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1、语法填空第二节:(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填上适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正 确形式 将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置。Bill Black is a shoemaker in London. He makes shoes for people with feet of unu sual51 (size): very large, very small, very fat or very thi n. 52shoes are as beautiful as those found in shopp ing cen ters! His shop is 53p

2、opular that he feels he can' make shoes fast eno ugh for his grow ing nu mber of customers 顾客).Mr. Black says, It ' necessary for me to play a role54 findingmore shoemakers. Bit it noi easy. Young people all work with computers these days. I55there aremafraid shoe-making will become a lost a

3、rtfewer and fewer shoemakers no wadays .I am 45, and now I want to teach youngpeople everythi ng I know about 56 (make) shoes. It'sa good job, and a lot of people want to buy beautiful shoes 57 (special) made for them ”Mr. Black58(choose) to be a shoemaker 19 years ago and nowhe employs three pe

4、ople. Our customers come because they want 59 (comfortable) shoes tha n they get from other shops', he says. His customers pay about 50 for 60(they) first pair of shoes.More pairs of shoes are betwee n 32 anc O 45. They are n ever cheap, as it takes one employee about a week to make just one sho

5、e.第二节(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式(每空一词)。For some tee n agers, being an adu 成年人)is the coolest thi ng in the world. Adults don't do homework 51take exams. They do what they like and makemon ey. How won derful! But is it true?Last mon th, Grade 7_52(stude nt) at Sunshine School

6、 had a taste of theadult world. The teachers asked them to finish a piece of special homework 53 (call)“ Worki ng with Your Pare nts for One Day”Wu Ji n g's mother works _54 a ticket collector in a park. At 6 a m., the14-year-old girl set out for work with her mother. It was dark and cold. Befor

7、e the park ope n ed, they did some clea ning and prepared for the 55(visitor)coming. Whe n the visitors came, they greeted with a smile. After_56(sta nd)for the whole day, Wu was worn out.She is 57(busy) and more tired tha n I thought. I should help hermore , ” said Wu.Li Shiyi, 14, spe nt 58 (she)

8、day helpi ng in a car. Her father is a taxidriver. She had to pick calls and give cha nge back. Li thought it would be easy to sit 59 a car and tour the city.60 soon she found that her father did n'teve n have time for lun ch.Now I know how hard it is to make money , ” Lisaid. We should care for

9、 our pare nts more and n ever waste mone ” .语法填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(一个单词)或括号内单词的正确形 式。What is the best way to study? That is_56in teresti ng questi on. SomeChin ese stude nts ofte n study very hard for long 57(hour). This is a goodhabit, but it is not the _58(good) way to study. An

10、 efficient( 有效率的)stude nt must have eno ugh sleep, eno ugh food_59 eno ugh rest. Every weekyou n eed to go out for a walk or_60(visit) some frie nds or go to some places.That is good for your body, for your mind and _61your study. Whe n youretur n to your studies, you will find yourself 62(str ong)

11、tha n before, and youwill be able to lear n more.Maybe we can say that lear ni ng is like_63 (take) Chin ese medici n e. I donot mea n that it is bitter( 苦 的).1 mea n that the_64 (result) of your hard workappear slowly, but surely._65you keep work ing every day, it will make adiffere nee, just like

12、Chin ese medici ne.四第二节:阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。I have been dreaming of visiting America since I was a little girl. So whe n I got on the pla ne to America_51January 22, Iwas very excited.We first arrived in New York and the n Los An geles with my pare n ts.Los An geles is the sec on d_5

13、2 (large) city in America.Our trip bega n in Disn eyla nd. _53park has many carto on characters,such as Sn ow White, Mickey Mouse and Don ald Duck made by Walt Dis n ey, a 54 (success) man. The ride on the roller coast过(山车)was really fan tastic! I liked the lovely Ghost House( 鬼屋)best _55it was exci

14、t ing and it was notscary at all. And workers there orga ni zed us some funn y_56 (activity).Every one liked them.We expected_57 (know) more about their life and culture, so wetraveled to many other in teresti ng places. We also_58 (fly) to many cities likeSan Fran cisco, visit ing Sea World Adve nt

15、ure Park, Sta nford Uni versity, etc. I made many friends whe n traveli ng. We really enjoy_59 (we) in America. So I60 (true) hope that I can go there aga in!五.第三节(共 10小题,每小题 1分,满分 10分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容 (1 个单词 )或括号内单词的正确形 式。 More than a hundred years ago, some Chinese people went to foreign countr

16、ies to start a new life. They lived n ear each other in some places in those coun tries. Later, these places_56 (become) Chin atow ns.What are Chin atow ns like in foreig ners' eyes?LIFESTYLEJordon Shi nn, 28, the USNew York City has at _57 (little) 12 Chi natow ns. Ma ny people there arestill k

17、eep ing a Chin ese lifestyle.58 a sunny summer morni ng in Brookly n, New York City, a local parkis wak ing up. In the park, 59 (group) of middleaged Chin ese wome n dancein rows. They play Chin ese pop music_60 (loud). There are a few youngwhite men n earby on a basketball court_61 (play) with loca

18、l Chin ese people.Next to the basketball court, about 10 men are play ing music on both wester n andChin ese in strume nts 乐器).They have _62 rhu, a guitar, a violin andother in strume nts. At that time, I feel_63 I am in a park in China.FOODMurray Wen zel, 29, AustraliaAlmost every big city in Austr

19、alia has a Chinatown. Chinatown in Brisbane is full of restaura nts, just like Beiji ng. 64 the food is quite differe nt from“Bal ” Chinese meals.Have you ever heard of fortune cookies 幸运饼干 )? Fortune cookies have little pieces of paper inside_65 (they). The pieces of paper give advice about yourlif

20、e. They are in every Chi natow n restaura nt. But I hardly saw them in Beiji ng. 六第一节:词语填空。用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文通顺、正确、连贯( 每个单词限 用一次) 。be biga hear trafficbuttravel clea n much toyEvery one knows London is 61. importa nt city in En gla nd. London62. once the biggest city in the world, but now there are

21、 many citieswhich are 63. bigger tha n it. London has a populati on of about 7,000,000now. It is an old city. Many 64. come from all over the world to visit itsfamous buildings and 65. the famous clock, Big Ben.Like many big cities, London has problems with 66. and pollution.Over one million people

22、use the London underground every day, 67. there are still too many cars in the streets. The air isn ' t clean, but it is 68. than it was100 years ago.Perhaps the best things about London are parks. There are five parks in the center of the city.toy shoBut for the children, their favorite place i

23、s Haley ' s, the 69. in the world. They can buy all kinds of 70. there.七语法填空Dear Dad and Mom,We have been in Australia for three days. We ' re having a good time here. Australia is the sixth 1 (large) country in the world. There is so much to see2 it is impossible for me to tell you everythi

24、ng. We are now living in a hotel.It is located in the centre of Sydney, and our room has a wonderful view of the city. There are 3 (much) big trees and beautiful flowers all over the city and it isgreat pleasure staying here. 4 most enjoyable thing is to watch koalassleeping in the tree.We 5 (visit)

25、 many places of interest around Sydney yesterday and theday before yesterday. Id like t ' o spend more time here, 6 . Linda and Marycan' wait to see the coral reefs 珊瑚礁)in Cams, so we are going to 7(fly)there tomorrow. It is said that words cannot describe the beauty of the colorful corals. Now we are busy 8 (prepare) for the next trip to Cams so that we will nothurry when we leave. We c


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