1、Book2 Unit 5Reading一.Grammar filling(根据课文内容填空)Have you ever dreamed of being famous as a famous musician? Many singers, at first, mayformabandtopracticetheirmusic.Andthentheymaygetthechancetogive1.(perform)inpubsorclubs.Latertheymay2.(gradual)becomepopular.3._,theMonkeesstartedinadifferentway.Onlyon
2、eofthemwasgoodenoughandtheother threemembersprete nded (3)当他妈妈回来时,他假装正在认真做作业。【原句】 3. , a lot of people great importance tobecomi ng rich an dfamous说实在的,很多人把名和利看得很重。1) 说实在的;老实说Eg:Tobehonest/Honestlyspeaking/Tobefrank/Franklyspeaking,Idon ' tthinkyouareright. We should be hon est with our pare nts
3、 about our grades 我们应该对父母坦白成 绩。To be brief/I n brief, I disagree with you.简而言之,我不同意你。4.(sing). To be honest, it couldn't 5.(call) a real band abeginning.Anyhow, their shows were 6 . ( h u m o r) and they becamepopular. After a year 7.so, they worked harder and produced their own recordsand start
4、ed touring. The Monkees broke8.about 1970 but they reunited in 9.mid-1980s and produced anew record in 199610.(celebrate) their former happy time.二、 Language points【原句】 1. Have you ever of playing in front of thousands of people ata con cert?你是否曾梦想过在音乐会上面对成千上万观众演唱?(p34)vt./vi./n. 做梦;梦见;梦;梦想Eg: Whe n
5、 I was a child, I dreamt of/about being a teacher孩 提时,我就梦想着 成为一名教师了。Last ni ght, I dreamed of/about flying on the moon.昨晚我梦见了在月球上飞 翔。She n ever dreamed that she would be admitted into Peking Un iversity 她做梦也 不会想到她会被北京大学录取。I had/dreamed a good dream last night.归纳:梦见/梦想(做) , ,梦想, ,做了 , 的梦(1) She dream
6、ed of 胜(利) in a few years.(2)我时常梦想着成为一位医生。/(3)昨晚我做了一个奇怪的梦。【原句】 2. Do you si ng karaoke andyou are a famous sin ge你唱卡拉OK是否假装自己是歌星呢? ( p34)vt./vi.假装;假扮Eg: He prete nded that he was innocent他假装无辜。The stude nts prete nded to be reading whe n their teacher came当 老师来时, 学生们假装正在读书。The childre n prete nded t
7、o be Kings and Quee nS孩子们假扮成国王、王后。归纳: 假装 ,假装正在做假装做 /是, He prete nded病)so that he could stay at home 我们假装不认识彼此 ./ 归纳: to be honest = 老_实 说,坦白说 对某人就某事坦白; 简而言之(1) 老实说),I dislike this kind of films. (2)他向老师老实交代了他的过错( fault) (简3)而言之,我不 喜欢你。2)vt./vi.系上;附加;连接Eg:Thegovernmentshouldattachgreatimportance/sign
8、ificancetotheenvironmentalpro tection. 政府应重视环境保护。 Attach a recent photo to your form. 将你的近照附在 表格上 China will never attach itself to any other countries.中国不会依附于其他任 何国家。归纳:重视;认为 ,有严重性 /意义将某物系在、缚在或附在(另一物)上 依附于 (1)我认为英语很严重。( 2)Hea price tageach book.(3她不会依附于任何人。【原句】4. But just how do peoplea band那么,人们又是
9、怎样组织乐队的呢? vt. &vi形成;组织;养成;n.形式;表格;外形Eg: A planbegan to form in his min d.计划开始在他脑子里形成。We formed a music club我们组织了一个音乐俱乐部。We should form a good habit .我们应该养成优良的习惯。You should form the habit of read ing En glish every day学 生应该养成每天读英 语的习惯。To apply for the job, first fill in the form. 要求职,先填表归纳:养成优良的习
10、惯 养成, 的习惯 表格(1)To apply fora club, we have to fill inthe.申请组成俱乐部,我们必须填表。(2)养成优良的习惯是胜利的第一步。 is the firststep to success.©他养成了早起的习惯。【原句】 5,so that they cansome extra money for themselves这样他们就可以未自己多整一些钱。vt.挣得,赚得; 获得 Eg: It ' s not very easy to earn/make eno ugh money to buy a house挣足够的钱买房子真不容易
11、。1She earn s/makes her livi ng by si ngi ng in the street她通过在街上唱歌谋生。His brave ness earned him a good reputation他 的英勇使他获得了好的声誉。= His braveness earned a good reputation for him.归纳: 赚钱谋生使_ /为某人赢得、获得某物1)他一年挣 200 万美元左右。 2)如今,谋生艰辛。 3)His honesty earned great respect him. =His honesty 【原句】 6 As some of the
12、se actors could not sing well enough, they had toon othermusicia ns to help the m因为这些演员中有些唱得不够好,他们 不得不依靠其他音乐家帮忙。vi 依 靠;依赖adj可靠的adv可靠地;确实地Eg: We should rely on/upon a reliable man who works reliably.We should not rely on her to help us我们不能依靠她帮我们。= We should not rely on her helping.You may rely on/ de
13、pend on/ count on it that she won'你你可以相信,她不会迟到的。归纳: 依靠某人 /某物依靠/指望某人做,相信, ;指望,(1) That he got good grades in the mid-term exam his hard work.(2) 不要指望他保守你的秘密。(3)she will come你放心,她会来的。【原句】7Theyweresopopularthattheirfansformedclubsinordertogetmorewiththem.他们是如此受欢迎以至于歌迷们为了更加熟悉他们而成立了俱乐部。adj熟悉的;多见的;亲近的
14、Eg: Her face is familiar, but I can'naeroe她很e捡熟,但我记不起她名字。I am/get familiar with this song. 我对这首歌很熟悉。This song is familiar to me这首歌为我所熟悉。归纳: 某人熟悉 , 为某人所熟悉 (1)He is very familiar this city; in other words, everything in this city isfamiliarhim.(2)他很熟悉这里的环境( surroundings).【原句】 8The band about 1970乐
15、, 队大约在 1970年解散了 ,解散;驱散;分裂;停止;分手Eg: After midni ght, the party broke up.午夜后,聚会散了。Joh n has broke n up with his girl friend. John 跟他女朋友分手了。The car is always break ing dowr这辆车老是出毛病。She broke in on their con versatio n 她打断了他们的谈话。The thieves broke into the bank and stole the safe 盗贼强行闯入银行偷了保险 箱。The war b
16、roke out in 1943.战争于 1943 年爆发。归纳: (机器、发动机等 )出故障打断/搅扰(谈话) 破门而入 (战争、灾难)爆发(1)Unfortunately, their car broke on the way.(2)While we were talking, hejust broke, mak ing us un happy.(3跟她男朋友分手使她很伤心。(非典(SARS于2002年在 中国爆发。 Using language【原句】 1. In addition. (P 36)另外;也;而且 Eg: The car looks nice. In additio n,
17、it can save energy这辆车看起来很漂亮,而且省油。In additi on to his salary, he has a bonus of 300 yua n per month除了他的工资 外,他每个月还有 300 元的津贴。归纳: 相, 当于连接副词,常放在句首,后接句子,用逗号隔开; ,“除了, 外”相当于介词,后接名词 /代词/动名词。1)This type of car isn 't expensive; , it offers five colors tocustomers.2)He is now running his own company his j
18、ob at theuniversity.【原句】 2.thefollowingmessagesthataremixedup, 将下列混合的信息分类 , ( P37,Discovering useful structures 2)分类;整理;选出 Eg:Sort out these papers accord ing to their subjects 将这些试卷根据科目分类。Sort out the papers to be throw n away, and put the rest back.把要扔掉的文件 挑出来,并把其余的放回原处。1)他正在整理邮票。 2你) 把可以扔掉的玩具挑出来好吗? that can be thrown away?【原句】 3. His most exciting invitation was to on a TV programmecalled “Top ofthe Po他s最激烈的一次邀请是在一个叫风行之巅”的电视节目里表演。(P.38) 演出,表演;履行;进行 n表演n表演者 Eg: It is said that Romeo and Juliet will be performed in the theatre to
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