1、人教版九年级英语期末各单元作文复习文稿归稿存档编号:KKUY-KKIO69-OTM243-OLUI129-GOOI-FDQS58-Unit 1Frank 想要求:1语句通顺,书写工整2 Wi* 也3词数:60-80E (提示T: go toChinese classes, make friends, IiSten to the Ictionary, ©ad Chinese tqlk Wth, as 尸I know you ChineSe good iCanCIaSSefriends.IISten to.tpe morning,good fo:and spe .Zsome WOrdS
2、you CanZ tUnaerStand, FOu.Can Dy IOOJting UP dietionary.It S USerUl for you. Maybe, you Can ask aChinese teacher forhelp.I hope you Can SPeak CnineSe well.CIUbT躊th elpful, and OU Can WatCh IgUage TV. It S the dst Way toYours,Every go to > to CtiCe COnVerSationsiday afterSPS mi Wl keeping a n isIr
3、I my free USUaIIy IiSt EnglIiSn songs, helps NOW many EngljSn do you think is te EngIiSnInCan1.manymovies.Unit 2下内要求:L词数80左右 和余理清楚,语期刚车fri Xradio, ClICtIOnaryJ useful, read ChineSe .stories, talk with, difficuIt, ask a ChineSe teacher for help)Dear Frank,HOW S it going I missyouWaIrt to Iearn now. I
4、e have SOme eas. FlrSt, you Can go to Chinese ap ana make Chinese L.as. Then, you InqSt 丄 the radio in tg morning, . and repd Chinese StOries. It.s >r your IiStening akge If you, seeFriend,XXX8F要求:L词数80-100 意连畲,词 Dear Li Lin,I know it i.sq' t easy to Iearn EngliSh well, .but I have SOme sugge
5、stions that help, YOUSaid you COUldn t UildeirStand . people When they fast. WelI Wk you join an Eng YOU Can getIiStening practice there. HaCOnVerSatiQnS friends isals you CErlgIiSn-IanIt S th© Dimprove your English. Ibelieve you 11 be goodat EnKllSh if you WOrknar at it!Zhang HUaP6 3c Wwite an
6、 articleabout the things thathave helped you th mostin Iearning anotherlanguage.I think th© best Way to l.earn EngliSh is to USe it. Eyery morning I read EngIiSh aloud after I get up I PraCtiCe my IiStepig SkillS by Watcning English- language videos. Every Friqay afternoon I the EngliSh ClUb Pr
7、aCtige conversar T Wltk friends. I think itIng-SkIls. mh, EngliSH is alsoelpful. time, I en toIt also L Can SIng songp.旳at一 *看丁 DeStWay to IeariI EngIiSn Canyou tell meP7 SC2 XU Zheng WOn aPriZe for his essayabout the importance OfEnglish. Later, areportey from the.SCnOOI.magazine intrviewedhim* Use
8、 the reporter Spotes to WrIte anarticle about XU ZhngXU Zheng is a middle SChOOl StUdent. He WOn a PriZe for his essay about the ImPOrtanc Pf English. He IlkeS taking notes.watChing movies and IiStening to POP songs. He finds thePrPnUjnCiatin isdifficult And natiyespeakers SPeak EngIiShtoo quickly.
9、Ife OftenIearnS EnglISneby makingUP ConVerSationS andSPeakIng to friends inEnglish. He thinks InOStPeOPle SPeak EngIiSn asa second language.EngIiSh is USea around the WOrIa for COmPUters ana also USea : science. EngIiSn help US UnaerStand new books andIn the past:har,e QUIet and Shyi notIike English
10、, likeSingingNow: taJLl, ShOrt and CUrly hair. OUtgOing?Iike EngIiSh Very much,IIKe SPOrtsTWO days ago, I met my friend Lily. TO my surprise, Sne has Changea a IOt ip the IaSt few years. She used to have 耳trsight hair. BUt now She is tall,and has ShOrt ana CI hair. Sh used t really guit andNOW She I
11、S SO OUtgong And in the PaSshe used to hate the EJIgIiSh class. BUt ngw it S exactly PPPOSite. Sne used to Iike Singingl SO that We often Wentto concert头 BPt 卩ow.her favorite hobby is SPOr ts 臟瞪与My IIfe Changed much.Wnen I WaS in Primary school, I USea to StUdy four SUbjeCts, but now I have SeVensub
12、jc七引 I USea to Iikem©th, but now I find it SO difficuIt for me. I USed to IiKe tests, but now hate them. When Iwas young, there WaS IittIe homework ©very day SO I had much time to play. Bqt now I m a mie SChOOI StUdent I have to StUdy hard for tests.P15 SC2 LPOk at thePiCtures and Write ab
13、oUtYU Mei.It seems that YU Mei has Changed 耳 lot She USea to d ShOrt When she WaS younge but now She is much taller. She USeq to have IOn, CUrly hair, DUt now she has ShOrStraight hair. She used to PIay soccer, OW she is OUtgoing friendly. We all her Velry much W ar© good friendsnoise. BUt drin
14、ks and to school, allowed toCWe Can bring die tio gries We re nt run iqje H ¾7&RUS* it 1 S t>ft?SBUt w Can asketball?run- co- OYner exercises On Uhe PIayKrund after 申CdsL C五6dboo ate apd getting theOUt With frnds 电糠用蟲傑IOUrIdeaST-WF-¾=WdSleePenot4inhPSC n rl Id? e r anelp ParentS doh
15、ousGwdrI1laa- e t1 thewrd d n a adfS > O 9 afi hlf td i n n S r O O h rrr CS f ht Sh S O,;rf n Ci C e n y I n l 1 'l h lb ed g a Oh P Kl O n U Stl p t n POE S t r j U C C i O gO UTXh n I : I ll O t end -O 1 et CLr1 Uf yollrong S ad n n e l tfIah S Itd Ud n howke St e绍伺很多朋反化很岁阿问利朋友们一屉课没伺兴趣,成绩很
16、g> n ieavesci n .1 lot n eD S C <D1 *ntfred>amanhlSb S dlntt r ey Id S et. a y:Si S nhlnli Oilftd ?1 iFt V ; u 1 1 W 1urli WOWr tt Tth f S r n C U Bt y t e a a OId r nh t>o U USrn urco yosdd Odltlt Ot e n n nl OS et 0Uitith r U ri C IfbflSy g nt Wa U ' m Ofb nt n b I it moo Ja 6 61 d
17、 y U h n B Vb V abd C a OrTot Sl n S e dh U P >e V naH SPya O al Ul J S Oh t r >Q m n一 m md -O at CnrOD i Cl Oo SbI I JdyaIemt gW Sd nO e niSonravSgeO<,JI 1 *+u >rSWS O n Ol y r n S P 2 e1 i e m 3 CI e 鳥dual;ai SnS h t UiUd aid 1O h I S S e e tlfk r e e y e m e Pl O r Oh SWW Ot- Ct Ot W
18、n Ogn SliXd,O U r eh r Hb Odd Oh t af a n OY U n Pt lhi n t a m th n PaCt h stin O 1 4 ii >y t ,rS 1 n y Wf r > tl Sii W Pr S t dl y S >rrs 1 V el S U f f S C Tl rlrhIeIet Ilt ti Vr Oi n n Ihy aki a l hd t all O Ohftt r ah V a nt n tu i a CCSO Oi PtTrf O O Ui PbrwpthUry ¼G dd tl SiiKnO
19、WledgeableBe,然后根据要Viat afrid Of BI t the me P bigodn t UnderStand ' WEftISSilnight before a L,OUId you help me?h Wl n 81 U O Vit OW Uh, OI nbSdn h k OdA SnPS 1 U il d U Odh n OSnOth e n n e O k S O g Od S e Sl e y S V alUmW 6 B BOOe h S n VyS O a e Ot % IlmK Sdk ri Sh Sseu Tr rdt dh O O S UAHndn
20、tCt gt a kl Pan Hhk n Uk r y n et i oeemex ;i hh VhiI a O Dnd Pt W Wt S W Ott St PngbeW eWdn r ahCti Stt n a e W e t Ocwyog I St S O一 alt wharHn O Of Oh g O i S r S n O i Sbf >PrO ed S g ed lya W n m n O k a Oh li l S C n 61 r ©1 aIt af rae同e。 8is fai M >数 法, S5i IiiDe allowedKUnSaVOml4Dr
21、lng drinks to SChOOIDring dictionaries to SChOOIb,lay basketballexam.Yours,Wang Li 要求:KUrrand OOtherG<exercisesDifferent SChOOIS have ifferent rules. We also have many rules at SChOOL Students ar.nOt allowed to bying mobile PnOneS to SChOOl because they Can make a lot ofVitm SirHOII a :.a grE1 e
22、X e Pt 11te: ng ai:0 iInePyiOIUrO tnr S ga a eS r chl ltd r-Sa d rh -nete56t diSS11 n H5t nt UnO 1 Ol i SB et Oh UyOr Iay y a W ad n n di U Odk r rd Sfdi£ , a” t eh gtd t k n rdf-H rdr-H ICnSi r W Ja d t a Elrenii hat S 1 a/UO Odhl h C P WL SOU Od C tLi S e t td rSpand tr U e i 31 ua Qt r n2ror
23、o m S a U P a toyDO th W ed St h n a It alSd?1 n O1h n SCBtaO ad Ud Shd d et e S y n r S W t IB UQ n a 皿tlat OS , m f m A a yh a y U St CttW C> SWL C S6 rPeSh> a Oe Ps r Vli e ga hh ahh 11UFlb t UU h a r Ol r t S Oh C f!Of ©I n丄at ouns.t : alra ,d ed O eh y nf 1 bi Vht a Of U Ort Ia Oi O
24、rdF OOOn nd W ?1 t dur a U PSe nt S O VfIn ti a Ih af e a rf Oh d Sh Oh C O aJTSFntlW brYOUrS sincerely,± 一 “書l-以 不YOU ShOUldWhy don,t youIf I Were you, I WOUIdDear Wang Lin,I' m glad to hear from you. 1 have some SUggeStiOnS that may help you.First, you Said you CpUldnt UnaerStand What the
25、 EngIiSh teacher sai.t Well, you Can try to IiSten for the most important words, IlOt every WOrd Ana after ClaSS you ShOUIa do mor© listening practice.SeCOndi yu may feel Shy to talk With your new ClaSSmates Well, you Can try t talk to someone WnO IOOkS friendly.Lastly, don t be afraid Of exams
26、. If I Were you, I WOUla Orink SOme milk ana have a good sleep to face the next day Sexams.I hop© you Will do better In EnKIiSh and get along WelI With your new CIaSSmatesYours,Yang Fen过渡自ul.多交流,增进相是抱怨孩子,应裔.给孩子适当的娱乐时4为孩子树立一个好榜样If I were a parent, I WOUIg not always . COmPlain that Iny 曲ild osn
27、t understand me. J.woUlaCOmmUniCaWith him Or her. I WgPldnj.t Say I WaSnj t like this at his Or her age. They COUIg have their hobbies, SUCh as IiStpying to.pop music, WPtCning apton movies, ChOOSing their OWnSfd e t O I1V Ih th 3hag m OCW rye It O O ah C 61 tfdtisf?ndwncunal fVtit C htd aTl P y O U
28、 O S rep Of eh m W r ,_ 1Ib r St dieht 1 n m 1 e e a g edh >rhd al , S a t 丄 y r t d P Ud Ut n U I e a o W t -IaS r rlndan t am1 11 e e o1a nbh+v c± 3 &g n ie rB S h t e t Uh O Ot Pb a a S .IXkt t S >i rtdOii tbhind ggn e Uii1 shl Wh Oem V rtImth n r Oaj, t bdft nI a hir1hy tgn U g Wt
29、n Oh e t hi S dag Oh U ec n P eiL Ut WB n e »O ety S t Sr a a t-CA lyga 1 Wf mi m2 ! m6 a e nf n n ti m a Ot eOiXi C it y t t fI nk P h O n "g C >rlh L C I 4 I 4 I I 1 i C4 e eL Ol g II y nl n O nE m tl t VdW O ai OJ Ti olh J O n h O OEi fh m S a t W nf t W h.ll Whv Sd Ud <othngow.41
30、.她;me如 求。8½n行推测牛that WI1 n OaUS O r f 1 y el e©OS e I > g st ht UZTXJt a a t ,t1 b >c e y t L > ahd n S e S nt r1 ab O aIxlx oe n e Ut n mlh Oth丘 n ht e O th Stl Z Ia gr e S a S e I oub g O n Cht在运用以下句式进She might It is POSSibleOgr Pb t O o O ab df Y y * ; rtt resOPO S Il' 1 Ir
31、d m U n t e O l hd r ,y e 孕 S noI b ta S h a thr n i d f Ver e O Oi O S dust nktDeSt wishes!Yours,Mike周末计划(高效训练)1 aifh Otd nSe nkm 丄 1:8 y y O OeamO g Wd n m eUr1tr Ct St类。一 的8 isSiOHStOoayrnfnds ns V at SetSdoaf¾eIemsiniyt aiglh t -I I n itt 1 S > m W I J 1 p n r H y 1 rCl XI W oil ntn W 8
32、rlg 1 n >Pl gsnl k nrlr n1 6 W TX O1 etUyOb gV O T n tOl h Ih gy C t n m t g W i ran n OhKate Might be ErlCWarnl-he ar ted.Mark LOUJLd beA member Of a CIUbCath Milht beAIWayS do home CIaSSrOonl afteDIlferentStUntSnav© iffrent OPiniOrIS about this 呼tter. Kate thinks it Inight be EriC WhO Clea
33、nS UP the reading room, because EriC is a Wann-hearted boy WhO always IikeS to help qthers HOWever, .Mark osn t are With . Kate. In his opinion, it COUld De JOhn JOhn is a member of.a YOIUnteer club He is jntrested in VOIUnteering to do SOmething for OtIIer people. JOhn might these thns. Catlly has
34、different IaeaS.aboyt 丄t She tninks it might be JUIia JUIia always does .homework in te reading room> SO Sne has tjw chance to CIean UP the reading room alonUnit 63C Write a review DOOkyou have read, .I hae IiStned :you haverhtim Srg y Oi t e a W m Uh> Snit S W kh Oui S n S Mi:上 rporohc e Sh d
35、 t a P l Sh b Ih a Wrl w.¥ d a 肚me I I Ot OS O c_d te g r:y 上hlle S Oi y m i S gn e Wosta SSlh i PtC 1o e an m t e 1 O tn lx VE e nb trUtP48 Of aa CD you . to Or a movieSMy favorite great DOOk IS The AdVentUre Of Tom. SaWver by Mark Twain. TOnl is the hero Of the StOry, but there are Other impo
36、rtant CnaraCters HUCk is anaVOriteWha tWhySOme Iight music, it C cheer US up.W -I,1 1AbandS H EBOOkHarry POtterInteanSmunlg>nr1 S Ph It 庸 t md eh y J kt rtti S 1 V 9 f EtanIie n ge nt rH SggSnnYliOua yr e7lncIt铁 6.T Clllm e ts 11 k Ihi SUI t r O muf 1S<D1 ki eIf 1Ilgw.tb r3 Of6k5 rP 9 ;WA m OO
37、d VTXU Orh S n e血 O y g W i C a ht n SI S a e Sl C g e <Dra1 ehVtZh.kean lxe, O D Itna >Cgern a CeeSe S u at r SL¢C e k r e ggo¾ b r n Op-n elbbd 一anplZJSd e e T Jtbl 1 n Jahrri 1 : a S Otfa t g IiEbi O i Snt -LcTrbrki ed Id O ntk t n S a a Vi S O 1 a a e ah e Orf t rb t e USre t ;a
38、h n hh SiOUtSider and 仁= afraid Of hint Be pretty Witb fajr JOe is TOm L 二£riena, and InjUn J< the Daa man Of the StO ry.Theeveryone IS 二Cky isL-十 - -T -r ar,Oe IS TOm- S best .Oe isThe theme Ofthe StOTy is about ChiIdren growing up It describes now Strangers ar© seen in SmalI tOWnS Of
39、. AmeriCa. Finally, it talks about freedom, SOCial rules and how people ar© PUniShea for bad behavior.It is read and IOVed Dy people all over the WOrId today. GO Onread t! I know you 11 enjoy it, too.P4? mail reply to Ling LingDear Lingling>ThankS for your Ietter Howare you I have jus finish
40、ed the exams. I m glad I have tim totoyou.EaCn has nis o favorites; SO do LIn my SPare time, I like to enjoy music that is 耳entIe ana traditiOna1 And I also love to see some FrenCh films, WhiChCan be good for my French StUdy I really Want to IeBrn some French, too? UnfOrtunately, IVe never seen an I
41、naian film. Besides? I Often do SPOrtS to bpild UP my DOay ana keep nealthy BUt ImPSt time I like to read DOPkS onscience. I think that SCienCe books are interesting AnOther thing, I USUally eat fruit.and VegetabIes,t sometimes meat and fish. I m SUre that it Will KeeD me haItby A healthy body is th
42、© most important, ISn t it?tssssuiqlg 以 e a 尔 g O Ey,k Cd n 伤 n nhb Oitti e - t af IIilbSA .1 -e h d r 亠 ht g 1 X r S S Zrot C ah - 6 OOaS t - W >mh S a > O S :t b yLg" PeC f St n 亠 i.J S Oi ii r CVCin OT Cht S “ itiIf ef “ lS IeShRead this e- then Writ6 ahe n S a 用 養t 曙or 厶特avo IF 标
43、My 求 M allca矍蠶e Hr Ota yane 1t CS Sr ah if tFheStA 1 JB. «I I O ytt m n liS Oh m Of Vt/ a jdl Cft OaJn ni n W i O rh Oeh Seet y g CI C Ort a n r U j 1 1 I 4 lh O n r S a SSdh Ptdlk ms t y E爲亍rsdeyo7Eyr 1 Ol OmO tth y yO S ng nW U Oar爲thI Chdti ineoy fraa Vba d UO OtO y n f f e通。OkC tS U neoCIeU
44、 S exb OrV y :Us>ay k g youeelnTraAch U Ot O CQmUg1 W O h tb O W Si ate SCi e e2 a Vlk Cl Ci S nk: 1 e hf f _ a ti f dl OI IE t S Ue Ce e O yh .lkIer Snt t f a m y a a af tit erasotus i e n e m e ,ht uf O U m lb n a S a a OyCm1 Oetb eh n O 1 S GhAl Ueyt ld y Ot rhi n C eb hi S i nt S Z r Vi rh Un
45、UC O 11 WC n ai VmgO OlC P ai Hh n r a U fhEci PtB myS U % Id 1CE n n C ii Uffio Jsmasbyof SISen r 27tl*¼ - JIlla.SlorS nf H5 : Pihi no,t 8 tl a W TXbi W们。QgWl ilPOil if tt 1.eS e ek Uge Oh StOl t PeYours,S.lhr-ad UP nCf IOl -mo Ceti e tk r n C r e Ot a e e O O Ch eh i tht hl t na 1 tr-rcl -Uan
46、P Sb U O y O eSfSdt U S r a O t > O Sb ZO d Oh Sh O n Ztitt aSWe S r e PrPnSIi al CUe i O r S - funls M.l U,e rd woan n g e n CXtkii e uwS S. obo Qmu SagW nO a Si >thd n nt al yt Cl ri e e CJP短文疵畅、连80词左右。1 L ns 求。We IiStenAn Intervew Vlbecome a PrOfeSSiOnaI SingerP67 Sction4 Write a Short repl
47、y to LiZ Smith. In your Ietter: 1. Offer to help her more.2. Say Why you are able to help.3. SaV What you COUld do to help.Dear Liz,I WaS SO happv to receive your lette Thank you VerV muc Writing to tell me LUCky I WOUIa : IOVe to COme an you One day ana LUCky helps you also Iike o he SOme more 一了一
48、some extga time m< help you at h; SOme WOrk for Helpers.% I V WatChing them Rimals, too I 11 CaII em on© Qay soon.mucn tor BbOUtreally d ViSlt see howto lp you DeCaUSe I have > at the QWent Perhaps I COUId :t home, Or do , Animal d enjoy tyan th% day soon.Here is my PhOne number: 468-3852
49、. PleaSe CaIIme SO w Can arrange a time for me to ViSitBeSt wishes,?扫dli L你一八 ng聘irl扫-WI H:Ht Sn aL1 Od Ol r OyOh m >r_ Vt ye f a a godtemhOtsxIWISCS V OeCa 1 VPah TXUlfr e gtor Ok fXd U 19IO t > m Sl O gpsSn严篇 Delr一 Om肚写 smewt >o I r 1 W el yh S S m -3A- IyU r t Senkt1w- rlh oye 5rl ss,1 g
50、 hd S3 drrlintoo屢 nnestIg 劉 loiores.亍a Oo e ht y Ok e C ti Vi d W 1 O artpkl O ©UHk U-aFsrt Layshatteokv alfolothxbufastln2 餐really friendly. There are SO many museums ana theatres tfmt I Can see PlaySeOr ShOWS On art at any time.o 80如你eth d P eh ure9Utdeth upallopumentussI k UhW t'TJt e a
51、r1 y Sd 1 Xh m S a e Pk Vye ShI rd r mf Sit e a e e i O rt h Ph r Vt e rt S 61 e PO yl Wt 6 m S V e St n Im O Od Wlii e al SPaSa Cf Wf Snka6 hb tIt要点提示:?岛的地理位置、天 海縫莉曲:冲Hourrav St P VlI St W ytwidwy01il1W UId O e O Olt OJa W r yh U S l e O O U Oh e y W m O Oht S a t WW Od t O P- Ci e gyg Pn a Sk n a雨Uswle S(P a TxPag nGrO 1 lxlx 1 O 1 et h 丄rylyn U ITJ 1 U Ol moo .f Ti Off Khla n U W h t S f e O 6dt g d UtO t Wl rli n > W O
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