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1、Supplementary Exercises for ME. Lexicology 1Part I Multiple choices.1. The definition of a word includes.A. a minimal free form that can function alone B. a unit of meaningC. a sound unityD. all of the above2. A word is of a language that has a given sound and meaningand syntactic function.A. a mini

2、mal free formB. a smallest meaningfulunitC. an element which can not be further analyzed D. a grammatically minimal form3. The Indo-European language family consist of.A. all the languages in Europe and IndiaB. all the languages in India and some languages in Europe.C. most of the languages of Europ

3、e, the Near East, and India.D. Someof the languages of Europe and all the languages of the Near East4. The symbolic connection of a word to a particular thing is almost always.A. logicalB. arbitraryC. inherent D. automatic5. The prehistoric Indo-European parent language is thought to be.A. A highly

4、inflected language.B. A highly developedlanguage.C. A very difficult language. D. A language of leveled endings.6. More than one variant, which can realize some morphemes according to the position in a word, are termed . A. phonemes B. allomorphs C. morphs D. phones7. Affixes attached to the end of

5、words to indicate grammatical relationships are known as.A. morphemesB. derivational morphemesC. inflectional morphemesD. suffixes8. is defined as the formation of words by adding word-forming or derivational affixes to stem. This process is also known as .A. derivation, affixationB. affixation, der

6、ivationC. derivative, affixation D. affixation, derivative9. Sometimes, the meaning of a compoundcan be inferred from its separate elements, for example, .A. hot dog B. red meatC. flower pot D. fat head10. is universal to all men alike regardless of culture, race, language and so on while belongs to

7、 language, so is restricted to language use.A. meaning, conceptB. concept, meaningC. sense, reference D. reference, sense11. When readers come across the word "home in reading, they may be reminded of their family, friends, warmth, safety, love. That is because of the "home has.A. collocat

8、ionsB. connotationsC. denotationsD. perorations12. Which of the following belongs to a semantic fieldA. steed, charger, palfrey, plug, nag B. pony, mustang, mule, stud, mareC. policeman, constable, bobby, cop D. domicile, residence, abode, home13. Which group of the following are perfect homonymsA.

9、dear (a loved person) deer (a kind of animal)B. bow(bending the head as a greeting) bow(the device used for shooting)C. bank (the edge of the river) bank (an establishment for money business)D. right (correct) write (put down on paper with a pen)14. The part of a piece of writing or speech which sur

10、rounds a word and helps to explain its meaning is called.A. Linguistic contextB. Grammatical contextC. Extra-linguistic context D. Para-linguistic context15. means through all difficulties and troubles.A. through high and lowB. through thick and thinC .from head to foot D. from start to finish Part

11、II True or false questions.1. A rule of word-formation is usually identical with a syntacticrule.2. Word-formation rules themselves are not fixed but undergo changes to a certain extent.3. Affixes like“- th ” are very productive in current English.4. The chief function of prefixes is to change the w

12、ord class of the stems.5. The primary function of suffixes is to change the meaning of the stem.6. Compounds are words formed by combining affixes and stems.7. “-age, -al, -ance, -ation, -ence” in “linkage, dismissal,attendance, protection, existence " can produce largely concrete nouns by bein

13、g added to verb stems.8. The meaning of a compound is usually the combination of stems.9. The free phrase has the primary stress on the first element and the secondary stress, if any, on the second.10. In both compounds and free phrases the adjective element can take inflectional suffixes.11. Conver

14、sion is only a change of grammatical function of a lexical item with no loss of its different range of meaning originally conveyed.12. A fully converted noun from an adjective has all the features of nouns except taking an indefinite article or, -(e)s to indicate singular or plural number.13. Genera

15、lly, conjunctions, modals, finite verbs, prepositions can' tbe converted to nouns.14. Although blends and backformed words have already achieved popularity in English, they are not advisable to be used frequently in formal writing.15. Quite a number of derivational affixes have more than one mea

16、ning.16. Simple words in English are usually non-motivated.17. Lexical meaning is dominant in content words.18. Componential analysis has no disadvantages.19. Polysemic and homonymouswords are stylistically useful to achieving humor or irony, or to heighten dramatic effect.20. In most cases, the nat

17、ive term is more literary than the foreign one. Part III Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.1. Morphemes are abstract units, which are realized in speech by discrete units known as m orph. The morpheme is to the morph what a phoneme is to

18、a phone. Some morphemes are realized bymore than one morph. Such alternative morphs are known as allomorphs.2. A word is a minimal f ree form of a language that has a givensound and meaning and syntactic function.3. Functional words do not have notions of their own. Therefore, they are also called _

19、 empty words.4. According to semantics, a word is a unit of meaning 5. Bound morphemes include b ound roots and affixes .6. The most productive means of word formation are affixation , compounding and conversion .7. Only when a connection has been, established between the linguistic sign and a r efe

20、rent , does the sign become meaningful.8. Most morphemesare realized by single words like "bird, tree, green", etc, Wordsof these kinds are called monomorphemicwords.9. With Norse invasion , manyScandinavian words cameinto the English language.10. Antonyms are classified on the basis of se

21、mantic opposition .Part IV Explain the following terms with proper examples.1. Explain with examples morpheme, morph and allomorph2. Semantic fieldPart V Answer the following questions.1. What is collocative meaning Give at least one example to illustrate your point.2. Study the following sentence,

22、paying special attention to the words in italics. If you find anything wrong, please explain why and then improve the sentence.3. The police were ordered to stop drinking about midnight.4. Analyzes the morphological structures of the following words and point out the types of the morphemes.5. unbear

23、able, international, ex-prisonerAnswers for Exercise 1Part I Multiple choices.1-5 DACBA 6-10 BCBCB 11-15 BBCAB Part II True or false questions.16. T 17. T 18. F 19. T 20. FPart III Fill in the blanks.1. abstract, morph, phoneme, allomorphs 2. free 3. empty 4. meaning 5. bound, affixes 6. affixation,

24、 compounding, conversion 7. referent 8. monomorphemic 9. Norse invasion 10. semantic oppositionPart IV Explain the following terms1. In morpheme-based morphology, a morpheme is the smallest linguistic unit that has semantic meaning. A morpheme is free if it can stand alone, or bound if it is used ex

25、clusively alongside a free morpheme.Morphs are the actual phonetic representations of the samemorpheme.An allomorph is a variant form of the samemorpheme,and all the morphs of the same morpheme are grouped as being the allomorphs of a morpheme. The concept occurs whena unit of meaning can vary in so

26、und (phonologically) without changing meaning.English example:The word "unbreakable" has three morphemes: "un-", a bound morpheme; "break", a free morpheme; and "-able", a bound morpheme. "un-" is also a prefix, "-able" is a suffix. Both &q

27、uot;un-" and "-able" are affixes.The morphemeplural-s has the morph "- s", /s/, in cats (/k?ts/), but "-es", / ?z/, in dishes (/d ? ? ?z/), and even the voiced "-s", /z/, in dogs (/d ?gz/). "-s". These are allomorphs of the same morpheme plural

28、-s.2. The concept is from the concept of “field ” in physics, referring to the clustering of a number of semantically related words. A semantic field is a set of lexemes in a namedconceptual area that interrelate and define each other in specific ways. A general description is that words in a semant

29、ic field are not synonymous, but are all used to talk about the samegeneral phenomenon. For example, the semantic field of “ bugs” mayinclude bees, spiders, moths, wasps, flies etc. According to semantic field theory a meaning of a word is dependent partly on its relation to other words in the samec

30、onceptual area. The kinds of semantic fields vary from culture to culture.Part V Answer the following questions.1. Collocative meaning consists of the associations a word acquires in its collocation. In other words, it is that part of the word-meaning suggested by words before or after the word in d

31、iscussion. For example, 'pretty' and 'handsome' share the conceptual meaning of 'good looking', but are distinguished by the range of nouns they collocate with: pretty handsome.2. The police were ordered to stop drinking about midnight.( 1) it is ambiguous( 2) ambiguity cause

32、d by the structure( 3) stop drinking can be understood as1 ) police stop drinking by themselves2 ) police stop people drinking( 4) improvement1) The police were ordered to stop people drinking about midnight.2) The police were ordered to stop drinking by themselves about midnight.3. Morpheme is the

33、smallest linguistic unit that has semantic meaning.The morphological analysis of the three words are as follows:1) Each of the three words consists of three morphemes unbearable (un+bear+able),international(inter+nation+al),ex-prisoner(er+prison+er).2) Of the nine morphemes, only bear, nation and pr

34、ison are free morphemes as they can exist by themselves.3) All the rest un-,-able, inter-,-al, ex-and-er are bound as none of them can stand alone as words.Supplementary Exercises for ME. Lexicology 2Part I Multiple choices.1. From the phrase “ a white paper ” , we know that the meaning of the word

35、“ paper ” here is “ document” . This shows that the context can define the meaning of a word.A. extra-linguistic B. grammaticalC. lexicalD. situational2. The use of one name for that of another associated with it is rhetorically called .A. synecdocheB. metonymyC. substitution D. metaphor3. Homophone

36、s are often employed to create puns for desired effectsA. humor B. sarcasm C. ridiculeD. all the above4. Which of the following statements is Not correctA. A word can be formed by two free morphemesB. A word can be formed by a free morpheme and a bound morphemeC. A word can be formed by two bound mo

37、rphemesD. A word can be formed by any two affixes.5. In different languages, the same concepts can be represented by different sounds, which shows .A. the relationship between sound and meaning can not be established.B. there are different logical relations between sound and meaningC. the relation b

38、etween sound and meaning is a matter of conventionD. the concepts are not really the same6. The two major factors that cause changes in meaning are .A. historical reason and class reason B. historical reason an psychological reasonC. class &psychological reasonD. extra-linguistic factors&lin

39、guistic factors7. Old English vocabulary was in essence with a small quantityof words borrowed from Latin and Scandinavian.A. CelticB. Germanic C. Roman D. Irish8. is the basic form of a word, which can't be further analyzed without total loss of identity.A. Stem B. Root C. Morpheme D. Affix9. i

40、s that part of the word that carries the fundamental meaningbut has to be used in combination with other morphemesto makewords.A. Free root B. Bound root C. Morpheme D. Bound morpheme 10. The most productive meansof word-formation in modern English are the following except .A. compounding B. affixat

41、ionC. acronym D. conversion11. The meanings of many compounds and derivatives are the total of the combined.A. morphs B. allomorphs C. rootsD. morphemes12. The relationship between the word-form and meaning is . Most words can be said to be.A. prescriptive, motivated B. prescriptive, non-motivatedC.

42、 arbitrary, motivatedD. arbitrary, non-motivated13. is the meaning given in the dictionary and forms the core of word-meaning.A. Grammatical meaningB. Denotative meaningC. Associative meaning D. Connotative meaning14. “parent/child, husband/wife, predecessor/successor " are A. contrary terms B.

43、 contradictory termsC. relative termsD. complementary terms15. “au revoir and Bye " is a pair of synonyms resulting from.A. borrowingB. dialects and regionalEnglishC. figurative &euphemistic use of wordsD. with idiomaticexpressions16. From the phrase "examination paper” , we know that

44、the meaning of the word “paper" here is “a set of questions at the end of the term” . This shows that the context can define the meaning of a word.A. extra-linguisticB. grammaticalC. lexicalD. situational17. means damage from continuous use.A. fair and spare B. toil and moilC. wear and tear D.

45、kithand kin18. More often than not, functional words only have . A. lexical meaning B. associative meaningC. collocative meaningD. grammatical meaning19. It is estimated that English borrowings constitute of the modern English vocabulary.A. 50 percent B. 50 percentC. 80 percent D. 65 percent20. Func

46、tional words do work of expression in English on averagethan content words.A. far more B. less C. equal D. similarPart II True or false questions.1. Differences can be found between American and British English in pronunciation, spelling, grammar and vocabulary.2. When a prefix is added to a word, i

47、ts word-class is usually changed.3. A special dictionary deals with one sector of the lexicon of the language.4. Words in the same semantic field do not have a number of collocations in common.5. A word is a unity of sound and meaning, capable of performing a given syntactical function.6. Most loan

48、words are borrowed from foreign languages without any change in sound and spelling.7. An allomorph is one of the variant forms of a morpheme.8. Conversion means the transfer of a word from one class to another.9. The relation between a word symbol and its meaning is mostly arbitrary and conventional

49、.10. Componential analysis is to break down the conceptual sense of a word into its minimal distinctive components.11. Psychological research found that vocabulary is stored redundantly only as individual morphemes.12. In the following 2 sentences, “Howlong is he”“Howyoung are you” ,the two words lo

50、ng and young are both marked.13. Idioms are not readily understandable from their literal meanings of individual constituents.14. “ Diamondcut diamond. ” is syntactically wrong, and should be revised into “ Diamond cuts diamond. ”15. Fortuitous formerly denoted “ happening by chance ” , and later to

51、ok on the meaning “ fortunate ” by analogy, because the two words look similar in shape.Part III Explain the following terms with proper examples.1. Explain with examples root, stem and base.2. Semantic motivation3. Sense and reference4. Idiom5. MetonymyPart IV Answer the following questions.1. The

52、pen' is mightier than the sword'. Explain what 'pen' and 'sword' mean respectively using the theory of motivation.2. How would you explain the difference between back formation and suffixation Give examples to illustrate your point.3. Comment on the following pairs of sentenc

53、es in terms of hyponymy.a. The man said he would come to our school next week.b. The visiting scholar said he would visit our university next Monday.Part I Multiple choices.Answers for Exercise 21-5 CBDCC 6-10 DBBBC 11-15 DDBCA 16-20 CCDCAPart II True or false questions.I. T 2 . F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6.

54、F 7. T 8. T 9. T 10. TII. F 12. F 13. T 14. F 15. TPart III Explain the following terms with proper examples.1. A root is that part of a word form that remains when all inflectionaland derivational affixes have been removed. Thus it cannot be reduced into smaller constituents. Root is the primary le

55、xical unit of a word, which carries the most significant aspects of semantic content. For example, the lexical root of “ chatter ” is chat.A stem is that part of a word which remains when all inflectional affixes have been removed. For example, photographer: photographer; destabilized: destabilizeA

56、base refers to a form to which affixes of any kind (both derivationalisand inflectional) can be added. It can be a root or a stem. For example, The base of “ undesirable ” is “desirable ” ; and that of “desireddesire2. Semantic Motivation refers to the mental associations suggested by the conceptual

57、 meaning of a word. For example, whenwe say the mouth of a river, we associate the opening part of the river with the mouth of a humanbeing or an animal. There are basically 4 types of semantic motivation, and they are: oonomatopoeic motivation, morphological motivation, semantic motivation and etym

58、ological motivation.3. The distinction was first madeby Gottlob Frege between abstract ideas and concrete objects of sensation. Sense is concerned with the inherent meaning of the linguistic form. It is objectified by not considering particular situations and the real intentions of speakers and writ

59、ers.The sense of an expression is its place in a system of semantic relationship with other expressions in the language. Reference refers to what a linguistic form refers to in the real physical world. It deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience.4. An idiom is a phrase who


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