1、Control Document Seal (受控印章):Reason for Change (更改原因):1. exte nd the scope of EMSAuthorizationsSignature(审批):DateDateNameZhang XiBu/Dept.MGT-EHS(Originator)SignatureDateDateNameKevin TaylorBU / Dept.FDM and PAGSignatureDateDateNameGraham E DunnBu/Dept.PMGSignatureDateDateNameDavid WongBU/Dept.GMSign
2、atureDateDateNameBU / Dept.Distribution List (分发清单):工GMF&A| MISMGT1EHS1 FMToHRMLOGQSMBMGENG|EQTMLDPDN|PMCQA1FDMENGPDNPMCIQCQAW/HPAG二ENG| PDNPURPMCPRJIQCQAI二W/HPMG匚EQT|二OCIPDIPDII二PMCPURPWD|QASALSCO二TOLRevision History (修订记录)Rev(版次)Origi nator(编撰者)Effective Date(生效日期)Description of Change(更改描述)AZero
3、Qian2007-7-19First IssueBZhan gxi2007-12-5Revised the 2.1.2: the locatio n of D6 Xintang In dustrial Zone ” replaced by the factory of Xintang In dustrial Zone in clude block D5,D6 and A9 ”2.The Appendix A add a comment that: For details of each block, refer to Job DescriptiatnHRM ”cZhan gxi2008-8-1
4、3Extend the scope of EMS to cover Baishixia, Fenghuang and Gongming facility.ContentsPart 1 Company Background 5Part 2 Scope of Environmental Management System 5Scope5Environmental Policy and Environmental Objective5Part 3 Introduction to the Environmental Manual- 7Introduction7Control of Environmen
5、tal Manual7Part 4 Environmental Management System Requirements 84.1 General Requirements84.2 Environmental Policy 94.3 Planning 94.3.1 Environmental Aspects94.3.2 Legal and Other Requirement104.3.3 Objectives, Targets and Programme(s)114.4 Implementation and Operation124.4.1 Resources, Roles, Respon
6、sibility and Authority124.4.2 Competence, Training and Awareness134.4.3 Communication144.4.4 Documentation144.4.5 Control of Documents144.4.6 Operational Control154.4.7 Emergency Preparedness and Response 154.5 Checking 164.5.1 Monitoring and Measurement 164.5.2 Evaluation of Compliance164.5.3 Nonco
7、nformity, Corrective Action and Preventive Action 174.5.4 Controlof Records174.5.5 InternalAudit 174.6 ManagementReview 18Part 5 Appendix A: AMLSZ Organization Chart20Appendix B: Environmental Management Document List211. Company BackgroundArnold Magnetics (ShenZhen) Ltd. (AMLSZ) was established in
8、November 2001. The company is one of the largest magnetic products manufacturers in the world supplying magnets, magnetic material and assemblies into Automotive, Consumer and Industrial products, Medical applications, Military& Aerospace, Reprographic systems, Security systems& Telecommunications.
9、The manufacturing plant adopts lean production method and a 6-Sigma quality control system, the company obtained the ISO9001:2000 certification on Mar of 2003 , the ISO/TS 16949:2002 certification on Oct of 2006 and ISO14001:2004 certificate in Jan of 2008.Our Research & Development center is establ
10、ished in USA and Sales & Marketing is set in Hong Kong. Company LocationrdBldg.E the 3 st15#,Dayang 1 2. Scope of the Environmental Management System2.1 Scope2.1.1 This environmental manual provides a general framework for the environmental management system corresponding to all activities, products
11、 and services of Manufacture of soft magnetic powder cores, samarium cobalt permanent magnets and precision mechanical and electrical assemblies for the reprographics industry of Arnold Magnetics (Shenzhen) Limited so as to improve environmental management, protect environment, prevent pollution and
12、 achieve continual improvement.2.1.2 The environmental management system applies to:The factory of Xintang Industrial Zone includes block D5, D6 and A9.rdThe factory of Fenghuang the 3Industrial Zone includes block F, dormitory and canteen.The factory of Gongming includes block C, D and E.2.2 Enviro
13、nmental Policy and Environmental Objectives2.2.1 The following Environmental Policy is reviewed and endorsed by the top management of AML.Environmental Policy StatementArnold Magnetics (Shenzhen) Ltd is committed to leadership in the production of soft magnetic powder cores, including excellence in
14、environmental management.To achieve and maintain this objective of excellence in environmental management within the soft magnetic powder core industry, it is Arnold s environmental policy that:Protecting the Environment Today To Ensure TomorrowWe can understand it from the following:En vir onmen ta
15、i Performa nee Arnold Mag netics (She nzhe n) Ltd will establish goals and targets for en viro nmen tai performa nee, and will impleme nt measures inten ded to achieve these goals and targets. Arnold Magn etics (She nzhe n) Ltd will periodically eon duct a comprehe nsive assessme nt of the n ature a
16、nd scale of en vir onmen tal concerns related to its bus in ess.* Arn old Mag netics (She nzhe n) Ltd believes that effective en vir onmen tal man ageme nt is closely lin ked withefficie nt bus in ess practices, and will con ti nue to place a high priority on improved en viro nmen talman ageme nt pr
17、actices that are also efficie nt bus in ess practices.Regulatory Complia nee Ar nold Mag netics (She nzhe n) Ltd will make all efforts to be aware of, and to comply with, releva nt world wideen vir onmen tal legislati on.Employee Aware ness* Arnold Magnetics (Shenzhen) Ltd will identify the knowledg
18、e and skills required of its employees, and willtrain and equip them to carry out their duties in a manner consistent with its environmental management policies.Polluti on Preve nti on* Arnold Magn etics (She nzhe n) Ltd will develop polluti on preve nti on and waste mini mizati on programs toaddres
19、s en viro nmen tal issues, in cludi ng, but not limited to air and water quality and waste man ageme nt.* Arnold Mag netics (She nzhe n) Ltd will con ti nue to support the programs inten ded to develop methods formini miz ing the impact of its operati ons on the en vir onment.Public* Arnold Mag neti
20、cs (She nzhe n) Ltd is committed to ope n commu ni cati on with members of the commu nities in which they operate.2.2.2 Top management shall set up and periodically review company s straieginonmental objectives toen sure the contin ual improveme nt and to en sure customer satisfacti on.2.2.3 Top man
21、 ageme nt shall commu ni cate the en viro nmen tal policy and en vir onmen tal objectives within thecompa ny in every Jan uary and summarize the achieveme nts per month or per quarter (for some items).3. Introduction to the Envrionmental Manual3.1 In troductionThe environmental manual of the company
22、 (“this manual ”) describes tgheneral frame of EnvironmentalManagement System established according to ISO14000:2004 standard in Arnold (Shenzhen), including environmental policy, the organization structure, responsibilities and authorities of every department, the interrelationship among functional
23、 departments.3.2 Control of the Manual3.2.1 General3.2.1.1 This manual is controlled per theDocument and Data Control Procedure. This manual is issued either as controlled copy or as uncontrolled copy which is identified on the cover sheet of this manual. The controlled copies of this
24、manual are issued to those departments which are listed in the distribution list. The holders of controlled copies are responsible for providing their subordinates reading and understanding this manual and assuring their subordinates implementing the policy stipulated in this manual. I
25、f this manual is revised, the holders of this manual shall be notified and shall be distributed with a copy of new revision immediately. Uncontrolled copies may be distributed to any customers, suppliers or others on request of Management Representative (MR). Uncontrolled copies of this manua
26、l are not updated when this manual is revised.3.2.2 Approval3.2.2.1 This manual is reviewed and approved by the followings:- Management Representative;- Vice General Manager/Business Unit General Managers;- General Manager.3.2.3 Issue and Distribution3.2.3.1 The document controller prepares and keep
27、s a distribution record. She/he is also responsible for the distribution and control of this manual and its revised copies. Distribution List (not limited to)- General Manager;- Management Representative;- Vice General Manager(s) and Business Unit General Manager(s);3.2.4 Control of Changes3.
28、2.4.1 Any changes to this manual shall be approved by the authorized person. Management Representative shall review all changes before the approval. Revised copy is distributed to all existing holders of controlled copy.3.2.5 Abbreviation1. EMS - Environmental Management System;2. MR -
29、 Management Representative;3. DCC - Document Control Center;4. AML -Arnold Magnetics (Shenzhen) Limited.4. Environmental Management System Requirements4.1 General RequirementsAML has established Environmental Management System (EMS) in compliance with ISO14001:2004standard, which applies“PDCA” manag
30、ement modl,ethat is, the EMS are con tinually improved as per“Plan,Do, Check and Act ”.1) Establish an environmental policy2) Identify environmental aspects of AML s activities, products or services thoroughly, evaluate environmental aspects and confirm significant environmental aspects;3) Identify
31、and have access to legal and other requirements which are applicable to AML;4) Establish environmental objectives and targets;5) Define the organization structure; provide EMS training, communicate with internal levels and functionsand external interested parties; prepare EMS documents and provide r
32、esources to achieve environmental policy;6) Conduct monitoring and measurement, take corrective and preventive actions, carry out EMS audit to ensure the adequacy and effectiveness of the EMS;7) Carry out management review once a year to review the EMS. Update environmental policy,objectives and tar
33、gets and the elements of EMS in light of the changing circumstances to achieve continual improvement.4.2 Environmental Policy4.2.1 Top management shall define, review and approve Environmental Policy.4.2.2 The content of the Environmental Policya) is appropriate to the nature, scale and environmenta
34、l impacts of its activities, products and services,b) includes a commitment to continual improvement and prevention of pollution,c) includes a commitment to comply with applicable legal requirements and with other requirements towhich the organization subscribles which relate to its environmental as
35、pects,d) provides the framework for setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets,e) is documented, implemented and maintained,f) is communicated to all persons working for or on behalf of the organization, andg) is available to the public.4.3 Planning4.3.1 Environmental Aspects4.3.1.1
36、AML has established and maintainedEnvironmental Aspects Identification and Evaluationprocedure to identify the Environmental Aspects of its activities, products and services that is can control and over which it can be expected to have an influence, in order to determine those which have or can have
37、 significant impacts on the environment. The environmental aspects identified are evaluated to determine those aspects that have significant impacts on the environment. Significant aspects, in turn, are considered in establishing, implementing and maintaining this management system. The proce
38、ss is performed periodically or if necessary to ensure that it is kept up to date. The following aspects, as a minimum, are considered.a) Air emissionb) Waste water dischargec) Waste streamd) Noisee) Material (chemicals) usef) Energy useg) Water use4.3.1.4 Environmental impacts on the followi
39、ng are considered as a minimum:a) Airb) Waterc) Landd) Flora, faunae) Noise environmentf) Human beingsg) Nature resources4.3.1.5 Reference:Environmental Aspects Identification and EvaluationProcedure (OP-EMS-004)4.3.2 Legal and Other Requirements4.3.2.1 AML has established, implemented and maintaine
40、dLegal and Other Requirements Proceduretoa) Identify and have access to the applicable legal and other requirements to which AMLsubscribes related to its environmental aspects.b) Determine how these requirements apply to AML environmental aspects. Reference:Legal and Other Requirements Proced
41、ure (OP-EMS-001)Objectives, Targets and Programme(s) AML has established and maintained Environmental Objectives and Targets Control Procedure to ensure that documented environmental objectives and targets are established at relevant department and functional levels if necessary. The t
42、op management shall set and review the objectives and targets and ensure that they are consistent with the EMS policy, including the commitment to prevention of pollution. When establishing and reviewing the objectives, AML shall considera) Environmental policyb) Legal and other requirementsc
43、) Significant environmental aspectsd) Technological options, financial, operational and business requirementse) The views of interested partiesf) Commitment to continual improvement and prevention of pollution4.3.3.4 AML has established and maintained environmental management programs for achieving
44、itsobjectives and targets. The program(s) include:a) designation of responsibility for achieving objectives and targets at each relevant functionand level of the organizationb) the means and time-frame by which they are to be achievedc) essential resources, such as human resources, financial resourc
45、es and infrastructure etc.d) responsibility of inspection and monitoring4.3.3.5 AML has established and maintained Environmental Management Control Programme(s) Procedure to ensure that documented environmental objectives and targets are established at relevant department and functional levels if ne
46、cessary. The programs are reviewed periodically to ensure that information is kept up to date. If a project relates to new developments, program(s) shall be amended where relevant to ensure that environmental management applies to such projects. Reference:Environmental Managemen
47、t Control Programme(s) Procedure (OP-EMS-002)Environmental Objectives and Targets Control Procedure (OP-EMS-003)4.4 Implementation and Operation4.4.1 Resources, Roles, Responsibility and Authority441.1 The top management shall ensure the availability of resources essential to establish, implement, m
48、ain tain and improve the EMS. Resources in clude huma n resources and specialized skills, orga ni zati onal in frastructure, tech no logy and finan cial resources. En viro nmen tal Man ageme nt Represe ntativea) En sur ing that an en vir onmen tal man ageme nt system is established, impleme n
49、ted and mai ntai ned in accorda nee with the requireme nts of the ISO 14001 In ter nati onal Sta ndard.b) Report ing to top man ageme nt on the performa nee of the en viro nmen tal man ageme nt system for review, in clud ing recomme ndati ons for improveme nts. The responsibility and authorit
50、y of each position are defined in the form of job descriptions. Thisinformation is communicated to all levels of employees for effective implementation of the EMS. The function distribution is showed as Table 1. The overall company organization structure is show n as appe ndix A.Table1: Fun cti on d
51、istributi onGBMEPPpQOEPPQHFMFElements of ISO14001(2004)UGHDDWCQUMSRMIIMMRSInDAITRCMMTSN4.1 General Requirements4.2 Environmental Policy4.3.1 Environmental Aspects4.3.2 Legal and Other Requirements4.3.3 Objectives,targets andProgramme(s)4.4.1 resources, roles, responsibilityand authority4.4.2 Compete
52、nce, training andawareness4.4.3 Communication4.4.4 Ducumentation4.4.5 Control of Documents4.4.6 Operational ControlGBMEPpPQOEPPQHFMFElements of ISO14001UGHDDWCQUMSRMII(2004)MMRSInDAITRCMMTSN4.4.7 Emergency Preparedness andResponse4.5.1 Monitoring and Measurement4.5.2 Evaluation of Compliance4.5.3 Nonconformity, corrective and preventive action4.5.4 Control of Records4.5.5 Internal
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