1、AVAYA 数字程控调度机安装配置说明书目录第一部分 硬件连接 4.1.1 S8300 的硬件安装 41.1.1 端口介绍 41.2 G450 的安装 4G450 后视图及电源 5G450 风扇 51.3 AES 服务器 的硬件安装 51.3.1 8500C 端口介绍 51.3 8500C 的硬件连接 6第二部分 S8300 的安装配置 6.2.1 S8300 系统的安装 62.1.1 需要的工具: 62.1.2 设置 IP 地址: 72.1.3 安装过程 72.2 系统配置 92.2.1 初始化配置 92.2.2 配置服务器 122.3 上传 lic 142.3.1 添加用户 142.3.2
2、 上传 lic 162.4 设置 MODE.M 173.3.1 安装 ASA配置软件 183.3.2 查看板卡详细信息 list config all 223.3.3 添加拨号方案 change dialpan analysis 233.3.4 设置板卡 add node-names ip 243.3.5 添加 C-lana 板 ip add ip-interface 01a05 243.3.6 添加数据模式 add data-module 2001 263.3.7 添加系统功能键 change feature-access-codes 283.3.8 添加录音分机 add announcem
3、ent 2004 293.3.9 添加中继 add ds1 01a11 323.3.10 添加 ds1 的时隙 add signaling-group 1 323.3.11 添加中继组 add trunk-group 1 333.3.12 中继与 VDN 绑定 add inc-call-handling-trmt trunk-group 1.353.3.13 添加寻线组 add hunt-group 1 363.3.14 添加 VDN add VDN 110 373.3.15 添加 vector add vector 1 383.3.16 配置出局路由 change ars analysis
4、1 403.3.17 设置路由表 change route-pattern 1 413.3.18 设置送主叫号码 change public-unknown-numbering 1 433.3.19 添加坐席 add agent-loginID 4001 433.3.20 添加分机 add sta 8001 443.3.21 添加 line-side 录音号码 473.3.22 添加模拟中继 add trunk-group 2 483.3.23 添加虚拟号码 add sta 100 49第四部分 AES 服务器安装配置 5.0第 3页 共 64页4.1 AES系统的安装504.1.1需要的工具
5、:504.1.2安装过程504.2指定AES连接的clan板卡544.3 添力口 cti-link add cti-link 1 554.4 8500初始化配置564.5建立与 G650中C-lan的连接 584.6 建立 TSAPI Links 连接604.7开启相应端口 604.8 修改 8500c 的 ip 62第五部分ip电话的安装配置 645.1硬件连接645.2 IP电话的配置64第一部分硬件连接1.1 S8300的硬件安装1.1.1 端口介绍维护口USB1USB2处理器 :Intel 600Mhz Celeron M 处理器 L2 Cache : 512MB内存:DDR SDRA
6、M (1 GB)硬盘:Serial ATA (40GB) USB 端口: 31.2 G450的安装第#页共64页® o 1 * 1FkM OP-*" 1 1 亠1 0:11iIa»:hG45O 苗eS-宀« p°p 5 16 1317M»即 18 Q150r191. St级L匚D1. USB 煤A.i. 再嘗口5. Conpaet Fih f lift& ETFi器数铸用中It I蘭口T.亡U岛播塔It阀舍fit助議口8. ETH WAN IX口6. ETH LAN 晴口10. RET按輩11.ASB按妙12.VI ftttS
7、erver13.V2际准嶽悻加块摘fl14.V3槁灌攥怵理規坏卅15.VJ1£.V5百帝邯怵禎堀揃fl17V -研布琳怵阳堤硒HIB.V7陌乔霍仿舞無页柑IS.VS标莆器怵横窝StuG450后视图及电源G450风扇1.3 AES服务器的硬件安装1.3.18500C 端口介绍S8500C Media Server 前血第5页共64页图注:S8500C Media Server (背血) 口口 口 1 口口口 曰和*巫口 口h2msb6cc LAO 061706l_:lAll -11_I UJ l_l l_ll_I !_: I_l l_:口1.电源接通发光二极管7. USB 端口2.电源
8、按钮8. USB 端口3.重置按钮9.硬盘驱动器4.硬盘驱动器活动状态发光二极管10. CD弹出按粗5.定位器发光二极管11. CD驱动器活动状态发光二极管6.系统错谋发光二极管第7页共64页第#页共64页10. 鼠标连接器(未使用)11. USB 端口12. USB 端口13. 以太网114. 以太网215. 视频连接器16. 串行端口17. 键盘连接器(未使用)图注:1. 电源线连接器2. SAMP电源3. USB连接(连接USB调制解调器)4. SAMP以太网(未使用)5+ SAMP服务端口6. SAMP -k7. 双 NIC乱以盍网49+以丸网31.3 8500C的硬件连接在8500中
9、,用以太网1和以太网2用于连接avava和外界系统,端口并没有固定那个端口连接外界系统那个连接内部系统,只是以太网1有默认的IP,可以自己定义端口的功能。在这个项目中以太网连接外界系统,以太网 2连接avaya交换机C363T第二部分S8300的安装配置2.1 S8300系统的安装2.1.1 需要的工具:系统安装盘 Communication Manager 55米长的绿色线缆一根2.1.2设置IP地址:客户端: 522.1.3 安装过程用5米长的绿色线缆连接至S8300媒体服务器的维护接口,该接口使用固定IP, 192.1
10、1.13.6,然后,进行将安装盘放入USB光驱,从远程客户端用telnet登录进行远程系统安装,安装过程如图示,远程登录后选择安装选项选择第一项in stall后,回车键0K,系统安装开始。选择 <yes>安装完成后,机器会自动重启,这时会提示与主机失去联系,如下图。第9页共64页后退*g C:WI N DOWSXsystem 3 2cmid .exe18:15 :52 ! Communicat ion Manager 04.0-00.1.731.2 Disk Mastering DL385 B completed失去了跟主机的连接。C: Documents and Sett in
11、gsAdministpatop>18:15:152.2系统配置2.2.1初始化配置在客户端的浏览器里输入服务器的IP地址,,回车后如下图。立件E 編辑 査看世)收藏医 工貝 帮助第11页共64页目转到州址:巨 .因 http;// igi-c- 'i/i-nseognBefore You BeginThis system is restricted solely to authoriz-ed users for legrtimat-e business purpcs-es only The actual ar attempted una
12、uthorized accessr use or modifications of this system is strictly prohibited Unauthonzedl users are subject to company disciplinary procedures and Dr criminal and civil penalties under statef federal ar other applicable domestic and foreignThe us of this system may be moriitored and recorded for adm
13、inistrative ;and security reasons. Aoyone accessing this svstem expressly consents to such monitoring and re co rd i ng sndl is advised th art 讦 it reveals pos-sible evidence f criminal activity the evidence of uch activity may be provided to law enforcement afficisls-Alll users must 匚 cm ply v, ith
14、 all carpcrate instructions regarding thr protection 口F irtFufEiatiDn assets.You must accept the offered security certificate to access these pages应 Internet选择continue回车,提示输入用户名与密码,默认为用户名:craft密码:craft01如下图所示。第#页共64页登录以后,如下图InstaNationLaurich Av»ya ri5?allai:iDr WizardI fliimch Awdvrt TmMII和ion
15、 WifdrdAdministrationITht Ngrtivt 匚Qnfguriqign rIIqww yqfu tQ dn-tiniptcr 1iiis syittni using «i graphically enhanced SAT applet.Launch NaGJve Conflquratloin MananerMaiHitenanceTht Mflinttrndnoi W-ffe 】时.刊 wBq碎s YOli totBubltS 卜却口 AndijgrrRgiyrQ: the: muH诂 議eu:"-Launch Meiliritenance Web I
16、nlerfacELitiniCh Up口边甘它 TqdIUpgradeTht upy甘開 Tod allavHf you to Upg<r«V «ll strvtrs, 5u.rvivifel« PrgwSKirs, G70Q引1;讣艸齢"日g3$0 Medi-a U日上匕引事烂.第#页共64页第#页共64页Lounch Meiint亡n石口匸亡 Wb In 仙 fag选择该选项,对交换机进行初始化配置。第#页共64页第#页共64页n ternet ExpTorerTlj1.fl.ir-rmra-0 * |T 2£ Q N* 一收玄央tt
17、i址 弟 nttps-' :9£11:13上1中43!打11帯盯34阿Hnlp ExitTliih Scrwr: 1AldirwisCurrenrt Alarms- Ageirvt Status SNMP AOenlSSNHP lrrps; FittEnSHHP TestDI j<QH0¥tl>C5RMtartKSFXtem Loqis- Trtiirirdlur/VHlgePMngIrjicieriDUtEIMcZt Hoditm Tct Hetwaric, I ime Syn匚 ServerStdliu 5umm4ry P:tt55 St>9t
18、U5 Inter匚Iwiingt Server« &iuy-<i-iit Server Relee S«rsr Shutdown Server Server DjitE/TiniE Soft ware VersjiefiConflguire Srrvcr Hestore Defaults Eject CD-ftOHNotice© 2DOfl"3DD7 Aav>a Inc. All Rlqtits Re&ertfed.mgvricititExcept where exfesslv stated Othenvisfl. the P
19、rcrtlud: >s proterted by copynght and other Uwe respecfang pcDpruEOn' nghbs,UnaAJthonzed r«pradL>cbanr transfer, and ar use can be a crvnwi3lr as 酣 Ell 日舌 a dvil, offense under the appicable law.Third piirty 匚oinj>Dnent5Certain software proyariis w purtians thereof included in the
20、Product n>ay contain software dstributed urwier third party -agree may contain terms that expand or limit rights to use certain portio ng of the Product ("Third Party Terms 'J. In formabon »de Uht ThifCiTerm*(h«t Apply t口 th<m 4r>« 祠尊|申比 g A-v«y4!f*rt4:hf怕:号口口口&
21、lt;nrt 軸龄馭t6ntTFiirdPAhIX怕抽T radenjairksAvaya rs a trademark of Avaya IneMultiVar/tage is a trademarli of Avaya nc,AJI non-Avaya tradernairks are the praerty of Eh« reapeetive diners.第13页共64页首先要对交换机进行初始化:restore defaultsi lutenwt Lxplorer0后医-十型 ; 找禾寸 轉丢地址:也 https: L-9x.ll. l3.fi/Dg «bn:fb
22、nt/mantfaTHelp ExitAlarmsCurrent Alarms Ag-enl SLdtiJ SNMiP Agents NMIP Traps FiltersSNMIP Test Diagnaxtiic<RestartsT emperidi'Iure/Vuilldqc Ping Trace no uteNetstat Mkxlem Test Neftwork Time Syrac ServerStatus Summary ProtOA StdtlU- InterEhzang-e Servers gut Server iReledse Server Shutdown S
23、erver Server Date/Timc SoFtiMnre Version Server ConfigurdliOiiConligure Server IKetoiFR DcFjiuhvElect CO ROH Server Up<|i"吃duPre Upgrade Step HAin3i-g>e Software rta'ke Upgrade Pernuneni iBuot Pdrtilion Hanage Updatn 1PSI Firmware UpgradesIPS) Verdian ownllodd IPSI F irmware Dcmrnloai
24、d Htirtuv AdNvade I TOT Upgrade Actiivation StatusRestore DefnultsThe R.est&fe Derauka Web pagg 磚 used eset the original default OahigurBtibn the Avya media servftr.A WARNING : The only Ethernet interface dnat remains enabled after aH,6sat is the dtefauk Servitfi Latofi inttaeep Eth*i,net i. Ail
25、 other Etherret interfazes will disihled.Th-e follOiwiriO Phterfac. will I>h rerMved* fldnQ* M2 «h3* ediJTh-ellovriiniq will be Altered.'eta1'hostsetdhepd.eonf.'etDntp.aMrf/etGsvsIcg.Ganf /et£irDpti,ee4<ees.e&rjf .'4ttrCFfl,,ecS1*,5erv&rS.CDiBrf /etppp/ip-addr
26、s/tQl,ni»Gl¥BQgrf/etGntjp/step-iKkers iteivseeiflfig.'statie-rautes.'etD*'sv5canfig;'netwarkMicrowft Internet ibqploiAne you nre 丫叫Asnt to RestGre Dedt?确走设置交换机的日期时间,注意要选择的时区,完了后提交。Si srverl HWlcrasoft Internet Explorer文件三编握目査看迪收藏空工且工,帮助曰G却O 国圍Q #按索I©仝”塾O .袒地址;龙https11.
27、 L3.6 -i:gi-bin/marnt/mainilainHelp LxitAlarmsCurrent AlarmsAgemit StdlUSSNMP Agents SNMP Trap& FittersSNMP TestDlagnofttcfi kestarts Systevn Lags T e mperature/ Vo Itage PingT riicerourtcNctstatModem Tcsst Network Time Synt ServerSum:marv Process Status Interc'tiange Server% Busy-out Server
28、 Release Server Shutdcwni Servier Server Date/TimHe! Software Vers-ion Server Configuiratidn Configiorc ServHEr Restore Defaults Eject CD-ROM Sierver UpgriidcsPre Upgrade Step Hdind0e Software占皀皆皀Date/TimieThe Seirver Datetime v;eb page lets you reset date and time when the server is used $s its own
29、 time source-The cu-rent time is; Toe- Mar 4 1EST 2008Select timeTime ZoneUbtkhit0/03/2 008 (m m/dd/yyyy)Etc/GMT+8IEtc/GMT-b9EtcGMT-0Etc/GMT-1EtcGMT-10Etc/GMrr-11EtcGMT-12Etc/GMT13Help第15页共64页222配置服务器配置服务器,选择用 wizard方式进行配置。nternet Explor&r文件同娠笹迫査若迥收飛® 工且H 帶助G后。” 童 ©|«» 林夹
30、69; ©k © ” 口怨咄址:丈-13L13点Mg -bn/EDHfigSrv/wcanftg4Configure Server呂比亡|3台Review HE>tice»Set I廿弋佯1向超魯Epe-cify how you want tc use ttliit wbzardCopz foflTi dupl-eated gerverr ear» only t>e dene if you hav-e oR上!eanfiflusd she dulieaed serwei-r y$ir g th* f;*rn* 讯比中电 q w<r$ie
31、n ip$ 宙i# Erv.ConfigiuriE InterfacesCnfiigure ESS Configure Meriiicry 匚onfhgure Switcliicb Set DNS/DHiCP SEt Static Rd urtEB Configure TMm鑑 Server Set. Modem Irilerl-dC-e Update Sys-temCar*Fifluris dll servieea usjnq theCainFigure indirwidual servicesCopy cnnfiguration inFairkHticn Fpe the duplic-at
32、ed serw!eThis is sevcf numberNOTE: The 日upslication link must be 匚口nne-zted and the interface 口 on the duplic-Bted server.叼 TTie CGrpcfale LAN ir-te«face cF both severs- if- ori 琏hu same subnet.回 Ttie Contrail Network interface pf both servers is cn die same subnet.dick CONTINUE tn 口 noceed.Con
33、tinue I Help下图是配置是服务器的名字Set Identities,以及对服务器的以太网接口进行功能定义。这里可以设置交换机的以太网接口的作用,比如在上图中可以更改那个server port,该端口的IP地址为 。选择 This is a duplicated server using duplication hardware (e.g. DAL1/DAL2).第#页共64页Review NoticesCopy SettingsSet IdentitiesConfigure Interfaces Configure ESS Configure Memory Co
34、nfigure Switches Set DNS/DHCP Set Static RoutesHost Name (serverl)Host Name (server2)This is se rver num be rHost Name (active server)ID (serverl) (Range: 1 to 256)ID (serverZ) (Range: 1 to 256)Configure ServerSet IdentitiesThe host name and D of each server must be unique.第17页共64页Configure Time Ser
35、verSet Modem Interface Select Server Duplication Update SystemA The duplication type setting must be the same for both the active and standby servers, First busy-out and change the setting qh the standby server, then change the setting or the active server, and finally release the standby server.Thi
36、s is a duplicated:*:' This is a duplicated server using duplication hardwareDAL1/DAL2). O This is a duplicated server using software-based duplication.server using encrypted software-based duplication.Select NIC UsageEthernet 2Ethernet 1 vIndicate how each ethemet >ort is to be j£ed. You
37、 may accept the defaults. Ethernet ports may be used for multiple purposes, except for the port assigned to the laptop, which must be dedicated to only that purpose. Physical connections to the Ethernet ports must match these settings.t. Server Duplication Link(Default: Ethernet 0)2. Services Port丰b
38、r.r.itr*. m 14 月 I一 i n: lj 4 1 下图是配置服务器以太网接口Co nfigure In terfaces,只需要将每个接口设置为100Mbps全双工模式,并且根据系统搭建的环境为每个接口设置该接口所属网段的IP地址。如下图示。第#页共64页Configure Server巳D呂Review NoticesCopy SettingsSet IdentitiesConfigure InterfacesEthernet 0: Control Metwork AiQtire ntGrtac蛙sCcmfigure ESS Configure Memory Configure
39、 Switches Set DNS/DHCP Set Static Routes Con figure Thvie Server Set Modem Interface Update SystemIP address serverl (sftrveri)IP address servers(Sftrver2IP address active: server (server)Subnet ma-kSpeftd(Crrrit: 100 片址0團$十 fuH 血匸准£ 100 Megabit full dupl&X Enable 丿LAN 802.Lq priority taggi
40、ngEthtrnfel 1: Laptop IP addressSubnet mask192,11.13.6255-2S5-25S.252第#页共64页第#页共64页Ethe什启七 2: Server DupHcation LinkIP address serverl (serve!-!)192.L1.13.L3IP add亡吕号 servers (sertfe2)192.11.13.L4Subnet mask25S.2SS.25 5J252Ethernet 3: Control Metwork 陆IP address EErver*! (sErwel)IP address sen/EfZ (
41、sftrver2)IP address active- server (sew电)Subnet ma-kSpeed fCurrent pee-d1 : IDS '-fepiStft ft社gg 100 Msgabil full duplex 钏Speed fCi/rre.nf sped : 100 制血t full rfu-p'e-v 100 Megabit lull duplex v第#页共64页第#页共64页 Enable '/LAIN 802.1q priority taggingI192.168.1.L丽玄i碍丄2 |192-i68.L-3 192-1.68.1
42、.25i255.255.255.CEtherniet: 4; Corporate LAN InterfaceIP address serverl (server!)IP address seerZ (serverZ)IP address active server (server)GatewaySpeedSubnet mask100 Megabit full duplex(Current: 1OQ Mepacrt dvjr-ex; Enable VLAN SQ2.1q prionty taggirg后面的配置根据实际情况再进行配置,直接进行continue就行。2.3上传lic2.3.1添加用
43、户添加用户dadmin到susers组,给prof2权限,才可以上传lie。在Security的 AdministratorAccounts里进行添加后提交,如下图。第#页共64页Helg? ExitRestartsSvstcm LogsTcmperature/Vc.|tage PingT racennutcNetstdt Modem TestNetwork Time Sync ServerStatms Summairv Process Status ntcrchnnge Servers iBy-vy-put Server ReleaM= Server Shuld't>wiri
44、Serif er Server Date/TIme Software Vershon Sarver ConflquratbomConfirm re Server Ft test orc Oefaulrts Eject CD ROM Server UpgradesPre Upgrade Step Mnvn.Hg'ft oftwaireMdlke- Llprdidc Permdncn1 盼彷I: PrtitiunMatfiaqe Updates IPSI Firrriiware Upg)rade&I PSI Version Download I PSI Firmware Downl
45、ead Status AefFwote I PSI Upgrade Ac-tiw-ntniirk 月kartLK Dita Backup/ Restore iBsairkup Naw BdiLkup Hih-f a ry Stliedulle IBdckuy backup Logs Vbew/iRstore Data ftestorc Hiistory Format Co-mpsctFl9sJh> Securit1!Administrator AccountsThe Administrata Accaunts web pages mil。対 you to addf delete, or
46、change adminiKator I口gins and Icin Qrnups,Enter Login ID or Group Name: rJmdminSelect Actioxk:® Add! bsginO Charge loginO ftemDve Leg inO LacUnlack loginO Add begin GfesupO Reffii口丫s: Lfigin GroupSubmit提交以后,需要设置该用名的用户组,并设置密码dadmi nO1。如下图。AVAyAHelp Exitrhi1SifSfcnii log售 T-enniierdtuirfe/Vultd-q
47、e PimgTrftcerouleNctvtat Modem Test Network TinrH!: Synr ServerStates Summary PrKtssk Sldtuii tnrtcrcha n<c Servers Bu>¥-D>Ljt Server 氏喇Ipissc Server Shiitdlown Server S«FWftF QntR/Timic SoftWidire Version Server Coniflguratk>ni C-arifigiurE Server Restore Def丑nits Eject CD-OM
48、Server UparadesPre Upgrade £t«*p Manage Software Make Upc|radlE Permane Pa>rtttlon Manage UpdateJPSI Firmwd re UfWratlE IPSI Verfian Dowiiloaid IPSI Ffirtiiwar Download 型nt lire Activate IPSI Up口 rade ActhrBiliam J&featu« Ddtd Bid】k.up/RElcrE backup H-QW Backup 1*1 i-tur> Kh
49、cdule ELackup BdCkuii Lu vkw/Hctgirc Unta HkS-tArY Format C:DmpjiictFln-«-h SeczurityAdmfenlr?trator Accounts Chdnyie P-dworvI HodcmServer Acce- Syslflfl Server Li-LeniM! FileAdministrator Logins - Add LoginThe AdminiftrwtQr Logins 二叨0 Ipgin web©11口血母 gu t口 odd 0 new 5dminDrtr>tcr Iggin
50、.susersadditional graups shell access: O np yhll® standard ibell access.O UD 良 Alices ¥ qnty.O 咤mate login.leek thi& accaufKdate- (YYYY-HM-DD)! on nhih account is disabled (blank to ignore).5-feleCt Cl AuitlAfitiCACjfiriAnti - key a- passftc rdire-enter 此色y or passwordfgrcfl pass-Aordk
51、fl-y change on first loginmjxirnuim Number cf 已遇样 a 口a&swerd may bt used (PASSlMAK_DAYS):ggs-99miinimum number 口F day$ dCI口丹聲白 bertwiec p45Fgrd chargEs (PA§S_M N_DAVSJ: 0numfefl-r af days aTiing given bcfg«-e 5 皿辭“闭 expire? (PASS_wAM_AGE);days after password e>:pi«-e& ta le
52、ek account COiminediate 第19页共64页Help ExitAlarmsCurrant AllarnnsAqcnt StatusSNNP AgentsSMMP TrapsFiltersSNMP Test UHidQnOSitiC4RestartsSystem L网号T emperature/ Voltage Pjr>gTrace roiiiteNelMdlModem TestNiefwcuFk Time Sync ServerStatus SummaiFy Precess Status Intcrchanqc Servers Htnsy-out Server Rel
53、ease Server Shutdown Server Server Oatc/Timc Software Versban Server ConfiguratiQnConfigure Server Kes!ore Defaults Ej«t CD-ROMServer UpgradesPre Upqraide StepAdministrator AccountsAll requested operations complete.The Administrator Accounts web pages allow you tc addr delete 厂匚卜占administrator
54、logins and Icgan grcEnter Login ID or Group Name: ISelect AcIhQiuO Md LoginO Change LoginO Remove Login0- Lock,'Un lock loginO' Add Login GroupC)Remove Login GroupSubmitHelp第21页共64页第#页共64页232上传lie上传lie,文件需要厂家提供,一定注意:点submit后,出现安装成功后,等待一分钟以后,才 可以点其他连接SecurityAdministrator Accounts Change Password ModemServer Accessicense File呂覽壬电黑.耳号ry空匸Authentication File Firewall TripwireTnpwire Commands Install Root Certificate SSH KeYS,上传LICENSE的地方.Ethernet Switch Ports Web Access Mask第#页共64页Help ExitNetstatModem TestNetwork Tiimc Sync ServerStatus Summary Procesfr StatusInterchange Serv
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