1、YaO1853C辽宁师范大学教育硕士研究生学位论文论文题目:高三复习中英语词汇学习策略应用 的调查研究研究生:李昭荣指导教师:成晓光专业方向:学科教学(英语)年级:2004级辽宁师范大学研究生部2006年9月高三复习中英语词汇学习策略应用的调查研究摘要词汇学习是英语学习的重要内容,同时也是制约英语学习的瓶颈。长期以来,学4 学习英语的最大障碍就是英语词汇量的不足,并且学生词汇学习方法单一,不讲于习策 略,高耗低效,老师指导往往也只是要求词汇的记忆,枯燥,乏味,严里制约了学生英 语成绩的提高最新的国内外资料显示学生在词汇学习时,学会使用学习策略,可以人人提高学 习效率.受这些研究成果的启发,笔者
2、运用元认知原理,结合高二更习沈教学的实际情况, 运用词汇学习策略进行了实验研究,取得了可喜的效果。首先.确定实验班和对照班选取成绩相近人数相当的两个平行班作为试验班和 对照班.其次,对试验班学生进行了词汇学习策略的指导,让学生攀提相关的词汇学习策 略。在众多的词汇学习策略中,选择了元认知策略,交际策略,藏。'再次,编制词汇量表,进行剥试*为研究词r学习策略的效果,按照教材结构分册 编制了词汇测试量表,分别进行了前溯和后测,对测试的结杲进行了统计整理第四,对实验班和对照班学生的词汇测试成绩,英语考试成绩及总成绩进行了相 关性比较。从实验出,对高二学生而言*英语词汇学习仍然是高考复习的难点
3、之一。同时* 在英语词汇复习时,主动自觉地使用词汇学习策略的试验班与对照班有明显的 除别。 另外学习策略意识的增强学习策略知识的迁移对其他学科的尹习也2产士积极的影响 从而带动总成绩的提高。作者通过制定切实有效的词汇学习培训方宠,从课内和课外两 种渠道分别对学生进行英语词汇学习策略培训和指导。征:仑文的结尾处,提出了调汇学习策略研究的意义和有关建议,同时指出了 i研 究的不足以及词汇学习存在的问题和建议,关键词:词汇,词汇学习策略,学习效果。An Investigation of English Vocabulary Learning StrategiesApplication in Revi
4、sion of Senior 3Vocabulary leaning is the most important content of English learning, at the same time it is also the bottleneck of restricting English learning.-For a long time' the great obstruction of learning English for students is the insufficient vocabulary, and the method of students'
5、; vocabulary learning is unitary. They don, t seek for some learning strategies, so a lot of time is being spent on it but no efficient outage. The guideline of teacher always is asking students remember some words, which is dull and tasteless and which strongly restricts ths iniproveinent of studen
6、ts, English achievement, The latest materials abroad and home show, it can enhance the efficiency of learning greatly that students learn how to use learning strategies when they are learning vocabulary. According to these research achievements, the writer, utilizes meUcognitive principle and integr
7、ates the actual learning situation of senior three, applies vocabulary learning strategies to carrying out the research and obtains gratifying achievements.First, fix the experimental class and the contrast class. Select two classes of the same level that their achievements are similar and that the
8、number of students in the two classes is equal more or less as the experimental class and the contrast class.Second, the students who study in the experimental class are guided by teacher to know what are vocabulary learning strategies and they aretaught to master some relevant vocabulary learning s
9、trategies. The writer choosesmetacognitive strategies, social strategies etc. in numerous vocabulary learning strategies.Third, draw up vocabulary test list to measure words. In order to study the effect of vocabulary learning strategies, the writer works out vocabulary test lists according to the f
10、ramework of the textbooks and does pre-test and post-test separately. At last, the writer analyzes and sorts out the results of the tests.Fourth, the relevant comparison of the achievements of vocabulary tests, the achievements of English tests and the general achievements of tests is also carried o
11、ut.We can find out in the study, English vocabulary learning is still one difficult point in the revision to a senior three student. At the same time/ in the revision of English vocabulary, the experimental class which uses some vocabulary learning strategies initiatively and consciously is differen
12、t from the contrast class obviously. Besides, the reinforcement of the learning vocabulary awareness and the transference of learning strategies create initiative influence to learning of other subjects. ' Eventually, the general achievements are improved greatly. The writer designs a series of
13、effective strategies programs and instructs students, vocabulary learning strategies both in and out of classroom.Some suggestions of vocabulary learning strategies are put forward in the ending of the thesis and the writer points out the limitations of the study, problems and advice.Key words: Voca
14、bulary, Vocabulary learning strategies, learning effectAcknowledgement sI would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor.Thanks to his able guidance, insightful advice and kind encouragement I completed thesis.CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION1.1 BackgroundIn the current C
15、hinese education system, English, as the most popular foreign language, is one of the three core subjects in six-year secondary education ( The other two are Chinese and mathematics) (Department of Basic Education 1989). Also, in China, English is perceived as a tool for obtaining advanced science a
16、nd technology from west (Cowan et al. 1979, The State Education Commission of the PRC (1986a, 1986b). Therefore, as an academic subject in formal education, Learning English consumes a large amount of learners ' energy and resources. And acquisition of. vocabulary as the foundation of English ha
17、s assumed a more important role as some valued argue, “the central role in learning a second language, ( Sokmen * 1997:237)L 2 Importance of Vocabulary in Learning EnglishVocabulary, as one of the three elements (phonology, grammar and vocabulary) of a language, is the key aspect of learning a langu
18、age. Just like the bricks in the building, it is the oost basic construction material of a language. And vocabulary knowledge is widely accepted as a fundamunlal coinpuneiit of second language proficiency- There are numerous reasons for believing that vocabulary is important in second language learn
19、ing.Firstly, language itself does not exist without words and knowing a language cannot happen without knowing its words. So according to Lord, Vocabulary is by far the most sizable and unoianageable component in the learning of any language whether for a foreign or one, s mother tongue because of t
20、ens of thousands of different meanings-、' ( qtd. In Oxford, 1990:39). And the bulk of learning a new language consists of learning new words (Vermeer, 1992:147;Gass and Seiinker. 1994:270;Wilkins, 1974:19)Secondly, vocabulary provides the basic for communication, a large enough vocabulary will a
21、lmost certainly make a speaker get much of his message over despite completely avoiding grammar, while a lack of vocabulary can hinder theexpression of many conceptions, as noted by McCarthy (1990:viii) “No matter how well the si udcni It'iirnb granunar, no matter how successfully the sounds of
22、L2 (sticonci language) are mastered, without words to express a wider range of meanings, communication in an 2 jusl cannot happen in any meaningful way, “ Therefore, it is reasonable lo be lleve vocabulary is of critical importance to the typical language learnerAn InvestiKJiion of Fnglish Vocabular
23、y Learning Strategies Application m Kevision of Senior a(Zimmemian, 1997:5). Even vocabulary is the most important part of foreign language learning especially for intermediate learners or above (Meara, 1980)The third reason for having a systematic and principled approach to vocabulary IS that both
24、learners and researchers see vocabulary as being a very important, if not the most important, element in language learning. Learners feel that many of their difficulties in both receptive and productive language use result from an inadequate vocabulary. Simply increasing learners' vocabulary wit
25、hout giving attention to putting this knowledge to use may not be effective, but getting learners to do language tasks when their vocabulary is inadequate for the task is a frustrating experience. Research on readability (Chall, 1958;Klare, 1974-1975) stresses the importance of vocabulary knowledge
26、in reading, as does research on academic achievement(Saville-Troike, 1984) Some may say vocabulary is not as important as reading competence, or listening, speaking, or writing competence> which seems more directly linked with communication. And language examinations may have further reinforced t
27、his belief by testing much in the form of reading, listening, writing, and sometimes speaking but very little, if not nothing, directly in the form of vocabulary. However, researchers have accumulated a great deal of evidence in the past two decades that vocabulary is central to a language learner*
28、s competence in reat ding, listening, speaking, writing and translating as tell. As Jim Scrivener point out, “vocabulary is powerful carrier of meanings. (Scrivener, 1994:74).Vocabulary as the core of a language, giving attention to vocabulary is unavoidable. Vocabulary learning is a lifetime cognit
29、ive process, which is true for both a foreign language and one' s Bother tongue. Even the most formal or communication-directed approaches to language learning must deal with needed vocabulary in one way or other. Nobody can have a whole mastery of all the words of a language. So vocabulary lear
30、ning has always been the most challenging and time-consuming part of second language learning process . In China, to most of tjie learners, one of the greatest obstacles in English learning is to build their vocabulary the foundation of English learning. Many students are frustrated inlistening, rea
31、ding and writing of English due to insufficiency vocabulary. Also, English teachers have difficulty helping students enhance English proficiency because of their limited command of vocabulary.1.3 Problems of Learning Vocabulary in Senior Middle School atPresent.Jf* *fsitK 'juiin of I HKi tsh V/K
32、. abuiary Ltaming SiratOKius Application in Wcvivion ol SvriorIn senior three middle school, English covers a vocabulary of about 3500 words the major pari of English grammar including tenses, voices, moods, basic sentence patterns and other major grammar items. We would like to take it for granted
33、that these 3500 middle school English words have been fully known by the learner who has finished middle school English learning and entered college. However, The students, for the effect of the first period of the revision of senior three, for the entering exajnination of college and for the colleg
34、e learning, are always complaining that they can not retain some words in memory, sometimes most forgetting occurs soon after the end of a learning session and they can not go through some English material frequently with an inadequate vocabulary. Most of the students are lack of vocabulary strategi
35、es. ( Wang, 1998) they seem at a loss facing so many new words. Therefore, how to make effort to recall the old words in their textbooks, how to increase learners* vocabulary is a solving-problem for students who are under the pressure of examinations,only in this way can they be sure that they may
36、not fail in the examinations. So, the usage of vocabulary learning strategies is on the corner.L 4 Reseetrch QuestionsIn my study I am intended to get a general view of the students' - employment of the vocabulary strategics in their English learning with regard to the frequency and popularity o
37、f these strategies groups through which I will try to explore the results of the usage of vocabulary learning strategies and put forward some suggestions accordingly. The questions to be answered through the study are:(1) Is there any relationship between the use of vocabulary learning strategies an
38、d the achievements in English vocabulary learning? What is the difference in English vocabulary learning strategies use and no use between students.(2) Will the high achievers and the low achievers obtain separately the effective progress in English learning after the application of ESL vocabulary l
39、earning strategies? Does the students, utilization of vocabulary learning strategies play a significant part in other relevant subjects learning?To attain the end, I ran through piles of documents for the research achievements by influential educators and researchers home and abroad, intensely studi
40、ed the rationales and practices of the forerunners, in particular those of 0xford<1990), Stern(1992), Rubin(1981), Cohen(1995,1998), Under the theoretical instruction, I conducted some investigations in the forms of interview, group discussion and inside and outside classroom instruction on the v
41、ocabulary learning An invcsUKrtHfjn ni Lnai jbh Vocdhulary Learning StraU-jjiuji AppI iin jfuv is ion Sxinioj i .strategies used by ray third year students in my senior middle school. Based on the analysis of the study I conducted some special instruction and training for students* improvement of th
42、eir English vocabulary strategies and obtained a satisfactory results.CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW2-1 IntroductionIn the middle of 1970s, a significant shift within the field of education resulted in less emphasis on teachers and teaching and greater stress on learners and learning. This change, when
43、 reflected in applied linguistics, brought about great interest in and broad attention to the learning process of second language or foreign language learners and individual differences among the learners. The study of learning strategies thus became a focus in the field of applied linguistics. Voca
44、bulary acquisition is considered to be the problem-solving task at different levels of complexity which enlist learners adoption of certain strategies and require the learners to take responsibility for their own language learning. Considerable amount of works deal with vocabulary learning strategie
45、s with an aim to help learners to facilitate the learning process and improve language proficiency- This chapter reviews literature on the study of several variables: the presanttuat i on of vorahul ary 1 earning <trategi the def ini tion of voeahul arylearning strategies, the characteristic of g
46、cod language learner, the classifications of vocabulary learning strategies e. L2. 2 Present Situation of Vocabulary Learning StrategiesRecognizing the important role that vocabulary plays, one may naturally infer that the study of vocabulary acquisition must be especially productive. However, until
47、 the mid_1980s, this aspect has been somewhat neglected Traditionally, researchers did not pay special attention to the acquisition of vocabulary, and the study of vocabulary learning strategies was even less. Only in the recent decades the emergence of interest in vocabulary acquisition and vocabul
48、ary learning strategies has been seen in the field of second language acquisition. Efforts devoted to both have increased drastically. Many scholars have done research in the area of vocabulary and numerous studies have been conducted.Abroad, we have seen a number of classic volumes on theories and
49、research owingA" InvcsliKdtion of English Vocabulary Learning Strategies Application in Kevision ol Senior . 1to the work of such scholars as Carter, Nation, etc. Skehan also claims an “explosion of activity* in the study learning strategies (Skehan, 1991:285). Despite the impressive amount of
50、recent research done on vocabulary learning strategies, it is argued that the place where the interest-vocabulary learning strategies fail to attract enough attention. And "the research which has been done on vocabulary learning strategies has tended to deal with individual or small number of s
51、trategies, with very few studies looking at the group as a whole. , (Schmitt, 1997: 199). So a comprehensive taxonomy of lexically-focused strategies is sorely needed. Stoffer and Schmitt rtade their attempts in order to nil the gap and both came up with a taxonomy concerning the vocabulary learning
52、 strategies.The field of vocabulary learning strategies shows its great potential value. Although many studies have been conducted, unfortunately, most of them have been carried out in North American or Europe with only a few studies concerning the effective vocabulary learning strategies of Chinese
53、 EFL students. Schmitt thinks, '' learners from different culture groups sometimes have quite different opinions about the usefulness of various vocabulary learning strategics. '、 ( Schmitt, 1997:202). For example, it seems natural that when Chinese people learn a foreign language, they
54、would attach great importance to vocabulary learning as they learn their mother tongue in this way to become literate. They would transfer the strategies used in learning Chinese vocabulary to learning English vocabulary. There are quite a fe* papers on how vocabulary is learned and memorized (Wu 19
55、82r Xu 1980). Some of the strategies are obviously borrowed from learning Chinese characters. For example, the two principles-involving five organs and combining individual characters to form words and using words to make up a sentence" are widely advocated in learning English vocabulary. Stude
56、nts quite often have a special notebook in which new English words are copied down and every day they allocate a certain amount of time to memorize the new words. Some of them put this special notebook in their pocket and whenever they find a little spare time, they take them oui and read a few page
57、s. Again there seems to be no empirical studies testing whether these traditional ideas and practice of learning vocabulary are conducive to tnglish learning or not. So results yielded by those studies in western countries are not totally applicable to Chinese learning situations. Different teaching
58、 environment, goal and tasks of Chinese EFL students have motivated language researchers and teachers to conduct their own research specific to Chinese EFL learners. Recognition of the necessity of studying thevocabulary learning strategies of Chinese senior middle school students prompts me to Cond
59、uct theAn InvcsliK' 01 LnKlish Vocdbuldry Learning ! jiratciiieh Appi icaiion m Revisiontt Senior *present study. It is hoped that this study will shed some light on English vocabulary and facilitate students, vocabulary learning process,2. 3 Characteristics of Good Language LearnersMany researchers on second language learning strategies tended to characterize the good language learners. Rubin (1975), as one of the pioneers, suggested that good second language learners are characterized by:Willing and accurate gue
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