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1、第 2 讲:语法与词汇(往年真题解析)第一部分复旦试题200631. The score that a student obtains before any adjustment and transformation is called the score.A bare B rawC primitiveD crude此题考的是搭配,raw score“原始分”。C 和 D 也都是“原始的”,但搭配不同, C用于 primitive society, D 用于crude oil。32. The play is so intriguing that the audience quickly ide

2、ntifiedthe actors andactresses.A byB forC withD on此题考的也是搭配,短语be identified with “与 有同感”。33. When the chief executive officer was invited to play the piano at the end of the concert, she performed a piece without .A inspectionB investigationC manipulation D rehearsal此题考的是生词。34. The multi -millionaire

3、 has reached the pointmoney no longer makes muchdifference to him.A thatB whichC whenD where本题考点是定语从句,只要分析从句中的句子成分,便可以很快找出答案。这里从句有主语,有完整的谓语,先行词一定是做状语。point, situation 等表示事态、情况、程度等的一些词在用于定语从句时后面的连词要用where 或 in which。再比如,we'rejust trying to reach a point both sides will sit down together and talk.

4、35. Helen her former classmate when she was on the traibno und for Germany.A ran intoB hit onC bumped against D rushed at此题考的是短语。36. A series of lectures have the students interest in science and technology. A arisen B enforcedC risenD aroused此题考的是形近词辨析,rise , raise , arise 和 arouse 是非常容易考的形近词。37. T

5、he story goes thatN arcissus saw his handsome in the lake and becamein toxicated in his good image.A reflectionB identityC impressionD projection此题考的也是生词。38. The jury eventually reached a(n) verdict on the basis of law andw itnesses testimony. A ignorantB pureC secureD legitimate此题考的也是生词。第二部分复旦试题200

6、731. They are fed upthe old daily routine.A withB ofC atD On此题考的是搭配,be fed up with,也要注意其他同义搭配be tired of, be weary of。32. He is such a(n)teacher that he hasd evoted all his time and energy to his students.A conscientiousB consciousC academicD scientific此题考的是生词加形近词辨析,A 和 B 非常相似以迷惑考生,答案会在这样的选项中产生。33.

7、We are looking for someone with a real sense ofto the job.A committee B commitmentC communityD commission此题考的是形近词辨析,尤其是A 和B,更相近。34. There are fewer working hours in the executive jobs,the job stressi scomparatively higher.A thatB whereC whichD what本题考点也是定语从句,只要分析从句中的句子成分,便可以很快找出答案。这里从句有主语,有完整的谓语,先行词

8、一定是做状语,只有where。35. Since you are to the seafood, you d better avoid iet.a tingA sensibleB sentimental C sensitiveD sensory本题考的是形近词辨析,由词根sens加不同后缀构成的词,可以借助于英文解释。36. During the celebration, fireworks have been at the bay.A set outB set about C. set upD set off本题考的是由set 引导的四个短语动词。37. They declared the

9、war, for they believed that country hadthe weapons ofmass destruction.A liberated B countered C. approvedD proliferated本题考的是生词,除了liberate 比较熟悉外,其他三个选项都有可能不认识。38. The journalist reported theof children labors who had worked many days on end.A expansionB expeditionC exploitationD exploration本题考的也是生词,C

10、 和 D 又有些形近。第三部分复旦试题200833. At 85, Doris, single, diabetic and living alone, was becoming increasingly forgetful and().A. acuteB. frailC. significantD. offensive本题考的是生词。34. Just because you've got your degree doesn't mean that you can (rest) yourlaurelsA with B atC onD behind本题考的是搭配,rest on o

11、ne s lau意思是“吃老本、不思进取”。 rels35. Professor Hill reveals the principles which() the political ideology and actions ofthe party during the l920sA expoundedB erasedC embracedD underlay本题考的是生词。37() the quality of the runners, I think this week's 800 meters final could produce anew Olympic recordA Judg

12、ing fromB Be judged byC Judged byD To judge from此题考的是非谓语动词的一种,分词。38. Failure to () with the regulations can result in a $20,000 fine or a six-month prisonsentenceA competeB complyC consultD coincide第 9 页此题考的是生词加搭配,comply with 是遵守的意思。39. We have to () our original plan if unfortunately this one doesn

13、 out. t workA fall underB fall behindC fall toD fall back on此题考的是由fall 引导的四个短语动词。40. It could soon be an offence to publish articles or photos which () personalrelationships, finances or healthA intrude on B tear at C break upD mess with此题考的是短语。41. You can () the temperature in the house bya djustin

14、g the thermostat and theradiatorsA regulate B enlargeC itchD elude此题考的是生词。42. Literary scholars are piecing together her last unpublished novel from () of arecently discovered manuscriptA portionsB sectionsC fragmentsD sessions此题考的是同义词辨析,四个词都有“部分”的意思。43. I think you should examine their() in offerin

15、g to lend you themoneyA motivationB stimulusC motive D compensation此题考的是同义词辨析,四个词都有“部分”的意思。44. The assassination could do serious damage to the () peace agreement that wassigned last monthA delicateB wretchedC organicD fragile此题考的是生词加同义词辨析,A 和 D 都有“容易遭到破坏”的意思。45. He has some information that I want

16、so I m going to try to () it out of him over adrink.A. coaxB. soothe C. commendD. commence此题考的是生词加搭配,coax sb out of sth。46. Do you think you could () something for hanging my clothes on until I can get awardrobe?A. ruffleB. contrive C. reviveD. evoke此题考的是生词。47. The results of the recent research wil

17、l () the mystery of the creation of the Universe.A. bristle B. gleamC. glimpseD. illuminate此题考的也是生词。48. Any manufacturer who does not conform to the standards could be () under theConsumers Protection Act, 1987.A. condemned B. prosecuted C. executedD. jettisoned此题考的也是生词。第四部分交大样题1. She was thankful t

18、hat he d had her baby in hospital; oththee rbwaibsye.A. died B. might have died C. had died D. might die此题考的是虚拟语气,要清楚主句、从句中的句型。2. Small computers need only small amount of power,means that they will run onsmall batteries.A. that B. whichC. itD. this此题考的是定语从句,非限定性的,比较简单。3. It s hi gtihme wesomething

19、to stop air pollution.A. do B. didC. should do D. must do此题考的是虚拟语气,要分清是were 型的,还是should 型的。4. That was so serious a mattert hat I had no choice but the police. A. called in B. calling inC. to call it D. call inkigahtclo cnkiga此题考的是句型have no choice but to do.5. It is politely requested by the hotel m

20、anagement that radios after 11 o A. not be played B. not to play C. were not played D. did not play此题考的是虚拟语气,要分清是were 型的,还是should 型的。6. The last man the sinking ship was the captain.A. leftB. to be leavingC. to leaveD. leaving此题考的是非谓语动词做定语。7. The police accusedh im of setting fire to the building bu

21、t he denied in the area on the night of the fire.A. to be B. to have beenC. having been D. be此题考的是非谓语动词做宾语。8. your opinions were worth considering, the committee finds it unwise to place toomuch importance on them.A. AsB. SinceC. ProvidedD. While此题考连词的意义和用法。9. There no further business, the meeting

22、came to a stop.A. being B. beenC. wasD. had been此题考的是独立主格结构。10. After for the job, you will be required to take a language test.A. interviewing B. interviewed C. having interviewed D. being interviewed此题考的是非谓语动词,先找到动词的逻辑主语,再看二者的关系,即可确定其形式。11. With all the things she needed , she would leave the mark

23、et for the streets of the town to spend another hour.A. buyB. boughtC. buyingD. to have bought考点同10。12. The singer and dancer our evening.A. is to attend B. are to attend C. were to attend D. is attended此题考主谓一致,只有一个冠词表示同一个人,谓语用单数。13. The shop doesn t have any brsouwgnar in at the moment, but they ex

24、pect to have some tomorrow.A. stockB. saleC. demandD. trade此题考搭配in stock。14. I should be very if you would post this letter for me.A. thankingB. gratefulC. accepted D. pleasing此题考同义词辨析。15. Let me know if any difficulties .A. raiseB. riseC. happenD. arise此题考形近词辨析。16. The business donated one million

25、dollars to the hospital, but he didn t want to haveknown to the public and he wished to remain .A. obscureB. veiled C. anonymous D. unanimous此题考的是生词。17. It should be very cold for this time of year, and the high temperatures are .A. abnormal B. unique C. nastyD. scarce此题考的是生词。18. We had a wonderful holiday, only the last two days were slightly by the weather.A. damaged B. ruined C. spoiledD. wasted此题考的是同义词辨析,都有“毁坏”的意


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