1、普林斯顿样题03Secti on 1 Liste ning Comprehe nsionPart A1. (A)Stop and take a rest.(B) Take another path to the hill.(C) Wait for the rest of the people to catch up.(D) Continue on to the top of the hill.2. (A) The mach ine works like that other one.(B) The man should cha nge mach in es.(C) The mach ine m
2、ight not be turned on.(D) The man might be charged for the copies.3. (A)Give him the ring .(B) Take the ring to the security(C) Take the ring to the adm ini strati on buildi ng.(D) Put the ring in the locker.4. (A) The trees are being cut dow n.(B) He n eeds more air con diti oning.(C) The trees hel
3、p cool his house.(D) The trees are block ing his view.5. (A) The new travel age ncy is un reliable.(B) The age ncy will probably offer a good price.(C) That travel age nt is easy to deal with.(D) The woma n should fin alize her travel arran geme nts.6. (A)He does n't want to go now.(B) He'll
4、 meet them at the gate.(C) He'll use the phone over there.(D) He can't wait much Ion ger.7. (A) Their furn iture is un comfortable.(B) Some of their furn iture has n't arrived yet.(C) They can't find a new apartme nt.(D) Their apartme nt has too much furn iture in it.8. (A) Her exams
5、 have already begu n.(B) She has fini shed two papers.(C) She's trying to complete her papers.(D) She's too busy to work on her papers.9. (A) Refuse to work after hours.(B) Arrive a little late.(C) Get a ride home from work.(D) Go to work early.10. (A) It'll cost him a lot of mo ney.(B)
6、He isn't serious about going.(C) Other people paid for his airfare.(D) It isn't fair for him to go alone.11. (A)She's worried about the engine.(B) The engine should be fine.(C) The car has n't served their n eeds well.(D) She's certain it's time to get a new car.12. (A) He do
7、es n't have to do the project.(B) The woman still has time to finish the project.(C) He'll help the woma n to finish the project.(D) The semester will end in two weeks.13. (A) He'll be able to clean the house in time.(B) He does n't have time to take the woma n home.(C) It should be
8、easy for the guests to find the house.(D) He n eeds time to relax before the guests arrive.14. (A) She wants to go to Peter's party.(B) She thought Peter went to class today.(C) She won ders whether Peter will atte nd her party.(D) She heard Peter went to a party in stead of to class.15. (A) One
9、 stude nt had higher honors tha n the rest of the class.(B) Some engin eeri ng stude nts had to postp one their graduati on.(C) Several stude nts graduated with honors.(D) One engin eer graduated later tha n the others.16. (A)She does n't have any thi ng to do.(B) The man is wrong about the time
10、.(C) The flight is supposed to be two hours long.(D) They should call back in two hours.17. (A) He'd like to do it now.(B) He'll have some time later.(C) A ny time but now is good for him.(D) The woma n should pick the time.18. (A) He's still vacatio ning.(B) He likes his positi on at th
11、e paper.(C) He just started a new job.(D) He's un employed.19. (A) The electro nics field does n't in terest him.(B) The woma n should avoid readi ng about electr oni cs.(C) The article has tech ni cal errors.(D) The woman should improve her writing.20. (A) Go out with the man.(B) Share her
12、yogurt with the man.(C) Eat what she brought with her.(D) Eat a san dwich.21. (A)Tim spends a lot of time swimming.(B) Tim has n't show n up yet.(C) Tim has to pay his water bill soon.(D) Tim does n't spe nd money wisely.22. (A) Pass the coffee to the ma n.(B) Have a small cup of coffee.(C)
13、Go without coffee.(D) Go out for coffee.23. (A) The con struct ion job will probably take a long time.(B) The no ise problem could be solved.(C) The man has no reas on to compla in.(D) The man should move to a new build ing.24. (A) The assig nment looked quite easy.(B) He does n't un dersta nd t
14、he assig nment.(C) He's too tired to help the woma n.(D) He's already fini shed the assig nment.25. (A) She has n't see n George since the baby was born.(B) George has n ever smoked.(C) She wants to visit George and the baby.(D) George no Ion ger smokes.26. (A) The man should check the w
15、eather report in the paper.(B) The paper will be delivered this after noon.(C) The rain will not last all day.(D) She prefers not to go out this morning.27. (A) She had hoped for a better con clusi on.(B) Her committee has n't bee n very busy lately.(C) This committee is better than the other on
16、e.(D) She is pleased with the results.28. (A) She was a speaker at the orientation session.(B) She was n't able to atte nd the faculty orie ntati on.(C) She participated in a psychology experime nt.(D) She's a teach ing assista nt at the uni versity.29. (A) Sell his textbooks.(b) Go to the b
17、an k.(C) Apply for the bank.(D) Get some extra help.30. (A) She hadn't taken the test yet.(B) She would n't know about the prize.(C) She would n't take a picture of them.(D) She had n't participated in the competiti on.Part BQuestions 31-3431. (A) Go to summer school.(B) Take a vacat
18、i on.(C) Stay at home.(D) Earn some mon ey.32. (A) They hired some one to stay in their home.(B) They left their pets with n eighbors.(C) They ren ted their house to a stude nt.(D) They asked their garde ner to watch their home.33. (A) Walki ng the dog.(B) Cutt ing the grass.(C) Watchi ng the childr
19、e n.(D) Feeding the fish.34. (A) They attend a housesitter's party.(B) They check a housesitter's refere nces .(C) They in terview a housesitter's friends .(D) They look at a housesitter's tran scripts.Questio ns 35-3835. (A) To find out if the book she ordered is in.(B) To ask him t
20、o attend a Student Federation meeting.(C) To get his schedule of classes for n ext semester.(D) To see if he has time to welcome new stude nts.36. (A) Many of them work full-time.(B) They usually arrive on the weeke nd.(C) They have volun teered for the orie ntati on.(D) They will n eed new textbook
21、s.37. (A) Take Ruth's place as a tour guide.(B) Ask Ken if he will be at the orientation.(C) Leave work early if he can.(D) Help out whe n he has time.38. (A) Orientation will have to start Sooner.(B) The bookstore will place its orders earlier.(C) Ken will call Tim about the orientation.(D) The
22、 Student Federation will meet on Fridays.Part CQuestio ns 39-4139. (A) The poress involved in the creation of fossil fuels .(B) The uses for types of fossil fuels.(C) The methods of finding fossil fuels.(D) The measures take n to protect fossil fuels.40. (A) It is slowed by the process of photos yn
23、thesis.(B) It occurs only in certa in areas.(C) It takes milli ons of years.(D) It is depe ndent on chemical compo un ds.41. (A) They are no Ion ger produced.(B) They are used up faster tha n they are created.(C) The grow ing seas on of their source has become shorter.(D) Many of their sources have
24、become ext in ct.Questio ns 42-4642 (A) The dean of the art school.(B) The editor of Ceramics Mo nthly.(C) A skilled potter.(D) A stude nt in the pottery class.43. (A) A pic nic.(B) An art sale.(C) A formal graduati on ceremony.(D) An exhibiti on of stude nt work.44. (A) The class will be held at the compa ny's buildi ng.(B) It is givi ng a scholarship for the workshop.(C) Kate Fergus on works for the compa ny.(D) It is a cosp on sor of the workshop.45. (A) Write to
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