1、高层建筑自重取值问丿1钢结构多髙层建筑的每层自重约为8-llKN/m2,钢筋混凝土高层建筑的每层自重约为15-18KN/m2来源:钢结构设计手册(下册)(第三版)作者:钢结构设计手册编辑委员会第28章结构布置及结构体系28.1节结构类型及结构体系分类2目前我国髙层建筑一般采用普通钢筋混凝土,混凝土及钢材的强度 等级不高,建筑物的自重每层一般平均在12-17KN/m2o据统计,在 我国已建成的高层建筑中,自重小于12KN/m2的只占22%,而大于 14KN/m2的占46%总的来说,自重偏大。来源:建筑结构选型手册作者:陈章洪P490综上所述本报告取每层高层建筑的自重最大值取18KN/m2,此 建
2、筑物为7层,则自重载荷7*18=126KN/m2近似取130KPO二.CAD导入ANSYS过程以马蹄形隧道为例说明CAD导入ANSYS的过程。1)首先将此图划分为5个区域(每个区域由四条线组成),如图1所示2)运用boundary命令,对象类型选择面域,并选择拾取点,点击5个区域,使他变成5个面域,然后回车。如图2.3示/non 厂 35OCM3E 13©A弘岛函辦式|4| 拎 «.© |】|陷取內切壹【OSL®®) 外郃©) 窓略©|X兰希选捽宾«)|缎&恬性CD农向01)弘岛函肋式Q址充©)射
3、线总©爼合| 恥肖SftbQO test 11 ngsXTenpSDravangl_1_1_6467 . svS 恂令:boundary图2 boundary命令的操作页面x ? I m 厂15 ;图3 boundary命令下产生的5个单元面域3) 选择文件菜单,将文件输出成SAT文件类型并进行保存局部加我(UCtrl+NCtrl+O新建(吵 打开( 上关闭©保存 另存为(3 电子传遼(D 洌上发布(型Ctrl+5 Ctrl+5hift+51输出(页面设打E卩机昔理器(血 打印样式管理器(刃 打印预览打印(E)发布(比Ctrl+P图4文件输出,将文件保存成sat格式4)打开
4、onsys软件在onsys软件中将保存的sot文件打开,过程如图5.6所示PlotCtrls: WorkPlane Para9WRGRPH1MODESI5ATPARCIFA » e1IGES .CATIA.CATIA V5.Pro/E .UG.uREASPE NUMFile Select List PlotClear & Start New . Change Jobname . Change Directory Change Title Resume Jobname db Resume from Save as: Jobname.dbSave as .Write DB log
5、 file .Read Input from Switch Output toListFile Operations:AN5Y5 File Options .ImportExportReport Generator Exit .图5在ansys中打开SAT文件图6 sat文件在onsys中的显示,选择front view 平面图5).preference-structural ok (选择结构计算)6.) 定义材料参数 preprocessor ma terial props mat erial modelsfavor it ies liner stati c densi ty (密度)lin
6、ear isotropic Ex (弹性模量)*PRXY (泊松比)ok7)select everything8)选择重新设置如图7示FlotCtrls iiicrkPane ParretePan Zoom Rotate view 5eturgsNurrberinq SymbolsStyleFont ControlsWindow ControlsErase OptionsAnimate Anno tation*Devcc OptionsIRcdrect PlotsrHord CopySave Plot Ctrls .Restore Plot Ctrls .Reset Flot CtrbCapt
7、ure Image HReslore Irrogc HWrite Ptetfile MMulb-Plot Controls .INulb-Wndow Layout 匚 Bost Qualib/ Imao© M9)材料类型 9 lpreprocessorf element type add edit deleteaddsolidBrick 8node45->apply 图 8 不9. 2preprocessor->element type add> edit deleteadd-solid-Quad 4node 42ok 图 8 示bn bkrumrenc” rocc
8、ssor entenl Type izmass Switch Beni Ty j Add DOF j Remove DO> Elcm Tech Con eal tovulonl, atertal Props setions odelmg ohanq necking Ctrk jnibering Chk rchive Model upfeng / Crqn uftl-field set up >«d« iys*cs ath l)pnatian« tion ml Poctprnc Mst Postpro Jogiral OptT<wJ5J Flrnr
9、nt lyprsCiefnpd£leny?ntyg:ANSYSIAPP 16 2008 13:16:20F3 :GJ Library of Bement TypesCd/ slrucbjral ehnwrA lyp-s are shw.nLbrar/tf 6fen»-rt TyptsL祕RceshelS?W-5b?lContra nTQu3j 4nDGfe 42IAdd.Eten-«nt typ? refaenco rijrbgfOweLrrd图8材料类型设置10)删除面域为了可以删除重复的线10.1 显示面域 plot areasPlot PlolCtrls W
10、orhPknc Parcmctcrs Metro PtenjCtrls 士 Ip5RepiotKeypont5 Lhesc|/VeasVoltrnesSpeciffed Entities kNxfesElementsLayered Elements . Materials .nData Tables .llArray Parameters 1'<TResults 1HMjlti-FlotstComponents 1rPartsMMHMom FileZtrls )Ctrlsdel feqnSet Upations图9面域10.2 删除面域。Delete-areas only 选择
11、pick Oil 如图 10 示目 Preferences 3 PreprocessorE Element Type O Reni Constants E Material Props (3 Section, Modciinq Create EJ Operate Move / Modify 0 Copy田 Reflect 0 Check Gcom EJ Defete 刃 Keypoints 刀也rd Points 刃 lines Only 刀 Line and Below 刃五as 刀 Area and Below 刃 Voliinie Only 次 Volume and Below 刀 No
12、de* 次 Elements 刀 Pie-trrtw rtrnwd* 0 Del Concats田匸yelk Sector 0 CMS 鬥 Rpnl nlana ct mDelete Areas OnlyLL9ANS")AlP/il J.i /七占:冷 PickCount;MxnLxvui.Area Do.e Single Box r Polygon C Circle C LoopG Lise ot Teens0KAt:P17 |PfiCOCCancolPick XL13图1010.3然后重新显示线plot lines如图1 1示,上面菜单plotctrls f numbering选
13、择 Line lines numbers-*off 画勾(显示线的名称 如LI L12. ooo),然后删除重复的线图12所示。VoumesSpecfied EnttiesANS.LL6LL9NodesElcmcrtsLayered Elerrenti .ns Flpmnl-<i icatsbeAPR/£5 ZMaterials Data Tables /4rray Parameters .Resdts MUti-Pbts Components Pah图11LIKES LIKE MUMFile;Delete Lines OnlyQ PickG SinglePolygn r ci
14、rcla LoopCount.HaziuuxiHim nunLine Ko=OKPica AILC unpicfcr boxCahc*LHelpElot PlotCtrls ttforPlane Parameters Macro MeojCtrls tfehPoplotKeypointsLinesArcos图12进行重复线的删除11)进行同一位置多个点的压缩Preprocessor-numbering ctrls merge item 出现如图不的对话框选择all ok1LIDESri t iw nEJ Merge Coincident or Equivalentiy Defined Item
15、sNUMPRG Merge Coirodert or Equvate朮ly Leaned ItemsLabel Type of item to bo rreraoT<X£P. of coirriderKeGTOLER Sold noiel toleranceACTION f-kroe iterrs or seted?5WHCHlc*>?KZfh>ghKZ?L17APPz46 2Z:Z9Al介 Merge iterreC Select xx/c merxZ1LCr/est n_nt>5rCorrelHdpL8Compress Number:图13压缩点的对话框同
16、理 Preprocessor-numbering ctrls compress numbers 出现女口图14示的对话框选择all -ok±) lheckina Ctrls3 numbering Ctrls 貝 Merge ItemsS Set Start Number 園 Reset Start Num 国 Start Num Status 旨 Add Num Offset Element Reorder ±) Archive Model 5 Coupling / Ceqn 3 Multi field Set Up 3 Loads U Physics 3 Path ope
17、rations图1412)如果组成面域的直线不是4条直线要将在同一直线上的2个分线段合并成1段线,(采用布尔运算,进行线的合并和拆分)这样做是为了在重新生成面域的时候此面域由4条线组成fl Material Props9 Sections3 ModelingE Create日 Operate (S B<tnide 刀 Extend I ine El Booleans Intersect 曰Add 刀 Vnlumpc 沪 Areas Subtract DivideE (Jiie 回 Overlap El Petition B SettingEJ Show DegeneracyB 6cale
18、B 匚ale Geom Items 田 Move / Modify E CopyE ReflectfUhertz Grkrvk图15布尔运算进行线的拆分和合并13) 面域的重新生成,create-*areas->by lines -> Lil Ll L12LIO 第一组 L14 L9 L5 L6 第二组 L6 L12 L2 L3 第三组 Ll Lil LIO L12Material PropsSectionsModeling匚 reateE Keypoints E l inesE) Areas Arbibory 刀 Through tP« 刀 overlaid on Ar
19、ea刀 Ry Skinning 刀 By Offset Rectangle 0 Circle Polygon 洌 Area Fillet田 Volumes B Nodes E Elements E3 contact Pair E) Piping Models 0 Circuit E Transducers Operate 0 Move / ModifyCreate Area by Linese PickUny icka SingleC" DyzC PulygcnC CircleC LoopCount=0Kaxiicuii =12Kiniicuii =ZLine No.=Q List
20、oriceios* IricIApplyOKResevCancel'LIELil第四组Ll L9 L4 L2第五组如图16 17 18 19示图16ate Area by Lincsnunn0msuaa12imuiiua=2tne Ho.=亍Li穴o EICXLZLoopM£nr Nokz IncPick C UnpickSmg丄0 广 Eo%r-oLyzn p c re-reate Area by Linese pickC" Unpicte( Single C Be-:CounD0Haxlaim =12Miwlaim =tLin® no.=LLSZ 01
21、 It OUS:广 PoLrx 广 circleLoopSMn 阳 ecucnccsxcssor nirnt Type* Constant* terial Props :Cions deling cotc Keypoints图17生成第一个面域 由Lil LI L12 L10组成erencesxoccssor lement Type leal Constants laterial Propsections1o deling3 Createffl KeypciinU图18生成2个面域trencesAoccssormicnt Type!al ConstdnHSerial Propiiictions
22、DddmgCreateE) KeyptHiii'SLate Area by l ines PickC Unpick SingleC BCZ* PolygonC cir( Loopzount0laziauot -12miiauai 2iiXQ Mo.=Q List, orTeusL nmz Has,IncOR1PF 与:|4图19生成5个面域14) 进行网格的划分 preprocessorfmeshingf meshtool lines set出现对话框,选择划分同样的部分的线(如LIO LI L4 L5 一组)图20所示apply划分为10等分图21示并在clear attathed
23、areasand volumes 选择 yesANSV5 Ma nfSnu国 Preferences B PreprocessorS Yemeni Type S Redl Constants S Material PropsLIMESLIKE MUXLIUANSYSAPRzifi 2D08X13:03:26Bement Size on Picked LinQ PickUnpick、屮"Single BoxCo'JJlt.me: zzLine Uo.Wax ixiuar Dcyg* r cied-Loop"List- of Itexs图20划分网格图21 LIO LI
24、 L4 L5 一组分为10份,同理L7 L9 L2 L3划分12等分丄6 L9 LI 1 L12划分为8等分划分完成后在 proproCeSSOf-meshing-*meshtoolshape-mappedmesh选择重新生成的5个面域如图22示一apply如图23划分的网格选择5个面域或直接pick all如图24 25所示Mesh:Shape:Free| Areas |广 Ti 庁 QuadC* Mapped SweepMesh IClear3 or 4 sided二|x!5V5MHnrnush Areat Single f Polygcn f LoopP BozC CircleCounc
25、NximuxHtnloiuiiArea no.=3 = s=1=3W List. o£ IteaQ NW. HaX, IncApply |OKFesct-Cancel 1C UnpickPn.cE7M4S1irtcESnioLIKE IILIMEStrsn: iiLINESLIKL I'LIKES、HLJrrehed整20LINE 11图22生成网格I Preferences Preprocessor 田 Element Type Q Real Constants B Motcriol Piops 田 SectiorM 田 Modeling 日 MeshingEQ Mesh
26、Altributrs图23选择的3个面域图24选择的5个面域Qi WarningImnren« Preferences*ceB Preprocessori>eE Element TypeS Real ConstantsS) Material Props诙EJ Sectionsla田 Modchno:leiB Meshinglie田 Mesh AttributesrcrtioS Size CnbkWR Member O|>l*4>iiE Con< atmatedeS Mmh血B Modify MihivB Check Mesh沖B Clear(rlE Ctiec
27、kinq Ctrls<lsS Numbering Ltrfc$icE) Archive ModelhC田 couplina ! ue<inMlE Multi field set Up3l(S LoadsKStEJ Physicsaw田 Poth Operationsoo田 Solubon OlE) Genet ol PostprocE -3OANSYELHIEnTSXlPR 16 200 e13:25:05shEpeC85tD3 redded that 16 of tb3 4?z rew or mcdf»3d elererts 啊daw sh3j>3 wmna im
28、fcs. io rcvc” test 39!:匀 pho?c sec the output fic cr i$5jc the CFCCK commend.图25划分完网格的图形15)先赋值将拉伸的100米划分为50个等分如图26Modeling operate extrude Elem Ext Opts Element type number 为 solid 45NO. elem。divs (z 方向划分多少份)一10 clear areas after extyes也回團旦创MJ團ok)ToobrEJ Element Entruston OptionsDb| RE5US_Db| QUIT I
29、 POTVFCRF EMTOPlJ Scmcnt E>.t Options5 Ndln MenuEirerxzes irocessor cmcnt Type eal Conslarits laterial Props ectiuns lodeling Crcdte J Operate Extrudes Arcos列 Along Normal 刃 By XYZ Offset 丹 Ahoiw Axis 刀 Along Lincs 田 Lines 国 Keypoints 沪 Extend Line Booleans 0 Scale Calc Geom Items1 Moyc / Modify1
30、 5y 】ReflectJ Check Geom 】DeleteCyclic SectorCMSlem Ext opbTYPE Eternert t/oe router2 SOUD45MAT F-latend n urrtersc Dcfaukmr change cferault mat1m 1REXU. Real ccrsrant set ruTbcrUse Def auk_dREAL Change Defaut REULbbna defnsdESS Elerr»=nt coordnate 护Use Def auk创ESYS Change Cefauk ESV50Sement si
31、zing options for extrusionVAL1 No.Ebm di/$10VAL2 Spacing rabo0ACLEAR Clear area(s) after ezt& YesOK1CcrcelHelp1®|图26z方向上划分为10等分16)进行拉伸由2维平面变成3维图形进行拉伸的命令操作Modeling-*operate-*extrude-* areasBY xyz offsetpick all 在 z 方向拉伸80米如图27 28PUKItllU 匚 reate fjpctdtc Extrude 囲 tlein 6xt Opt» B Areac
32、 戸 AkM)r)hornialXYZOThe刀 AixMit Axic 沪 Along l inesB UftesB KryjKimtii 戸 Fxtcnd line S Booleans 3 SZ Q Calc Geom llcmc Move I Modify CopyReflect Check Gcom Odete Cyclk Sector CMS Genl pUne strnUpxUEe: GeotiiTile; 22a Pack广 VuplcltBox Polygon CircleC LoopCount*DHaxixrvooG1Area No.( I*3Xt. OC" Ha
33、nrIne1丨OK|"plyPxt.C»nc»lPick All图27拉伸的命令操作Ipts formalOff seiAxis.incs:emsAPR 16 214:4-VEXT Erude Areas by XYZ OffselQJ Extrude Areas by XYZ offsetdxdydz offsets for extrusion0100图28显示在Z方向上拉伸100米1717)生成完毕如图29示14图29生成网格完成图最新资料推1.首先把纸上的建模图形,在。utocad中建立由点线弧线组成的模型,注意线 和线加在一起,2.使用autocad to ansys转换软件,将autocad的图形转换 为onsys命令流后。保存为文本文件.txt。3. 在ansys中建模导入命令流:read建立面:通过create - area - by key points ,依次选择四个角点,建立面。分离线和面:operate (操作)-divide(分开)- ore。by line-参数全选pick oils。划分线:使用mesh tool工
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