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1、.关于“135”课堂教学模式在我校的开展情况和实施效果 坛石初级中学英语组徐玲 联通555239“135”课堂教学模式在我们江山实行一年多来,我校英语组成员积极探索,深入解读,合作探讨,实践为先,形成了一条在我校师生中行之有效的“135”课堂模式。现就笔者所教的初二年级下册module 9 Heroes 这一课与大家一起来分享我们对这个教学模式的解读与设计思路。 一、 关于预习先行,解读:1)教师要精心设计预习问题,引导学生自学教材编排内容,能根据预习情况提出较有价值的问题;2)教师要根据教材呈现特点,有针对性地设计前测习题,以此了解学生的认知水平;3)教师要为学生提供丰富的阅读材料,铺垫与新

2、课内容相关的知识背景;4)教师要结合学科特点开展课前调查活动,不断丰富学生的学习材料;5)可以引导学生收集制作与教学内容相关的学具材料,提供开展课前实践的机会。Module 9课前预习设计Module 9 Unit 1 第一课时预习单1、听录音并跟读Module 9单词,注意单词的发音、拼写、词性及含义。在文中划出新词并注上中文。 2、试着复述本课情节,注意使用so that 句型和新词汇。3、讨论有关英雄方面的背景材料,讨论自己对英雄的理解。注意:在使用中会使用 so that 句型,并在句型中运用avoid, brave, excuse, thought, on ones own, com

3、e up, bet等单词 _二、 关于展示交流,解读:1)教师要为学生搭建交流平台,引导学生采用不同方法展示预习成果,为其提供表现机会;2)教师要将学生按不同的层次及性格特点分成若干学习小组,根据预习中存在问题开展分组讨论交流,不断培养合作精神;3)学习小组要能根据讨论的结果,对各类问题进行分类归纳整理,教师要适时组织学生开展质疑问难;4)教师要能根据讨论交流情况,发现有利于学习的关键性问题,逐步明晰教学难点;5)要及时评价展示交流过程中反思预习的情况,引导学生进行方法改进。展示任务设计: Task 1: Talk about your heroes. Eg: - who is the her

4、o in your heart ? - my father. - why ?-(引出 so that 句型) he works hard so that my sister and me could go to college (注意在以下的讨论中,教师要陆续引出avoid, brave, excuse, thought, on ones own, come up, bet等单词 )Task 2: Now find out about other people's heroes. Is there a hero for the whole class? (教师要积极引导,诊断学生的语言

5、, 培养学生的综合语言运用能力。)三、 关于活动探究,解读:1)要细化教学目标,明确教学任务,精心组织课堂活动,将其变为学生自主探究、合作交流和成果展示的舞台。2)要能根据学科的特点经常性的开展课内实验活动,引导学生不断体验科学探究的过程;3)要善于适时创设活动过程中的问题情境,以此诱发学生的认知冲突;4)要结合新知开展变式教学,引导学生的思维逐步走向递进;5)教师注重引导学生对知识进行比较鉴别,促进知识的生成。探究活动设计:Activity 1: listening 1. Before listening : read the learning to learn2. While listen

6、ing : who is speaking ? When are they speaking ? What will happen next ?3. After listening : at the end of the conversation the teacher says :“but right now ,I have an idea for tonights concert” make a guess what the teachers idea is .Activity 2 : read and listen Check the true statements.1、Kylie is

7、 having problems with her parents, and Sally is trying to be kind.( )2、Sally said her hand hurt so Kylie could play on her own.( )3、Kylie asked Mrs Styles to rewrite the dance music because she couldn't play it on her own.( )4、Sally missed the final practice because her hand hurt.( )5、Lingling i

8、s guessing why Sally and Kylie are both standing up. ( )Activity 3: Work in pairs. Talk about your answers to the questions.1、Do you agree that Sally is a hero? 2、What do you think will happen in the Starsearch competition? 3、What will happen when Kylie and Sally get back to the UK? 4、Have you ever

9、heard or seen a programme like Starsearch? What happens?四、 关于检测反馈,解读:1)检测反馈是实现有效教学的必要手段。教师要紧扣教学目标设计具有层次性、趣味性和灵活性的习题,达到巩固、迁移新知的目的;2)教师设计的练习在形式上要体现灵活多变,练习的内容难度要适中;3) 教师要及时了解学生的作业情况,能当场批阅学生的作业练习,根据不同情况及时诊断指导;4)教师要不断为学生创设互测互评作业的机会,引导学生及时自我纠正;5)检测反馈的过程教师要不断进行现场巡回察看,针对不同层次的学生开展个别指导交流。检测反馈途径:Activity 1: Co

10、mplete the sentences with because, so or so that.1. He became a scientist _he could study plants. 2. They played football every day _ they wanted to become football players. 3. He wanted to be a good writer _he wrote for many hours every day. 4. The soldiers were fighting _they loved their country.

11、5. The soldiers were ill _he tried to help them. 6. She worked hard _she could become a doctor.Activity 2: Rewrite sentences. Use the words in brackets.1.He didn't come to the meeting because he was ill. (so)_2.They want to learn new skills so that they can win the game. (because)_3.No one heard

12、 because she spoke in a low voice. (so that). _4We slept well because nothing happened during the night. (so). _5.Because he has a large family, he has to work harder. (so). _五、 关于拓展提升,解读:1)这是实现高效课堂的关键环节。教师要引导学生综合已有知识,发现并提出新问题,进行更深层次地探究拓展;2)教师要适时引导学生进行体验感悟,促进情感态度和价值观的形成;3)教师要根据学习内容的特点不断呈现拓展资料,开阔学生视野

13、;4)教师要精心设计变式练习,培养学生的迁移能力;5)教师要根据学科特点适时布置探究性作业,不断培养学生的创新精神。设计:Activity 1: Answer the questions. Use the words in brackets.1. Why do you want to become a doctor when you grow up? (because) 2. Why did you do a part time job on holiday? (so that) 3. Why do you get up so early in the morning? (so that) 4

14、. Why did you give me a map? (so that)Activity 3 : Complete the dialogues with the sentences in the box.a. Because he discovered some medicine. b. I'm really looking forward to it. c. That's just an excuse. d. You have to be so brave. e. Avoid driving in the centre; it's too busy.1. I

15、9;m sorry. I did my homework, but my dog ate it.I don't believe you._. 2. I hear you're going on holiday to Florida soon!Yes, _. 3. Do you have any advice for me about travelling in London?Yes. _. 4. I can't imagine being a soldier in the army.I agree. _5. Why is William famous?. _Activity 4 : Fill in the blanks with the words given. Change the word form if necessary.avoid; brave; take care of; so that · People say that I was _when I saved the little boy. · If people wa


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