1、英语美文:你忍受过的苦难,都是财富When I was young, my household consisted of my mother, my grandmother, and my uncle. I had no contact with my father. My mother took a passive role in my upbringing causing my grandmother to raise me primarily. I lost her to severe pneumonia when I was 10.在我小的时候,家庭是由妈妈、外婆和舅舅组成的。我没相关
2、于父亲 的任何音讯。主要是外婆带我,母亲在我的成长过程中所扮演的角色 非常被动。(可惜)在我 10 岁的时候外婆就因患上急性肺炎去世了。My mother tried to continue my grandmothers efforts; although, began to fall short. She did not work and withdrew most days leaving me to my own actions/thoughts. My uncle, who was providing all financial support passed when I was 1
3、1 leaving my mother and myself with no financial support.母亲试图接下外婆的角色(来带我)不过好景不长。她不去工作,也 不管我,绝大部分时间让我想做什么就做什么。 11 岁以前我和母亲生 活,生活费都是舅舅出的,在我和母亲分开以后,就再也没有经济支 柱了。With my mother s withdrawal from life, little financial skills, and poor organization. I did not have food, clothes, or discipline. After an inv
4、estigation by child services, I was placed in foster care. Upon returning to my mothers care, I had lost hope of a normal life.母亲从我的生活淡出,而我也不具备任何挣钱的技能,收容机构的条 件也很差,所以我吃不饱、穿不暖,也没有约束。在儿童服务机构调查以后,我被加入了领养儿童名单。想到母亲对我的“照顾”,我对 于“正常”的生活也不抱什么希望了。Prior to placement in foster care, I had volunteered at the loca
5、l hospital to gain hospital experience, since I had wanted to be a doctor. After the foster home experience, I felt alone and destitute. I saw no hope of obtaining such a grand educational journey.在被领养之前,我在当地的一家医院参加志愿者活动,累计了一些医 院服务的经验,在那以后我想成为一名医生。在领养家庭的生活让我 感觉到孤独与贫困,想到要求学路的漫长和花销,我感到非常的无望。At the age
6、 of 20, my son was born and I began working long hours. I continued to work; although, had many ups and downs along the path. My mother passed away when I was 23 leaving me with no close family.20 岁那年我的儿子出生了,我开始延长工作时间。我一直不停地工作, 其中也是波折持续。 23 岁那年母亲去世,除了我没有什么亲密的家人。I struggled with the gap in my life an
7、d felt alone, but continued on and was married at the age of 24. My daughter was born and I promised myself to strive higher in life. I took a chance and applied for a better job, which would double my salary I was accepted!我感到人生的无常,感到孤独。但是生活依然继续 24 岁那年我结婚 了,我的女儿出生了,我暗自许诺要过更好的生活。我抓住机会申请 到了一个更好的工作,工资
8、翻倍,而且被录用了!My life was again changed due to divorce and a lay-off at 27 years old. For my children, I decided to pursue college and my dream. Succeed or not, at least I tried. I began at the local community college and was then able to transfer to a 4year college for a degree in Biology. I applied to
9、 5 medical schools in the area to stay close to my children. I was accepted in 2006.27 岁那年我的人生又发生了转折,我离婚还失业了。为了我的孩子, 我决定去上学。不管成败与否,最起码我尝试过。我开始在当地的社 区大学学习然后才能转入四年制的大学生物专业获得学位。为了和我 的孩子们离得近,我申请了 5所医学院。 2006年我接到了入学通知I dedicated myself and did not let anything distract me from my goal. I am now a practic
10、ing physician and could not be happier. I did eventually become close to my father only to lose him a few months before my medical school graduation. I am close with my son, who is now 22 and my daughter, who will soon be 18.我全心投入来达到自己的目标,不想让任何事情分心。现在我是一个 职业医师,心愿达成,感觉圆满。在医学院的毕业典礼之前的几个月 我的父亲去世了,这是我第一次了解他。现在我和孩子关系很近,儿 子已经 22 岁,女儿也快成人。I continue to be inspired by those I meet who have gone through much worse than I and have a
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