



1、人教必修二 unit3 using Ianguage ANDY-THE ANDROID 同步练习(无答案)1 / 4Unit3 ANDY -THE ANDROID一. 课文感悟与探究:I ml_ (一份子)of an an droid football team. About once a year we2._ (allow) to 3._(一齐)to play a game of football. I msbig as a human. 4_ (事实上).,I look like 5._too. On the football team Ia 6._ (前锋)so I have to be

2、 able to run very fast. My computer chips help me7_ ( move) and think like a human. For example, I have learned to 8._(发信号)to my teammates in computer language to give me the ball when I am 9._ and have a good 10._(射)for a goal.My first football competition was in Nagoya, Japan several years ago. La

3、st year ourteam went to Seattle, Washington in the USA. We won second place. 11._( Personal) , I think the team that won first place cheated. They haddeveloped a new12._ (类型)of program just before the competition. So wen eed to en courage our programmer to improve our 13._ (in tellige nt)too. We 14.

4、_ .( determine) to create an even better system. 15._(一定程度上说)our programmer is like our 16._ (教练).Sheprograms us 17._ all the possiblemoves she has see n while watchi ng huma ngames. Then she prepares18._ (可 靠的) moves to use if a newsituation 19. ._ (出现).In this way I can 20_ (制造) new movesusing my

5、“ artificial intelligenee” . I 21uld liketo(比赛) a humanteam, for I have been programmed to act just like them. 22._ (毕竟),23._ (在.的帮助下)my 24._ (电子的)brain which never人教必修二 unit3 using Ianguage ANDY-THE ANDROID 同步练习(无答案)2 / 4forgets anything, using my intelligenee is 25._ I m all about!二. 七选五(共5小题,每小题2

6、分,满分10分)The Kin dle has cha nged read ing in so many ways. A library in your pocketrather tha n big heavy books in your bag. Dust on old yellow pages is n ever see n. Pay10 cents and you get a whole set of no vels._26_ : readi ng, which used to be oneof the most private activities, is now an in crea

7、s in gly public one._27_. For example, if you like some parts of a book, you can mark them on yourKin dle. In retur n, your Kin dle can show the marks that other readers have made. Whatsmore, the Kin dle shows the ranks about how many times a book is read and marked,which seems to en courage people

8、to read mor _28_”For writers, the data 数据)is also meaningful. They can find out exactly which partsof their writ ings are the most welcomed._29_. Of course, if any writerfeels worried about what marks his readers may make, he can simply adjust the settingsto avoid viewing them.This connection has gr

9、eatly encouraged the interest both in reading and writing. Bysimply having a Kindle in your pocket, you carry the world and the charm of literature (文学)around with you._30_.A. On this point, the Kindle connects readers and writers more tightly than everbeforeB. The library still attracts readers wit

10、h its special atmosphere and the charm of thetraditi onal way of read ingC. Let me show you how this happe nsD. In a word, thats the magic of the Ki ndleE. Many book sellers see Kindles as their most terrible nightmaresF. But the biggest cha nge is emoti onal rather tha n physicalG. Come! Read more

11、to raise your favorite boo rank三. 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)It s great to be part of a happy family. It is 31_ to be with people who like you. It isgood to feel the warmth and the love of the ones who _32_ for you. It is fan tastic whe nyou have them to _33_ whe n you have problems._34_, it is also t

12、rue that things are not always easy. Young people want to _35_ theirown personality. Parents _36_ think they know things better. They find it difficult to _37_that their son or daughter thi nks differe ntly from how they used to whe n they were _38_themselves. As a result, young people are ofte n _3

13、9_ and believe their pare nts do not understa nd them.人教必修二 unit3 using Ianguage ANDY-THE ANDROID 同步练习(无答案)3 / 4Many of my frie nds would love to be _40_ of their pare nts as soon as possible.They would love to have their own place where they can live the life that in their imagi nation must be _41_

14、. They thi nk that not hav ing a pare nt who tells them to _42_ their roomor get up at a certa in time must be paradise 天堂).How would I react if I were asked whether I want to _43_ home? First of all, there isthe financial (财务的) situation. Having your own flat _44_ a lot of money. Secondly, beingcom

15、pletely _45_ also means a lot of responsibility. To be honest, I like to have some oneto remi nd me of the things that I have _46_ to do. _47_, if members of a family acceptthat everybody is an in dividual and n eeds a certa in amount of _48_, life in a familycan be great fun._49_ speak in g, I woul

16、d not like to be on my own too soon. I would say that I am_50_ livi ng with my family for now and I can wait.31. A. shameB. funC. no rmalD. usual32. A. workB. cookC. existD. care33. A. poi nt toB. connect toC.turn toD. devote to34. A. BesidesB. In steadC. ThereforeD. However35. A. cha ngeB. forgetC.

17、 developD. hide36. A. oftenB. seldomC. hardlyD. never37. A. bala neeB. acceptC. discoverD. i nsist38. A. you ngB. healthyC. wiseD. strong39. A. unkindB. uni uckyC. un certa inD.unhappy40. A. in chargeB. proudC. resp on sibleD. in dependent41. A. realB. won derfulC. com monD. rich42. A. tidy upB. sea

18、rch forC. think aboutD. move away43. A. stayB. goC. leaveD. change44. A. paysB. savesC.spendsD. costs45. A. alo neB. powerfulC. politeD. private46. A. con ti nuedB. apologizedC. forgotte nD. ordered47. A. PerhapsB. ThirdlyC. Agai nD. Nowadays48. A. atte ntio nB. valueC. wealthD. freedom49. A. Necess

19、arilyB. Perso nallyC. Fort un atelyD. Further50. A. lazyB. tiredC. happyD. curious四.语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)Austria is a country of music. Its where many great musicia ns_ 51_(bear)and lived almost for their entire lives. For example, Mozart was possibly the 52(great)musical genius of all time. He

20、toured Europe whe n he was on ly a teen ager,53_(give) con certs in many coun tries._54_ he only lived 35years, he composed more tha n 600_55_(piece) of music. Joseph Hayd n, ano therAustrian composer_ 56_(know) as fhe father of the symphony ,was the son of_57_peasa nt but worked at a court of a pri

21、nce_ 58_30 years. He moved toLondon only when he was very old. Beethoven was German, but he moved to Austria andbecame popular there. He became_ 59_(complete) deaf duri ngthe last yearsof_ 60_(he) life, but he continued compos ing.五.词汇(共两节,满分13分)第一节 单词拼写(共 7 题,每小题 1 分,满分 7 分)根据所给的中文提示和句子内 容,写出形人教必修二

22、 unit3 using Ianguage ANDY-THE ANDROID 同步练习(无答案)4 / 4式正确的单词。61. You have to read the_ 指示,说明)carefully before you take themedici ne.62. I visited Xiame n last year, and it_给印象)me deeply as a beautifulcoastal city in South Chi na.63. Youve helped me so much with my En glish study. I really_ 感激)it.64. Its a party to relax ourselves. You donthave to dress yourself_正式)


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