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1、代词中考练习一1. where 's Mrs Li taking Polly and Mickey?She 's taking across the street.A.themB. usC. you D. it2. Believe yourself. You 're better than you 're the best. Wish you success!A. anyone elseB. someone else C. else anyoneand3. Reading can increase your words. When you read, you w

2、ill find words repeats_ build up your vocabulary quickly.A. ourselves B. itself C. themselves4.look at the photo. The girl besideis Nancy.A. IB. my C. me D. mine5.I tried several jackets on, but of them looked good.A. both B. eitherC. none D. neither6. Are you from America?No , none of us.A. bothB.

3、all C. any D. mine7.I'm going skating. Would you like to go withto eat .A. me B. I C. myD. mine8.I'm hungry. I wantA. anythingB. somethingC. everythingD. nothing9. is too difficult if you put your effort into it.A. AnythingB. Something C. Nothing D. Everything10. His name is James but he cal

4、ls Jim.A. hisB. himself C. him D./11. The story is so amazing ! It 'sthe most interesting story I 've ever read.But I 'm afraid it won 'tbe liked by.A. everybodyB. somebody C. anybody D. nobodyis more interesting12. Julie enjoys listening to music very much.She often says to me that

5、than music.A. nothingB. somethingC. everything13. There are many tall buildings on sides of the street.A. eitherB. all C. bothevening.one if you like.14. -I saw Tony at the party. But he didn 't speak to me Maybe he didn 'tsee you.A. allB. every C. eitherD. another15.I have got many collecti

6、ngs of snow globes.you may take_A. eitherB. oneC. itD. none16. Who is singing in the next room?must be MarieA. ItB. SheC. This D. Theremade in Japan.17. The machines made in China are cheaper than A. ones B. that C. those D. it18. Is the novel Journey to the west book?No, it 's Helen's. I le

7、ftat home.A. your, myB. yours, mineC. you, it D. your, mine19. Why do you like the music that sounds not so exciting?The music remindsof my boyhood.A. mine B. me C.my D. myself20. Your watch is quite nice. Where did you buyIn shanghai. Do you want to have like this?A. it, oneB. it , itC. one, itD. o

8、ne, one代词中考练习二1. -Did you enjoy at the party, Jimmy?-Yes, Mum. I enioyed very much.A. yours, ourselves B. yourselves, myselfC.yourself, myself D.yourselves, ourselves2. -does your cousin look like?-He 's tall and thin.A. What B. where C. Who D. which3. John and Dicky are too busy to help us. Let

9、 's do it .A. herself B. himselfC. themselves D. ourselves4. There are many trees on side of the river.A. bothB. eitherC. allin Jim 's.5. There pears in my basket are smaller than A. it B. thatC. onesD. those6. Is ready for the journey? No.We haven 'tgot a camera.A. everythingB. somethin

10、g C. nothing D. anything7. -Is therein today 's newspaper?Yes.Shenzhou VI will be sent up into space in the near future.A. nothing newB. new nothing C. anything new D. new anything8. Who 's your English teacher?Miss Gao. She teachEnglish very well.A. our B. us C. ours D. we9. Who helped you

11、with your English?! I learned it all by myself.A. NobodyB. Anybody C. Somebody D. Everybody10. -Do you like talking with your friends on the telephone or mobile phone? -. I enjoy using QQ.D. BothA. EitherB. Neither C. None11.-John, someone in your class phoned you this morning? Oh, who was?A. he B.

12、she C. it D. that12.What about this T Shirt?one.I don 't like the color. Please show meA. other B. the other C. another D. each other13. -Do you like the pop star Zhou jielun or the movie star Liu Dehua?. .I am not their fan.A. BothB. Either C. Neither D. All14. -Which tie is more suitable for m

13、e, the red one or the blue one ?I have no idea. You 'd better take them.A. allB. eachC. every D. both15. -Harbin is really a beautiful city and there 's many places of interest.So it is. Why not stay here for two days?A. one B. itC. thisD. that, sir?16. -Two evening papers, please!Only one c

14、opy left. Would you like to have A. oneB. itC. thisD. that17. -Sonia, is this your dictionary?Oh, no,it 's not.Ask Li Lei, he is looking forA. me, hersB.mine,himC. my, her D. mine, his18. Yesterday was Dad's birthday. I gave a scarf as a present.A. heB. him C.his19. Most young people findexc

15、iting to watch a football match.A. it B. thisC. thatD. one20. The book is . I wrotename on its cover.A. my, my, myselfB. mine, my, myself C. mine, myself, my D. myself, mine, my代词中考练习三1. There isknocking at the door, Go and see who it is.A. nobodyB. somebodyC. anybodyD. everybody2. -Have you sent yo

16、ur parents an e-mail telling them you arrived safely?-No,of them can use a computer.A. None B. both C. Neither D. All3. We find impossible to get there before 8 o 'clock.A. herB. itC. thisB. thatfor me.4. -Do you like Lucy 's new skirt?-Yes, very much,I 'll ask Mum to buy_A. itB. oneC. t

17、his D. that5. When shall we meet again?Make it day you like. It 's all same to me.A. oneB. any C. another D. all6. did Mr.Wang leave in a hurry?Perhaps to meet a friend. Who knows?A. HowB. WhereC. For whatD. With whom7.It was a long jouney, but of them four felt boring.A. neither B. both C. none

18、 D. all8.A. SomeoneB. EveryoneC. Nothing9.-Can we put our sports shoes here ?Oh, yes, Puthere, please.A. them B. their C. it D. they 10.Do you know the girl between Mary and_A. sheB. I C. his D. me11.We can't leave our grandparents byA. theyB. themC. themselvesD. their12.Tom, is this your pen?Ye

19、s, it 's.A. yours B. hisC. mine13.Mrs.white has two children._went surfing at the beach because of the terrible weather. D. No oneis a nurse.D.my _is a driver, andA. One, anotherB. One, the otherC. One, other D. One, others14.Be quiet! I have to tell you.A. important anything B. anything, import

20、ant C. important something D. somethingimportant.15. isn 't easy to learn a foreign language well.But don 't give it up.A. ThatB. Which C. ItD. This16. How many elephants have you seen?A. None17.B. NothingC. No oneD. No_have a lot of work to do.A. He, you and IB. You, he and IC. I, you and h

21、e D. I he and you18. The price of a cup of coffee is higher thanof a glass of cola.A. itB. price C.that D. one19. -Do you know protecting the environment is very important to us? You 're right. I hope knows the truth.D. anybodyA. nobodyB. everybodyC. somebody代词中考练习四1. What a lovely card! Where d

22、id you buy it ?I made it by.A. meB. himself C. myself D. itself2. Oh, his new car looks the same asReally?A. meB. IC. myD. mine3. -What a hot day!Have you had a drink?Yes.but I 'd like to have after work.A. itB. one C. other D. another4. school is much larger than.A.Our, your B. Our, yours C. Ou

23、rs, yours D.We, you5. Have you finished your report yet?No, I 'll finish it inten minutesA. anotherB. other C. more D. lessfor me?6. -Mum, Mary bought a parrot yesterday.Could you please buy_Sure, but you must take good care of it.A. oneB. thisC. itD.that7. The little boy asked , “What should I

24、do? ”A. he B. himself C. his8. -Could you tell us to do next?-Nothing more .let 's have a rest.A. what B. when C. why D. howMr. Smith?9. Who taught English last term? WasNo, Miss White didA. you, itB. you, heC. your, it D. your, that10. What else do we need, mum?else, I think. We 've got eve

25、rything ready.A. Something B. Anything C. Nothing D. Everything 代词中考练习五1. Mr Wang is very friendly, andlike him very much.A. we B. usC. our D. oursis black.2. My sister has two skirts. One is yellow,A. other B. anotherC. othersD. the other3. -Which do you prefer, coffee or tea?-thanks. I 'd like

26、 a glass of water.A. Either B. Neither C. BothD. None4.Sam looks like his Dad. They aretall.A. eitherB. any C. all D. bothdidn 't help.5. The doctor advised Elsa strongly that she should take a good rest, but A. sheB. it C. which D. he 6.-Do you know Alice?-Yes, I knowvery well.A. she B. her C.

27、herself D. hers7. -Doesknow the answer to the question?-Me.A. everybodyB. anybody C. somebody D.nobody8.-Excuse me. I want to buy some milk. Where can I find a supermarket?-Oh,I knownot far from my home.A. itB. thatC. one9.-We have five kinds of schoolbags. Do you like this one?-No, Can you show me?

28、A. another B. each otherC. the otherD. othersA.BothD. None10.-Who will send you to the new school, your mom or your dad? I 'llgo there alone. B. Either C. Neither11. Excuse me, is the way to the nearest supermarket?A. whereB. which C.why D. who12. -Is this your key, John?-No, it isn 't.is over there.A. IB. Me C. My D. Mine13. -Would you like to go to the concert with me tonight?- I 'd love to , but of us couple has tickets. Do you have some?A. bothB. all C. neither D.none14. -I 'm leaving for the exam, Bye-bye, Mum.-Well, make sure yo


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