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1、水 133 梁迪 No.52014.4.30The history of trainThe principle of maglev trainsA suppose of future transportationThe history of trainsFixed tractor 牵引机 + track 铁轨 steam locomotive 蒸汽机车1817A steam locomotive is a railway locomotive that produces its pulling power through a steam engine. These locomotives ar

2、e fueled by burning combustible material, usually coal, wood or oil, to produce steam in a boiler, which drives the steam engine.steam locomotive 蒸汽机车The history of trainsFixed tractor 牵引机 + track 铁轨 steam locomotive 蒸汽机车18171879 electric locomotive 电力机车electric locomotive 电力机车An electric locomotive

3、 is a locomotive powered by electricity from overhead lines, a third rail or on-board energy storage such as a battery or fuel cell.The history of trainsFixed tractor 牵引机 + track 铁轨 steam locomotive 蒸汽机车18171879 electric locomotive 电力机车1984 diesel locomotive 内燃机车diesel locomotive 内燃机车A diesel locomo

4、tive is a type of railway locomotive in which the prime mover is a diesel engine. Several types of diesel locomotive have been developed, differing mainly in the means by which mechanical power is conveyed to the driving wheels.The history of trainsFixed tractor 牵引机 + track 铁轨 steam locomotive 蒸汽机车1

5、8171879 electric locomotive 电力机车1984 diesel locomotive 内燃机车In 21st Century 10 maglev train 磁悬浮列车Maglev 磁悬浮列车Maglev is a method of propulsion that uses magnetic levitation to propel vehicles with magnets rather than with wheels, axles and bearings. With maglev, a vehicle is levitated a short distance

6、 away from a guide way using magnets to create both lift and thrust.The history of trainThe principle of maglev trainsA suppose of future transportationMaglevsuspension system 悬浮系统propulsion system推进系统guidance system导向系统Electrodynamic Suspension(EDS)电动悬浮Electromagnetic suspension(EMS)电磁悬浮Both the gu

7、ideway and the train exert a magnetic field, and the train is levitated by the repulsive and attractive force between these magnetic fields. In some configurations, the train can be levitated only by repulsive force. Electrodynamic Suspension (EDS)The train levitates above a steel rail while electro

8、magnets, attached to the train, are oriented toward the rail from below. Electromagnetic suspension(EMS)Maglevsuspension system 悬浮系统propulsion system推进系统guidance system导向系统Electrodynamic Suspension(EDS)电动悬浮Electromagnetic suspension(EMS)电磁悬浮Some EMS systems can provide both levitation and propulsion

9、 using an onboard linear motor. EDS systems and some EMS systems can only levitate the train using the magnets on board, not propel it pulsion system推进系统Maglevsuspension system 悬浮系统propulsion system推进系统guidance system导向系统Electrodynamic Suspension(EDS)电动悬浮Electromagnetic suspension(EMS)电磁悬

10、浮guidance system导向系统Some systems use Null Current systems, these use a coil which is wound so that it enters two opposing, alternating fields, so that the average flux in the loop is zero. When the vehicle is in the straight ahead position, no current flows, but if it moves off-line this creates a c

11、hanging flux that generates a field that naturally pushes and pulls it back into line.The history of trainThe principle of maglev trainsA suppose of future transportationAt least 6 month ago, he came up with this ideahttp:/ days ago, scientists in China accomplished HTS Maglev circular track test.载人

12、高温超导磁悬浮环形轨道测试If there is no body on the train, the speed of the train can reach 2500km/h http:/ picture is from http:/ are from /wikilWritten texts are from /wiki/Steam_locomotive /wiki/Electric_locomotive /wiki/Diesel_locomotive /wiki/MaglevlVideo is from http:/ is from http:/ history of trainThe principle of maglev trainsA suppose of future transportationThe history of trainsFixed tractor 牵引机 + track 铁轨 steam locomotive 蒸汽机车18171879 electric locomotive 电力机车1984 di


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