



1、考点跟踪突破12八年级下册Un its 56、单项选择。1. Our teacher was very happy becauseB failed the exam in ati on.2021 ,江西A. somebody B . nobodyC. anybody D . everybody2. None of them talked.They finished their meal inA 2021,苏州A. silenee B . order C . place D . public3. One of the opinions_B_ smoking is that it is harmf

2、ul to people's health. 2021,黄石A. for B . against C . at D . in4 . To achieve a brighter future, we should _B_ study hard keep ingood health.A. not ; but B . not only ; but alsoC. neither ; nor D . either ; or5. I found my sister A my things and took my new magaz in es.What should I do?I guess yo

3、u should tell her it's not right.A. look ing through B . look ing upC. look ing for6 . Wu Yi will help with the houseworkC he gets home after school.A. si nee B . while C . as soon as7 . Sometimes it often rainsC in my hometown in summer.2021,呼和浩特 A. heavy B . hardly C . heavily D . strongly8 .

4、Why did the car hit the boy?Because the driverC on the phone at that time.2021,天津A. talk B . is talki ngC. was talki ng D . have talked9. How happy the gran dpare nts are!Yes, they A for fifty years.A. have bee n married B . have marriedC. have got married D . married10 . She D to an English program

5、 while her parentsTV. 2021,兰州A. was listening ; is watchingB. listened ; were watchingC. was listening; watchedD. was listening; were watching二、完形填空。2021,南充This story happened in a small mountain village.One day there was an earthquake.Nothing was destroyed and 11 was hurt.But a huge rock fell from

6、a n earby mountain and stopped in the middle of the road.When the earthquake_12_ , many people came to the road and saw the hugerock.Some of the strongestmen triedto lift the rock 13 the road.But theycould n't move it.They tried to push it but failed.They tried to_14_ it withropes but no thi ng

7、worked.“ Well, they all agreed ,“ There's nothing we can do about it.We'll have to change the_15. At this time a boy of 12 years old said ,“ I think I canhelp you to move the rock. “ You? they s houted,“ What are you talking about? The men all_16_at the boy.The n ext morni ng some people cam

8、e into the street. One of them shouted,“ Therock is_17_! More people ran out to see .It was right.The rock was n't i nthe road any more.lt was n't_18_ n ear the road.“This is 19_, they said ,“ Where did it go ? The boy stood in the street ,20,“ I told you I could move it last night. The boy

9、walked over to where the_21_ had bee n and un covered someearth. "I buried it , he said.The people looked _22. “You see, he said ,“ I dug a deep hole nextto the rock and I dug a small incline斜坡up to the rock and the rock23_dow n into the hole by itselfcovered it with earth.The crowds shouted ,“

10、 What a 24 boy ! And some of them said ,“ Why have n't we thought of this good_25? 11. A.somebody B . nobodyC. anybody D . everybody12. A.stops B.started C.happened D . stopped13. A.over B.into C .off D . on to14. A.push B.lift C .change D .pull15. A.road B.stone C .rope D .village16. A.looked B

11、.laughedC . calledD . poin ted17. A.gone B.missed C.broke n D.stole n18. A.very B.quite C .even D .still19. A.heavy B.dan gerousC. special D.impossible20. A.crying B.smiled C . thi nkingD . smili ng21. A.street B.tow n C.rock D .moun tai n22. A.surprisedB . sadC. happy D . irelaxed23 . A.lay B .drop

12、ped C.walked D.ran24. A.clever B . strong C . brave D . poor25. A.boy B . hole C . story D . way三、阅读理解。If you need glasses to read this , you are among most of Chinese students.About four - fifths of high school students in China have poor eyesight 视力.And now more and more children in primary school

13、 need glasses, too.Two main reas ons can cause poor eyesight : too much time spe nt in doors study ing and too little time spe nt outdoors play in g.Readi ng and writi ng for hours and hours , sometimes in poorly lighted rooms, causes eyesight to weaken.But students have to do this because there is

14、so much pressure on them to succeed in school.They have less time to enjoy the sun.The sun , it turns out , is important in developing good eyesight.According toa study by AustralianNational University, Australianchildren and Chinese childrenhave the same level of eyesight before they start school ,

15、 but once they enter primary school , Chinese children only spend about an hour a day outside , while Australian children spend three to four hours each day in the sunshine.The result is that while about forty percent of Chinese primary school students need glasses, only threeperce nt of Australia n

16、 childre n do.And poor eyesight at a young age can have serious long term in flue nce.As youget older , your eyesight can worsen.With all that in mind , don't you think it's time to give your eyes a break?26. Howmany high school students have poor eyesight in China according to the reading ?

17、 _D_A. A half of them.B. Three percent of them.C. Forty percent of them.D. Four - fifths of them.27. Which can cause poor eyesight according to the reading? _C_A. Like reading and writing very much.B. Spend too much time enjoying the sun.C. Spend too much time in doors study ing.D. Start primary sch

18、ool at a young age.28. What can we learn from the third paragraph? BA. Primary school studying can be very harmful to young students.B. Australian children spend more time outdoors than Chinese children.C. After primary school , childrenin China and Australia have the same eyesight.D. Fewer Chinese

19、primary school students have poor eyesight than Australianon es.29. What does the writer want to tell us? AA. Remember to give our eyes a break.B. Develop good eyesight in Australia.C. Avoid poor eyesight at an old age.D. Spend little time outdoors playing.四、任务型阅读。2021,荷泽阅读下面短文,完成相关任务。Jeff Gaye, the

20、 young American swimmer, is becoming more and more famous.He has his own teacher , driver and even his own cook.Each time people hear him speak on television , they can't believe he's only13.Jeffs father is an engineer but heis also his son's man ager.He says ,“ I don't make Jef f do

21、 anything he does n't wantto do.He chooses which competiti on to swim in .But he works hard and wins n early every race .I cut out all the n ewspaper articles about him and put them in a big box! Jeff is very busy every day because people want to write about him or photograph 给扌白照 him for magazi

22、nes.“When rm at school , Jeff says ,“ l_just_want_to_be_likemy classmates.That's_really_important_to_me. ButJeff does n't have a no rmal schoolboy's life.He ofte n has to travel for intern ati onal races and has little free time. “ I go to the pool every day and swim there for at least s

23、ix hours.When rm in the pool, I love every minute. 30. Who is Jeff Gaye?He_is_a_y oun g_America n_swimmer.31. What does Jeff's father do?He_is_an_engneer_and_he_is_also_his_spn's_manaer.32. How long does Jeff swim in the pool every day?For_at_least_six_hou 33. 把短文第二段中画线的句子译成汉语。我只想和我的同学一样,那对我来说是非常重要的。34. 给短文拟一个恰当的英文标题。A Young Famous Swimmer.五、书面表达。2021,泉州暑假快到了,学校倡导同学们多读书、读好书、以阅读为乐


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