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1、乐恩特教育个性化教学辅导教案(周课型)校区:授课教师课题教学目标要益田校区梁达凯冯文昊日期年级2012.12.6初一时间科目Unit 3 the earth牛津深圳版 unit 3 the earth 掌握本单元重点单词和短语编号:219:00-21:00英语教学重难点 分 析本周学课校前学习内准容备存在和要解决的问题Unit 3 the earthThere be 句型There be 句型Speaking , Writing , More practice &Revision本单元重点单词和短语的记忆“There be句式考点汇聚知识要点概述Unit3 The Earth 学案Sp

2、eaking , Writing , More practice &RevisionTask1目标展示。说出下面单词,词组和距自己的汉语意思。1. Wordsfact, kilometer, own, catch, few, away, p roblem2. P hrasesThrow away, fewer and fewer, each year3.Se nten cesAre there any other thi ngs we can do?We can take our own sho pping bags to the sup ermarket.Task2要点学习own,用

3、作形容词,自己的句常和形容词性物主代词一起使用,可以加强语 气;own也可用作动词, 拥有”e.g:1.I have got my own compu ter now. 我现在有自己的头脑。2.He owns a large house and a nice car. 他拥有一套大住房和一部好车。few很少”不多”e.g:1.Few peopie live to be 100.很少有人活到 100 岁。2. The buses to our village are few. 到我们村的公共汽车不多。a few 一些”若干”e.g : He has a few friends in this c

4、ity.他在这个城市里有一些朋友。fewer and fewer 越来越少Task3单元小结重点词汇I. earth 地球 2.quiz5. report 报告6. part 部分7.land提供II. pollution 污染知识小赛;小测试 3.pattern模式,形式4.protect保护陆地8.field 田地,田野 9.large 大的 10.provide燃烧16.must 必须2O.fact 事实12.o (到里面;进入)19.im porta nt 重要的的23.catch捕捉 24.few不多,很少 题;难题13.energe能量,能源17.ground

5、地面21.kilometer 公里;千米25.away去别处;离开14.pollute 污染18.kill 杀死22.own自己26.problem 问重点词组1.on Earth在地球上为提供4.o.把倒入 5.throw away 扔掉6.lift.up 将抬起7.keep.alive 让活着2.st opdoing停止做某事3.p rovide.with.重点句子1. These are forests and rivers, mountains and fields.2. Some pl aces are very hot, and some are very cold.

6、3. We must stop doing these thin gs.4. It ' s important for us to protect the Earth for our future.5. Are there any other thi ngs we can do?6. It kee ps us alive.“There be句式考点汇聚考点一:动词be的形式动词be常用的形式有以下几种:1.动词be在各种时态中的形式:现在时 am , is, are;过去时was , were ;将 来时 will / shall be , would / should be 或 am

7、/ is / are going to be , was / were going to be ; 完成时 have / has / had been ;2.与情态动词连用,构成“there情态动词+ be ”的形式;3.与seem , appear, used to 等表示状态的词语连用,构成“there seem(s) /app ear(s)/ used to be;”4.“ There be 句式中的 be 有时用 come , enter, follow , arrive , seem , happen等动词代替,但不能用have代替。例如:There happened to be n

8、 obody in the room.碰巧那时房间里没有人。试题精选1) There A. ismany new words in Less on On e. It is very easy. B. aren 't C. isn 't D. are2)There is some milk in the glass.(改为否定句)Theremilk in the glass.3) Therea knife and a fork on the table.A. seems to beB. seem to beC. is seem ing to beD. are考点二:动词be与主语

9、的一致关系动词be的形式要和最靠近它的主语在数上保持一致;另外,还必须注意不 可数名词用作主语时,动词be应用单数形式。试题精选1)图书馆前有许多小树。of the library.There many young trees infor me in the bus?2) there _No, it ' s crowded.A. Is, a roomB. Are, any roomC. Are, roomsD. Is, any room3) What' s on the desk?Therea dictio nary and two no tebooks on it.A. is

10、B. have C. areD. has考点三:“There be 与have的区别“There be 旬式和have均可表示 有”的意思,但用法有别。 “There be 表示在某处有”,意为存在有”;而have却表示某人/某物有”,意为某 人/某物拥有”。试题精选1) Therea con cert this eve ning.B. is going to be D. will haveYeah. Excit ing n ews! A. are going to be C. is going to havea football game betwee n Italy and Germa n

11、y tomorrow2)There morni ng.A. hasB. is going to beC. will have D. has bee n考点四:“There be 句式的反意疑问句陈述部分为“There be 句式的反意疑问句,简短问句由“b啲适当形式+there构成。需要注意的是陈述部分中是否有seldom , hardly , little , few, no ,nothing , nobody之类的否定词或半否定词。若有,该部分应看作否定意义,简 短问句部分则用肯定式;如果陈述部分含有表示否定意义前缀的单词,该部分仍应看作肯定意义,简短问句部分要用否定形式。例如:'

12、t there?There is no thi ng in the box, is there?There was an unu sual bike un der the tree, was n试题精选tD. this1) There is some water in tha t bottle, isnA. thereB. itC. that2) There is little milk in the bottle.(变为反意疑问句) There is little milk in the bottle,?精编例题讲练巩固练习J1. Look! Theresome app les on tha

13、t tree.A. isB. wasC. areD. were2. Where is my money? I can ' t find it.D. It ' sLook!some money un der your chair.A. There hasB. There areC. There is3. Therea football game this after noon.A. will haveB. is going to beC. hasD. is going to have4. There is going to after noon.A. hasa basketbal

14、l match in the p laygro und thisB. have C. beD. hold5.A. There area pen and two books on the desk.B. There is C. HaveD. Has6. There is a beautiful clock on the wall, A. isn ' t thereB. is there?C. isn t itD. doesn ' t it7. There is little milk in the bottle,?A. isn ' t itB. is itC. isn &

15、#39; t thereD. is there8. ThereA. issixty minu tes in an hour.B. areC. have D. has9. Therean apple and some p ears on the table.A. have B. has C. isD. are10. There ' s somethi ng to eat in the cup board.(改为一般疑问句) thereto eat in the cup board11. There was no time for the twins to go shopping,(完成反

16、意疑问句)Key:1. C2. C6. A7. D10. Is, any thi ng.3. B4. C8. B9. C11. was, there5. BThe Earth基础训练.选出与划线单词意思相同或相近的选项。1. The garage isn 'rg e eno ugh for two cars.A. good B. big C. high D. wide2. Does anyone have any questions?A. p roblemsB. ideasC. rep ortsD. advice3. We have a history quiz every Mon d

17、ay.D. practiceA. show B. less on C. comp etiti on4. -What do you usually do to pro tecttheEarth?-I recycle(回收利用)some old things.A. help B. kee p.clea nC. care D. kee p.safe二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. We must stop(pu t)waste into rivers.2.4. Could you pl ease help(clean )the classroom, Jim ?5. It ' s not e

18、asy for him(an swer)all these questi ons.(few)than 10stude nts can p lay the piano in my class.6.There7. Don' t throw(rubbish)on the ground.(be)an apple and two p ears on the table三、根据句意用方框中的词组填空,有的需要变换形式,每个限用一次。lift.up1. Don' tPu t.i nto.;throw away, there be , on the land ,the carb on box.

19、We can use it to make a model plane.2. Can youthe waterthe bottle?3.Some ani mals live un der the water, some lives4. Can Marythese books5.many beautiful flowers in the forest.单元过关练习、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。.(health)1.Don ' t eat fast food if you want to keep yourself2.The little girl is so sad that she

20、just cant stop(cry)3.Three4. There5. It ' s good for us(listen )to En glish ofte n.6. Many people still burn wood(make)en ergy.7. Do you have any other(p roblem )on this rep ort?(quarter)of the world ' s surface is covered with water.(be)a lot of rubbish on the beach.二、根据汉语提示完成句子。1. 做体育锻炼对我们

21、而言是非常重要的,它有利于我们的健康。p hysical exercises .It's good for our health.2. 他爸爸是一个渔民,每天都在海上捕鱼。on the sea every day.His father is a fishma n andDon't3. 请不要到处扔垃圾。rubbish everywhere.4. 你能提起这个笨重的箱子吗?Can youthe heavy box5. 这些年,绿色事物越来越少了。green food these years.三、选择填空1. -Whatyou usually have for breakfast?

22、and a cup of coffee.A. do; Three breadB. do; Three pi eces of breadC. are; Three breadsD. are; Three pi eces of bread2. Look! The kites in the sky are in differe nt.Some are big and some are small.A. size B. sizesC. colour D. colours3. -You looked worried. What' s your4.-I have trouble lear ning

23、 En glish.A. n ame B. questio nC. p roblema table and some chairs in the room.D. jobA. There is B. There were C. There be D. There are四、阅读训练Doctors say many of the health p roblems come from these bad habits(习惯):eat ingtoo much, drinking too much, smok ing, and not tak ing eno ugh exercise.Doctors t

24、ell us,Eat and drink less; don t smoke;exercise more. ”Running is coming popu lar these days. Many people run for their health. Running isa kind of good exercise because it can help build a strong heart. It also helps most peoplelose weight.Running is good for health in other ways, too. Many runners

25、 say running kee ps coldsand other small health p roblems away.“ Running is my doctor,sa”s one man. Running can also help people to relax. Sotoday men and wome n of all ages enjoy running.1.Ma ny people enjoy running because they want toA. eat much B. kee p healthyC. run fast D. kill time2.Doctors t

26、ell usA. not to smokeB. n ot to p lay C. to drink much D. to slee p more3.The un derl ined worda. I -?aweightea ns” in Chinese.A.疾病 B.体重C.速度 D.健康A. how to run4.The writer mainly( 主要地)tells usB. how to lose weightD. running is better tha n doctors.C. running is a good way to kee p healthy.知识巩固训练、判断每组

27、单词中的划线部分发音是否相同,相同打“a/不同打“X”1. A. take B. star2. A. sad B. late3. A. try B. find4. A. hard B. afraid5. A. learn B. turn6. A. pl ease B. speak根据中文含义选择正确的英文解释,将序号填在括号内。()1.地板A. floorB. flowerC. flour()2.当心A. look atB. look forC. look out()3.明白A. seeB. sayC. sea()4.梯子A. laterB. letterC. ladder()5.休息A. r

28、estB. bestC. test()6.钱A. mon keyB. honeyC. money()7.道路A. readB. roadC. ride()8.乱扔垃圾A. littleB. letterC. litter()9.卧床A. in the bedB. i n bedC. on the bed()10.牙痛A. headacheB. feverC. toothache三、选择填空,填写序号。()1.you P ass me the cup?A. couldB. CouldC. Would likeD. would()2.you like to go swimmi ng with us

29、? Great!A. AreB. WouldC. DoesD. Canthe way, go andthe()3. If (如果)you don ' t p olicema n, p lease.A. know/ askB. kn ow / talkC. no/ askD. no/ say4. Excuse me. Can you me the way to the hotel?A. tellB. sayC.speakD. talk5. Is your home farour school?A. toB. ofC. forD. from6. I don ' tthe way t

30、o Beiji ng Zoo. And you?A. getB. knowC. noD. see7. I am sorry tothat.A. sayB. hearC. talkD. listen8. Cheer up! You can don ext time.A.goodB. wellC. betterD. best9. Tom,this medici ne and have a good rest.A. takeB. takesC. eatD. eatss got10. Hele n is in bed. SheA. flu B. a fluC. the fluD. an flu四、连词组句。1. can, I, for, what, do, you2. bed, and, a, have, rest, stay, good, in3. find, way, I, can ' t, the, hospital, my, to4. have, got, headache, I, r unning, a, no se, and, a5. bring, the, pl ease, me, open, the, milk, fridge, and五、阅读理解。Mike' s


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