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1、书面表达练习书面表达练习城市文明,你我有责。假如你是阳光中学的李明,写一份倡议书。请根据表格内容,描述不文明行为,并倡议同学们在校内外讲文明、守秩序(obey public rules),共创良好公共环境。不文明行为spit(吐痰)here and thereplay with public facilities(设备) 文明行为校内教学楼:上下楼梯靠右行,不追逐打闹餐厅:排队等候,安静就餐教室:不在课桌上乱画校外马路上:.公园里:要求: 1. 所写内容必须包括表格中的信息,可适当发挥; 2. 自拟至少两点对校外文明的倡议; 3. 文章不少于80词,开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 4. 语句通

2、顺,字迹工整。1PPT课件.参考范文My dear friends,Each of us has the duty to obey public rules. Lets say no to the bad behavior(行为).Now,we can still see some people spit here and there. Sometimes, naughty children play with public facilities. Besides, a few people say bad words at each other. I think each of us sho

3、uld do good things. At school, we should walk on the right-hand side of the stairs. Dont play on the stairs. In the dining hall, remember to stand in a line and wait for your turn. Be quiet when you eat. In the classroom, we must keep the desk clean. Dont draw on the desk.2PPT课件.W e need to obey pub

4、lic rules outside the school as well. When cross the road, pl ease wait for the green light. While we are enjoying ourselves in the park, remember not to pick flowers or leave our waste things there. Finally, Id like to say, the more efforts we make, the better public places we will have.Li Ming 3PP

5、T课件.书面表达练习现在越来越多的学生使用和带手机进入校园,中学生是否应该带手机进入校园,为此学生们展开了讨论。 赞成意见:1.现在是信息社会,手机是最快的信息交流的工具之一; 2.应充分利用好手机。如偶遇突发事故,可立即拨打手机求助;3.可在每天学习之余利用手机游戏放松一下自己。反对意见:1.学校已提供了公共电话,因此手机并不能带来更多的方便,而且花费较多;2.若课堂接听手机会影响上课;3.学生玩手机游戏或接发短信,将无法集中精力学习;4.我们要拒绝成为低头族。stop phubbing 不做低头族 注意:1.可适当增加细节和连接词,使文章通顺连贯;开头部分已给出,不计入总数;2.词数:10

6、0左右。 4PPT课件.参考范文Is Mobile phone for Student?Nowadays mobile phones are becoming more and more popular among the middle school students ,but every coin has two sides. Almost everyone has a mobile phone. However, is it good for students? In my opinion, its good for students to take phones to school .

7、For example, if we are in dan ger by chance, we can use phones to ask for help. Whats more, our parents and friends can communicate with us by phones wherever we are .After class, we can play g ames on phone to relax. 5PPT课件.However, many people are against students take phone to school, especially

8、teachers. Many teachers think that most of students often send messages by phones during the class. Whats more, many students spend so much time in playing games on the phones tha t can not listen to teachers well, its bad for their study. At the same time, it costs much money. Above all, its good o

9、r bad depends on ourselves. I think, we can deal with it well.6PPT课件.书面表达练习由于社会的发展,人们的生活水平有了很大的提高,但随之也出现了许多问题。现在学校举办征文活动,请大家介绍我们的家乡,并为更好地建设家乡出谋划策。要点如下: 1. 我们家乡过去是个小镇,如今。(适当扩充)2. 游玩的最佳时节:春天。天气景色3. 存在问题:一些人不遵守交通规则; 污染严重,4. 措施:自己,希望政府具体要求: 1. 语句通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,字迹工整;2. 必须包含所有相关信息,并 作适当发挥。3. 开头已给出,不计入总词数, 1

10、00词左右。7PPT课件.参考范文My HometownWith the development of our society, my hometown has changed a lot. It used to be a small town. There were small houses everywhere. The roads were narrow. But the air was fresh and the river was clean. Now great changes have taken place in my hometown. Tall buildings and

11、wide streets can be seen in it. Spring is the best time to visit here. The weather is fine and you can enjoy the beautiful views. Everything seems to be nice.8PPT课件.Surely, therere some problems. For example, some people dont obey the traffic rules. That causes traffic accidents easily. And pollutio

12、n is also another biggest problem. In many places, rubbish is thrown into lakes and rivers. So many of them are polluted.Because of this, I think the government should make stricter laws to protect the environment. As a teenager, I sho uld plant more trees around my neighborhood and help the police

13、watch the traffic in my free time. I hope that everyone can do something to make a difference.9PPT课件.书面表达练习近年来,城市空气污染越来越严重,各大城市相继出现了雾霾天气(hazy weather),请根据下列内容要点提示,写一篇关于保护环 境的文章。内容要点:1. 雾霾成因:汽车使用增加; 工厂污染严重;树林大量砍伐2. 建议办法:尽量少用私家车,选用公共交通工具、步行或骑自行车;(自拟12条) 写作要求:1.词数80左右;2.短文必须包含所有要点,可适当发挥。10PPT课件.参考范文 Th

14、ese years, air pollution is getting worse and worse in big cities.Now cars are increasing very fast. Factories are continuing polluting the air. Trees are being cut down. So the hazy weather is becoming more and more serious. Its time for us to do something to protect the environment.11PPT课件. First

15、of all, wed better not travel b y car u nless its necessary. We can take the bus or the subway, walk or ride a bike if we dont go far away. We can also set up a volunteer club and ask more people to join it. We can plant more trees, give the government advice to stop the factories polluting the air

16、and water. In a word , protecting the environment is to protect ourselves . Its our duty to protect our environment .12PPT课件.书面表达练习根据图片内容写一篇约70个词的短文。要求内容完整,语句通顺,符合语法。 13PPT课件.参考范文One day, a blind(瞎 的)man was walking across the street. A car was going to hit (撞)him. At that time Jack was running up t

17、o him and pulling(拉)him back. The man was saved. And Jack took hi m to the other side of the street. The man thanked him for doing that.But Jack didnt wait for his thanks and went to school quickly. But he was still late for class.Jack told the teacher why he was late. Hearing thi s the teacher aske

18、d the other students to learn from him.14PPT课件.题型七 书面表达练习一、根据中文提示和英文书信内容,请代王涛给David写一封回信,回答信中的问题,介绍合肥良好的公交服务,并谈谈你的感受。词数在80100字。已给的开头和结尾不计入总词数。Hi! Wang Tao, My grandpa is going to Hefei this summer vacation because he has heard a lot about thecity and he would like to see it himselfHe says the bus se

19、rvice in Hefei is very good,and the people are very friendlyIs that right? Can you tell me something more about it? Im looking forward to learning from you soon Yours, David15PPT课件.参考范文一:Hi! David, Im glad to know your grandpa is coming to Hefei. Your grandpa is right. Now great changes have taken p

20、lace in Hefei and the bus service is really very good. There are a lot of bus lines all over Hefei and buses can take you anywhere. People dont need to spend a long time waiting for a bus and the tickets are cheap. Besides, three subway lines are being built. In the coming future, the transport in H

21、efei will become better. I like taking a bus to school because its comfortable and safe. Also it s good for our environment. So its a good choice for your grandpa to travel by bus in Hefei. If you have more questions, please ask me Yours, Wang Tao16PPT课件.参考范文二How to Save TimeWe have ever heard of “T

22、ime is money. Time is life.” Time i s very impo rtant to everyone. But we can see people waste their time every where. They spend much time playing computer games, drinking, sleeping late in the morning and so on. Its necessary for us to save our valuable time. We have to listen to our teachers care

23、fully in class so that we c an save more time to l earn others after class. We should make a plan to study at home so that we can learn more with less time. We should spend more time reading instead of playing games.If we can make good use of time, we are sure to get more. Saving time is to save lif

24、e. Lets save time from now on.17PPT课件.书面表达练习假设你是周杰伦的粉丝,请根据所给信息写一篇有关他的短文。内容提示如下:我最喜欢的明星是周杰伦(Jay Chou), 他三十几岁了,结婚一年多;1.15岁试图写歌曲,梦想成为一名成功的歌星;2.他认为古典音乐具有永恒价值,也擅长西方乐器。他 将再次加盟“中国好声音”电视节目;3. 成就不局限于音乐界,他还曾在电影头文字D(Initial D)中担任主角。4.我相信注意:1. 短文必须包括所给要点,要求语句通顺,意思连贯;2. 词数90个左右。18PPT课件.参考范文My favourite star is J

25、ay Chou. Hes in his thirties. He has been married for over 1 year. He tried to write songs at the age of fifteen. He dreamed of becoming a successful singing star. He thinks classical music has a lasting value. Hes also good at western musical instruments. He will take part in the TV programmer Voic

26、e of China again. His achievements have gone beyond the music in dustry. H e also played the lead role in the film Initial D. I believe he will be a world-famous star one day. And I should learn from him.19PPT课件.书面表达练习 你的朋友Jack由于长时间玩电脑游戏,现在头痛、眼睛不舒服、腰背酸痛,并且睡不好觉。你作为他的好朋友需要写一封书信了解一下他的情况,并给出你对他的建议。 英文提示

27、词:should, help, exercise, keep healthy, sleep, try(英文提示词供选用) 要求:(1)内容包含所提供的信息,可适当发挥; (2)书写认真,句子通顺; (3)词数:80词左右。 20PPT课件.参考范文Dear Jack Im sorry to hear that you are not feeling well these days. You say that you have a headache. You have sore eyes. You have a sore back. And you dont sleep well at nigh

28、t. I hear that you played computer games too much. Thats pro bably why you are not fee ling well. I think you should take breaks away from the computer. You shouldnt use the computer for a long time. You should do eyes exercises to relax your eyes every day. And you should get lots of exercises. You

29、 shouldnt sit in the same way for too long without playing sports.I hope you will be better soon.Yours, Smiths21PPT课件.书面表达练习 生活中总会发生一些给人印象深刻的事情,有时令人捧腹大笑,有时让人热泪盈眶,有时又让人后悔不已。 根据中文大意和英文提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于50词的短文。所给的英文提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。 假如你是李明,你的英国笔友Mike想和你分 享这种经历,请你给Mike回一封邮件,向他描述一件你经历过的事件,包含以下内容:1

30、. When and where did it happen?2. What was it?3. How did you feel about it?提示词语:on ones way to school 在某人去学校的路上 fall down 跌倒hurt 受伤feel moved(感动). 22PPT课件.参考范文Dear Mike,Glad to hear from you again! Just as you have said, we experience different things every day. Now, Id like to share one of them wit

31、h you. It happened on my way to school. One morning I was riding my bike very qu ickly because I was afraid of being late for school. Suddenly a dog appeared and it nearly ran into my bike. I felt very nervous and fe ll down from the bik e. I hurt my arms and my knees so badly that I couldnt stand u

32、p, nor could I go on riding my bike to school. At that time, a cleaner came up to me and asked me if I needed any help. I told him what had happened. He helped me to stand up and walked to my school with me sitting on the back seat of the bike. In the end, I got to school on time. While I was saying

33、 thanks to him, I saw sweat running down his face, I felt very moved. This is one thing that moved me deeply. Have you ever met this kind of thing? Im looking forward to your reply. Yours,Li Ming23PPT课件.书面表达练习假如你校将开展以“安全”为主题的英语演讲比赛,以 增强同学们的安全意识,提高自我保护能力。请你根据以下内容要点,以How to Keep Safe为题目写一篇演讲稿。内容要点:1.慎

34、重交友;2.不向陌生人透露个人信息;3.不给陌生人开门;4.遇险报警;5.遵守交通规则。要求:1.必须包含以上所有要点,可以适当发挥;2.80词左右(开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数);3.不能出现真实的人名,校名及地名;4.请将短文写在答题 卡上指定的位置。24PPT课件.参考范文How to Keep SafeIts important for teenagers to keep safe all the time. But how can we keep safe? Here is some of my advice. First, we should be careful when w

35、e make frie nd s, especially through the Internet. Second, we should keep our pe rsonal information secret and not tell strangers our address or telephone number. Third, we shouldnt open the door for strangers whe n we are alone at home. Fourth, we should call the police if we are in danger. Last bu

36、t n ot least, we should follow the traffic rules. We may get hurt or lose our lives if we dont.Thats all. Thank you.25PPT课件.书面表达练习假设这是你的身份证,根据 身份证内容,你介绍一下自己。至少写5句话。 参考范文Hello, Im Jim Green. I am a boy. My first name is Jim. My last name is Green. My telephone number is 777-8436.26PPT课件.书面表达练习假如你是一名中

37、学生,对观鸟感 兴趣。请你用英文给观鸟社团写一篇70词左右的短文。1.你是观鸟协会的一员,去年冬天去盐城自然保护区观看丹顶鹤。2.它是中国最重要的湿地之一,并且是许多珍稀鸟类的家园。3.大部分的丹 顶鹤主要以食植物和昆虫为主。4.过去,许多游客不明白保护鸟类的重要性,捕杀鸟类为了取乐。5. 我们应该保护鸟类,否则,世界上可能没有鸟剩余了。27PPT课件.参考范文I am a member of the Bird-watching Society, I went to Yancheng Nature Reserve to watch red-crowned cranes last year. I

38、t is one of the most important wetlands in China, it is also home to many rare birds. Mo st red-crowned cranes live mainly on plan ts and insects. In the past, many tourists didnt know the importance of protecting birds, and they caught them for fun. We should protect birds, otherwise, there may be

39、no birds left in the world.28PPT课件.书面表达练习你校对全体学生就“Wheres your free time gone?”进行了调查。假设你是校园记者,请根据本调查的结果(见下表)并结合自己的情况,用英语写一篇8090词的报道,并谈谈你的感受和想法。注意:开头已给出,不计入总词数。29PPT课件.参考范文Recently, weve made a survey in our school about “Wheres your free time gone?” here are the results. Students spend most of their

40、free time on stud y,including doing homework and going to different k inds of after-school classes. 12% of them prefer watching TV and 10% surfing the Internet, the two most popular activities for children. And only 8% of them spend their free time doing sports. Just like the other students, I have

41、much homework. It usually takes me about three hours to finish my homework every night. Im tired and stressed. I really hope Ill have more time to do what I like to do, such as doing sports, listening to music and so on.30PPT课件.书面表达练习每个人都有不同的生活习惯,养成良好的卫生习惯会使我们拥有健康的体魄。良好的卫生习惯有哪些呢?例如:每天早晚刷牙,饭前洗手;不乱扔垃圾

42、和不随地吐痰;保持环境卫生等。以“How to Develop Good Living Habits”为题写一篇英语短文。要求 :意思连贯,表达准确,词数80左右。参考词汇:before meals饭前 rubbish垃圾 spit吐痰31PPT课件.参考范文E veryone has different living habits. Good habits can make us keep healthy. As teenagers, what should we do? In my opinion, we should do the following things. First, we

43、should brush our teeth well, so that our teeth will be good. Wed better wash hands before meals and wash ourselves regularly, so our skin will feel more comfortable and we will not get skin diseases so easily. Second, we mustnt spit or throw away rubbish because it is not only impolite but also bad

44、for others. Third, we need to keep our house dry and clean. Let our hou se get enough sunlight and fresh air. If we can do all of these, we will reduc e disease more effectively.In a word, if we want to keep healthy and happy, we must develop good living habits.32PPT课件.书面表达练习外籍教师Richard想了解一下你所在班级学生的

45、到校方式。假如你是李华,请以 “The Way I Go to Scho ol” 为题,写一篇英语短文,向Richard介绍自己到校的方式。提示:(1) How do you go to school? (2) Why do you prefer to go in that way?要求:(1) 短文须包括所有提示内容, 并围绕你所选择的某种交通方式,写出二至三个理由,可适当发挥;(2) 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名;(3) 词数:80100个 。(短文开头已给出,不计入 总词数)33PPT课件.参考范文The Way I Go to SchoolIm Li Hua. I go to s

46、chool o n foot. I have several reasons for that. First, my home is two kil ometers away from school. It takes me about 20 minutes to get there. Second, walking to school is a kind of exercise. Its good for my health. Third, its pretty safe to walk to s chool because there is a lot of traffic on the

47、road at this time of day. So I prefer going to school on foot. Its really a good choice.34PPT课件.书面表达练习海外游学(overseas study t ours) 是近年来比较流行的一个寒暑假活动项目,既非单纯的旅游也非纯粹的留学,介于游与学之间,又融合了游与学的内容。中考结束后,你计划参加海外游学夏令营 ,你会选择去哪个国家游学呢?希望有哪些游学活动呢?请以 “My Plan for a Summer Overseas Study Tour”为题写一篇短文介绍你的海外游学计划。写作内容:1、游学国

48、家; 2、游学具体活动(至少两项); 3、游学的意义。写作要求: 1、短文条理清晰,语言顺畅;可适当增加内容; 2、词数80字左右。35PPT课件.书面表达练习假如你是Wendy,春天来了,你准备邀请Millie去西湖(West Lake)野餐,请根据以下提示给Millie写一封邀请信。内容必须包括以下要点: 1春天来了,鸟语花香,都认为西湖是野餐的好 地方; 2和朋友们周日上午8点在校门口集合,准备乘公交车前往,大约半个小时就到了;3带一些食物、水、小吃等; 4在西湖还可以划船、放风筝、环湖骑行和玩游戏。相信会过得愉快的。要求:1. 内容完整,可适当发挥; 2. 表达清楚,意思连贯、符合逻辑

49、;3 . 文中不得出现真实姓名,不少于80字。36PPT课件.参考范文D ear Millie, We are going to have a picnic at West Lake this Sunday.As spring comes, we can smell flowers and hear birds sing everywhere at West Lake, so it is a quite good place to have a picnic there. We will meet at the school gate at 8 oclock on Sunday mor nin

50、g and leave bybus. It will take us about hal f an hour to get there. We will do some activities at West Lake, such as rowing a boat, flying a kite,playing gam es and going cycling around the lake. Of course, we will also take so mefood, water a nd snack. I believe all of us will have a good time.Wou

51、ld you like to come with us? Yours, Wendy 37PPT课件.书面表达练习假设你是李华,你的美国笔友Maria对中国的传统节日端午节很感兴趣,希望你给她写封信介绍端午节。信中应包含以下要点:1. 端午节是中国重要的传 统节日之一;2. 端午节的时间是每年的农历五月初五;3. 人们庆祝端午节是为了纪念中国古代伟大的诗 人屈原;4. 人们在端午节吃棕子、赛龙舟;5. 自己对中华民族传统节日的认识。参考词汇:庆祝celebrate,农历 lunar calendar,纪念 in honor of,诗人poet,龙舟赛 dragon boat race 注意: 1

52、.词数:80词左右,信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 2. 覆盖所有要点;可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。38PPT课件.参考范文Dear Maria,Im very happy that you are interested in Chinese culture,especially the f estivals. Now l et me first tell you something about Dragon Boat Festival. Dragon Boat Festival is o ne of the most important Chinese traditional fest

53、ivals. It is on the fifth day of the fifth month in Chinese lunar calendar. That is to say,it is not on the same date every year. Dragon Boat Festival has a long history,which is in honor of the great ancient Chinese poet Qu Yuan. People cele brate the day by holding dragon boat race and eating zongzi. There are many tr


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