



1、新译林牛津英语第二册Unitl词组和句型Welcome to the Unit& ReadingL morethan更而不是;与其说,倒不如说2. a progression of moods and feelings 一个情绪和情感的逐步发展过程3. a lecture transcript 讲稿4. some aspects of film-making电影制作的几个方面5. behind the scenes在幕后;秘密地6. a classic film 经典电影7. film posters 电影海报8. science fiction 科幻小说9. What type of

2、?什么类型的?10. the first thing to notice 首先注意的事11. The amazing sets令人惊叹的布景12. on the screen 在屏幕上13. make a (successful) film 制作一部(成功的)电影14. different element 不同的元素15. give sb. a brief introduction to sth,给某人作一个简单的介绍16. be familiar with对熟悉;be familiar to对某人来说,是熟悉的17. to begin with= to start with 首先18. dr

3、aw one's attention吸引某人的注意力19. add sound effects to 添加音效20. The sound of the dners opening in the Star Trek films was made simply by pulling a sheet of paper out of an envelope.在星际迷航系列电影里,开门的声音不过是通过从信封里抽 取纸张来实现的。(of后而是一个动名词的复合结构做介词宾语)21. pull.out of从抽取22. attach great importance/value to 重视:强调:珍惜

4、:认为很重要23. visual special effects 视觉特效24. frequently 频繁地25. separatefrom.吧从分开来,;be separated from被分开26. enable sb. to do sth.是某人能够=give sb. the ability/chance to do sth=make sb. able to dosth.27. jump up and down (jump back and forth)上下跳跃(来回跳跃)28. prefer A to B 与 B 相比,更喜欢 A ° prefer to do A rath

5、er than B29. review修改:调整30. take a creative approach采用一种创造性的方法31. use clever camera angles利用各种巧妙的拍摄角度32. contribute to为助力;做贡献:投稿;促成33. make.look real 使看起来逼真34. make great efforts to do slh.努力做35. look at and revise a plan 研究并修改计划36. build a full-sized model of制作一个全尺寸模型37. It takes somebody some time

6、 to do sth.某人花费时间做38. not to mention 更不用说=n】uch less to say; let alone39. do justice to对给予公正的评价40. the tip of the iceberg 冰山一角41. spare a thought for sb./sth.想一想某人或者某事(consider; think about)42. talented people behind the scenes 幕后才华出众的人们43. require a lot of hard work 需要很多辛劳44. at the beginning of 在的

7、一开始45. draw a conclusion from= conclude from 从得出结论46. have a good/better understanding of.,对有(更)好的理解47. on top of在的上面:除之外,(还有)48. with the aid/assistance/lielp of= aidcd/assisted/lielped by在的帮助之下49. create 创造50. an approach to film -making 电影制作的一个方法51. amazing martial arts神奇(令人惊叹)的武术52. take advanta

8、ge of利用:占的便宜;欺负53. actually事实好:实际上54. film-related jobs与电影相关的工作55. A lot of work is done behind the scenes in film-making 在电影制作中,大量的工作都是发生 在幕后。56. *A metaphor compares one thing to another without using “as" or "like". It draws the reader's attention to the similarities between tw

9、o things. This way, unfamiliar things can be explained with something people are more familiar with.隐喻不使用as或like来比较一件事物与另一件事物。 它使读者注意到的是两件事物之间的相似之处。这样,不熟悉的事物就可以用人们更熟悉的 事物来得到解释。Grammar and usage:1. give an introduction of sth. to sb. = introduce sth. to sb.给介绍2. based on建立在基础上:以为基础3. describe the sto

10、ry of 描述的故事;description (n.)4. in the jungle 在丛林中5. drive sb. out of the jungle 把某人赶出丛林6. adaptinto把改编成7. be widely regarded as 被公认为8. advanced technology 先进的技术9. not only.but also.不彳又,而且10. be digitally created 用数字创建的11. be no easy job/task= be a challenge 不容易:有难度12. work on a project做课题;做实验13. It

11、takes sb. some time to do sth.某人花费时间去做 & It takes sb. time to do sth.对某人来说,做是很费时间的。14. last持续;持久:最不可能的;最后的15. tension and huniour 紧张和幽默16. hold one's attention抓住某人的注意力;attract one's attention吸引某人的注意力317. have fun玩的开心:耍的愉快18. more than one; many a 不知一个:很多19. agree with与相一致:同意20. make.enjo

12、yable使变得令人愉快21. origin起源;起因:出处:出身;开端;original原创的:原来的:开始的:新颖的,原 作的;originally起初;本来22. require a lot of imagination= call for a lot of imagination 需要丰富的想象力23. have no shadow没有影子;shade阴凉;荫凉处;shallow浅的:肤浅的:浅陋的24. find a solution to sth. =find a way out to sth,找至的解决方法25. throw light and shadows onto sb./

13、sth 把光和阴影投射到26. develop a system 开发一个系统27. create创造;creative有创造力的;creativity创造力;creator创造者28. come out of the screen 跃出屏幕29. write a film review 写一个影评。重点句式:1. Whatever your answer is. there is always a lot more to it than first meets the eye.2. Actually, the film you see on the screen is the product of a huge amount of hard work, most of which takes place behind the scenes3. The sound of the doors opening in the Star Tre


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