1、A. WellB happyC beautifulD nice2 4 一What is Tony doingvacation25.hisIittIe cousin.A for; babysitC on; babysatareB.D.youfor; babysittingon; babysitinggoing CamPing WithMyA. WhoB. WhenC. What D. Why26 一What are We goingto do On SUnday单项选择1 HlS SiSter _ eats VegetabIeS although it' S good for her O
2、ften B SOmetimeS C ever D hardly ever 2 一_ do your ParentS go to the moviesOnCe a monthA HOW IOng B. HOW far C HOW Often D HOW SOOn hours do you exercise every dayA HOW IOng B. HOW many C HOW Often D HOW much4 I WatCh TV three times a WeekA aboutB. atC. forD. With5 An apple a day isgoodOUrhealthAatB
3、inC forD.With6.homework,I think you mustdo it everyday.ATOBASC. FOrD. AS for7. YOUShOUId know good foodand exerciseyou StUdywell. Ahelp B. helpsC.to help D.helping8 IS your brother' S IifeStyIe yoursA the Same B the Same as C SaIne as D the Same to9 he is tired, he StilI does hishomeworkA. BeCaU
4、Se B. AS C. When D. AlthOUgh10 YOU Can tryevery day to keep healthyA exercise B exercises C to exercise D exercising11. YOu re too tired YOU have a good restA ShOUld B. Can C may D ShOUIdn, t 12 MrS Jenny gave US On how to Iearn EngIiShwell.A SOme advicesB many advicesC SOme adviceD an advice13. Wha
5、t is you, young man一I have a COldA matter WithB the Inatter WithC the matters With D the matter to14. He ShOUId, t eat for 24 hoursA SOmething B nothing C anything D many food15 HOW are you I'm not A feel WelI B feel good C feeling WelI D feeling good16 一When _ he _to OUr SChOoIAbOUt half an hou
6、r ago.A does; COme B did; COme C did; CaIne D does;Came17 Thirty years ago, OnIy PeOPIe Wereinterestedin the COmPUter and knew how to USe it.A. IittleB. a IittIe C. a fewD.few18 It? s 9 o* CIOCk now I must go.It's raining OUtSide Don't IeaVe ItStOPSA When B SinCeC WhileDUntil1 9 Why are they
7、 and angryA StreSS B StreSS OUt C StreSSing OUt D StreSSed OUt20 There is _ noise in the street, and it'S noisyA too much; much tooB InUCh too; too muchC too many; much tooD too much; too many21 What your brotherfor VaCatiOnA does; does B is; doing C is; do D are; doing22 My mother is ViSiting m
8、y grandmaWeekA. thatB. theC. next D. IaSt23We are going hiking, Jeff That SOUndSParentSHOW about A to go bike ridingB going to bike ridingC going bike to rideD going bike riding27. Can I ask youPIaCeS to ViSit in ChInaA about B. OfC as forD for28. is the Weather thereIt,S Windy and cool.A. What: / B
9、. How; Iike C. What; Iike D. What: aboutIike3 8 一HOW do you USUalIy COme to SChOOI my father' S CarA. By B. WIthC. InD. FOr39 many ChiIdren Iike sugar, I think theyhad better try not to eat it too OftenA BeCaUSe: and B Although; but C Although; / D If; SO40一Whereare you going for VaCatiOn8B. We
10、enjoyedD That SOUndSgoing31. I didn, t do Well in the exam you, dearI did no better than you.A. HOW are B. HOW about C Why not D. Why don' t 32 一 do they COme to SChOoIThey theSUbWa yA. How; by B. What; take C. How; take D. What: by33. are you Staying in BeIjing for yourholidayFOr about two Week
11、SA HOW Often B HOW IOng C HOW SOOn D What time31. IS your SChOOl far from your home-No It me 10 minutes homeA takes; to Walk B takes; WaIking C took;to WaIk D is taking; Walk35. is it from your home to SChOOIIt,S about eight miles41. OUr SChOOI MUSiC FeStiVal need musicians WOUldyou Iike to USA teac
12、h B joinC. tellD. CalIHego to the doctor at OnCeA has toB.mayC. had toD.Can4 3 What' Sthe date todayIdon* t know. Let'S IOOkat the _A resultB.CaIendarC photoD.42 HeCtOr has a bad headache.PrOgram44 一TOday is Monday.itWedneSda yA tomorrow B yesterdaytomorrowUThat day isC the day afterA HOW IO
13、ng B HOW far C HOW many D HOW Often 36Tnl SUre this book -LI Lei' S because there is hisname On itA can* t be B Inay be C Can be D must be37一What do you talk ShOWSI can, t Stand them They* re too boringA hear Of B think Of C hear from D IOOk45-DIdthey have funinthe mountainYeS They Want togo the
14、re againA hikeB. hikedC to hikeD.hiking46-Wthyis the roomSOThekidsare allSIeePlngA quietB. bigC. hotD.COldD the day before yesterday47. YOUr OffiCe is near my house YOU Can to myhouse for for B IoOk after C COnle OVer D helpWIth,18 一When they their VaCatiOnSNeXt weekend.2 9 DO you finish the classro
15、om, BettyA to CIean B Clean C CIeanedD.CIeanlng30. I' Inmy friend in HOng KOng for VaCatiOn A looking B. ViSiting C WatChingD.A It depends On my fatherOUrSeIVeSC I did, t mindinterestingA are; taking B did; take C Were; take D does; take49. Did you get Kathy, S for her birthdayYeS I decided to g
16、o to her Party With SOme CDS A POStCard B instruction C invitation D SUggeStiOn 50 一Can you COme to my birthday party, Helen I have to StUdy for a math No PrObIem BSure, d IOVe to C Yes, I Can D Sorry, I can* t 51. Cindy IikeS to tell jokes She never StOPS talking She is SeriOUS B quiet C Shy D. OUt
17、gOing52 YOU SPeak EngIiSh much _ than beforeThank you.A. WelIB betterC bestD good53.WhiChdo you Iike better, math Or PhySiCSrm interested inthem and quitegood atthem.A.BOthB. NOneC EitherD. AlI54.The number Of StUdentSin my CIaSS isthe Salneasin she'SB SheC herD. hers55.It* S raining hard,I Stil
18、IWant togothere.A.ifB howeverC thoughD.because56.Jlm isgreat! He is goodeverySUbjeCtA.forBatC. toD. With57.My bestfriend Tina is -_ than any Other StUdentinOUr CIaSSA.POPUIarB. more POPUIar C POPUIarerD morePOPUIarer58. HOW do you feel When you See the national flagOf ChinaIt makes mePrOUdA. feelB t
19、o feelC. feltD.feeling59. What'sthe Weather IiketodayIt isWarmyesterdayA so; that B. not; UntiI C as; as60 一 the SoldIerS are Very tired, theykeep On WOrkingThey are great We must Iearn from themA Because; / B ThOUgh; / C Because; SO D ThOUgh; but61 They are thirsty WilI you PleaSe give themA SO
20、me bottle Of OrangeB SOme bottles OfOrangeSC SOme bottle Of OrangeSD SOme bottles OfOrange62 The Children won* t go on a PiCniC if itnextSUndayA rain B rainedC rains D WilIrain63 It' S SUmmer now The farmers are busytheSUmmer harvest A get ready for B to get ready forC getting ready for D gettin
21、g ready to64 FeW PeOPle at home at WeekendA IikeS to Stay B Iike Stay C Iike Staying DIikeS SXaylng65 IS there any more in the roomA PeOPIe B books C SheePD room66 The Children _ go to bed Until their mother COmeS back A. WilI B. won' tC didn* tD.around67 I told him _ the basket Under the tree,
22、but he ddn* t IiSten A don* t PUt B didn' t PUt C not PUt D not to PUt68 I don* t know When his hometownA he Ieft B is he IeaVing C he IeaVe D does he IeaVe69 Can you it in EngIiShA SPeak B Say C talkD tell70 After they had WOrked for hours they StOPPeda rest too; tonow.A having B have C to have
23、 D had 71 IWith my ParentS yesterday, and I feel SOrryA talkedB IiVed C argued DShOUted72. I need InOney to Pay for summer CamPA get B. getting C to get D get to73 I think you COUld borrow SOme InOneyyourfriendsA for B. toC from D Wlth74. Let' S JOe and invite him to PIay tennisA keep OUt B CalI
24、 UP C get OnD Send for75. My friend Peter always has the Same CIOtheSas I do.86 In my home town it* s _ in July, but it, S even _ in AUgUStA hotter; hottest B hot: hot C hotter; hot D. hot; hotter87 Vera Can do it asas the math teacher.A goodbestB betterC. WelID.get different CIOtheSA ShOUId B need
25、C WOUldD need to76. HOW are youI feel tired.I havea cold.A. What * Sthe matterB.What, S the WrOng88 Shanghai is the east Of ChinaA OnB. inC toD Of翻译1他每天6点离开家吗DOeS he IeaVe home SiX every day2. 你的住处离乍站有冬远do you IiVe from the bus StOP3. 全世界的学生都怎样上学do StUdentShe WOrId go to SChOOIC. What' StroubleD
26、.See the doctor4我下午要去看医生。77. Itherthree WeekStoStUdy IeSSOns.I, m See the doctor in theA SPendSB. COStC WaSteD takesafternoon.78. We ShOUld help POOr PeOPIe houseworkA to does B. do C doing D done79. We have to IiSten to the teachercarefully.A after ClaSS B after WOrk C before SChOOID.during ClaSS80
27、. StUdentS ShOUId keep good habit Don* tdepend ParentS Stand all by themselvesA On B inC forD about81. The two StUdentS Iate yesterdayA are all B Were all C are both D Wereboth82 What Often makes youA IaUgh B IaUghed C IaUghing D toIaUgh83. does he SWIm He SWImS twice a WeekA HOW IOng B. HOW SOOn C
28、HOW OId D HOW Often84. She USUalIy StartS the daybreakfast.AOnB. atD. Wlth83. YOU ShOUldn, t eat for 24 hoursA everything B nothing C anything5. 我得为数学考试做准备。I have tomy math test 6. 你能把那个三明治递给我吗Can you the SandWiCh me7. 我晚上七点到八点上钢号课。I have from 7:00 to 8:00 in theevening8. 你周五能來参加我的晚会吗Can youmy Party
29、 On Friday9. 这周我的作业太多 I havehomework thisWeek 10你愿总和我一起吃饭吗WOUId you Iikedinner With me11他父亲小时候几乎不吃水果。HiS fatherate any fruit When he WaS young12每天早上喝一杯水是非常有好处的。It' S ImPOrtanta CUP Of Water everyInOrning SOmething you for me to ride a bike.13 谢谢你教我骑自行乍。14. 我的这本书和你的那本一模一样。My book is theyours15. 假
30、期中我们有太多的家庭作业要做。We have homework to do during theholida y16他比我稍微开朗一点。He ismore OUtgoing than me.17.打网球时,他总能贏我。He alwaysintennis18她稍微比我外向些。She* S a IittIethanme19刘莹不如她妹妹的休育好。LiU Ying isn* t good at SPOrtS herSiSter20请保持安静!那孩子在睡觉。PIeaSe! That baby is SleePing21不要为我担心,不久我就会好。 me. 1, 11 be betterSOOn 22明
31、天他前往芙国。He isAmeriCa tomorrow.23这部电影与那部电影一样激动人心。ThiS InOVIe is asas that One 24. 蒂娜擅长滑冰。Tlna isskating.25. 你有空时最好多练读英语。You' d bettermore EngIiSh When you arefree.26. 乘火车去大连需要多长时间WilI it take to go to Dallan by train27. 我每天走若上学。I go to SChOoIevery day.28嚴后我们完成了这项工作。We finished the work.29她打开盒子,给我们
32、看了一下礼物。She the box and US the PreSent30交卷之前请仔细检査一下。PIeaSe CheCk your exam PaPer CarefUlly before you _ itStartat theOf the page.32你能帮我把西红柿切碎吗Can you help methe tomatoes33她很聪明,每个人都喜欢她。She is Smart everyone IikeSher.34把调料加到面条里。 the ingredients noodles35足球贏得了世界上很多粉丝的兴趣。Football Inany fans' in theWOrId36Jim上学又迟到CJim isSChOOI again.37我们婆离开这个城市了。我们未來的家在巴黎。We* re this City Our home WilI bein ParIS38珍妮长大时想成为网球运动员。Jenny WantS to be a tennis PIayer When She 39史密斯一家上周搬到了南京。The SmithS NanJing IaSt month40二班在学校旅游中玩得很高兴
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