚性齿轮 circular spline摆线齿轮 cycloidal gear圆弧齿轮 circular-arc gear/W-N gear双圆弧齿轮 double-circular-arc gear皮带轮belt wheel减速器齿轮speed reducer gear减速箱positive speed gearbox前末端齿轮front terminal end gear双齿轮double gear人字齿轮、双螺旋齿轮herring bone gear输出轴(取力器)power take off shaft角磨机angle grinder蜗轮 worm wheel 蜗杆

5、worm锥蜗轮 spiroid gear锥蜗杆 spiroid锥蜗轮蜗杆spiroid gear pair锥蜗杆spiroid平面蜗杆 planar worm wheel; IP-worm wheel圆柱蜗杆 cylindrical worm环面蜗杆 enveloping worm圆弧圆柱蜗杆 ZC-worm锥面包络圆柱蜗杆 ZK-worm法向直廓蜗杆 ZN-worm平面包络环面蜗轮 planar double锥面包络环面蜗杆 TK-worm wheel渐开线包络环面蜗杆 TI-worm平面二次包络蜗杆 TP-worm变速箱 transmission轴和套 shaft and sleeve二渐

6、开线 involute 花键 spline渐开线外花键 external involute spline渐开线内花键 internal involute spline渐开线公差 involute tolerance花键齿节距 spline pitch(花键)外径/大径 major diameter(花键)内径/小径 minor diameter成形直径 form diameter花键类型:a. flat root,side fit 平根,齿侧配合 b. fillet root,side fit 齿根圆角,齿侧配合Product series:Spur gear, bevel gear, spi

7、ral bevel gear, internal gear, sprocket, transmission, reducer, shaft and sleeve etc.(直齿轮,斜齿轮,伞齿轮,螺旋伞齿轮,内齿轮,链轮,变速箱,减速箱,轴类,套类)30/40 型刮板运输机:type 30/40 scraper conveyor取力器前后壳:power take before and after the shell花键轴:spline shaft变速箱取力器总成及配件:transmission power take off assembly and accessories秸秆粉碎机齿轮:str

8、aw grinder gear (straw crusher)旋耕机:rotary拖拉机:tractor前驱动桥:front drive axle拖拉机前驱动桥总成及配件:tractor front drive axle assembly and parts玉米联合收割机: corn combine harvester割台箱:box header玉米联合收获机割台箱总成及配件:corn combine harvester header box assembly and parts.斯太尔汽车:Steyr automobile中桥:vehicle bridge驱动桥:driving axle后桥

9、:rear axle齿轮加工,滚齿,磨齿,剃齿,插齿:gear machining, hobbing, grinding teeth, shaving, slotting农机厂:agricultural machinery plant矿山机械厂:mining machinery factory弧齿锥齿轮铣齿机,滚齿机,磨齿机,剃齿机,数控车床,精密磨床,花键磨床,平面磨床,卧式拉床等:sprial bevel gear milling machine, hobbing machine, grinding machine, gear shaving machine, CNC lathes, pr

10、ecision grinding, spline grinding machine, surface grinder, horizontal broaching machine and so on.Numerical control lathes 数控车床Black oxide 黑氧化Sprial bevel gear axle螺旋伞齿轮轴三常见其他词汇齿数 number of teeth/teeth guantity当量齿数 virtual number of teeth头数 number of starts/threads齿顶 crest/top land比率 ratio齿圈 ring g

11、ear螺纹 thread螺纹孔 tapped holes毛边,毛刺 burr心轴 arbor齿条 rack基本齿条 basic rack产形齿条 counterpart rack直齿条 spur rack斜齿条 helical rack基本齿条类型 basic rack type (heel end 末端)轴承 bearing 半轴 half-axle离合器 clutch刀片 blade毛坯 blank卡盘 chuck圈 lap刀盘 cutter切齿干涉 cutter reference刀具半径 cutter radius刀刃圆角半径 cutter edge radius传感器 sensor大

12、端接触 heel pattern与成对轮齿大端接触 heel pattern with the pair gear tooth齿锥度 tooth taper打字 joined tooth gear lettering中凸齿 barrel-shaped teeth四关联词汇基圆 base circle基圆直径 base diameter基节 base pitch基圆半径 base radius节圆 pitch circle 节圆直径 pitch diameter 径节 diametral pitch节线 pitch line节线跳动 pitchline runout分度圆 reference c

13、ircle分度圆直径 reference diameter根圆 root circle根圆直径 root diameter顶圆 tip circle顶圆直径 tip diameter顶隙圆 clearance circle周节 circular pitch外径 outside diameter齿根圆 dedendum circle齿根直径 root diameter齿根圆角半径(过滤圆角半径) fillet radius背锥 back cone面锥 face cone节锥 pitch cone根锥 root cone分锥 reference cone分锥顶点 reference cone ap

14、ex齿顶高 addendum齿根高 dedendum全齿高 whole depth齿高 tooth depth/height弦齿高 chordal height固定弦齿高 constant chord height齿宽 face width有效齿宽 effective width齿厚 tooth thickness端面齿厚 transerse tooth thickness法向齿厚 normal tooth thickness端面基圆齿厚 transverse base thickness法向基圆齿厚 normal base thickness弦齿厚 chordal thickness/arc

15、 tooth thickness端面弦齿厚 transverse chordal tooth thickenss固定弦齿厚 constant chord弧齿厚 circular thickness前锥面 front cone 中锥面 middle cone背锥面 back cone背锥母线 backcone element总误差 total accumulated spacing error五角 angle背锥角 back (cone) angle面锥角 face angle节锥角 pitch angle根锥角 root angle分锥角 reference cone angle顶锥角 tip

16、 angle齿锥角 tooth cone angle压力角 pressure angle主压力角 main pressure angle轴交角 shaft angle齿顶角 addendum angle齿根角 dedendum angle传动轴角 transmission axes angle螺旋角 spiral angle任意点螺旋角 spiral angle at a point重点螺旋角 mean spiral angle大端螺旋角 outer spiral angle小端螺旋角 inner spiral angle齿形角 nominal pressure angle倒角 chamfer

17、啮合角 working pressure angle齿宽角 width angle工作压力角 pressure angle (operating)齿厚半角 tooth thickness half angle槽宽半角 space width half angle任意点压力角 pressure angle at a point任意点法向压力角 normal pressure angle at a point任意点端面压力角 transverse pressure angle at a point总作用角 total angle of transmission导程角 lead angle端面作用角

18、 transverse angle of transmission纵向作用角 overlap angle轮廓有效位置渐开线绞孔角度 the evolvent reaming angle of the profile active site有效面积渐开线展开轮廓角度 the angle developed profile of involute of the active area六距 distance齿距 pitch齿距公差 pitch tolerance锥距 cone distance外锥距 outer cone distance内锥距 inner cone distance内锥距 inne

19、r cone distance重(中)点锥距 mean cone distance背锥距 back cone distance背角距 back angle distance花键齿节距 spline pitch中心距 centre distance标准中心距 reference centre distance实际中心距 center distance (operating)位置距 offset冠顶距 apex to crown轮冠距 tip distance/crown to back安装距 mounting distance/locating distance齿端距 angular pitch

20、工具头部刀顶距 point width of the tool head七齿面 flank齿面 tooth flank右侧齿面 right flank左侧齿面 lefe flank同侧齿面 corresponding flank异侧齿面 opposite flank上齿面 addendum flank下齿面 dedendum flank工作齿面 working flank非工作齿面 non-working flank啮合齿面 mating flank共轭齿面 conjugate flank可用齿面 usable flank有效齿面 active flank产形齿面 generating fla

21、nk八面齿顶面 face齿根面 flank阿基米德螺旋面 screw helicoid球面渐开螺旋面 spherical involute定位面 locating face凸面 convex side凹面 concace face圆环面 tosoid齿根圆环面 root tosoid分度圆环面 reference tosoid圆环面的母圈 generant of the tosoid圆环面的中性圈 middle circle of the tosoid圆环面的中间平面 middle plane of the tosoid圆环面的内圈 inner circle of the tosoid基准平面

22、 datum plane轴平面 axial plane节平面 pitch plane端平面 transverse plane法平面 normal plane啮合平面 plane of action中平面 middle plane喉平面 gorge plane咽喉面 gorge咽喉半径 gorge radius喉圆 gorge circle齿根过渡曲面 fillet啮合曲面 surface of action分度曲面 reference surface节曲面 pitch surface齿顶曲面 tip surface齿根曲面 root surface假想曲面 imaginary surface分

23、度圆柱面 reference cylinder节圆柱面 pitch cylinder基圆柱面 basic cylinder齿顶圆柱面 tip cylinder齿根圆柱面 root cylinder九 线齿线 tooth trace渐开线 involute延伸渐开线 prolate involute缩短渐开线 curtate involute球面渐开线 spherical involute渐开螺旋线 involute helicoid螺旋线 helix分度圆涡旋线 reference helix圆锥螺旋线 conical spiral阿基米德螺旋线 archimedes spiral基准线 da

24、tum line连心线 line of centres摆线 cycloid长幅摆线 prolate cycloid短幅摆线 curtate cycloid内摆线 hypo cycloid外摆线 epoi cycloid长幅外摆线 prolate epoicycloid长幅内摆线 prolate hypocycloid短幅外摆线 curtate epoicycloid短幅内摆线 curtate hypocycloid瞬时接触线 line of contact端面啮合线 transverse path of contact十啮合啮合齿轮 mating gear啮合平面 plane of actio

25、n啮合曲面 surface of action相啮齿面 mating flank啮合干涉 meshing interefence啮合区域 zone of action啮合角 working pressure angle十一. PitchPitch 齿距Pitch tolerance 齿距公差Pitch circle 节圆Pitch diameter 节圆直径Pitch line 节线Pitch point 节点Pitch plane 节平面Pitch surface 节曲面Pitch cylinder 节圆柱面Pitch cone 节锥Pitch cone angle 节锥角十二. Tooth

26、/teethTooth type 齿形Tooth trace direction 齿向:a) right-hand teeth 左旋齿 b) left hand teeth 右旋齿tooth crown 齿冠tooth trace 齿线tooth tip 齿棱tooth depth 齿高tooth flank 齿面tooth profile 齿廓tooth space 齿槽tooth guantity 齿数pitch 齿距齿根 bottom land十三. 顶公共锥顶 common apex十四. 模数模数 module端面模数 transverse module外端面模数 exterior

27、transverse module法向模数 normal module轴向模数 axial module平均正常模数 average normal modle十五. 比(率)/重合度齿数比 gear ratio传动比 transmission ratio总重合度 total contact ratio端面重合度 transverse ratio纵向重合度 overlap ratio精确度 accuracy degree修正度 degree of correction十六 齿廓( profile)齿廓 tooth profile齿廓型修 profile modification端面齿廓 tran

28、sverse profile法向齿廓 normal profile法基本齿廓 normal basic rack profile轴向齿廓 axial profile背锥齿廓 back cone tooth profile基本齿廓 basic tooth profile十七. 系数 (coefficient)变位系数 modification coefficient/shifting coefficient切向变为系数tangential MC齿顶系数、顶隙系数addendum coefficient /bottom clearance coefficient径向变位系数 addendum mo

29、dification coefficient中心距变位系数 centre distance modification coefficient径向间隙系数 radial clearance factor头部厚度系数 coefficient of head thickness过滤曲线弯曲半径系数 factor of radius of curvature of transition curve齿厚变化系数 coefficient of tooth thickness change十八. 量(公差/偏差)齿线偏移量 offset of tooth trace容许加铅量 lead tolerance变

30、位量 addendum modification渐开线公差 involute tolerance内轴距测量极限偏差 limit deviations of measuring interaxle distance报废限度 bore condemning limit全程中成对轴角测量偏差余量 allowance for variation of measuring pair axes angle of one tooth轴向运动测量偏差 varation tolerance of the measurement axial movement十九. 隙顶隙 (bottom) clearance齿侧

31、背隙 backlash周圆侧隙 circumferential blacklash法向侧隙 normal backlash径向侧隙 radial backlash最小侧间隙 min side clearance二十. 厚齿厚 tooth thickness端面齿厚 transverse tooth thickness法向齿厚 normal tooth thickness端面齿顶厚 crest width法向齿顶厚 normal crest width弦齿厚 chordal thickness固定弦齿厚 constant chord端面弦齿厚 transverse chordal tooth thickness弦上齿厚 tooth thickness on the chord弧齿厚 circular thickness外圆弧齿厚 external circular tooth thickness分度圆圆弧上弧齿厚 circular tooth thickness on th


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