已阅读5页,还剩19页未读 继续免费阅读




1、六年级第二轮英语教案景泰县喜泉学区北滩学校六年级英语教案科目:英语 课题:Lesson13 科任教师:主备人张晓萍学 校审 核课 时第1课时主修人田春霞上课时间月 日教 学 目 标1、知识目标:学生能听、说、读和掌握单词minutes,hours,exercise2、能力目标。通过情景教学,让学生在交际活动中学会使用简单的英语日常用语。3、情感目标通过本课教学,使学生了解健康的生活方式应加强体育锻炼。教学重点掌握本课四会单词: minutes, hours, exercise 是重点。教学难点 如何在实际中灵活运用 How much/How many/How often 是难点。教学方法讨论法

2、,朗读法,自学法,探究法。课前预习 1、 通过查字典给不认识的单词注上音标。2、 大声朗读课文。教学过程、Step 1 、Class Opening and Review1. Greeting :“Hello!How are you ?Nice to meet you !”2 Lets watch a short movie. Then answer the questions:Does Coofy love sports?What sports does he play?设计意图 关于锻炼的卡通动画,生动有趣,吸引学生眼球,提升学习英语兴趣,同时紧紧围绕本课“锻炼”这一主题展开,为后文的学习

3、做铺垫。Step2 、 New Concepts and practice1. 句型表达:What is exercise?.通过对观看卡通动画片,回答问题,引出关于运动、锻炼的相关词汇,自然地谈论到What is exercise?的话题。2句型操练:What is exercise? ing is exercise.根据图片描述What is exercise? _ing is exercise.个性修改1 / 24设计意图设计一系列的活动,目的就是为了让学生清楚地认识什么是锻炼,并能用英语正确的表达。此部分不拘限于课本所罗列的四个动作,将以前学过的动词短语展现在学生眼前,新旧知识结合到一

4、起,巩固新知复习旧知。此外这部分我做了拓展,打高尔夫,网球词组课本上没有出现,我添加了进来,拓展了知识面,3情境中学习单词 minutes,hour ,及时间的转换。Exercise can make our body strong and healthy. How much exercise do you need? About twenty minutes of exercise three times a week. 引出对时间:minutes,hour 的学习。通过时间的填空转换练习巩固新授知识。设计意图 在轻松的氛围中学习本课的重点内容,内容环环相扣,学练结合,同时激发学生兴趣,使学

5、生在学中玩,玩中学。Step3、Consolidation1. 听课文完成表格2. 视频展示Look and listen.(1).What sports does she do?(2).How many minutes does she exercise every week?设计意图带着问题听音,增强学生注意力,学生会更加留意答案部分,这也是学要学生注意区分的:How much? How many.?How often.? 同时采用学生对话形式更贴近他们的生活,感觉上更加亲切。Step 4、Enlargement 知识拓展:同学们,本节课我们学习了exercise一词,exercise作为

6、名词有可数和不可数之分,当“锻炼、练习”讲时是不可数名词。当“操”讲时为可数名词。例如:morning exercises,eye exercisesStep5、Homework.Collect more English names of exercise. And write five sentences using “_ing is exercise.”. Make a dialogue with your friends about exercise.布置作业 背诵课文 预习下一篇课文板书设计 Lesson13 What is exercise? ing is exercise. Wha

7、t sports does she do?How many minutes does she exercise every week?课后反思景泰县喜泉学区南滩学校六年级英语教案科目:英语 课题:Lesson14 科任教师:主备人尚天香学 校审 核课 时第1课时主修人田春霞上课时间月 日教 学 目 标1、 能听说读写: high low homework reach bend 2. 复习句型: How many minutes do you ? 3 培养学生爱学习,爱劳动,坚持锻炼身体的好习惯。 4. 制作图表。 教学重点Practice the dril教学难点 Practice the d

8、ialogue.教学方法讨论法,朗读法,自学法,探究法。课前预习 通过查字典给不认识的单词注上音标。 大声朗读课文。教学过程、一、 复习 1、 诵唱(上一课的儿歌):“Everyone Everyone67.” 2、 复习时间名词把卡片: minutes hours days weeks months years 按顺序贴在黑板上,找一名自告奋勇的学生背出它的顺序,然后让学生闭上眼睛打乱顺序再让其排列顺序并读出单词。再找几名自告奋勇的学生说出它们之间的关系,开始的时候可以先提示一下例如: Sixty minutes make an hour.Twenty-four hours make a d

9、ay. 二、 新授 1、 出示课件学习单词:high low。让学生观察课件上的物体或用动作来演示high 和low 的概念。利用学生们熟知的物体,将它们举高然后举低。 2、 直接告诉学生homework 和用做动作演示 reach bend 这些单词的意思。 3、学习第一部分。You can do it。放录音。让学生带着问题听录音。 What should we do at school? What should we do at sports? What should we do at home? Does Kim work hard? How many minutes a day dr

10、y the dishes? 4、 把全班学生分成四人一组讨论课文内容,最后全班订正。检查学生理解情况。 5、学习第二部分:Does kim work hard?放录音。让学生带着问题听录音。 Does Kim work hard? How many minutes a day dry the dishes? 检查学生理解情况。 6、用书上第二部分最后一些问题互相提问做图表,可以先找一名自告奋勇的学生与老师对话,以便给其他学生一些提示。 三、放录音,学生跟读 四、巩固测试(出示小黑板) 1、选择正确的答案 ( ) Reach ! Bend ! A. high short B. tall shor

11、t C. tall low D. high low ( ) Have fun your friends. A. to B. for C. with D. of ( ) Help the house. A. clean B. cleaning C. cleans D. cleaned 2、排列句子顺序。 How minutes day a many do dry dishes the you I make lunch my always before go school .个性修改五、结束课堂。布置作业 背诵课文 预习下一篇课文板书设计 Lesson14 Work Hard! 1、 high l

12、ow homework bend Reach high! Bend low! 2、 What should we do at school?3、 What should we do at sports? 4、 What should we do at home? 5、 Does Kim work hard? 6、 How many minutes a day dry the dishes?课后反思景泰县喜泉学区喜集水学校六年级英语教案课题:Lesson : 15 Are You Ready For a Quiz ? 科任教师:主备人葛建秀学 校审 核课 时第1课时主修人田春霞上课时间月 日教

13、学 目 1. 使学生能够理解并运用本单元所学的词汇及句子。2理解故事内容,完成活动手册。 3运用所学内容在实际情境中进行会话练习标教学重点掌握本单元的词汇,理解故事内容。教学难点用“How often do you_?_times  a_.进行情境会话练习。教学方法谈话法,讨论法,对比法,合作法,探究法。教学过程一、Greeting   教师用 Hello ,How do you feel now ? Are you happy?等表达与学生问候 ,让师生在轻松的交流中走进本课 一 Warming-up   用Chant :“Everyone ,Ever

14、yone ,reach up high”作为热身的环节,既复习了以前所学内容,又将学生带到课堂上来,调动了学生的积极性。二 Review 1. 利用卡片,用问答的方式帮助学生复习本单元需要掌握的单词,也可以让一名学生扮演小老师来提问。 在复习词汇的同时,也满足了孩子们的表现欲,让复习课不在枯燥 2用本单元学过的反义词,自编 Chant strong  strong  strong and weak high  high high  and low before  before  after  and be

15、fore 利用 chant 熟记本单元的反义词 ,学生可以更快捷的记忆所学内容,同时也增加了他们的学习兴趣 三、Story Story : “A Healthy Monster Prepare to read : T: Do you remember Maddy the Monster ? Who is her friend? Discuss the pictures. What do the students think is happening in the story? Read the story Play the audiotape ,then check up the unders

16、tanding . Discuss the story Do you like this story? Why or why not? 利用小问题引起学生对故事的兴趣;在阅读故事中,尽量发挥学生的作用,让学生说一说他们读懂了什么,必要时教师给予帮助。让学生体验自己会读、会理解故事的过程。 Use the activity book 最后,利用活动手册来检验学生对故事的理解情况。 四、Class closing个性修改布置作业英语配套练习册第15课板书设计 Lesson : 15 Are You Ready For a Quiz ?课后反思景泰县喜泉学区新民学校六年级英语教案课题:Lesson

17、16 :Again,Please! 科任教师:主备人蔡宗莲学 校审 核课 时第1课时主修人田春霞上课时间月 日教 学 目 标1.知识目标:复习本单元的重点单词:介词:after before 名词:bones cabbage day exercise face homework hours minutes months muscles onions peas skin teeth weeks动词:brush comb 形容词:healthy high low strong weak  2.能力目标:通过情景创设,让学生能够理解并会书写这些单词,并在情景中运用单词,培养自主学习的能力,

18、获得与同学交流的方法。3.情感目标:通过本单元的学习,让学生知道如何强健身体?并学会在生活中如何与他人合作。教学重点能听懂、会说、会读和会写本单元四会单词并能根据本单元的内容完成小作文训练:How do you do make your body strong and healthy?教学难点能听懂、会说、会读和会写本单元四会单词并能根据本单元的内容完成小作文训练:How do you do make your body strong and healthy?教学方法谈话法,讨论法,对比法,合作法,探究法。教学过程一、Class opening and review 师生问候: How are

19、 you today? Im fine thanks and you ? Im fine too. 二、Review: 1、根据以下问题来复习本单元中的单词 Do you want to be strong and healthy? How do you make your body strong and healthy?学完本单元学生基本上能总结出以下几点;教师紧接着板书学生能够说出的内容:Always eat breakfast!Always brush your teeth!Always eat vegetables!Exercise!Work hard!说出这些以后并让学生再详细说出每

20、一项如何去做?这样就能把本单元中要复习的单词展示出来了,并写在黑板上,个性修改 2、根据上面内容复习本单元中的句型:How often-?这个练习可根据图表来复习:就拿Eat breakfast来说,教师可问班××上某一个学生,让他说出一周中他都是哪天吃早饭?然后填表。 How often did you eat breakfast last week? 填完此表后教师可根据学生的情况进行问答练习。回答时注意一次用“Once”,两次用“ Twice  ”,三次及三次以上用“-times”。可根据时间安排其它组练习。 3、根据黑板上的板书练习说话;How do yo

21、u make your body strong and healthy?分组进行练习。几分钟后小组表演。三、 Class closing布置作业1.  写出下列单词的反义词: Strong- weak-  before- high- 2、 选择正确的单词填空:( )How often do you eat breakfast?- AOnce B Three time C  Four times Sixty minutes make-hour! Aa  Ban  C/ 3、写作(至少4句) How to make your b

22、ody strong and healthy?2.英语配套练习册第16课板书设计 Lesson 16 :Again,Please!课后反思景泰县喜泉学区尚坝学校六年级英语教案科目:英语 课题:Lesson 17 Summer is coming! 科任教师:主备人宋莉学 校课 时第1课时审 核主修人田春霞上课时间月 日教 学 目 标一 知识目标:      1四会单词:leaves, grass, flowers, sandals,swim, skip, fly, lie。2使学生能够正确描述四季的特征,正确表达自己在夏季喜欢干的事情

23、。二 能力目标:培养学生的口语表达能力和对语言的归纳总结和综合运用能力。三 情感目标:进一步激发学生学习英语的浓厚兴趣,培养学生乐于与他人交往和交流的精神。教学重点1对四季特征的描述。教学难点1对四季特征的描述。教学方法朗读、问答巩固教学过程:一 Greeting and review:1 T: Hello, boys and girls. Are you ready for English class?OK. Now, lets begin.Today, I bring some pictures for you. Lets look. What do you get from these

24、pictures? S: These are four seasons.二 New Concepts:(一) What season is it?1 T: What season is it? S: Its winter.T: Hows the weather in winter?S: Its cold and snowy.T: What do you wear in winter?T: Please look at the trees carefully. What happens to the leaves in winter? Many trees don't have any

25、leaves.(板书) “Leaves”, do you remember? Whats the meaning? Can you read it? Read and spell it. Recite it. “leaf” is the singular form.T: How about in spring? Do the trees have any leaves in spring? Are the leaves new or old?S: They are new.T: Yes, Trees have new leaves.(板书) T: There are flowers and g

26、rass.(板书)个性修改 T: Hows the weather in spring? S: Its warm.T: What colour are summer leaves? S: They are green. T: Do you know summer leaves can make you cool? So, trees have cool, green leaves in summer(板书). T: We know its very hot in summer, so what do you wear in summer? S: I wear shorts, dress and

27、 sandals. T: Look at the leaves in fall. Do the trees have cool, green leaves in fall?The trees lose their leaves in fall. “lose”, whats the meaning? Here, it means “失去”. T: What colour are fall leaves? S: They are yellow.T: They are yellow, orange and red.2 生自读第一部分3 指名读(二)Jenny and Li Mings summer

28、fun1 T: We know there are four seasons in a year. Whats your favourite season? What do you like to do in this season?学生说出自己喜欢的季节并说自己喜欢做的事情。T: Do you know whats my favourite season? Can you guess?T: Yes, I like summer best. In summer, I can do many things, for example,I can swim, I can wear my beauti

29、ful dress and sandals, and so on. They are my summer funT: Now lets look Jenny and LiMings summer fun.Read No.2 and No.3 by yourself, then answer my questions. T: Do you have any questions? 学生也许会提出一些不认识的单词What does Jenny like to do in summer?swimskipwear shorts and sandalsWhat does LiMing like to do

30、 in summer?play sportsfly a kitelook at the flowerslie on the grass and look at the cloudswatch the birds fly in the sky2 自读课文第二、三部分3 指名读4 齐读(三)拓展活动 T: Now this time, Please talk about your winter fun, spring fun, summer funand fall fun in pairs. And then write them down on your chart. T: Show time.

31、 Name _Winter funSpring funSummer funFall fun布置作业一 补全单词: l_ _ves gr_ss fl_ _ers s_nd_ls二 根据句意补全句子:1 In summer , I like _swim.2 Sometimes ,I play sports _ my friends.3 I like _look_the flowers.4 I lie _the grass and look at the clouds.板书设计 Lesson 17 Summer is coming!leaves grass flowers sandals 课后反思景

32、泰县喜泉学区陈庄学校六年级英语教案科目:英语 课题:Lesson 18 Let's Go Swimming! 科任教师:主备人田春霞学 校审 核课 时第1课时主修人田春霞上课时间月 日教 学 目 标1.使学生能听、说、读和写词汇:swim ,swimsuit ,swimming pool2.教育学生要养成热爱运动的好习惯3.学生会用英语表达有关游泳的一些简单常识教学重点使学生能听、说、读和写词汇:swim ,swimsuit ,swimming pool 教学难点学生会用英语表达有关游泳的一些简单常识教学方法一.游戏“你做我猜”复习swim ,duck ,fish ,river ,sa

33、ndals ,lake等在课堂中将要用到的单词。二.播放课件,学习第一部分 1,提出问题:What's Jenny doing?引导学生回答:She's swimming. T: Can you swim? s: I can swim ./I can't swim. T:(show cards) Can chicken swim? What else can swim? 2, 学习swimsuit a,猜卡片游戏复习衣物类单词。引出swimsuit. b,提问:What do you wear to swim? What else ? 3,学习swimming pool

34、 Do you want to swim? OK, let's go to the swimming pool? 引出swimming pool. Do you know , where is the swimming pool? 引导学生回答哪些地方有游泳池。 引导学生运用句型:Let's go to the swimming pool to swim!邀请好朋友去游泳 Where else can you swim?化用句型:Let's go to the lake/river to swim. 三、学习短文 提出问题:Do you like swimming? D

35、oes Danny like to swim? Can Danny swim? 小组合作学习课文。 分层选择学习: A. 能流利朗读课文 B. 能流利朗读文中对话 C。能读出大部分单词 回答问题:1.Can Jenny swim? 2.What does Danny wear to swim? 3.What does Jenny wear to swim? 4.Can Danny swim? Why?个性修改布置作业一 将下列动词转换成名词:例 skip skipping rope swim _ play _run_二 回答问题: 1 Can you swim? 2 What do you w

36、ear to swim? 3 Where can you swim?板书设计 Lesson 18 Let's Go Swimming! Swim swimsuit swimming pool 课后反思景泰县喜泉学区兴泉学校六年级英语教案科目:英语 课题:Lesson19:Lets go to the park 科任教师:主备人田维霞学 校审 核课 时第1课时主修人田春霞上课时间月 日教 1.知识目标: 四会掌握单词cloud sky lie 掌握并运用句子It looks like . looked at . I like .谈论有关某物想某物的话题,联系生活,进行交谈。学 目 标2.

37、能力目标:让学生身临其境,在生活情景中学习单词,培养学生的综合语言运用能力,通过学习语言知识,培养学生的知识迁移能力。3.情感目标:培养学生多方面的兴趣爱好,激发和培养学生学习英语的积极性,使学生在不断体验成功的同时,增强英语学习的信心。教学重点四会掌握单词cloud sky lie 能根据具体情况进行问答。教学难点听懂会说句子It looks like . looked at . I like .同学之间谈论此话题,主要它们的区别,灵活掌握。教学方法一、开始上课和复习:1、师生互致问候2、复习:复习句型What do you want to do? (师生问答) T(对一学生): What

38、do you want to do? S1: I want to go to_. T: What do you want to do? S2:I want to go to_. T: What do you want to do? S3: I want to go to_. T: OK! Lets go to the park to fly kites!二、新授:It looks like_. cloud sky lie1、 出示词卡rain、snow、wind等,老师提问 T: What can you see? S1: I can see rain. S2: I can see snow.

39、 S3: I can see wind. T: 示词卡cloud, sky. Whats this? S4: Its a cloud. T: What is the other? S5: Its sky. 用句型It looks like_. 进行操练 T: Look! This cloud looks like something, What does it look like? S6: It looks like a_. S7: It looks like a_. S8: It looks like a_. T: What is he/she doing? S9: He/She is st

40、anding. T: What is he/she doing? He/She is lying.个性修改 Ss: He/She is lying. T: 在黑板上画一些草进行练习Im tired. I want to sleep. Where can I sleep? Here is grass. Im going to lie on the grass. Now Im going to lie on the grass. Now I can see the sky.2、听录音学生看书跟读:3、根据课文内容学生讨论并进行说话练习。用What flies in the lesson?句型复习学

41、过的单词。三、结束课堂教学1、检查学生理解情况2、布置课外作业3、Say “Goodbye” to the student布置作业一 补全单词并写出汉语意思: cl_ _d ( ) sk_ ( ) c_ _ cle ( ) gr_ ss ( )二 写出下列动词过去式的原形: ran ( ) lay ( ) liked ( ) did ( ) made ( ) went ( ) was ( ) thought ( ) 三 补全句子: 1 What does the kite look like? _ _ _ a bird. 2 What does the cloud look like? _ _

42、 _ an airplane. 3 Iam going to _ _ the grass. 4 I want to _ _ at the sky.板书设计 Lesson19:Lets go to the parkIt looks like_.cloud sky lie 课后反思景泰县喜泉学区余梁学校六年级英语教案科目:英语课题:Lesson 20 Tomorrow We Will Work and Play科任教师:主备人俞恒学 校审 核课 时1课时主修人田春霞上课时间月 日教 1、知识目标:will, skip, fly, very, park.2、能力目标:学会在将来时态中使用 学 目 标

43、“will”.3、情感目标:培养学生保护花草树木的思想感情.教学重点掌握并运用所学单词教学难点   “will”在将来时态中的使用.教学方法朗读法,启发式,谈话式课前预习 1. 预习词汇,短语;2. 朗读课文,理解课文大意.教学过程、 1、Greeting: 2、用表示处所的图片和相应的动作单词卡片练习句型Lets go to the _(场所)to _ (动词) _(名词)。Eg: Lets go to the bathroom to wash our hands.        Lets go to the living room to watch TV.        Lets go to the gym to play ping -pong.        Lets go to


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